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Dark Intentions

Page 18

by J. A. Owenby

  “I love you so much, Ten. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

  “I know.” And for the first time in my life, I really did.


  I screamed like a little girl on Christmas morning when I saw Avery at Barney’s. Although it had only been a few days since I’d seen her, it felt like years. She looked beautiful in her tight, dark-washed jeans, which hugged her curves, and a plum-colored, low-cut blouse. A one-carat diamond pendant dangled delicately from her neck.

  She ran across the dance floor and pulled me into her arms. “You look amazing. A nice shirt and sex definitely agrees with you.” She smacked me on the butt and giggled. Thank God I’d left Layne and Benji at the door when I’d seen her. She would have embarrassed the shit out of me in front of my boyfriend.

  I’d opted for my favorite pair of black boots with a baby-blue top Avery had loaned me months ago tucked into my black Levi’s and a wide belt.

  “Are you all right?” I asked, breaking our hug. “No strange men have followed you?”

  Usually, Avery would have made a big joke about my question, but not this time. Her face grew serious, and she grabbed my hand in hers. “I’m good. Dad or Justin have been by my side every single minute. But, like, you’ve got to fill me in on everything. All I know is that some crazy criminal dude was hiding on our property and we need to lay low until he’s captured.”

  A slight frown creased my forehead. Dammit. They hadn’t told Avery everything. “We’ll get all caught up, but not tonight. I need to blow off some steam, and this is Benji’s first social outing since the attack.”

  She grabbed my face with her hands and placed a firm kiss on my cheek. “I love you, Tensley Bennett! I’m not sure what the hell is going on, but nothing bad had better happen to you.”

  I forced a laugh. “I’m safe. I promise.” My gaze drifted over to Layne, who had ordered some shots and grabbed us all a table. He and Benji clinked glasses and downed whatever they were drinking.

  “Get Justin and meet us at the table. I know some more people are coming too.”

  Her smile lit up her gorgeous face. “He went to the bathroom, so we’ll join you in a minute.” I hadn’t realized how much I’d been wrapped up in my own shit until I saw her. We would have to carve out some girl time soon.

  On my way to the table, I stopped at the bar. Matthew greeted me with a warm smile.

  “Can we get some music?” I asked, grinning widely.

  “You bet. And what would you like to drink tonight?” He leaned on the bar, his fingers grazing mine.

  I pulled my hand away. “What did Benji and my boyfriend order?”

  My heart sank to my toes as Matthew’s face fell. “Benji’s your boyfriend?”

  No wonder he looked so confused. I laughed and shook my head. “No. The tall guy with dark hair is. His name is Layne.”

  Matthew stilled for a minute, and his deep-brown eyes searched me. “Is he good to you, Ten?”

  For the first time, I realized that Matthew had real feelings for me. He hadn’t just been a fun and flirty bartender. Fuck. How did I miss that?

  “Yeah. Very. We, uh, we knew each other from high school, but until he moved here and we had some time to get to know each other again, he was my sworn enemy.” I attempted a lighthearted laugh. Awkward didn’t even begin to describe how I felt at the moment.

  “They had Redheaded Sluts.”

  Good grief. “Who in the hell comes up with names for these drinks?”

  Matthew chuckled and rattled off the ingredients. “Since you’re playing tonight, your drinks are on the house.” He flashed a big grin at me then made me two.

  “You’re the best. Thanks.” I downed one, then grabbed the other. “I’m going to head to the table with everyone, but I’ll catch you later.”

  When I turned around, Layne’s attention was glued to Matthew and me. His gaze drifted from me to our friendly bartender, and their eyes locked. Neither of them said a word, but I was very clear about what was transpiring between them. Layne was marking his territory: me.

  I sidled up to Layne and kissed him on his full mouth. “Stop. Matthew is harmless.”

  “No guy that looks at you like that is harmless,” he whispered against my ear. Goosebumps dotted my skin, and I remembered his promise to make love to me later that night.

  “There’s no competition.” I slammed my shot down as “Cry for Me” by Camila Cabello filled the bar.

  “Dance with me!” Avery said from behind me, tugging on my arm and pulling me backward. I released a loud whoop.

  “Here’s a show for you, Layne,” Benji said, laughing into his hand.

  Justin joined the guys at the table while Avery and I made our way to the small wood floor. Since only a handful of people had been invited, we had plenty of space. The alcohol warmed me as the music filled the bar. Avery whirled me around and we laughed together.

  “Poor Layne,” Avery yelled over the noise, her hand landing on my waist. “He’s going to lose his shit when he sees us dance.”

  I rolled my eyes at her. Avery swore she had the best sex of her life with Justin after we danced together. We knew it was just a show, but apparently the guys liked the thought of our hands on each other.

  “I have to keep it PG tonight. Benji’s parents are here,” I said, practically yelling.

  Avery full-on pouted. “Just a little? Justin has been seriously distracted, and I need to be taken care of.”

  “Really?” Justin had always seemed so attentive to her.

  The beat of the music continued while Avery danced behind me. Her arm slipped around my waist as I rubbed my butt against her. I snuck a peek at Layne. His mouth was slightly open.

  I turned to face Avery, moving to the beat as my hand slid down her side, and we grew dangerously close to kissing. Her fingers traced down my hip, and her leg slid between mine. We rocked our hips to the rhythm, lowering toward the floor.

  Avery snickered. “By the look on your man’s face, his dick is so hard, he’s in pain.”

  “Avery!” I laughed and tossed a look over my shoulder. My softly curled hair cascaded down my back as I winked at Layne. “Well, I hope it works for you. You’ll have to let me know.”

  “Break it up, ladies. The parents are watching,” Benji said, wheeling onto the dance floor and popping a wheelie.

  I grabbed his hand, and he pulled me onto his lap. His laugh rumbled through his chest as he wheeled us around. Over the last several weeks, I’d forgotten what it felt like to just let loose and laugh. Thank God I had Avery and Benji to remind me.

  I giggled while he spun us around again. “I love you, Benji Parker!”

  He placed a kiss on my cheek when the music stopped. “Love you too.” Beads of sweat glistened on his forehead, and I carefully hopped off his legs.

  “Your poor boyfriend has had one hell of a show tonight. First, you’re dancing with a hot chick, then you’re on the gay guy’s lap.” Benji barked out a laugh.

  “I have to make sure Layne can handle the real me, which includes you and Avery since you’re my family. We’re a package deal, and he needs to know what he’s getting into.” I laughed softly. “He said he loves me, so we’ll see after tonight.” I wiggled my eyebrows at my best friend.

  Benji’s eyes widened. “He told you he loved you?” He took my hand and squeezed, putting aside fun and games.

  I nodded, realizing my slip. “I need another shot if I’m going to play soon.”

  Benji knew I would fill him in on the details when I was ready, but it wasn’t the right time. I glanced at Layne and tilted my head in the direction of the bar. He grinned and nodded. It was funny how I’d struggled to articulate my thoughts all my life, but with Layne, all I had to do was nod toward Matthew, and he knew I was including him. There was no need to be jealous of the bartender.

  Layne and I ordered some more shots and downed them. Loud cheers came from the doorway, and we turned to see who had joined us. Layne took my hand and
led me back to the table. Some of Benji’s friends from the swim team had filed in the front door, all talking over each other and slapping him on the shoulder. A wide smile broke out across Benji’s face as he soaked up the love and support.

  “He needs this,” I said to Layne.

  “We all do. When life sucks, you find out who your real friends are fast.” A distant look clouded his features.

  I realized Layne was talking about the tornado and Nicole, and I took his hand. Nothing I could say would ease his pain, but I could show him I loved and supported him.

  “Baptize Me” by X Ambassadors and Jacob Banks thumped through the speakers. I placed Layne’s hand over my heart. “Dance with me.”

  He walked me to the center of the floor, and the lights dimmed as we closed the gap between us. Layne’s arm slid protectively around me as his hips moved to the song. His head dipped down and his lips brushed mine. Before we knew it, several other couples had joined us, including Justin and Avery. I winked at her, then returned my focus to Layne.

  I peeked up at him through my eyelashes while we swayed to the music. “I don’t know what you’re doing to me, Layne Garrison.”

  He replied with a slow and tender kiss.

  “The night I saw you here at Barney’s, I was terrified. I thought you were behind what Chloe had done to me.” I shook my head at the memory. “I hated you. And now …”

  Layne’s thumb gently traced a circle on my cheek, and I leaned into his touch. His eyes filled with desire, but also with love.

  “And now I can’t imagine not being by your side.” My heart hammered inside my chest as a flurry of excitement and fear grew in me. “Layne, I—”

  Before I could say another word, the music changed, and Matthew’s voice came over the speaker. “Let’s have a big shout-out for Tensley Bennett!”

  The small crowd cheered, and Layne and I released each other.

  “Good luck,” he said before walking back off the dance floor.

  The thunderous applause sent shivers through me, and I hopped up on the stage. Matthew had everything set up for me, including my song choice to start off the performance with.

  I tugged on the clear poncho over my clothes and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. The bar grew silent as the lights dimmed, and a spotlight lit up the stage. Blue, red, purple, and yellow paint filled the drum. I grabbed the drumsticks and held them above my head. “Champion” by Bishop Briggs began, and I immediately picked up the beat. Paint bounced in the air, taking on a life of its own as the tip of the sticks connected with the mylar.

  Tap, tap, tap. The rhythm coursed through me, giving me a new life as I became one with the music. I jumped to the beat, splattering paint in every direction. The earlier fear and anxiety melted away, and the only thing that existed were the drums and me.

  The song ended, and I traded out my sticks and alternated between the bass and snare drums. After tapping an intricate rhythm on the rim of the snare, I moved into the rest of the performance. My heart soared with every beat, and for the first time in my life, I had everything I’d ever dreamed of: an amazing boyfriend, a family, and my music.


  I allowed myself to dream for just a moment as I finished the routine. The crowd came to life, clapping and cheering as I set my sticks down. My focus landed on Layne. His smile reached his eyes as he yelled my name and pumped his fist in the air. Benji added some catcalls, and I laughed while I removed my poncho. Avery was at my side in seconds, escorting me to the ladies’ room to get cleaned up.

  “How in the hell do you get better every time I hear you?” Avery asked, bumping the restroom door open with her hip.

  “It’s the emotions.”

  “You run a lot deeper than anyone thinks you do, then.” She covered her mouth with her hand, a drunken giggle escaping her. “Hey.” Avery turned the water on for me. “If Justin breaks up with me, do you think we could become lesbian lovers?”

  My mouth opened and closed before I found the right word. “No. I like dick. Cock. Penis.”

  Avery doubled over with laughter. Shit, how much has she drank tonight?

  She gasped, slapping her hand on the sink. “You should have seen your face.”

  I folded my paint-spattered arms over my chest. “I’m calling bullshit. What’s going on?”

  “Gah! That’s my shirt you’re getting paint on!” She grabbed my hands and pulled them to my sides.

  “It’s water-soluble. Relax. What’s going on?” My voice was stern. Something had happened.

  “Justin wants to see other people.” Tears streamed down her face, and I pulled her in for a hug.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered while she fell apart in my arms. “Did he leave, or is he still here?”

  Avery shook her head while she full-on sobbed. “Gone.”

  My chin rested on top of her head. If I understood anything, it was how much it hurt when you wanted to belong to someone.

  I brushed her hair out of her eyes. “Let’s hang out tomorrow. Just you and me, okay? We can catch up and just be there for each other.”

  She released me and grabbed some tissue from the toilet paper roll in the stall. “I thought this relationship was special … that he was different.” She blew her nose and sighed.

  A sharp pang filled me. So many times, I had thought a particular foster home was where I belonged, only to find myself alone and empty.

  An unfamiliar longing stirred deep inside me. I couldn’t deny it any longer, but it was the worst fucking time for me to finally admit it to myself. For now, my feelings would have to wait.

  “Ugh, I’m sorry. Tonight’s about you and Benji. Tomorrow … tomorrow can be about me, right?” She dabbed at her smeared mascara then stood straight and plastered a smile on her face.

  “One hundred percent.” I placed my hands on her shoulders. “I don’t know how, but it’s going to be okay. Avery, you’re beautiful, smart, and funny. I’m not sure what is wrong with Justin, but if he’s not in this relationship with you, then girl, he’s so stupid, you just don’t want him in your life.”

  She stared me dead in the eyes. “Really?”

  “Yeah. Really.” I hated seeing my confident friend deflated. No guy was worth her feeling like less of a woman. I gave her a quick hug, then held my arms in the air. “I’m not sure how we managed, but you don’t have any paint on you.” I released a soft laugh.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up and grab another drink.” She took a paper towel, got it wet, and began to dab my face.

  Ten minutes later, we stepped out of the restroom, ready to join the rest of the group.

  I grabbed Avery’s hand and gave it a squeeze as I spotted Layne and Benji. Then I saw Franklin.

  “Fuck.” I stopped abruptly while butterflies ran amok in my chest. There was no other reason for Franklin to be there other than the test results.

  “Hey, would you do me a favor?” I was a shit friend for asking while she was hurting so much. “Could you ask Layne to meet me back here?”

  “Are you all right? You look a little pale.” Avery touched my forehead with the back of her hand, making sure I wasn’t running a fever.

  “Yeah. I just need to talk to him. The crowd is a bit overwhelming.” Well, Franklin was overwhelming, but Avery didn’t know about him yet, and I didn’t have the patience to explain it all right then.

  “Sure. I’ll send him back.” She squeezed my shoulder, then made her way over to the group.

  Leaning against the wall, I rubbed my arms and watched as Avery gave Layne the message.

  His head popped up as he searched around the bar. In seconds, he was next to me. “Babe, are you okay?” He smoothed my hair as his eyes searched mine.

  “Yes.” I pulled on his hand. “I need to talk to you.” I turned on my heel and shoved open the back exit door. The cold night air greeted us as we huddled against the outer wall of the building.

  Layne pulled me to him, and the heat from his body warmed me. “Ten, what’s wron

  “Nothing.” I peered up at him. “I just needed a minute.” I pushed up on my tiptoes and kissed him. “I love you.” I was overwhelmed with so many emotions, my words caught in my throat. “I don’t know what to do with it or how to …” I shook my head, attempting to clear my thoughts. “All I know is that I love you.”

  Layne remained still. I wasn’t sure if he was waiting for me to say something else or if he doubted my words.

  “Babe,” he whispered, “say it again.” His mouth crashed down on mine.

  “I love you,” I answered between our heated kisses.

  “Again. Tensley, I’ve waited so long. Please.” His kisses became frantic, filled with need, as we whispered how much we loved each other in the darkness. That moment would be burned into my memory for the rest of my days.

  A flicker of light caught my attention.

  “Baby,” I said softly, “I think our bodyguard is telling us to get back inside, where it’s safe.”

  Layne glanced across the parking lot. “Let’s get you warmed up. It’s getting really cold.” He gave me a gentle kiss, then opened the door, and we slipped back into the bar.

  Before we entered the main area, I pulled on his arm. “Wait.” My heart jumped into my throat. “Did I see Franklin?”

  Layne turned toward me. “Yeah. But tonight is a celebration, so we don’t have to talk about anything if you don’t want to.”

  I struggled for words. “I’m scared. I need to know, but …” My fingertips traced his chin. “Promise me, no matter what the results are, that you’ll be next to me in the morning and that we’ll be okay.”

  “I promise. And no matter what Franklin says tonight, I’m going to take you home and make slow love to you.”

  “I can’t wait.” I sucked in a deep breath, grabbed Layne’s hand, and marched straight up to Franklin.

  His bright-blue eyes landed on mine. “That was one hell of a performance, Tensley.”

  “Thank you, but I’m guessing that’s not why you’re really here.” I clenched my jaw. My nerves were already frazzled.


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