Beauty in the Eyes of His Beast (A Beauty to His Beast): The Pack

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Beauty in the Eyes of His Beast (A Beauty to His Beast): The Pack Page 26

by Natavia

“Is that so, my king?” I asked him.

  “You can have a better life here. All the diamonds, gold and gems are right here. What are you going to do on Earth? Be someone’s peasant and work? The best life is here, and I can give you that in exchange for your magic. Your magic is a gift that can make Anubi so much better and stronger. You waste your magic on nonsense. How about bigger and stronger wolves? Wolves that can take out ten warriors at a time. How about wolves that can use the same energy as Akua?” he asked then I laughed.

  “You speak like a rotten and filthy fool. Do you hear yourself? Your imagination is pathetic just like your sex. All that equipment and it’s worthless. How about asking for magic for down below, because that’s where you really need it. You think I care about jewels? I can make my own jewels and diamonds and more. How did you think our son and his pack have so much of it? The jewelry Akua has is better quality than the jewelry here. I bet you didn’t know I could do that, did you? I can do a lot, but what I won’t do is be a slave to your filthy ass any longer. I came here to collect your soul and serve it to the hell you came out of,” I said to Ammon.

  “You wouldn’t,” Ammon said.

  “Akua isn’t your oldest son. He will not be the ruler of Anubi. I’m very thankful for the fun you had with your jezebels. It gives Akua a whole new life, which isn’t here. That wine you drank at the feast will kick in very soon. I shall watch you take your last breath,” I said to him. I pulled him closer to me then whispered in his ear. “When you take your last breath you will beg for me to give you life. And when you do, I will set your body on fire,” I said then my hands burned his skin. He backed away from me.

  “You don’t scare me. I’m a warrior and I faced death many times. My death should be victory,” he said then walked away.

  “Come and have a glass of wine with me until death comes, my queen,” he said, his eyes still blue.


  I paced back and forth inside my old sanctuary in Ammon’s temple.

  “Why does Ammon want to die?” I asked Jalesa.

  “I don’t know. Do you think he is tired of living?” she asked me.

  “No, that arrogant donkey is up to something. I must admit, Ammon knows everything about me. If he was a warlock, he would have all my magic. He isn’t as much of a fool as we think he is,” I said.

  “Where is Musaf?” Jalesa asked me.

  “I don’t know. His mind is shielded and I cannot see his visions. Something is going on, I can feel it. That wine is slowly poisoning Ammon,” I said to her.

  “Ammon made a deal with Musaf. Musaf made Dash stronger in exchange for me. Ammon didn’t keep his end of the deal. That will make him owe Musaf a favor. Musaf will not just leave if someone owes him a favor. A witch never backs down from a favor,” Jalesa said.

  “Musaf is an old warlock. He is the oldest warlock out of all the warlocks. His strength is becoming weak. He needed you so that you could give him a strong witch child,” I said to Jalesa.

  “So he could live through the child. Musaf wanted to reincarnate himself through a baby,” Jalesa said.

  “He doesn’t have the baby,” I said then it hit the pit of my stomach.

  “Musaf’s soul is in Kaira’s womb. Ammon knew all along what he was doing. He purposely got Kaira pregnant,” I said to Jalesa. The bell inside the temple rang, meaning there was an emergency. Jalesa and I disappeared then reappeared inside the main chamber where Ammon held his meetings. Everyone rushed in as Jalesa and I waited. Ammon opened the door then walked in. Everyone bowed down to him as he walked down the golden silk rug. Once he sat down in his chair, everyone stood up.

  “Centuries and centuries ago I was once a human. I was hunting for my village one night and came across a beast. The beast was big and black, with eyes the color of the Nile River. He bit me and I died. My mate, who is a witch, saved my life with her magic. The magic she used turned me into the beast that killed me. I died centuries ago, my soul leaving my body. I was a man who protected his village. I was a man who fed his village. I had markings of a true warrior. I was a great man and I lived a great life until the day that beast took my life. I am not Ammon anymore. I am the wolf god! I am the king of Anubi. Ammon doesn’t exist to me anymore. Tonight, when the full moon peaks over the river, I will be all beast and man. I will be my ancient beast from here on out. What you see in front of you will not be anymore. I will become stronger and I will rule with my long, gold spear,” Ammon told his people and they cheered. Ammon looked at me and said, “In the prophecy that was written thousands of years ago, it said that the wolf god will rule amongst his people as his beast. It said on the night Anubi marks two thousand years that the ruler will change and his beast will become stronger. No magic will kill him and he will become undefeatable,” he said.

  “Well, that’s why Ammon didn’t care about dying. He knows that he can’t,” Jalesa said.

  “Now, let’s celebrate this new beginning for the king of Anubi!” Ammon shouted.

  “I think Akua will have to defeat his father,” I said then Ula’s words came into my head again. “Even the strongest witch can be brainwashed.”

  “What have I created?” I asked Jalesa.

  “A wise witch once told me that we will all face our biggest opponent even if we are stronger. You taught me that many years ago,” Jalesa said to me.

  “I can defeat him but the stronger his beast, the more power I will have to use. The more power I use then the weaker I will become. I’m not a young witch anymore. I have so many years on me that I lost count. I can fight him but I won’t last long,” I said.

  “Goon is very strong. Ammon only has his beast but Goon has beast and magic. I know you don’t want to hear this, but Goon is Anubi’s only hope. He is the only one who can defeat Ammon. Once Ammon becomes this beast, Anubi will turn to hell. We must save our people,” Jalesa said.

  “You will make a great queen one day. I saw a glimpse of your future earlier. I hope that you forgive Amadi because your heart will heal and you will fall into a greater love,” I said to her.

  “I forgave Amadi as soon as I set foot back in Anubi. This is my world and I belong here,” she said. Ammon turned over his hourglass.

  “When all of the sand is gone, Anubi will have a new king. I will not accept Ammon as my name, I will be called by my last name Uffe. Uffe means ‘wolf man.’ The body of a man with a head like my beast. If the name Ammon slips from anyone’s lips, there will be a punishment. Your tongue will be cut from your mouth. Your mate will be taken away from you,” Ammon said.

  “I must hurry back to the portal to warn Akua. Keep everyone safe until I get back,” I said to Jalesa then hugged her before I rushed off. The sand was going to run out, and fast. Akua’s ancient beast came from me. What Ammon waited thousands of years for, Akua was born with it. Akua was born a beast and Ammon was turned into one. Akua is stronger than his father and Ammon knows it.


  I reappeared inside Akua’s mansion. The kitchen light turned on and a naked Izra stood in front of me.

  “What are you doing?” I asked him.

  “Hi, Naobi,” Adika said as she hid behind him. I could tell that she was naked too.

  “We were celebrating,” Izra said. Adika popped Izra on the back of his head.

  “Cover yourself up! Your dick is still swinging,” she spat. Izra grabbed a plate then covered himself.

  “I’m sorry about that, but, ummm, is everything okay? It’s late,” Izra said to me.

  “Where is my son?” I asked.

  “He is in his room, but I would knock before I go in. He and Kanya been howling all night,” Izra said. I disappeared then reappeared in front of Akua’s door. I knocked then heard growling followed by moaning. I knocked again.

  “WHAT!” he yelled.

  “It’s your mother!” I yelled from the other side of the door.

  “Oh, shit,” I heard Kanya spat. Moments later, the door opened. He had scratches all over his chest and h
e wore a pair of sport shorts.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked concerned.

  “We need to help Anubi,” I said to him. He growled then his eyes turned blue.

  “No disrespect, Mother, but Anubi can burn. My family is here, on Earth,” he said.

  “Listen to me, son. Your father is about to rule as his ancient beast. His man form will be gone! Do you understand that if Anubi goes down then those immortals will come to Earth? We cannot have the worlds collide that way. You might not have a connection to Anubi because you are mad with your father, but that is still your home!” I said to him.

  Kanya came to the door wearing a robe. Her hair was all over her head and she had bite marks on her neck. Goon looked at her then smirked. “I apologize, Mother, but we got a little wild, excuse our presence,” he said. My heart warmed because of his manners while his father had none.

  “If he goes, what about his pups and wife? He will have to rule Anubi if Ammon dies,” Kanya said.

  “Ammon’s beast has been very busy. He has an older son that Musaf covered up for him,” I answered.

  “So, I can kill him? Blood isn’t supposed to shed in Anubi,” Goon said.

  “The rules must be broken to protect our world. It’s the only way. We have to hurry because I’m using all my strength to take us back through my portal,” I told him. The doors opened and the pack came out into the hallway.

  “What’s going on?” Elle asked.

  “I’m going to Anubi to kill Ammon,” Akua answered.

  “We are going with you then,” Dayo spat.

  “I can’t take all of you through the portal. I only can take Goon and Kofi,” I said then Amadi growled.

  “We can’t let him fight alone. What if he gets ambushed by Ammon’s warriors?” Amadi asked.

  “That’s what I want to know,” Elle said.

  “I’m going!” Izra said as he came out of his room. He was no longer naked.

  “Goon’s ancient beast can defeat Ammon’s warriors. His warriors aren’t strong,” I replied.

  “I will be okay. You all just handle Sosa because he will not get away with what he did to Anik. I will go to Anubi and defeat my father,” Akua said.

  “But, bro, your ancient beast takes a lot of strength from you,” Dayo said.

  “Not while battling, but, yes, I will be weak afterward. Don’t worry about me,” Akua said.

  Anik came out of a room. “Is Jalesa in Anubi?” she asked me.

  “Yes, she is back home,” I said. Anik handed me a pretty, purple rock with orange specs inside it.

  “This is for good luck. Tell her to keep it. I will miss her,” Anik said sadly. I put the rock inside my sack.

  “I will tell her,” I told Anik.

  “Wait, she isn’t coming back? Does this have to do with Amadi and that Ula chick?” Kanya asked.

  “Mind your business, Kanya. Amadi and Jalesa agreed on her returning home,” Akua spat then Kanya rolled her eyes at him.

  “Where is Kofi?” I asked.

  “Down the hall where he is listening to that bull crap,” Dayo said then howled. Kofi stormed out of his room. “What happened? What’s the emergency?” he asked.

  “We are going to Anubi. I will tell you later, but we must go now,” I said to him. The pack embraced Kofi—well, everyone did except for Izra.

  “You’re not coming back?” Izra asked Kofi.

  “I will watch you all from up there. I only came back because Ammon brought his warriors with him on Earth. I will be home with my mate and I will help build Anubi back the way it should be,” Kofi said.

  “I apologize for my behavior. I know you would never hurt me intentionally,” Izra said. Kofi pulled Izra to him then kissed his forehead.

  “My youngest pup. It takes a lot of courage for a man to admit his true feelings. You are growing up, and when your pup is born, you will grow even more,” Kofi said to him then took a step back. Water filled Kofi’s eyes.

  “My five pups, many years of teaching. You are the strongest pack I have ever seen in all my life. I had to break up many fights, but you all still love each other. Never let anyone pull you apart,” Kofi said.

  “We are going to miss you,” Kanya cried. Kofi hugged her.

  “I will still be here in spirit,” he said then walked over to Anik. “I just met you but you have a beautiful heart and much patience. Dayo isn’t the easiest beast to get along with,” Kofi joked then hugged her. When Adika came out of the room, he wished her farewell.

  “I will be back,” Akua said then stood next to me before we disappeared. I went back then grabbed Kofi’s arm after I sent Akua through the portal. It was time for Ammon to die.


  When we arrived back inside the temple people were running for their lives.

  “What in the creation is going on?” Kofi asked.

  Screams filled my ears then Akua growled, “I smell blood,” then ran down the hall of the temple toward Ammon’s feast room.

  When I got there, bodies lay sprawled out. His warriors stood guard and watched Ammon’s tall wolf god slice people into half.

  “If you don’t obey me then you will die!” Ammon shouted. I sent a bolt of lightning into his chest and he laughed.

  “Ouch, that stung,” he said then his warriors laughed.

  “What have you done?” Kofi asked.

  “My dear brother, this is power. Look around you and tell me what you see. You see pointless immortals who live in Anubi. Anubi is for those who possess strength and power. If you don’t have it then your life is forever pointless,” Ammon said. Kofi shifted then charged into Ammon’s beast. Ammon’s beast threw Kofi into the wall. I looked around for Jalesa but I couldn’t find her. Ammon’s wolf god was able to speak in the same way his human form spoke. His wolf god’s voice was deeper and louder.

  Akua’s black wolf growled, “You, my son, have everything it takes to gain the whole world. You waste it to live a life like a human?” he asked Akua. Thunder shook the temple then Akua howled. His ancient beast appeared from the dark cloud that circled his body. His ancient beast stood tall, very tall. A gold shield covered his chest. The gold skirt around his waist was like a shield. Gold bangles covered both of his arms and the gold helmet on his head had a blue gem in the middle of it.

  “What is this trick? Kill him!” Ammon shouted to his warriors. They charged into Akua but they turned into a pile of ash. Baki stood next to Ammon, looking confused.

  “Ammon is your father. He had your mother killed. He is not the king that you think he is. You just watched him kill innocent people, and for what? These are your people and you watched him take their lives,” I said to Baki.

  “A great warrior follows his king even if it’s into the pits of hell,” Baki said.

  “He brainwashed you. You are not like him,” I said to him.

  “You turned one pup against me and now my oldest one?” Ammon asked. I knew at that moment that he actually cared for Baki.

  “You are my father?” Baki asked.

  “What do you think? I turned you into the greatest warrior in all of Anubi. It was I who gave you shelter when you could’ve lived on Earth. I showed you everything and now you question your king?” Ammon roared. Akua charged into Ammon then they fell over a few statues, cracking them in half. Ammon sent a punch into Akua’s ribs then Akua choke-slammed him.

  “If you are truly a great warrior and for your people then you will let Ammon die. It’s his fate. Your fate is to rule and fix the world your father destroyed,” I said to Baki. He backed away from me then ran to help Jalesa carry out the few innocent people who were still alive but injured.

  Akua’s beast pushed Ammon into the wall and pieces from the ceiling fell to the floor. Jalesa charged into me because a big piece almost fell on top of me. We stood and watched Akua and Ammon bite, slam and punch each other.

  “Goon’s beast is beautiful! He has the body of an ancient warrior. How did Kanya take all of him?” she asked me. />
  “His mate was made for it. Kanya’s body is built for him. If she were smaller then it wouldn’t have worked,” I said as I watched Akua take a bite out of Ammon’s neck. Blood dripped from Ammon’s neck onto the temple floor.

  “You will not defeat me!” Ammon yelled.

  “I will have your head and put it right next to Dash’s,” Akua said then slammed Ammon to the floor. The floor cracked then spread across the room. I looked down between my feet and noticed the floor starting to open.

  “The temple is going to collapse,” Jalesa panicked.

  “It’s going to collapse either way if Ammon doesn’t die,” I replied. Akua’s blue eyes glowed then lit up the room.

  “What is that? What’s happening?” Jalesa asked.

  “Akua is getting agitated,” I replied. Ammon swapped his big hand at Akua’s face. His face opened from the three long scratches. Akua rammed his father’s head into the wall then took a chunk out of his shoulder. Ammon howled then was slammed to the floor. Akua’s heavy, clawed foot came crashing down onto Ammon’s face. Ammon kicked Akua’s leg then Akua’s leg snapped, which caused him to howl.


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