Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)

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Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence) Page 22

by Sabrina Sexton


  “Krista, we have to talk about your descriptions of things,” Damien said as the class ended and the four of them walked out. .

  “What?” Krista asked innocently.

  “And I quote,” Damien said, “‘It’s the most fun you’ll ever have,’ end quote. Krista, there was nothing fun about that.”

  Actually, that’s not true,” Tyler said. “I did get to see you do all those crazy dance moves, but other than that, nothing fun.”

  “Pussies,” Tiffini said, looking at the men judgmentally. “Plus both of you know you punked out when we started in with the weights. No way you should have done your sets with twenty pound weights. I mean I used twenty pound weights.”

  “That was the biggest size there was,” Tyler said.

  “You could have grabbed larger weights from the gym and you know it,” Tiffini said, laughing. “At least you made it all the way through, though. All of the other guys that have tried always quit during the step portion.”

  “Yeah well, it’s no wonder,” Damien said. “What was the instructor’s name? Pam? Yeah, she’s obviously a nazi. On top of which those crazy steps you guys were doing at the beginning didn’t even make any sense. She couldn’t just use regular steps? I never did get that one she calls around the world.”

  “I love Pam,” Krista said. “She makes the class fun. I probably would have quit by now if I had to do the same boring steps over and over again.”

  “Ditto,” Tiffini said looking over at Krista. “You’re cooking brunch, right?”

  “Yeah, why?” Krista asked. “Don’t I do it every Sunday?”

  “Yeah,” Tiffini said, impishly. “Just making sure you did have something… better to do.”

  “I do,” Krista said, winking at Tiffini. “But I have to feed them or they won’t have the strength.”

  “Krista,” Damien said as he looked at all the food on her dining room table. “This is the breakfast version of thanksgiving dinner. You make this every weekend?”

  There was bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy, tropical fruit salad, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns and french toast.

  “Pretty much,” Krista replied. “Although I usually don’t make as much of it. And sometimes I make pancakes instead of french toast.”

  “I take it back,” Tyler said with a laugh as he sat down. “I love Pam’s class and plan to go every Sunday if this is my reward.”

  “That’s the only reason she talked me into it,” Tiffini said as she dished up a helping of eggs and passed it to Damien. “You should have seen me for my first class, breathing hard and sweating like a crazy person. I mean I’m a smoker for christ sakes. I only went because Krista promised to make me breakfast after. Thus the tradition was born.”

  “These hashbrowns are amazing,” Tyler said, lifting another forkful to his mouth.

  “I said the same thing,” Tiffini told him. “Her secret ingredient is love. I swear I make mine exactly the same and they just don’t taste like that.”

  “It was the funniest thing,” Krista said. “She called me one day from the grocery store and asked me which aisle the love was on because her food wasn’t coming out right.”

  “I’m telling you guys, you should try one of her sandwiches,” Tiffini said. “She even calls it a sandwich with love and after you eat one, you’ll never be able to go back to regular sandwiches again.”

  “They’re that good?” Damien asked.

  “I’m telling you, my girl throws down in the kitchen,” Tiffini replied.

  “I just like to cook,” Krista said.

  As they ate their food, Tyler’s phone rang. He pulled it out to look at who the call was from.

  “It’s my mom, guys,” he said. “I have to take this.”

  “Aww, are you a momma’s boy?” Krista asked, kidding with him.

  “Not really,” Tyler said as he hit the button on the phone to answer the call. “She just hasn’t been doing very well lately.”

  “You can use my bedroom if you want some privacy,” Krista said, feeling bad now for giving him a hard time.

  “Thanks,” Tyler said. He stood and walked out of the dining area talking softly into the phone.

  “Hope everything’s okay,” Krista said.

  “Yeah me too,” Damien said. “His mom is really nice.”

  “I didn’t know you two knew each other that well,” Krista said thoughtfully.

  “It’s no big deal,” Damien said, remembering the rules he had agreed to with Tyler.

  A few minutes later Tyler returned to the dining room.

  “I can’t stay guys,” he said. “My mom fell and did something to her hip. She’s on her way to the hospital.”

  “Do they know if it’s broken?” Damien asked.

  “Not yet,” Tyler said. “She says she’s fine, but I just want to go down and make sure.”

  Krista stood and gave Tyler a kiss.

  “Of course,” Krista said. “I completely understand. I hope she’s okay.”

  “Thanks,” Tyler said. “I’ll be back later as long as nothing’s wrong.”

  “Cool,” Krista said, looking over at Damien. “We’ll be here. At least I think so. You’re staying, right Damien?”

  “Are you asking me to stay?” Damien asked.

  “Well, yeah. If you don’t have anything else going on,” Krista said.

  “Then we’ll be here,” Damien said. “I’m just going to walk Tyler down to his car. Be right back.”

  When the two men walked out of the apartment door, Tyler turned to Damien with an angry look.

  “My mom’s in the hospital and you’re playing games?” Tyler said.

  “No,” Damien said. “I just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t breaking any of the rules we set up. That’s all.”

  “Whatever man,” Tyler said, turning to jog down the steps.

  “Hold on a second,” Damien said, following him.

  “What is it Damien?” Tyler asked, exasperation thick in his voice.

  “I just wanted to know what hospital she’s going to so I could send some flowers,” Damien replied sincerely.

  “Memorial,” Tyler replied.

  “Give her my love?” Damien asked.

  “You could come with me and give it yourself,” Tyler said, snidely. “I’m sure she would appreciate that more.”

  “You said she’s probably fine,” Damien said. “If it were something major, of course I would. Stop trying to make me into the bad guy.”

  “Sorry,” Tyler said. “I guess I’m just worried about her. That’s all.”

  “It’s cool, brother,” Damien said, clapping Tyler on the shoulder. “Call me if anything changes.”

  “Yeah, okay,” Tyler said as he opened his car door and slid inside.

  Damien watched him drive off. He really hoped Judith was okay. The woman had practically raised him after his father had died in a car accident and his mother had started drinking all the time. He pulled out his phone to order flowers for her as he jogged back up the stairs.

  “All right, chic,” Tiffini said, wiping her hands on the towel by the sink. “That’s everything.”

  “Thanks for helping,” Krista said.

  After they had finished eating, Krista cleared the table while Damien rinsed the dishes and loaded the dishwasher. Tiffini had washed the skillets by hand since Krista never put them in the dishwasher.

  “No biggie,” Tiffini said. “After all, I didn’t have to cook it all. Anyway, I’m going home to take a shower. Call me later. You still owe me details.”

  “It might not be until tomorrow,” Krista said, thinking the guys would probably keep her pretty busy tonight.

  “As long as you know what you’re doing,” Tiffini said, giving Krista a brief hug and grabbing her keys off the counter. “Bye Damien. It was nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” Damien said, truthfully as he sat down on the couch. Tiffini was really funny and once she’d gotten to know him a bit, she’d r
elaxed and had a good time. Despite that, he was glad to see her leave.

  “Thank you for helping with the dishes,” Krista said, walking to the couch to sit next to Damien. She still had a hard time reconciling the dark, sinister man he became when they had sex with the fun, easy-going, helpful guy he was the rest of the time. It was getting easier, but he kept surprising her.

  “You’re welcome,” Damien said, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her closer. “Like Tiffini said, you cooked everything.”

  “You’re a hard guy to figure out Damien,” Krista said. “It’s almost like you can be two completely different people.”

  Damien shrugged his shoulders. “It just depends on the situation, I guess.”

  “So what’s the situation?” Krista asked. “Now that you have me all alone.”

  “Now we’re going to have some fun,” Damien said. This was his opportunity to find out if he really was willing to change for her. It hadn’t seemed to bother him that Krista had been with Stephen, Miranda or Elle. But he knew them. If he could share Krista with a total stranger, then maybe he could be what she needed.

  “What kind of fun?” Krista asked, intrigued.

  “Tyler gave me Eric’s number and mentioned you had a bit of a thing with him,” Damien said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “I want you to call him and invite him over.”

  “Why?” Krista asked.

  “Because I want to watch him fuck you, slut” Damien said, his voice taking on a raw edge. “While you suck my dick.”

  Chapter 26

  “What was so important?” Eric asked as he walked through the door Krista held open for him. Krista had called him, told him her address and asked him to come over.

  “I need your help with something,” she said, closing the door behind him.

  “You couldn’t get Tyler to help you?” Eric asked.

  “He’s at the hospital with his mom,” Krista said.

  “Oh, sorry,” Eric said. “So what do you need help with?”

  “The thing is,” Krista said walking towards him, “Tyler left before he had a chance to do what we had planned.”

  “What was that?” Eric asked.

  “We had planned for him to stuff her hot little ass with cock,” Damien said coming out of the kitchen, “while she sucked my dick.

  “Who are you and what are you talking about?” Eric asked.

  “That’s Damien,” Krista replied, walking towards him as she pushed her sweatpants off her hips, “and he knows how bad I need to be fucked. He wants you to do it.”

  “Aww, man,” Eric said, running his hand through his hair in disbelief. “Are you for real? I mean first the bathroom and now this. Where do they make girls like you?”

  “Same place they make all the other girls I guess,” Krista said, as she pulled her shirt over her head and dropped it on the floor at Eric’s feet.

  “I don’t think so,” Eric said. “You definitely are different from any girl I’ve ever met.

  “Not really,” Krista said. “It was only about six months ago that I was exactly like all those other girls. The only difference is that now I’m free to do what I want.”

  “That’s it?” Eric asked.

  “Truly,” Krista said.

  “So how’s this supposed to work?” Eric asked, looking back and forth between Damien and Krista.

  “Simple,” Damien said as he came up behind Krista. “Take off her bra. You know you want to see her naked.”

  Krista lifted her arms to make it easier as Eric pulled the sports bra slowly up her body. Her eyes filled with desire as she stood between the two men. She lifted her chin and made eye contact with Eric as she licked her lips.

  “I mean,” Eric said, clarifying, “are there rules? Can I kiss you if I want? Can I touch you?”

  Krista leaned back against Damien letting his arms circled her possessively.

  “You have to ask Damien,” Krista said, closing her eyes in bliss as Damien fondled her breasts. “He tells me what to do.”

  Eric watched as Krista’s nipples hardened in the other man’s hands. It was weird, being there while this guy touched her, but the bathroom blowjob thing had been way beyond hot. He would kick himself until the day he died if he passed up this opportunity.

  “So you make the rules?” Eric asked looking at Damien.

  “I do, yes,” Damien responded. “You can touch her and kiss her, so long as you understand that she belongs to me.”

  “I get it man,” Eric said. “She’s yours. Although I wouldn’t mind having a girl like her of my own.”

  “Just not this one,” Damien said as he slid his hand down the front of Krista’s body and began stroking the tiny patch of hair above her clit.

  “Right,” Eric agreed.

  “She likes teeth,” Damien said, letting her go. “So use them on her and don’t be gentle. BUT you have to stop if she’s lance – instantly, understand? That’s her safe word.”

  “Ok,” Eric said.

  “She won’t do it unless she really needs to,” Damien said before changing his focus to Krista and giving her a gentle push. “Kiss him.”

  “Hi,” Eric said when Krista landed in his arms.

  “Hi,” Krista replied. She didn’t know why, but she was suddenly nervous. “He’s right – about what I like and what I want.”

  “Good,” Eric said. He had been hoping she would give him some sign that this really was okay. It was so far out of the ordinary, he hadn’t been sure. Hearing her say the words released the control he had been holding on to.

  With an impatient groan, Eric pulled Krista by her hair, angling her head so their mouths could meet. He kissed her greedily, hungrily, like there couldn’t possibly be enough time for him to take all that he wanted.

  With Damien biting and sucking her neck from behind and Eric from the front, Krista felt herself swept along by the force of their combined passion. Krista’s pussy throbbed as Eric ground his body into hers. His mouth moved down her jaw, grazing it with his teeth while he crushed her breasts in his hands. Krista screamed at the harsh contact, then moaned as he released her and pleasure replaced the pain. When he repeated the process with his mouth on her nipple, she thought she would lose her mind.

  “You guys have on to many clothes,” Krista said breathlessly when she realized that both men were still fully dressed.

  “The only one who needs to be naked,” Damien said, spinning Krista around to face him, “is you. For now, your only purpose is to satisfy us. Understand, slut?”

  “Yes Master,” Krista said. Damien’s words, the look on his face and his actions all worked together to arouse her beyond belief.

  “Eric here is going to fill up this fuck hole,” Damien said as he pushed several fingers inside her, “while I fuck your tight little throat. Then he’s going to slide inside that sexy ass of yours and fuck you until we both fill you up with come.”

  “And when we’re finished with you,” Eric said as he reached out a hand to pull Krista’s hair, “We will leave you lying on the floor, like a used up slut, come dripping out of you.”

  The mental image in Krista’s brain was tormenting her. Her entire life she’d always expected for men to treat her with care and respect. Now she was lusting for the complete opposite. She imagined herself lying in puddles of their come and realized it was exactly what she wanted.

  “Yes, please,” Krista said as she heard Eric unzip his pants.

  “Her pussy is dripping wet,” Damien said as he pulled his fingers out of her and lifted them to her lips. “Fuck her there first, and you won’t even need any lube for her ass.”

  Damien pushed his pussy covered fingers inside Krista’s mouth, then pulled her head towards his crotch. So far, he wasn’t really having any problems with Eric being here, but the other guy wasn’t fucking her yet. Damien hoped he could keep his cool, because otherwise, he and Krista didn’t have a chance.

  “You know what to do, slut,” Damien said. As Krista unz
ipped his pants and pulled his cock free, his fingers tangled in her hair and began to move her where he wanted her. He loved being able to control her this way, pushing her mouth farther and farther down his dick.

  Krista felt Damien’s cock slide into the back of her throat as Eric pushed into her wet pussy from behind. She moaned in enjoyment as both men filled her simultaneously. After a few strokes, Krista felt Eric pull out of her pussy and line up with her ass.

  “You have to go slow,” Damien said to Eric when he noticed what was happening. “She hasn’t had any prep.”

  “I thought she liked pain,” Eric said, confused. “Wouldn’t it be the same?”

  “Maybe,” Damien said, stroking her face softly. “But she ended up in the hospital the first time I fucked her ass, and that was with lots of prep. So, just go slow.”

  Krista listened to them talking. Even with the role that she was playing as worthless fuck hole, Damien had taken care of her, ensuring that Eric didn’t accidentally hurt her. She moaned around his dick in appreciation as Eric slowly pushed into her.

  Mistaking Krista’s moan, Eric pushed harder, forcing himself past the sphincter and deep inside. Krista felt all the breath leave her body and her knees get weak as pain receptors overloaded her brain. She fell to her knees and cried out as Damien’s dick slipped from her mouth.

  “What the fuck did I just tell you?” Damien yelled. “I said go slow! What’s wrong with you?”

  “I’ve never done a girl this way before,” Eric said. “She moaned. I thought she wanted more.”

  Damien dropped down to the floor, pulling Krista into his lap. He kissed her softly and wiped away the tears that were leaking out of her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, baby,” Damien said. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay,” Krista said, “it just shocked me. Too much, too fast. Give me a few minutes.”

  “Maybe I better go,” Eric said, putting his now flaccid dick back in his pants. Seeing Krista crying on the floor had completely killed the moment for him. “I’m sorry Krista. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”


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