Jade (Please Me #1)

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Jade (Please Me #1) Page 1

by J. J. Marstead


  ‘A please me novella’

  Copyright @ J.J. Marstead

  Edited by: J.J. Marstead and the Church of SMUT Betas

  Cover design by: Dokeshi's Book Services

  Formatted by: Natasha Banks

  Jade is a work of fiction.

  All characters, Organizations and events portrayed in this novel are products of the author’s imagination. No part of this story can be used for the person(s) personal use. No re-production of this story is allowed.

  Author’s Note

  Stealing an author’s story is wrong, the amount of time an author puts into the story, so please retain from taking any author’s story. It’s a crime

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 1

  Why can’t this night be over already? I’ve been dancing for an hour and all the regulars are here, howling at me to strip it off, and it’s the same old bullshit ‘show me your tits’, and ‘yeah baby, come to papa’. Blah, why do they have to be such pigs? I’m tired of them thinking they can put their hands on me or any of the girls here. That’s one of the rules here, no touching the dancers.

  Last week, I thought for sure Manny was going to break the fucker’s hand for grabbing Marissa by the ass; he pulled her onto his lap from off stage. That was a sight to see, Manny grabbing the asshole by the collar and dragging his good for nothing ass out of the club. The guy was banned from the club, Manny threatened that if he saw him again he would tear him a new asshole but the guy’s expression was too fucking funny.

  Marissa’s the new girl, so she was pretty shaken up about the whole ordeal. I just hope she toughens up like the rest of us girls had to do, if she doesn’t, she won’t survive being an ‘Angel’, she needs to harden herself up to be able to come out on stage, smile and brush aside the bull crap that’s yelled out at us while dancing.

  The smoke filled air tonight is causing me to become nauseous, don’t get me wrong I’m no prude to smoking, I’ve smoked a few times but tonight it’s so thick in the air, I’m having trouble breathing properly. My set is almost up, and I can’t wait to get off this stage. I need to get in the back and get a shot of whiskey into my system; it’s funny to think I’ve been at this club for five years, stripping five days a week and my nerves still get the better of me.

  It’s crazy to think of how far I’ve come, almost living on the streets, being kicked out of my foster home as soon as I hit eighteen, living with people I’ve met here and there that seemed nice enough, they helped me out when and where they could. Then everything changed when I met Sherry while I was walking around one night, trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life, I had no money and no job. She must have seen something in me that day because she told me about where she was working and that the pay was great, she told me she could get me an interview with the boss, if I wanted. Of course, I was excited, a job but when she told me what the job consists of, let’s just say I wasn’t jumping for joy about it.

  I needed the job though, the person who took me in for a few months was moving away and I couldn’t afford to pay the rent for the place by myself. So, I did the only thing that was logical, I said yes. She told me where to meet her the next day, and she took me to see her boss. Everything else is ancient history. My life changed after that day when Steve gave me the job, I had a gut feeling things were going to get better for me and I was right.

  When I hear my name being called, “Give Angel a round of applause for shaking her fine ass out on stage tonight,” the announcer Thomas yells into the mike in his hand.

  The catcalls and whistles float over the room, giving everyone the best smile I can, I step off the stage, Danny who by the way is a cute little thing that works for the club, he picks up the cash that’s thrown on stage after each set, then he brings the money to us. He’s a little shy but he’s harmless, he’s been here for about two years now. He wanted an easy job and well he got one and I wouldn’t call seeing us girls up on stage shaking our tits, a hard job. The girls and I give him some money each time he runs out there but that’s not all he does, he helps Steve the owner and my boss, he helps filling out orders for the bar and he cleans up every night after closing. Steve’s a hard ass most of the time but he’s soften up in his age, he turned the big six O last week.

  He treats all of us girls like family, and it feels nice. I haven’t had a real family since I was fifteen. We’re one big happy fucking family here at the club and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I live with Sherry and her roommate, well our roommate now, the girl is seriously quiet, she doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, a real goody two shoes. It’s a nice change from our wild lives for Sherry and me, having her here with us.

  I’ve heard stories from Steve about his wife and his kids many times, well his kids they’re all older than I am. His wife Darlene is such a nice woman, she’s always trying to get me over to their place for supper, for some reason she has grown attached to me out of all the girls that work here, she’s nicest to me. Steve mentioned that this week his son will be stopping by in about a week or so to take over the club while he takes a break for a bit for health reasons. I just hope it’s nothing too serious, he said that everything’s fine but that man doesn’t even like going to the doctors, so for him to take time off, it must be something big.

  My feet are killing me, the bottom of my feet feel like they are on fire from all the walking on stage and my legs from spinning around the pole and what not. The fucking porn star shoes I have to wear are a good five inches high at least. I take a seat on the bench in the back and Sherry comes over to me grinning like a Cheshire cat, “That was one hell of a dance out there, Angel,” she purrs out my stage name, I shake my head at her and she laughs at me while taking a seat beside me. That name was given to me as soon as I walked through Steve’s office door, he said I looked like one, so I would have no trouble playing the part of Angel Dust, the club logo.

  “Sherry, aren’t you up next?” I try to get her to drop the whole blind date thing, she mentioned this morning before she left for work that one of the girl’s that work here, their boyfriend has a friend that has seen me dance and was interested in a date, yeah a date, I’m sure. If a guy comes and watches you dance, he doesn’t want a date, he wants to fuck and there’s no way in hell I’m going to fuck some guy that I don’t even know. Not happening.

  “No silly, I’m on after Crystal, its Mandy that’s out there shaking her ta-ta’s right now then Crystal, then yours truly,” she grins sighing like its hard work. I chuckle, I can’t help it; she always makes me laugh no matter what she says or does. She’s like the sister I never had.

  “I’m going to head home in a bit; my feet are killing me tonight, they feel like they weigh a hundred pounds. Hey, did Steve tell you why his son will be taking over the club for a bit?” I’m fishing to see if she knows anything, because I as shit for sure don’t. She shakes her head lightly frowning.

  “No, he hasn’t mentioned anything to me. Maybe he just needs some time off, and he doesn’t want to shut the club down while he’s away, that’s probably why his son’s coming here to keep us at bay,” she hoots out slapping her knee as she gets up off the bench, she walks over to her purse that’s resting there on the long table, in front of ceiling to floor mirrors. She grabs her pack of cigarettes out and she puts one between her lips lighting it, she inhales then blows the smoke out with a sigh. You would think that’s like her reason for living.

  “Damn, I needed that. I haven’t had one since supper; I’ve been running my ass off since we got here. Steve wants me to help his son out, show
him the ropes around the club and what not. I guess his son is like some big shot, what he does for a living, I got no clue but I can imagine he’s a playboy.”

  Well, I can imagine that too. Steve mentioned his son was a little on the wild side for a while when he was in college but he got his life straighten out, koodos’ to him for doing it. I on the other hand, this isn’t where I wanted to be. If I looked back to my teen years, I wanted to be a nurse but after my parents died when I was fifteen and with foster care, and with everything else that went to shit in my life, I was fucking lucky to even get my G.E.D. I wasn’t one for school, most of my teachers were male, which pretty much seems sexist but hey I’m pretty sure the only reason I passed was because they all wanted to fuck me.

  There was one teacher, I remember clear as day. Mr. Sparks and he was one sexy fucker, if you catch my drift, he wasn’t much older than me when I was eighteen and it was my senior year, God, he was dreamy. All the girls wanted to fuck him and he didn’t show them the time of day but I got up close and personal with Mr. Sparks, or what I would like to call him, David. I lost my virginity to him, he was kind and told me that if I ever needed him to let him know.

  I remember the day he walked into class, all the girls were drooling and sighing as he looked their way. It was all too funny. The girls were acting like bitches in heat when it came to him. Don’t get me wrong, he got me going too but I didn’t broadcast it to the world that I wanted to fuck my teacher. The other girls were more open with the fact they wanted to suck his cock. He blew it off like it was nothing.

  That one day when I had to stay after class it was hard not to act on my attraction to him. He wanted to discuss a mark of mine and I couldn’t help myself but flirt and it ended up two sided. He also found me very attractive and it didn’t help his want for me, knowing I was eighteen. The other girls in my class were younger, so to him untouchable. I was the eldest girl in my grade. I remember asking him after our first time together if he would do this with the other girls and he swore he would never. He only had eyes for me. Not a soul knew what happened between us and no one ever will. Well, Sherry knows but I tell that bitch everything.

  I’m still friends, well friend with benefits with him. He’s great in bed so why throw free sex out the window? He’s single; I’m single so it works out perfectly. He’s a great lover, tends to my needs while I tend to his. It’s hard to believe he’s single. He was engaged once but when she found out that he was friends with me, she told him to cut me lose. For a while we weren’t talking which hurt a little. It didn’t last long between them, five months later they split and he called me up saying he was sorry about everything, yada yada yada.

  My phone chirps in my purse near my makeup station, Oh and I forgot to mention that I’m pretty much like the ‘queen b’ around here, I know I sound high school-ish saying that but it’s true, I’m pretty much the mascot, the icon of the club now. I’m what boy’s dream of having and I’m what every man thinks of fucking. I’m a man’s wet dream but that’s just because of my looks and deep down I’m not that girl. I’ve only slept with two people ever and I’m twenty-five. Most of the girls here have fucked more than my two hands and toes put together, I’m not calling them whores or anything but they have definitely had more men in-between their legs than mine. The only other one that hasn’t slept around much is Sherry; she has had a few more notches on her belt than me but not at much as the other girls.

  I get up from the bench and make my way over to my purse, grabbing my phone swiping my finger on to unlock it; I see a new text message pop up and I click on it.

  David -: Hey, are you coming by tomorrow night, I need some TLC. I thought we planned this last week but I haven’t heard anything from you.

  Shit, I groan closing my eyes and open them to see Sherry staring at me with a raised brow.

  “What are you groaning about over there?”

  “David just texted me asking if tomorrow night is still good, shit I totally forgot about the blind date that Jodie set me up with,” groaning again because this is my life, one big hectic mess. I’m horrible at dates and with planning period; the days slip away from me. It’s a flaw you can say I have. Which I’m sure many people have but hey I’m human, I forget shit, it’s normal.

  “What are you going to do? You can’t bail out of your blind date; the guy has been hounding Jodie for months,” more or less she puts her hands on her hips, giving me a ‘what the fuck’ look as I sit here debating on what to do. I know the dude has been after Jodie, she’s been hounding me to agree to this blind date forever now. If I back out now I can only imagine how work’s going to be, the questions from Jodie ‘why didn’t you show up to the date’ blah, I think to save the fucking headache that it will cause if I don’t show up I’m just going to go, so I don’t have to listen to the bitching.

  Jade -: Hey, sorry but tomorrow night doesn’t look good. If you want maybe tonight after I’m off? I should be out of here at ten, I did my set already.

  David doesn’t really like the idea of me here stripping but hey he’s not my brother, he’s not my father and he is certainly not my boyfriend. So, he doesn’t get a say in what I do for money. I’ve never really had a boyfriend before; I’ve had a few dates here and there but nothing that made me want to start a relationship with them, it seems like I attract all the weird ones.

  There was one guy and he was really sweet, I think his name was Martin or maybe it was Mark. I can't remember but when he mentioned that he's thirty-two and still lives at home with mommy and daddy and when I asked him if he was going to get himself a place, he mentioned that he was perfect living at home. At the end of the night when he walked me out of the restaurant where Sherry was waiting for me he asked, “Can I call you?” and of course, I told him it wouldn’t work out. Seriously, like come on man, there’s no way in hell I’m going to date a guy who still has his mother washing and folding his fucking clothes.

  I look back down at my phone and see he’s messaged me back.

  David -: Well, you better get your fine ass over here. I’ve got some pounding to do ;)

  Man, he’s such a dirty talker sometimes. I’ve got to admit though; he does fuck like a porn star, I was deliciously sore for two days after our last romp in the sac.

  “Let me guess, you’re heading over there in a few to,” and she thrusts her hips moaning, circling them as she goes. I burst out laughing at her, and then Steve comes in from behind her and raises his brow. He looks at me with a ‘what the fuck is she doing’ look and shakes his head and leaves. I lose it to the point where I’m almost pissing my pants because that was too fucking funny not too.

  “Thanks for telling me that boss man, was standing behind me smart ass,” she hisses throwing a towel my way. I got tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. It takes me a minute to gain my composure.

  “I’m sorry but that was priceless.”

  Her face reddens from embarrassment; she huffs and turns to me glaring as she points at me.

  “Pay backs a bitch remember that,” she mentions with a playful evil grin etched on her face.

  Crap, I guess I’m in for it now.

  I’m on my way over to David’s; it’s about thirty minutes away from the club. I have to take the bus, which I’m thankful that I didn’t miss it because of Sherry. She kept grilling me about David and that he’s in love with me and I’m just too stupid to see it. I don’t know what the hell she’s talking about, we fuck and that’s it, plain and simple but she has it in her little head that he’s in love with me; if he was he would be stupid for loving someone like me. I’m not the loving relationship kind of girl, I’ve told David that more than once.

  I hate taking the bus, but hey when a guy makes my pussy sing like Broadway like David does, how can I say no? Simple, I don’t. That’s why my ass is on this stinky ass bus at eleven at night for a booty call.

  The bus stops, I snap my head up and see it’s my stop. I get off the bus in a hurry; I have to walk four blocks to h
is place. I can’t wait to get there and loosen up; I need some TLC as David would call it, tender-loving-care and that is just what my pussy needs right now. It’s been two weeks since we last had a rumble in the sac; he needs to make up for it tonight. We were supposed to get together last week but he ended up going away for some teacher’s conference crap. So you can imagine how fucking horny I am.

  I’m almost to David’s, as I walk around the corner I hit what feels like a wall of bricks and I end up falling on my ass. I groan while lying flat on the ground then I hear chuckling from above me and a voice that would make any woman’s panties cream.

  “Are you alright, Darling? That was a nasty bump your ass took,” his voice sounding like a Greek God, full of spunk, shit. I know his kind, fuck them and leave them type. I got player radar and it’s never steered me wrong.

  I slowly peek at him through my lashes, I see a hand in front of me, fucker, he has nice hands too, groaning as I take his hand in mine, he helps me up off the ground. He pulls me flush against him getting a whiff of his cologne, it’s like nothing I’ve smelt before and it smells so God damn yummy. He’s holding me against him, he’s much taller than me, I feel him lean his head down while he lifts my chin, and here I am staring at him in a daze, he’s gorgeous and it’s like a slap in the face, he’s a player, I know it but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying the view.

  He clears his throat and I’m snapped out of my little daze. I pull away from him and he looks at me with a concern expression on his face, “Are you alright, Angel?”

  My eyes widen when he uses my stage name, oh my God, he knows who I am. Shit, fuck.

  “Why did you just call me ‘angel’?” he looks confused at first but then he chuckles.

  “You look like an angel, and I didn’t get the chance to find out your name yet,”


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