Jade (Please Me #1)

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Jade (Please Me #1) Page 2

by J. J. Marstead

  Well, it seems like he’s implying that I’m going to tell him my name, should I? How many Jade’s are there? There must be tons, so what’s the harm in telling him my first name?

  “Jade,” sticking my hand out, he grins down at me and takes my hand in his.


  I pat whatever dirt that’s on me off and he’s quiet for a moment, looking up I see that he’s staring at me. Okay, now this is getting awkward. I straighten my back and give him a nod.

  “Well, I would say thank you for picking me up off the ground but I wouldn’t of been on the ground in the first place, if a certain someone was watching where they were going,” my voice sounding more snippy than I wanted but hey, he came out of nowhere and bumped into me.

  “Hey, wait a minute. You were the one that wasn’t watching where you were going. You had your head in the clouds or something,” God, he’s getting on my nerves already. I’m going to be late getting to David’s now because of this jerk.

  “I have to get back to my boyfriend now, so have a good rest of your night.”

  With that being said, I turn around before he gets the chance to ask me any more questions. I saw it in his eyes, he wanted to ask me for my number and that would’ve been a huge mistake, a rumble in the sac with a hunk like that, it would have probably been amazing but I don’t like playing player games.

  I rush to get to David’s; walking up his front steps I knock on the door. A few seconds later I hear him walking down the hallway towards the door, he opens it with a huge smile. He still looks the same as the day I met him, even though he’s thirty-three now he’s still smoking hot, and his body it’s gotten even better. I guess it helps that he goes to the gym every other day.

  “Hey, come on in. I was expecting you here earlier than this, everything okay? I was tempted to send out a search party,” he looks at me and I knew he would ask me why I’m late. Should I tell him about the asshole that bumped into me? Nah, I don’t want to get into that with him right now.

  “I got tied up but I’m here now,” I say with a bright smile, he chuckles and pull’s me to him. He leans down to kiss me but I move my head. He knows that I don’t like kissing; it’s an intimate thing for me.

  “Oh, shit. Sorry I forgot,” he says, his tone almost sounds disappointed with the fact that I won’t let him put his lips on mine. Well he was warned before all of this started.

  We walk into the kitchen and I see four beers on the counter, did he drink all of those? He turns to me and sees me eyeing the beers and he grins.

  “I had a friend over; he left about twenty minutes before you got here,”

  Hmmm… I wonder… No there’s no way, David would never have been friends with the likes of that asphalt.

  He pulls me to him again and starts kissing my neck. He grinds his cock into my stomach, God; I can’t wait to feel myself wrapped around him. He lifts me up and I giggle while he walks towards his bedroom. He’s been trying to get us to use no condoms because I’m on the birth control shot, when he found out about it his eyes light up. No one is going bare in my pussy, one of my many rules. So, since he knows that there’s not fucking way he’s going in bare, he has a healthy supply of condoms handy.

  He sets me down on the bed and he looks down at me with a raw primal look, “Jesus, you look so fucking good lying there on my bed, Jade.”

  I should feel something, excitement knowing he wants me but my mind keeps going back to Jared, what the fuck? David must sense my pull back.

  “What’s wrong?”

  What do I tell him? That I met a stranger on the street that’s a Greek God, and wanted my number probably, and he mowed me down on the sidewalk? No, but I should tell him about the blind date, that’s one thing both of us agreed on, was to let each other know when we have dates and what not so we know not to fuck anything up by us fucking like rabbits.

  “I’ve got something to tell you,” my voice firm, he nods his head indicating he’s listening.

  “I’ve got a blind date tomorrow that Jodie set up,” his eyes widen a little bit but he doesn’t say anything, he then sighs and nods.

  “I understand we’ve talked about this before. But don’t you want to stop seeing other people, like I mean I like you a lot and I want to see if you would, maybe be interested in me more than a fuck here and there,” once it leaves his mouth, I close my eyes. Oh my God, Sherry was right about David, he has feelings for me, shit!

  I squeeze my eyes tight before reopening them, I stare at David, “I’m sorry David, and you know I don’t do relationships. I’m only going on this blind date tomorrow because Jodie has been hounding me for a few months now.”

  He sighs; rubbing his face then turns to me and nods.

  I need to change his mood and quick.

  “Lover boy, you want to come over here and show me what you got? Or are you going to leave a good little girl like me go unpleased?” he grins and his mood lightens.

  He jumps on me, stripping me bare of all my clothes, as soon as his head disappears between my legs, I’m in heaven. The swipes from his tongue outlining my clit, then he moves his tongue from my clit moving it up and down my slit, its pure ecstasy.

  “Yes, like that. Fuck that feels so good,” my voice comes out breathlessly.

  He continues his assault on my clit but he adds two fingers, hooking them up as he shoves them into my wet pussy, hitting my sweet spot that makes me squeal out. He leans back on his knees and gets up off the bed, taking his clothes off, flinging them anywhere; he looks down at me with a lustful look then shoves his fingers back into my pussy.

  “Do you like that, you naughty girl, do you want my hard cock shoved into that tight pussy of yours?” Fucking hell, that’s hot when he talks to me like that, it gets me so worked up. My pussy pulses. I’m sure I’m leaking from his words alone.

  “Yes, give it to me,” my voice full with need.

  He bends down getting closer to me, his knees parting my legs; he grabs one leg and puts it over his hip. I feel the heat from his cock as he bobs there; he grabs his cock and rubs the tip on my clit then he moves it up and down my slit. Fucking tease, my eyes widen when I realize he doesn’t have a condom on, shit.

  “Condom, David,” he nods and reaches over in the drawer beside the bed. He rolls the rubber down his shaft and positions himself at my entrance.

  “You ready?” he asks. I nod my head.

  He shoves himself in hard and fast causing me to arch my back and his balls slap against my ass from the force.

  “Yesss,” I hiss out in his ear. He grunts, thrusting his hips hard and deep. I feel his cock harden even more, hitting the perfect spot, God yes, it feels so good.

  “Is this what you want, to be fucked like the naughty girl that you are?” he hisses in my ear, grabbing my hair, he pulls my head back and he attacks my neck with his mouth, nipping and kissing his way around my neck, not even breaking the rhythm of his thrusts.

  “Yes, give it to me,” purring out I grab his hair and he groans. He puts his head on my neck and he continues fucking me with his powerful thrusts.

  I close my eyes, letting the sensation of my approaching orgasm settle over my body, goose bumps appear on my skin. I open my eyes to look at David and I see Jared’s face looking at me with pleasure written all over his face, what the fuck? My eyes widen, I close them quick and I reopen them to see David looking at me with worry.

  “Everything okay?” he asks, his hips stop moving.

  I close my eyes again, what the hell, why in the hell am I thinking of that asshole when David is fucking me? Jesus I need help.

  “Yeah everything’s fine,” he nods his head and starts moving again.

  It’s not long before we are both calling out when we come. Once I’m cleaned up and dressed, he’s lying there on his bed naked; he gives me a crooked grin.

  “You want to spend the night?” he asks. Why does he do this? He knows what my answer will be. I never ever spent the night, ever.

��David,” I sigh and he frowns nodding.

  “Yeah, I know you don’t do like to sleep over or cuddle, I got it.”

  I give him a quick hug and kiss his cheek before I head out the door, back home. I can imagine all the questions Sherry will ask when I get there, ‘So, how was it? Was it good? Is he big?” she’s always fishing but I don’t tell her a damn thing.

  What I don’t understand, is why in the hell did Jared pop in my mind while I was with David?

  Chapter 2

  When I got home last night, Sherry was already in bed snoring, thank the heavens. I was able to go to bed without being hustled by her. She keeps telling me that I need to meet a nice guy, blah I’m perfectly fine the way things are now. I get off when I need too and I don’t have to spoon with a guy and over heat because of his body , I don’t need to explain or quit my job because of some guy. I’m better off without. I don’t need the fucking headache that will come with one.

  Tonight is the big blind date, yay me. Gag me, I just hope that he’s not a momma’s boy this time or has like thirty pictures of his cat in his wallet because as soon as I see that, I’m out the fucking door without any explanation. Jodie mentioned that he seems like a really nice guy; well we’ll see about that now won’t we.

  My pussy’s pretty tender this morning, but I wouldn’t change anything that happened last night, well maybe bumping into Jared. I still can’t believe that while David was fucking me from here to Friday I was thinking of Jared, when I opened my eyes, my eyes saw him and not David, how fucked up is that? God, I need a drink but it’s not even noon yet, Ah hell, its five o’clock somewhere right?

  Today I’m just going to laze around the house and not do a damn thing; I might end up taking a nap on the couch. My feet are so God damn sore from last night from being on stage longer than I should have been and then all the walking afterwards, then getting run over on the sidewalk by that idiot Jared.

  My elbow is a little cut up from the pavement, I didn’t notice that last night but this morning it’s hurting a little, when I sat down on the couch it rubbed on the pillow and it started to burn. Great, it sure as hell better not scar or I’ll kill the son of a bitch.

  My head is pounding as I open my eyes and see that I’m still on the couch; damn I must have fallen asleep. I stretch my body out on the couch, groaning when I feel my muscles tighten in my legs. My eyes shoot up to the clock, shit fuck. I have to get ready for my blind date, crap.

  I finally make it off the couch and head towards my bedroom, God, what the fuck am I going to wear? I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I walk by, holy hell my hair is a mess, damn it. Well, I guess its shower time again, considering I took one after I got home last night, oh another rule, I always shower when I get home from David’s.

  I know what you’re thinking; man, this chick has a lot of rules but hey, sue me. I live by them to the dot, and it’s worked out perfectly for me since I’ve been eighteen. I don’t need a man to be with me every day to be happy.

  After my shower I run to my room, rushing to get ready for my date. I have to meet him at the restaurant because there was no way in hell he was going to come here to pick me up, nope not happening. I don’t want some guy who I don’t fucking know to end up knowing where I live. Can you say stalker alert? Another rule, NEVER and I mean never bring a guy back to your place. It spells out trouble. First the guy will know where you live and second what happens if he becomes clingy, yeah exactly as I said trouble and a stalker in the works.

  By the time I find my clothes I’m going to wear and fix my rats nest you call hair then I apply a little makeup, it’s pretty much time for me to head out. Sherry got home a few minutes ago, she works two jobs, she waitresses and she works at the club. How she does all the hours she does, I have no idea how in the hell she does it. I would end up fried from it, some days she’s so tired and she doesn’t want to do anything, when she has a day off from both jobs, she pretty much sleeps all day. I guess that’s the price you pay for working two jobs to actually have money to spend.

  “Hey, don’t you look hot, damn if I was into woman I would fuck you,” God, Sherry can say the weirdest things at times, and this is one of those times. Shit, did I dress up too much? Do I look like a whore with my makeup? Sherry seems to see my hesitation and chuckles shaking her head.

  “You look great, you know you do just like always. I was just bugging you,” I take a deep breath. I’m glad I don’t look like a whore, phew. I don’t want to end up showing up like a call girl or something; I think that would give the guy the wrong idea, if you catch my drift.

  “Thanks, I just want to get this over with then come home. I hope Jodie made sure this guy isn’t some freak,” I mumble out and Sherry tells me, that if I need her, for me to text anything at all to her and she will know that she’s needed to come to my rescue. I nod my head, letting her know what restaurant we’re going to be at if anything comes up and she has to save me from a horrible boring date. I give her a hug before I’m out the door and on the way to the bus. At least this time, the bus stops near the restaurant and I don’t have to fucking walk for a couple of blocks in these heels.

  The bus ride was boring as hell and nauseating, the couples on the bus were making me sick, all the lovey dovey crap and little do they know something can happen to the other person and then boom they’re gone and you’re alone, nursing a broken heart. Thanks but no thanks.

  The restaurant he chose seems nice from the outside. I’m just standing here; staring through the window inside, if my eyes aren’t betraying me, then my date is pretty hot looking. Well, I hope that’s him. Then my world comes to a halt when I see the asshole himself Jared sitting at a table inside with a redhead. Man, can this night get any worse?

  I take a deep calming breath before heading inside.

  When my feet hit the floor inside the restaurant a waiter comes up with me, he’s looking me up and down while standing in front of me, ugh, clearing my throat and his eyes widen when his eyes snap up at me, “Are you done eye fucking me?” my voice full of annoyance.

  “I’m sorry ma’am. What is the reservation name under?” Ma’am, what in the actually fuck. Do I look like I’m forty?

  “First of all,” I pause looking at his name tag before I continue, “Scott, don’t call me ma’am, I’m not much older than you. The reservation is under Charles Dalton,” he gulps nodding his head. He grabs a menu from behind the booth and then escorts me to the table and boom I was right about my date, he’s smoking hot. But I can see that this night will be interesting. Jared’s two tables away from us, when the waiter walked me over to my date, Jared’s head snapped my way and his eyes widen then he grins.

  What the hell, why is he grinning at me when he has a date sitting in front of him? God, he’s such a prick.

  My date Charles stands from the table and grins at me, he pulls out my chair for me, wow he’s acting like a gentleman so far.

  “Thank you,” a smile breaks out on my face as I take a seat on the chair; it’s a nice feeling having a guy pull out your chair for you, who knew. He utters ‘my pleasure’ and his voice sounds a little off to me but I let it slide. I’m just here trying to have a nice night out with another human being. I hear female laugher and my head turns in that direction and I see Jared’s date laughing at something he said. My stomach is tight with tension. Is he going to bring her home and fuck her? I shake my head, what the fuck do I care? He’s just another guy in a sea full of them.

  I start to feel something I’m not used to feeling, could it be jealously? No surely it’s not that, I don’t even know the guy, how can I be affected by him from just bumping into him and exchange only a few words? I need to focus on this so call date of mine, not Jared.

  The date seems to be going pretty well; he tells me that he’s a manager at a night club downtown, he doesn’t live at home, and he has his own place, so that’s a bonus. We’re done eating and I can’t help but move my eyes over to Jared and his date, then I feel a
hand on mine. I look down and I see Charles thumb rubbing lightly over my hand. My eyes widen and snap back to Jared who is now staring at Charles’ hand with his nostrils flaring, what the?

  Charles mentions that we should probably head out and I agree. I just want to get home and go to sleep, all the wine I’ve had tonight isn’t helping right now either. My head is pretty fuzzy I was packing the drinks back I’m sure I could end up doing something stupid, especially because of Jared and his date, with her always giggling at probably stupid fucking shit he said and touching and what not. God did it make me want to gag and rip her hair out at the same time.

  FYI when alcohol is involved, well, let’s just say, I get horny as fuck and Charles is looking pretty good right about now. I’m tempted to spoil myself and forget the ass in the restaurant. I’m sure Charles would be a good fuck; he has that vibe about him.

  Once were outside, my body swaying as I walk with Charles to his car, God, maybe I shouldn’t go home with him. I’m pretty trashed and I don’t know him. I’m fighting a battle within me and with the amount I’ve had, I’m losing that battle pretty quick because I’m throwing caution to the wind.

  “So, do you want to go back to my place or yours?” Charles purrs in my ear and I can’t help myself but giggle when his breath tickles my ear. I feel him move away from me quick, turning around and Charles is being held up by someone on the car next to his. What the hell?

  The guy turns around and it’s none other than Jared, ugh great. This just keeps getting worse, what the fuck is he doing holding my date up against the car?

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing to my date?” my words coming out broken and slurred. He turns back to my date.

  “You’re drunk and this asshole’s trying to take you home. If he was a gentleman he would take you home so you could sleep this off, not fuck you when you won’t fucking remember tomorrow morning what the hell you did,” he growls out in Charles face. Charles eyes widen and he tries to speak.


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