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Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)

Page 2

by Sabrina Sexton

  Krista stood slowly, her fingers reaching up to flip the light switch. Squinting in the suddenly illuminated room, she glanced around, looking for her belongings. Her discarded panties were ripped beyond repair. Despite that, she stared at them with a mixture of emotion. It was embarrassing that she was going to walk out of the bathroom with no panties on – that was a given. The surprising part was how impressed she was. He had literally ripped the panties off of her body. Hot…

  Krista glanced around trying to find the tiny purse that she always used when she went out dancing. It was in the corner next to the door. When she bent down to pick it up, the knife was laying underneath. She retrieved both items. The knife made of dark wood, an intricate “L” inlaid on both sides in mother of pearl. It was custom.

  Krista closed the knife and put it inside her purse, before looking up into the mirror. There was a tiny cut on her neck and a trail of dried blood that ended in a very black drop. It disappeared after a few strokes with a wet paper towel. A quick wash of the rest of her face and several deep, calming breaths fortified her enough to make her exit. As she stepped into a cab and gave the driver her address, her mind drifted – lost in thought.

  Chapter 2

  “This is crazy,” Krista said to herself with a shake of her head. She couldn’t possibly be considering going back. Her mind was filled with questions - about him, about her, about what, if anything, happened next. The unknown assailant had controlled her like a puppeteer and she had to find out whether or not it was some kind of anomaly in her psyche.

  Even more surprising, was what had happened when she arrived home. Krista had taken a shower, and sat on the couch twirling the knife in her hand. With the events of the night replaying in her head, she had carefully drawn the edge of the knife along her thigh before closing the blade and pushing it carefully inside her pussy.

  Masturbation had never worked for her before, maybe because she hadn’t known how to orgasm, maybe not. But last night was different. She had held the knife, feeling the wood heat in her hand, the metal cool. It had been closed the entire time, but felt no less dangerous as she drug it along her body, tickling her clit as she imagined her assailant and the things he’d done to her. Over and over she had made herself orgasm until she fell asleep.

  What kind of sick shit was that? She had gone from semi-normal to obsessed and depraved in one day. Krista had a feeling the man from the bathroom was the only one that could help her understand. She had to see him again, but really, how are you supposed to stalk a nameless, faceless, would-be rapist? She could only hope that if she went back to the bar, he would find her.

  It was nine o’clock and Club 318 had just opened. Krista planned to grab a booth, have a drink and wait. As her eyes went around the room, she took it all in and her heart started to beat a little faster. It was a long shot, but there was a possibility that he’d be here. This was the only place she frequented and he had called her by name. It had to mean something.

  Her eyes landed on the sexy bartender she’d been looking for last night. He was stocking the back-up beer cooler, head down, attention focused on his task. With black, wavy hair that fell across his forehead, bright blue eyes, a full mouth and a strong jaw, his face was perfection. Bronze skin and rippling muscles added to the package, making him full out, the sexiest man she had ever seen in real life.

  Krista shook her head as if coming out of a daze. He was not why she was here tonight. She walked up to the bar and asked for a vodka with Redbull, vodka to calm her nerves a little and Redbull to keep her awake. Damien stopped what he was doing and began to make her drink.

  Krista leaned in conspiratorially. “I have a favor I’m hoping you can help me with,” she said quickly before she lost the nerve. “I am going to be here pretty much all night. I want to ‘reserve’ one of the booths over there in the corner. I’m kind of meeting someone, but I’m not sure when he’s coming.” Krista cringed inwardly at how it sounded as she held up her hands to make the air quotes.

  “I made a little sign and everything. I just need your permission to put it on the table. Is that cool?” She said this all really fast then bit her lip apprehensively.

  Damien glanced up, just for a second, groaning quietly as he looked at her. Her bottom lip was clenched in her teeth with her head tilted down. She was looking up at him hopefully, her eyes veiled by thick lashes. He had never seen anything so sexy. God, he wanted her again.

  “Normally I would say no,” Damien said, hoping Krista couldn’t read his wayward thoughts, “but you’re in here all the time, so it’s cool. Just out of curiosity, who are you waiting for?”

  Damien looked down at his hands so Krista wouldn’t see the hope that he knew had to be in his eyes. He pretended to be focused on making her drink, a myriad of questions running through his brain.

  Krista rubbed her hand on her jeans nervously. What could she say that wouldn’t sound stupid or crazy? “I just met somebody here last night and thought he might come back. No big deal. How much do I owe you?” she asked as he slid the drink across the bar.

  “On the house,” Damien said. “You’re the first customer of the night. Go stake out your table.”

  “Thanks,” she said, smiling as she picked up her glass and walked away.

  Krista sipped her drink, sliding into the booth. She pulled the little card that said ‘Reserved’ out of her purse and put it on the table. Nervously twiddling her fingers, she thought about her previous sexual experiences. She had never been able to get anywhere close to an orgasm until a stranger tried to rape her.

  That was not normal. Why would her response yesterday be so amazing if she wasn’t at least partially into this kind of thing? Maybe she just hadn’t known. More importantly – if this was how she was wired, what else was she into? What else did she not know? She didn’t think she could answer the questions by herself.

  Damien saw Krista get up and head toward the back hallway where the restrooms were located. She had been fiddling with his knife for the last half an hour, spinning it around on the table. He had to find out what she was really doing here. Had she come to confront him? Had he misread everything and she was upset? Either seemed equally possible.

  “Hey buddy,” Damien said to his friend, Greg, the other bartender. “Watch the bar for me, alright?”

  “Again? Man, you just got some last night,” Greg said enviously.

  “It’s not like that,” Damien said running his hand through his hair. He looked down at the erection clearly protruding from his pants. “Well mostly not anyway.” He had been thinking about her all night, sitting there, waiting for him. “Just cover for me, okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah. Don’t take too long,” Greg said with a smile.

  “I owe you one,” Damien said.

  “Dude, you owe me like ten,” Greg said with a laugh.

  Damien walked back to the hallway, but didn’t go into the bathroom this time. Instead, he walked to the end of the hall and flipped the light switch near the administrative office. Krista had really gotten off on not knowing who he was and the lack of lights might keep the club patrons out of the hallway. He stood next to the door of the restroom and waited for her to come out. He hadn’t seen anyone else go in, but that didn’t mean anything.

  Krista had waited in the bathroom for ages, hoping that the mysterious “L” would come. After ten minutes, she gave up. Shoulders sagging with disappointment, she opened the door and walked out into pitch darkness. The lights were off, but the music was still playing loudly. Strange.

  “Hello,” Krista called out. “Is anybody there?”

  Krista felt her heartbeat speed up and her palms start to sweat as she stood in the dark, waiting. This couldn’t be a coincidence. It was him.

  “I’m here, Krista,” Damien said softly as he walked up behind her, putting his hands lightly on her shoulders. “The question is – why are you here? I didn’t think I would see you again – at least not so soon.”

  “I-I don’t know,�
�� Krista whispered. “I think I’m going crazy. I couldn’t stay away. I tried to, but everything has gone topsy turvy in my brain. What did you do to me?”

  “Did you like it?” Damien asked what he thought was the most important question. Everything came down to the answer to this question.

  Krista had tried fighting it last night, unsuccessfully. Maybe honesty would provide a few answers.

  “You know I never had an orgasm before last night? And after I left? I masturbated for hours, with your knife – wicked, twisted fantasies circling around in my brain. I couldn’t sleep for hours. My brain wouldn’t shut off. I don’t even know your name, but I came here, hoping to see you. I even considered putting an ad on Craigslist – Turned out freak seeking would be rapist from bathroom encounter at Club 318. Addicted. Need more.”

  Damien laughed, then pictured her stroking his knife against her body, around her nipples, against her clit. His cock pulsed inside his pants. This was going to be harder than he thought. “What kind of fantasies,” he said softly in her ear.

  Krista’s breath caught in her throat and her lower lip started to quiver. She bit down on it trying to calm herself. Should she tell him? Could she tell him?

  “I don’t know,” she whispered, taking the easy way out. “It was all weird. Nothing I would ever actually do…”

  “How do you know?” Damien said as his hands left her arms and settled on her hips, pulling her against his body. “Maybe you would enjoy those things.”

  Krista took a deep breath as Damien slid his hand under her shirt and cupped her breast. She knew should stop him, but couldn’t seem to convince her mouth to speak the words. A hard pinch of her nipple tore a cry from her throat. Pleasure mingled with pain and hummed along the invisible string between her breasts and her pussy.

  “Even if I might enjoy them,” she said breathlessly, “how would I know?”

  Damien chuckled. “I could help you,” he said.

  “I don’t even know you,” Krista replied.

  “You know me in all the ways that count,” Damien said seductively.

  Krista dug down, trying to find her backbone.

  “I don’t know anything about you other than that you’re well endowed because I’m a little sore, and that you get off on raping women. Sure I’m a freak for eating it up, but you were fully committed before you ever found out I was into it. You cut me with a knife,” she said pulling away from him.

  Damien sighed in frustration. Truthfully, he was surprised he even had a chance to talk to her again. He couldn’t tell her that Hannah, her best friend, had told him about her fantasies. His only option was to do something rash and hope she responded as amazingly as yesterday. He reached out and grabbed her, spinning her around as he pulled her forcefully against his chest.

  “Did you like it?” Damien asked. “Do you think I would have done it if I hadn’t known that you would?”

  “Let go of me you psycho,” Krista said, pounding her fists on his firm chest. “How could you know? Do I look like a twisted, depraved freak?”

  Damien grabbed her arms, pushed them behind her back and held them with one hand as Krista struggled against his chest. He had no choice. He was going to have to tell her about Hannah. She might not ever forgive either one of them for exposing her innermost thoughts.

  “Just be still for a second,” Damien said, “Let me explain.”

  “Explain what?” Krista asked, still struggling. “Explain that you’re fucking crazy, that I’m am? What exactly are you going to explain?

  Damien silenced her with a kiss and ground his aching cock against her. This was going to backfire. He just knew it. Unfortunately, he was too far gone to care. His erection had plagued him ever since she walked into the bar and ordered a drink. And when she’d confessed that she had masturbated with his knife, he’d thought he would bust a nut right then. He had to do something to get her to stop talking herself out of what they both knew was right.

  All Damien’s skill went into the kiss as he nipped playfully at her bottom lip and ran his tongue against it. Krista moaned softly, opening to him. He could feel her resistance slipping and slid his tongue into her mouth, caressing her from the inside out. He tangled his free hand in her long hair and groaned as she started to kiss him back.

  “You are so fucking hot,” he said against her mouth.

  “I’d love to say the same,” Krista said sarcastically, despite the fact that she was grinding against him with her lips melded to his mouth, “but I’ve never seen your face.”

  He pulled her hair, wrenching her head back so he could kiss her neck. “Doesn’t seem to matter,” he murmured against her throat as she leaned into him.

  “It should,” Krista said, wishing she could summon the ability to think. Every time he touched her, the deep ache inside her became her only focus. She didn’t even know who she was becoming, reduced to this burning, aching need.

  Damien let go of Krista’s arms, reached under the back of her shirt and unsnapped her bra with deft fingers and a flick of his wrist.

  “What if somebody comes?” Krista asked when she realized what he was doing.

  “That’s part of the risk,” Damien said, “knowing that I’m doing this to you, right out in the open, a club full of people right around the corner. You like the risk, Krista. It makes your heart beat faster and your pussy wet. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  Damien pulled the shirt up and over Krista’s shoulders, taking the bra with it and exposing her breasts. There wasn’t much light, but the exit sign at the back door glinted off the sweat decorating her skin. His mouth closed around her nipple, and she gasped. Flash fire traveled down to her pussy and she knew it was getting wet. He bit her nipple sucking hard, tearing a cry from her throat.

  “You make me do things I wouldn’t usually do,” Krista said. “Why do you affect me that way?”

  “Who knows?” Damien replied while teasing her breasts with his tongue. “Honestly, I’ve never felt this way either. I pride myself on staying in control. But already, I can feel it slipping away. I want to push you against the wall and fuck you until you can’t stand or turn you around and introduce my dick to your lovely ass.”

  A thrill zinged through Krista’s body with each word, even the part about her ass. She had never even considered anal sex before. She squeezed her legs tightly together as the mental picture of him bending her over and pushing into her untried hole burned through her mind.

  While he was talking, Damien took a second to re-strategize. If he wasn’t careful, this was all going to end up like yesterday. He had to slow it down. With the largest measure of control he could muster, he began to tease her, touching her softly, avoiding her breasts and her pussy, stroking everywhere else. The idea was to drive her wild, but take things slow enough that he wouldn’t lose control – again. It seemed easy enough, but with each touch, he felt an electric zing that started at his finger tips and went straight to his dick.

  “Please,” Krista said. “I’m going to jump out of my skin if you don’t touch me soon.”

  “I am touching you,” Damien said. Her begging was just this side of painful. Of course she couldn’t know the effect she had on him. Maybe one day, but today, she was still mostly innocent of his world.

  “Yes, but I mean really touch me,” Krista said as Damien’s hand inched slowly up her thigh.

  “Anticipation changes everything, makes it more – better. Don’t you want it to be better?” Damien asked a teasing note to his voice.

  “Can it get better?” she asked. “I mean last night was amazing, so good it may have actually changed who I am, or at least who I thought I was. How much better could it be?”

  “You have no idea,” Damien said, chuckling. With that he picked her up and carried her over to the speaker he knew was in the corner. It was hard to tell exactly where it was in the dark so he moved slowly. Kissing her deeply on the mouth, he felt around for it with his foot. When his toe hit the speaker, he set her
down in front of it.

  Dropping to his knees, Damien unbuttoned Krista’s pants and pushed them down as far as they would go. Unfortunately, skinny jeans weren’t exactly made for this type of encounter. Swearing under his breath, he reached down and pulled off one of her shoes. After easing one leg out of her pants, he decided that was enough. She didn’t need to be naked, just accessible.

  Damien pushed Krista until she leaned against the speaker as he knelt in front of her. Starting on the inside of her naked leg, he grazed the side of her knee with his teeth, then licked soothingly. He moved up her leg, about an inch and repeated the process. This time he bit down a little harder and she moaned softly.

  Damien worked his way slowly up her thigh, biting a bit harder each time, before soothing the ache with his tongue. Krista’s moans grew progressively louder and he was thankful that the club always kept the music loud. When he finally got to the top of her leg, he took a deep breath and blew a stream of cool air across her clit, smiling to himself when she gripped his shoulders.

  “Please stop teasing me,” Krista begged. “I can’t take it. I’ve never felt so tied up inside. It’s like an ocean wave, going higher and higher, but never cresting. I need to come. Please!”

  Damien took pride in his ability to draw out a woman’s pleasure. Most women were so focused on getting to the finish line, they never realized how intense the pleasure could actually be. They didn’t realize the pressure could be built layer upon layer, over and over. He called it an endless orgasm and to get it just right required finesse and experience. It was a system of taking a woman right to the edge and then pulling her back before she could come, over and over and over. Each time, the edge went a little higher. Towards the end, all it took was a flick of his fingers on a woman’s clit for her entire existence to explode. That was his favorite part. Watching it ripple out in endless convulsions.


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