Jade (Please Me #1)

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Jade (Please Me #1) Page 3

by J. J. Marstead

  “Hey man, back the fuck off of me. She’s my date and if we wanted to fuck each other, we will. Who are you to tell us not too?”

  The look in Jared’s eyes is scary, it’s like he’s ready to murder Charles.

  I hit Jared’s back with my fist, “Get off of him. If I want to go home with him then I will. Who are you to tell me what to do,” I hiss through my teeth.

  Jared’s fuming, his eyes flaring as he looks down at me.

  “Well, I guess I don’t have a say. If you want to fuck him, then go ahead but I didn’t take you as an easy one night stand type of girl,” oh no he didn’t, what the fuck? Did he just call me a slut?

  “What the fuck is your problem?”

  He shakes his head letting Charles go, “You’re my fucking problem,” my eyes widen and with that being said he turns around and leaves. What the fuck did he just say? I’m his problem.

  I sober up quick after that little fucking disaster. Charles is standing there looking at anything but me; great Jared the asshole ruined any chance of me getting laid tonight.

  “Sorry about that Charles,” looking down at the ground, God I feel like an idiot.

  “Don’t worry about it, do you want me to drive you home?” he asks. I’m about to tell him yes but I stop myself when I see Jared help the girl he was with into her car and she pulls away. Hmmmm… he’s going to get a piece of my mind before he fucking leaves this parking lot. I shake my head and tell him that I’m going to walk for a bit then head home. I need some fresh air. He nods his head and gives me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before he leaves.

  Jared’s walking towards what I’m assuming is his car, picking up my pace, I come up behind him tapping his shoulder he spins then looks down, his eyes wide not expecting me.

  “What are you doing? I thought you were going to leave to get laid. Isn’t that what you wanted?” he snarls out, what the hell is wrong with this guy? He’s starting to really piss me off.

  I’m about to give him a piece of my mind but he grabs me, smashing his mouth to mine, his rough lips devouring mine while he holds me close to him. I feel his cock pressing against me in his jeans. I’m snapped out of the lust filled haze he just put me in and pull back from him, shaking my head. I turn around and leave without us exchanging words. I need to get away from him before I end up feeling something more for him. That kiss had a lot more feeling behind it then just two random strangers kissing.

  I know there’s something there because he drives me up the wall but I just met the guy yesterday. I need to forget about him and never look back. That kiss awoke something deep down inside of me and it’s scaring the shit out of me.

  I walk into the apartment, I hear the T.V playing in the living room. Sherry and April are laughing at something playing on the T.V I’m sure. I sigh in relief when I kick off my heels. I place my purse on the table at the entrance, “Honey, I’m home,” yes, I watched a lot of ‘I love Lucy’ when I was younger and to this day I still love that show.

  The sound on the T.V gets muted and you hear Sherry scramble off the couch, “Oh, well the date must of went well if you never texted me. But not too good if you know what I mean seeing as your ass is home and not at his place getting your brains fucked out,” she grins at me. April comes out of the living room meeting us both in the hall, her cheeks blushing red as she catches the last of Sherry’s comment.

  Sherry see’s April blushing and chuckles at her, “Sorry, April didn’t see you come up behind me,” Sherry mentions biting her lip while April shakes her head.

  “Just because I don’t do most of what you guys do doesn’t mean I’m a prude, you know,” she grumbles out and with that being said, she heads to her room shutting the door harder than usual.

  Whoa, where did that come from? I look at Sherry and she looks at me, she shrugs her shoulders and heads back into the living room. I follow behind her, she takes a seat on the couch and I plop down beside her, throwing my head back closing my eyes.

  “So, did you enjoy the date or were you sulking the whole time?” my head snaps up and I look at her with a scowl.

  “It went pretty good most of the night. I don’t really want to talk about it right now. I just want to head to bed. I’ve had a lot to drink tonight.”

  Sherry nods but she tells me I’m not off the hook, that tomorrow I better give her the details of what happened for me to be home so early. Christ it’s not that early it’s ten PM. I’ve got to be at work tomorrow night at five. Jodie works tomorrow too; I can imagine her asking a whole bunch of questions too. Great, tomorrow’s going to be a fucking awesome day. Blah, catch my sarcasm?

  I tell Sherry good night, getting off the couch I slowly start heading to my room, passing April’s door on the way, stopping for a second to hear if there’s any noise coming from inside but there’s not, not even a peep. When I get inside my room, I rip off my clothes and put on a t-shirt, and then I throw my ass on the bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow I’m out like a light.

  Tonight was a disaster; my date with Charles was going great till Jared came over and ruined the whole night. I just hope that I don’t dream about the asshole tonight too. If I do I seriously need help.

  Chapter 3

  My head is pounding like a mother fucker; why in the hell did I think it was a good idea to drink a whole damn bottle of wine to myself pretty much? Oh yeah right, because of dick wad and of course, I ended up dreaming about him and a whole bunch of naughty shit last night. I shake my head lightly because the pressure behind my eyes makes me wince. I’m in desperate need of Advil, groaning I swing my feet out of my blankets and try my hardest to sit my ass up. Once I’m sitting up my head starts to spin a little, I brace myself, trying to steady my spinning head, Jesus. There’s a tiny knock on the door, “Come in,” my voice so slow. Hopefully they heard me because there’s no way in hell I’ll be able to say it any louder than I just did.

  My door opens and April is standing there with a sympathetic smile, “I brought you some Advil and water,” she whispers. I could so kiss the ever loving shit out of her right now.

  God, she’s a lifesaver, “Thanks, I tried to get up but my head’s spinning,” I close my eyes, “What time is it by the way,” I ask.

  April looks down at her watch on her wrist, “It’s close to noon,” she hums.

  Crap, I have to be at work in five hours from now, groaning April comes over to me handing me the Advil and the glass, “Don’t worry after taking these you can go back to sleep for a bit. You should be feeling better when you get up later,” she says.

  She turns to leave but stops, “Oh, don’t worry about not waking up in time for work. I’m home today, classes were cancelled. I’ll make sure your up in time for work.” With that being said she leaves my room, shutting the door quietly behind her. Crap, I have to get up to pee but I don’t trust my legs just yet, leaning back on my bed I close my eyes for a few minutes before opening them again. It’s time to go pee before I end up pissing all over my bed and myself.

  My feet touch the floor and I slowly get up off the bed, my body swaying a little as stand. After my body stops swaying I head to my door, opening it and head out into the hallway towards the bathroom. After relieving myself, I wash my hands and leave the bathroom. April pokes her head out of the kitchen, “Do you want some breakfast?”

  God, just thinking about food makes my stomach uneasy; I give a shake of my head.

  “No, I’m good. Thanks.” She nods her head and returns to whatever she’s doing, which I’m sure is making herself some breakfast. Once I’m in my room I shut the door closed, walking over to my bed and plop back down I get under the covers. I hope I wake up feeling better than this because if not, poor Steve will be without a dancer tonight. I never missed a day of work before so I’m pretty sure he’ll be pretty easy on me. Well, I hope he would be.

  I hear my door open slightly; I turn my head towards the door and see April poking her head in, “Hey, It’s three-thirty. I just wanted to let
you know so you could shower and get ready and relax a little before heading out,” God, she’s sweet.

  “Thanks, April.” She brushes her hair behind her ears and she gives me a little smile.

  “How do you feel now?” she asks adjusting her glasses.

  “I feel much better than I did earlier when I woke up. Thank you again for the Advil and water,” if she never came and gave me the Advil I’m sure I would be stuck in this bed right now with a ragging headache.

  “It’s not a problem, I’m sure if Sherry was here she would’ve done the same thing for you. I’m sure if it was me who was lying there on that bed hung over, you would help me,” she mentions, nodding my head at her because yeah I would help her.

  She’s about to leave the room but before she does she turns back to me, “Seeing as you’re feeling better, you’ll need a little something in your stomach before work. Do you want some eggs and toast, something not too heavy? I’ll make some coffee too, I think you need some.”

  “Sure, that would be great. Thanks.” She smiles and leaves my room.

  I’m in desperate need of a shower, I smell like I raided a liquor store. I get out of bed and stretch my back, my back cracks and I groan. I make my way to the bathroom; standing in the bathroom I grab a set of towels and I put them on the sink, the side closest to the shower. Once I’m in the shower, I wash my hair and body quick and once I’m finished washing myself, I soak under the warm spray. God, it feels good, but I better get out now so I can eat and I don’t have to worry about being late for work.

  I shut the water off and grab the towels, wrapping one around my head and the other around my body; I exit the bathroom and head to my room to get dressed.

  After I’m done getting ready, I close my bedroom door and head towards the kitchen where April is. The delicious smell of brewed coffee hits my nose when I walk closer to the kitchen, as my foot enters it hits in full force. Yum, I can’t wait to get a huge cup of coffee in me because after last night fuck do I need the caffeine. April’s sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in hand while she’s staring down at her school books. How she does it I don’t know but she’s in her second year of medical school, and she’s only a couple of months younger than me, two words ‘fucking smart’. There’s no way I would be able to sit in a classroom every day.

  “Hey, how do you feel now after you showered?” April asks looking up from her books.

  “I feel much better now, I’m like a brand new person” I smirk.

  “I’m starving.” My stomach rumbles and April chuckles at me.

  “Your plate is in the microwave,” she nods over near the counter.

  “Thank you,” a smile spreads across my face. I make my way over to the counter where the microwave is, hitting the on button I type in twenty-five seconds. While waiting for my eggs to be finished I pour a cup of coffee for myself, just as I’m about to grab the sugar, the microwave dings. My mouth waters when I open the door, I’m so hungry.

  It doesn’t take me long to polish off the eggs and toast on my plate, I’ve had like two cups of coffee in total. My stomach and head feel much better after taking a shower and getting some food into my belly. April left a few minutes ago to go meet up with some friends for a study thing because classes were cancelled. I’ve got to get my ass in gear and head to the club, before I end up getting to work late. I place the plate and cup in the sink rinsing them quick then head out into the hallway to get my shoes on. I grab my bag and keys, locking the door behind me and I’m off to the lovely joys of men calling out a whole bunch of nasty fucking comments. But, hey the tips are good, so I bite my tongue every damn time.

  The club is empty when I get there, which is totally fucking weird. Usually there are a few regulars in their seats waiting on me to start to the show. I walk to the back to see what’s up, Sherry isn’t here yet. She only gets off her waitress job in about an hour. There’s a few of the other girls here, Jodie being one of them. As soon as she sees me she rushes over.

  “Hey, I heard the date went pretty well,” she mentions grinning. Well, I guess it’s safe to say that Charles didn’t mention anything about Jared. Thank God because the questions would be never ending.

  “Yeah, it went pretty good,” I say while nodding my head. She tries to see if I’m interested in going out with him again, but I’m not too sure there’ll be another date right now, not after the disaster last night turned out to be. It wasn’t Charles’ fault that Jared ending up at the same restaurant; it’s a little weird if you ask me. “Hey, why isn’t there anyone sitting out near the stage? Usually we have a few people in there,” I ask curious as to why it’s empty. She shrugs her shoulders then there’s a knock on the door and Steve walks in.

  “Good evening, Ladies. You must be wondering what’s going on seeing as there’s not one customer out there waiting. We’re still open tonight, don’t worry,” he mentions when he sees a few of the girls faces drop. A lot of these girls, it’s their rent money they’re making, so when the club is closed, they are shit out of luck.

  “Tonight, instead of opening up at six like usual, we’re opening at seven. The wife has been riding my ass to take the time off. So I got my son to come in early.”

  All the girls are giggling and talking amongst themselves. While Steve yells for his son to come and meet the girls. The minute his son walks through the door, my jaw drops.

  “Son, these here are the dancers, Jodie, Marissa, Crystal, Mandy,” he points to each girl indicating.

  “Sherry isn’t here yet, so you’ll meet her later and now to the main attraction the angel herself,” when he points to me from behind one of the girls, the guys eyes widen when he looks at me. Shit, here we go.


  The asshole himself, the mother fucker who killed my chances of getting laid last night, is standing there beside my boss, who happens to be his father. Can my life get anymore fucked up?

  “Hi,” I squeak.

  Steve raises a brow looking from me to Jared, “You two know each other?” he asks Jared, and all Jared does is nod his head and his posture changes from shock to seething. Can you say Jekyll and Hyde?

  “Well ladies, now you’ve met my handsome and single son,” he chuckles out but Jared doesn’t even react, he’s staring right at me. His father slaps him on the shoulder before heading out of the room. The girls are all staring at Jared while he walks over to me. Oh boy, this isn’t going to be good.

  “We should talk,” he says, his body rigid as he stands before me.

  “Why? And what was that your dad said? You’re single? What the fuck, I saw you last night with your girlfriend at the restaurant.” I hiss through clenched teeth, if this fucker thinks he will be playing me, well he has another thing coming. I know what I saw with my own eyes last night.

  He pinches the bridge of his nose with his hand and sighs, “That wasn’t my girlfriend, she’s my fucking sister,” he growls out, annoyed.

  “Hey, you don’t have to be an asshole. I’m just saying how it seemed to a person that had no clue that you two were siblings,” he shakes his head and tries to grab my arm but I try to protest.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” I hiss out but he doesn’t say another word till he drags me out of the room and down the hall to Steve’s office.

  As soon as he shuts Steve’s door, my eyes widen. Steve isn’t in here; he must of left already to go home. I’m in this office alone with him with the door shut, he has a primal look in his eyes and his breathing is rough, his chest raising and falling as he stares at me. My pulse starts to pick up; I don’t know what the hell is going to happen now that he has me alone. He looks like he wants to strangle me and fuck the shit out of me at the same time. That could be a dangerous combination.

  He’s mumbling under his breath and I can’t understand a fucking thing he’s saying.

  “What,” one word is all I’m able to get out and he’s on me like a bee on honey. He grabs my face and smashes his mouth to mine, his tongue tryi
ng to break the seal of my lips. He reaches down and he grabs my ass cheek lifts me up to him causing me to gasp out in surprise and his tongues enters my mouth battling with mine for dominance. Fuck, he knows how to kiss, his mouth tastes so fucking good, but it can’t go down that road. Shit! Fuck it, if I fuck him it might help get him out of my system.

  His hand leaves my face and runs down my body, touching me between the thin fabrics of my bottoms. I release his mouth and moan; he doesn’t give me a chance to breathe because he takes my mouth with his again. He then pulls back giving me his eat shitting grin.

  “Do you want me to fuck you right here on my father’s desk? You want this as much as I do. Admit it.” He grits through his teeth.

  My head is spinning out of control, I need to gain back my control and get anyway from him. I don’t like feeling like this, my insides feel like I’m a little naïve girl. I can’t do this, when you feel like this it pretty much spells out ‘getting attached’ and that is one rule I won’t and can’t break.

  When he starts rubbing my pussy through my shorts and it’s getting harder to say no, I’m so fucking horny. I need to stop him before things go further.

  “No,” my voice coming out low and mumbled, his head flinches back a bit, he stares down at me through narrow eyes. He seems to be in shock from my answer. I take this time to escape; I push him back away from me and run out the door. I run to the bathroom and lock it, my heart beating a mile a minute. My breath coming in short pants as I try to control my frantic breathing.

  What the fuck was I about to do? I was ready to fuck Jared, my boss’s son on my boss’s desk. I can’t believe where my fucking head is at. God, how could I be so fucking stupid? I need to keep my distance from him and his fucking deadly lips. Those lips are what girls dream of, and don’t get me started on what I felt between his legs when it was grinding into me when I was on the desk. Jesus, that man is packing some fucking huge equipment. I’m sure he knows how to use it too and it would probably be so good, my panties are soaked just thinking about it and I groan at myself. No, bad Jade.


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