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Days of Future Past - Part 2: Present Tense

Page 7

by John Van Stry

  "Later you," Sarah said. "Sarellious tells me they have hot and cold running water, and I for one want to take a nice hot shower before we eat."

  Heather sat up naked on the bed. "Ooo! Hot showers? Definitely! Let's go!"

  I smiled and getting up I grabbed my pants and followed the two of them out of the room and down the hall to a rather large bathroom. Sure enough, there was hot water and some rather nice soap. Any attempts by either Heather or I to get romantic with Sarah were discouraged however, as she didn't want to miss dinner.

  "So, what's the story with this place?" Heather asked Sarah.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Who lives here? Just Luvon and that young woman? No one else? No staff? No servants?"

  Sarah shrugged, "I have no idea."

  "What have you been talking with him about all this time then?" Heather demanded, looking a little incredulous. "The weather?"

  Sarah took one of the towels we'd found and stepped out of the shower.

  "Magic. He was teaching me the spell he uses around the property here. It is really quite ingenious and interestingly done. He really knows the illusion college quite well. I am under the impression that he has been studying it for a very long time."

  I suddenly had a scary thought, "We're not being tricked by all of this," I waved my hands around at the shower, and the bathroom, "this isn't all fake, is it?"

  Sarah laughed and shook her head, as she wrapped herself in a towel and started in on drying her hair.

  "No, Paul. This is not an elaborate illusion."

  "You sure?" I asked as I cautiously tapped on the wall.

  "Yes, I am sure. It is far cheaper and easier to build a place like this, than to try and create a magical illusion of it. That is why I am impressed by the one he uses outside. It may cover a large area, but its effects are rather small. So the drain is minor.

  "It is so very clever," Sarah sighed with a smile.

  "Hey, don't go getting all dreamy over him," Heather warned.

  I nodded, "Yeah, you're our woman remember."

  Sarah looked a little embarrassed and I was about to bring up my thoughts from earlier on 'just exactly what did we tell others,' when Sarah opened the door.

  "Hurry up you two," she chided us. "I am very hungry."

  Heather gave me a smack on the butt, "Hurry up, Paul!" as she grabbed a towel and wrapping it around her body as well, she followed Sarah.

  The remaining towel was significantly smaller, so I just finished drying quickly, put on my pants, and went back to our room to finish getting dressed.

  - 6 -

  The dining room was well appointed, just like everything else in the house I'd see so far. The dining table was set for the five of us, and it looked a little small for the room. Either Sarellious didn't keep a large table in here, or he'd brought a smaller one in for tonight's meal.

  Sarellious sat at the head of the table, with Sarah on his right and Heather on his left. I was seated next to Heather, and Marjeera was seated at the foot of the table, on my left.

  "Thank you for joining me for dinner tonight," Sarellious said and picking up his wine glass he smiled at all of us.

  "To good fortune," he said and we each picked up glasses and joined him in a drink, of a rather nice white wine.

  Setting the glass down he motioned to the maid standing by the door, who went out for a moment, then returned with a small trolley with plates of salad on it. She next served one to each of us, starting with Sarah, and moving around the table until she ended with Marjeera.

  The silverware was laid out about as I expected, so I waited until our host picked up his fork, then I did the same and started in. One of the wonderful things I'd learned about manners and protocol from my helpful instructors back in ROTC, along with how to tell a salad fork from a regular fork.

  "So, what brings you to my humble home?" Sarellious asked, looking over at Sarah.

  "Well we're heading north to...."

  "She's traveling with me," I interrupted Sarah, with a smile. "They both are."

  I noticed Sarellious didn't even flinch at the interruption, and Sarah suddenly decided to take a taste of her salad. Apparently realizing that I wasn't keen on sharing our destination.

  I also suspected that Heather had kicked her under the table.

  "Well that hardly tells me why you are here, does it?" Sarellious's voice was still polite and he looked over at me with a smile.

  "No," I smiled back at him, "it doesn't. But our last expedition was quite financially successful, and if we expect the next one to do as well, then you must understand that I'd rather not tell you just what we're up to."

  "What you're looking for must be of considerable value, if you're expecting to only need three people to get it," Marjeera said.

  "Perhaps," Heather spoke up, "or we could be simply trying to discover the best route to bring the wagons."

  "Oh, I don't think you have to worry about us trying to steal your find," Sarellious said. I caught his eyes flicking over at Sarah a moment as he gathered some more of the salad onto his fork. "I have everything I want here, and have no intentions of leaving my home unguarded."

  I nodded as he chewed on his salad.

  "Still," I said, "loose lips sink ships and all that. So we've agreed not to discuss it with others."

  "What a quaint saying," Marjeera said, nudging her foot against mine, "what does it mean?"

  I blinked a moment and then had to smile as I turned to look at her. It was an old saying long out of use even when I was a young man. Of course no one here would know what it meant.

  "It means if you talk about your plans, others will figure them out."

  "So, where are you from?" Sarellious asked.

  "Havsue," Sarah told him.

  "Havsue? That is quite a ways east of here, is it not?"

  "You're familiar with it?" Sarah said surprised.

  "A little, though it has been some time since I've heard anything about it. I was there once in my younger days."

  "So, where are you from?" Marjeera asked me as Sarah and Sarellious talked about Havsue.

  "Sacramento," I told her, digging into my own salad. I didn't know if there would be other courses or not, and I was pretty hungry.

  "Sacramento? I've never heard of such a place. Where is it?"

  "Very far away from here."

  "Oh? Then how did you end up here?"

  "Work," I told her between bites. "What about you? What brings you here?"

  "I live here," she smiled winningly at me.

  "Have you always lived here?"

  "It's so dull and boring here. Nothing exciting ever happens. But I bet you see exciting things all the time."

  "Not really," I said and turned back to look at Sarah and Heather as I set down my fork. Sarah and Sarellious were still talking and Heather was occasionally putting a word in edgewise, glancing towards me as well and looking a little nervous.

  So I slid my foot over until it was up against hers, and when she glanced over at me I smiled and reaching under the table I patted her thigh. She smiled at me, and went back to the conversation that the other two were having, as the maid took the plates away, replacing them with an appetizer.

  "So who prepared this?" I asked Marjeera, turning back to her again.

  "Oh, our cook did. He's really quite good, isn't he?"

  I sampled the small pasta dish on the plate, it was rather tasty.

  "Yes, it is very delicious," I agreed, "How long as he been Luvon's cook?"

  Marjeera shrugged, "I'm not really sure, quite a few years. I don't pay much attention to those things," and she put her hand on mine and I felt a wave of desire flow through me at the touch. A wave that went all the way through me to where Heather's foot and mine were rubbing under the table.

  I turned to look at Heather and she turned to look at me, I could see her pupils were dilated and she put her left hand on my leg and started to stroke it rather suggestively. I realized my own foot was rubb
ing a lot more aggressively against her leg then and for a moment all I could think of was what we'd been doing earlier in the bed upstairs.

  I turned back to look at Marjeera, who was looking at me rather hopefully, her hand was caressing mine on the table. Once again I felt desire for her, but it wasn't as strong as the last time, nor as strong as what I was now feeling for Heather. I reclaimed my hand and picking up my fork left-handed I started back in on the appetizer, letting my right hand fall into my lap, to hold Heather's. Which Heather being Heather, was trying to do things best not done at the dinner table.

  Marjeera pouted and we continued to make small talk as we ate until the main course came out next, which was lamb with vegetables. About all I learned from her was that she either didn't know anything, or didn't want to discuss it. She was quite good at dodging questions, though I did learn that the maid and the cook were the only other two people who lived here. Heather however was now starting to talk to her a little as well and watching her more than she was Sarah. Trying to focus on Sarah and Sarellious's conversation was difficult, for some reason. But it seemed that all they were talking about was magic.

  "So, what are you plans, Paul?" Sarellious asked me later, when desert had finally been served.

  "We'll be heading out in the morning, we need to continue on our way of course," I told him.

  "Oh, surely you can visit another day or two? You're not in any kind of a rush, are you? Sarah tells me that you have been on the road for some time now."

  "Well," I started; I didn't feel any prodding from Coyote.

  "Come on, Paul," Sarah said smiling at me, "we all could use a bit of a rest."

  I looked at Heather, who nodded, and I looked back at Sarellious.

  "I guess a day or two wouldn't hurt. That is, if we're not imposing on you?"

  "Oh no! Of course not! I would be more than happy for the company. It really is rare for anyone to come this way. Even the denizens of the southern wastes tend not to venture this far north."

  "I'm rather surprised by that," I admitted to him, "this is one of the nicer passes in the area."

  "You didn't come up directly from the wastes, did you?"

  I shook my head, "No, we avoided the LA basin. The stories we've heard made it clear to us that it's far too dangerous. Which is why I'm surprised you haven't had any problems."

  "About twenty miles to the south of here, the entire road, as well as the pass it once traveled though was completely devastated by the tragedy that befell the people that once lived here. It's far easier to travel up the coast or take the pass to the west of here." He shrugged, "Why, I don't even know if they're aware that this pass even exists."

  "If I may ask, Luvon, why did you settle here? It is rather far away from any of the more civilized areas."

  He gave a small shrug and then smiled, "I was looking for a place to continue my studies undisturbed. The politics one must involve themselves in when you live among other magic users becomes annoying after a time. Several of my theories on magic, particularly illusions were not popular with my brethren, so I decided to travel for a while.

  "When I came across this place, well the building was already here, and in fairly decent shape surprisingly. So it was only a matter of taking up residence."

  "Still, it must have been quite a lot of work," I said looking around the room. It was lavishingly decorated.

  "Yes," he agreed, "it did take some time. But there were a number of warehouses to the south I discovered that had much of what I needed. It was simply just a matter of moving it here."

  He stood then as we finished our desserts.

  "Come, let us adjoin to the parlor for a while and relax before calling it a night."

  He offered Sarah his arm as we all got up and followed him from the room. Heather grabbed by right arm and leaned into me rather contentedly, as Marjeera quickly did the same on my left.

  I could feel the heat rising in my body, but I could feel a lingering pain in my butt as well, from where I'd been bitten earlier, which distracted me enough to keep my wits about me as we walked down a short hall and into a smaller room that contained several couches and comfortable looking chairs arranged around the room in a loose circle.

  Sarellious had steered Sarah to one of the nicer overstuffed chairs and while I liked the idea of cuddling with Heather on the couch opposite the two chairs that Sarah and Sarellious were sitting down in, I knew if I did that with Marjeera there would be problems.

  I steered Marjeera to the couch, then Heather to the other side of it, and then moved for the chair on the end of the couch myself. I was turning to sit down when I noticed a predatory look in Marjeera's eye and was suddenly worried about ending up with her in my lap when Heather adroitly stepped around Majeera, discretely hip checking her in the process and then landing in my lap rather heavily.

  Marjeera scowled at Heather, more in surprise I think that anything else, but the smile on Heather's face I could only describe as 'territorial.' Whatever Marjeera had been thinking of at that moment changed and she sat down smoothly on the couch. Both Sarah and Sarellious had missed the byplay completely, and he looked surprised when he noticed the arrangement, while Sarah almost looked a little jealous.

  "Thank you," I whispered in Heather's ear, as she got comfy.

  "Bitch should know better than to chase after what's mine!" she giggled softly in my ear.

  "Don't forget Sarah," I warned.

  "Hell no, she's mine too!" Heather growled then smiling she turned back to face the others.

  "So, what do you know about the area to the north of here?" I asked Sarellious as we all settled down and I put an arm around Heather feeling a bit possessive myself.

  "Not much, I'm afraid. Other than that the sea stretches farther north than you can see. There is a rather good view from the top of the hills before you start down into the valley."

  "What's the valley like?"

  He shrugged, "No idea really. Most of it looks like grasslands until you get to the water. Maybe a few ruins. I've never gone down there to investigate. The few that have come here from the north have said there isn't much there."

  "You've had people come here?"

  "Well, not many, and there hasn't been anyone from the north in, I don't know, fifteen, twenty years? I just don't get many visitors. I'd say it's been five years since the last one, and they were a mining group, doing prospecting in the hills. They were heading west and I never saw them again. Either they returned a different way or," he shrugged.

  I nodded and thought about that a little.

  "So, how is Paradise?" he asked, looking over at Sarah.

  "You have been there?" Sarah said, looking a little surprised.

  "Oh, many years ago, when I was a much younger man."

  I listened with half an ear as they chatted, with Heather taking an active part in this conversation; she'd obviously been to Paradise quite a few times herself. There was some discussion then about the Indian lands to the east, and after waiting until the conversation started to wind down a little, I stood up, and placing Heather on her feet, I stretched.

  "I think it's time for bed," I said.

  "Yes, I think you're right," Heather smiled and walked over to Sarah.

  "I am not tired, really," she protested.

  "Good," Heather smiled and took her left hand while I came over and took her right and we pulled her up out of the chair.

  "Thank you for your hospitality," Heather said and gave a small bow to Sarellious as we both started to drag a blushing Sarah from the room and off to bed.

  "Yes, thank you," I added.

  "I'll talk with you in the morning, Sarah," Sarellious said as we left.

  "What is with the two of you?" Sarah asked shaking her head as we dragged her into the bedroom.

  "I saw those looks you were giving us," Heather smirked and Sarah blushed again. "You don't think we were going to ignore you, did you?"


  I smiled and helped Heather
herd Sarah over towards the bed, and then got her undressed.

  "Last thing I want to do is miss giving this nice soft bed a solid workout!" Heather snickered.

  "Yes, I guess that would be a shame," Sarah finally admitted.

  We were woken by the maid the next morning, who knocked on our door and informed us that breakfast would be served soon.

  "What's the story with the Marj gal?" Heather asked Sarah. "She his daughter or something?"

  Sarah gave us both a questioning look, "I have no idea. I never thought to ask. Why?"

  "Because she's been putting the moves on our Paul here something fierce."

  I nodded in agreement, "I think she's been using magic on me too."

  Heather snickered, "Oh? I didn't know sheer skintight outfits were considered magical."

  "Quiet you," I said and gave her butt a pat, then turned back to Sarah, "Seriously though, every time she touches me, it sets me off. Last night I was touching Heather when she did, and it set Heather off too."

  "Oh, like you are all that hard to set off, Paul," Sarah smirked.

  "Well with you two," I winked, "of course not. But then I love the both of you."

  That made them both smile at me.

  "Still, something doesn't seem right."

  "Well, we have all been saying that about the male libido for years," Sarah grinned.

  I reached over and gave her a pat on the butt too, "And you love us for it."

  "Come, showers," she said grabbing my arm and tugging me out of the bed.

  "Yes, definitely showers," Heather agreed.

  "I'm definitely going to miss those when we get back out on the road," Heather said as we headed down to eat.

  "You and I both," Sarah sighed.

  "Hey, you're both the experienced travelers!" I mock complained. "How do you think I feel?"

  "This from the man who ran around in a loincloth for six months?"

  "I wonder if we could get him to start wearing it again?" Heather mused looking me over.

  "It would improve the scenery," Sarah agreed.

  I grumbled a little, but I was feeling a lot better this morning than I had been yesterday. Marjeera was nowhere in sight, and Sarah wasn't being monopolized by Sarellious. I don't know why, but I just didn't trust him around her. Whether that was because he spoke the same language as she did when it came to magic, or because she hadn't made it clear to him that she was taken, I didn't know.


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