Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Love (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Saints Protection & Investigations Book 7)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Love (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Saints Protection & Investigations Book 7) Page 3

by Maryann Jordan

  Smiling, he nodded. “Yes, Ma’am. The U.S. Army has changed the uniform back to blue.”

  “It used to be blue?” she continued, her questioning gaze holding his own.

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  No words were spoken for a moment until Evelyn shook herself out of her stupor and thrust her hand forward. God, I just looked like an idiot! “I’m very sorry,” she apologized. “That was not very professional of me…I…uh…well, I was just startled.”

  He took her hand, giving it a firm shake, holding her fingers for a few seconds longer than needed. “Startled?”

  “Um…yes. At the uniform,” she explained, not wanting to admit she remembered seeing him before.

  “Ah, the uniform. And here I thought perhaps we had met before,” he added smoothly.

  “No, no. I don’t think so.”

  “Well, I assure you that if I had met you, I would not forget,” he said with a grin, noticing her discomfort. “But I don’t believe we finished the introductions.”

  “Of course,” she said, a blush rushing to her cheeks. “I’m very glad to meet you, Captain Cartwright. I’m Evelyn Sinclair.”

  “Please call me Patrick,” he requested.

  She heard his request, but it felt more like a gentle order. Cocking her head to the side, she nodded. “All right. And you may call me Evelyn.” Determined to take charge of the meeting, she motioned to a chair at the large conference table. “Please have a seat. It will just be the two of us, so I admit the surroundings are a little formal, but we don’t have a smaller conference room available at the moment.”

  They both sat, across from each other, placing their files on the table in front of them. Before she had a chance to speak, Patrick immediately began, opening up the files in front of him.

  “As you can see, we inventory the shipments as they come in. From the time stamp, it appears that three of the trucks came in within thirty minutes of each other and the fourth truck did not arrive for another hour and a half.”

  “Yes, but—”

  “As you can also see, the inventory forms were not initially signed by the last truck driver and the base personnel noted the total when he signed off.”

  “I underst—”

  Tapping his finger down on the papers in front of him, he continued, “We are requesting immediate delivery of the missing shipment as well as a discounted price on the next shipment, due to the overhead of time delay in getting the equipment out to the men in the field.”

  The silence thundered around the room as the two inhabitants stared at each other…one glaring and one with a steady expression.

  “Are you finished?” Evelyn asked, her voice laced with irritation, a slight shaking of her hand the only outward indication of her anger…or nervousness.

  “For now,” Patrick answered, seemingly surprised at her tone of voice. He realized she had given off a timid vibe when they first met. As beautiful as she was, he also assumed she would be a pushover for his request. Now he gazed across the table and viewed her stiff-back, tight-lipped body language. Damn, I’ve pissed her off.

  “We are aware of the facts. I have investigated and found that the truck driver in question was a temporary substitute due to the regular truck driver having called in sick. The signing procedures were overlooked by him. He also became lost in transit. This, of course, is with us and we certainly agree that there is no way to refute the discrepancy—”

  “Refute the discrepancy? Why would you need to dispute it? We inventoried and part of the shipment was missing.”

  “Will you please stop interrupting me!” Evelyn finally managed to bite out, trying to maintain her professionalism in the face of the infuriating man, sitting in front of her, appearing cool and collected.

  His eyes held hers as a slow smile curved his lips. Nodding his head to the side, he replied, “I apologize. Of course, proceed.”

  Looking back down at the papers in front of her, she tried to still her racing pulse. Damn, why am I so rattled? Jesus, let’s just get this meeting over with! “As I was saying, because proper procedures were not followed on our end, we have no way of validating…or disputing…your information, therefore GMS takes responsibility for the missing items. I have been assured that everything loaded was delivered, but in the interest of good relations, we will have no choice but to take your word.”

  Leaning back, Patrick studied the flustered woman in front of him. And grinned. She’s even more beautiful up close.

  Chapter 4

  “I guarantee you, my word is sound,” Patrick said, holding her gaze, thinking he would love to do nothing more than kiss the irritated expression right off her face. In fact, glancing at the heavy table in front of them, he needed to tamp down the rising hard-on just at the thought of what he would like to do with her on the table.

  “Be that as it may, we still need to come to some equitable agreement about how to proceed.” Seeing his quirked eyebrow, she plunged on. “GMS is prepared to send out the disputed number of transoms and side panels and that shipment can be guaranteed on this Friday. Our plant manager will be overseeing the shipment and our regular driver will be making the delivery. I have been informed by our Financial Department that we will be able to offer a discount of ten percent to replace the missing items.”

  Snapping out of his lust-wandering mind, Patrick’s eyes jumped back to hers. “Ten percent?”

  Refusing to back down, she licked her lips and nodded. “Yes, that is what was given to me.”

  “To you, it may be a simple oversight, but to us, we had to delay the entire shipment to the field. Delays that cost money, time, and possibly soldiers’ lives if we cannot handle the logistics of getting equipment to them. Perhaps that doesn’t mean anything to you, but I assure—”

  “How dare you assume to know what means something to me,” she retorted.

  “Well, I can tell you that my superiors will not accept a ten percent discount as a penalty,” he argued, leaning forward.

  Sitting back, Evelyn wondered how the meeting had become so filled with animosity. Oh, yeah…he walked in with attitude and has been serving it ever since he sat down! Well, two can play this game. “Unfortunately, I am unable to offer more at this time without checking with my Finance Department.”

  “Then I suggest you call them now because we need that shipment.”

  Pushing her seat backward with force, she stood, slamming her files closed. “If you will wait, I’ll see what I can do.” Without bothering to look at him, she strode out of the room. Once the door closed behind her, she went to her secretary. “Molly, can you go see if Commander Macho in there needs anything? I’ve got to get hold of Saul.”

  Grinning, Molly patted her red curls and jumped up. “Oooh, best assignment you’ve given me all day!”

  Rolling her eyes, Evelyn called Saul and began speaking as soon as he answered. “We’ve got a problem. I’m aware you’re in a meeting, but the Army is demanding more than the offer of ten percent discount on the missing shipment.”

  “Hmmm, playing hardball, are they? Is he some crotchety old military dude?”

  As irritated as she was at Captain Cartwright, hearing Saul speak of him in demeaning terms angered her.

  “No, he’s young, professional, and…well, to be honest…he has a point. They have to time their shipments out and this snafu cost them time and money. I feel as though we should offer more compensation.”

  “You’re right, Evelyn. I’m sorry, that was an asinine comment. Look, I’ll work up a proposal and email it to you in about five minutes. You can keep him busy for that long, can’t you?”

  “Sure.” Well, I’ll let Molly do the entertaining. “And thanks.”

  “No problem. Look, you’re doing the right thing. It’s just business. Always start out with a lowball offer and then you can go up.”

  Disconnecting, she leaned her back against the wall, while gently banging her head against the concrete. I hate this part of the job. Three more months�
�surely I’ll get the engineering job in three more months. Sighing heavily, she jumped when her phone vibrated a few minutes later, indicating an incoming email. Looking at it, she smiled. Good…this should work.

  Patrick’s eyes looked from the bubbly Molly to Evelyn as she walked in. Her face appeared more relaxed and her body language more open. ’Bout time. Hopefully her boss decided to stop dickin’ around.

  Molly smiled as she left and he turned his attention back to the woman seated again in front of him after she printed off several papers.

  As she pushed them across the table, she smiled, saying, “I think you’ll find this offer to be equitable for your time and trouble.”

  He looked down, impressed that he was now being offered a twenty percent refund on the missing shipment, a guarantee delivery date of Friday morning and a three percent discount on their next purchase with GMS, up to a certain price. Lifting his eyes, he nodded. “This is much more like it.” Sending a message to his superior, he waited just a moment before receiving the okay to move forward.

  “We have a deal,” he said. “It’s too bad your boss had to waste our time this morning.”

  The good feeling Evelyn had achieved disappeared with Patrick’s last comment. What a prick! Plastering a smile on her face, she simply replied, “Fine. If you’ll sign here, I’ll have Molly print out the copies for you.”

  Seeing the narrowed eyes and glaring expression on her face, Patrick wondered what just happened. Jesus, I just made a comment about her boss…not her. Realizing the intrepid Ms. Sinclair seemed to be anxious to end the meeting, he just nodded.

  Standing, Evelyn stuck her hand out one more time. “Then if you’ll wait here, Molly will return shortly.” She wanted to escape, but this time, the tingle from his hand to hers was impossible to ignore. Snatching her hand back quickly, she offered a curt nod before walking out of the room without a backward glance.

  * * *

  Patrick watched Evelyn leave the room and rubbed his hand over his face. Wow – way to fuck up a chance to get to know her! He had been so shocked when he walked in and saw the woman from the pool. Considering he had jerked off in the shower twice with her on his mind since seeing her…screwed that chance.

  Her boss set up her to fail at this meeting, he thought angrily. Sure, it was good business to lowball first then go up, but her boss would know that was not going to be acceptable. And Patrick had the feeling she had not been working there long enough to realize that. And me getting pissed about it didn’t help.

  Before he could process the events further, the bubbly Molly came back into the room with the papers for him to sign. She continued to babble as he tried to read over the contract. Finally, seeing everything in order, he signed and waited while she made copies.

  “You must have really made an impression,” Molly joked. “I’ve never seen Evelyn so flustered.”

  Sure that Molly’s boss would be livid to know she was being discussed, Patrick was unable to stop asking more.

  “Does she do this type of meeting often?”

  “No, it’s not her thing. She’s an engineer and wanted a job in the plant, but,” giving a little shrug, “she took the job working with military sales until an engineering job opened up for her.” Scrunching her nose in thought, Molly continued, “She’s got some super-duper engineering degree.”

  Why the hell would GMS put an engineer in this job? Unless they really wanted to hang on to her. Molly diverted his attention again as she handed him his copies.

  “Thank you,” he said as he packed his papers up to leave and then followed Molly out of the office. As they walked down the hall, he chanced a glance inside an office where the door stood open. There was Evelyn, standing in front of a tall filing cabinet, gently banging her head against the furniture as though she was trying to forget everything that had just happened.

  Patrick grappled with the desire to rush in, pull her into his arms, and offer comfort while telling her she had done a good job with the negotiations. But she did not appear to want any company and he knew that would just embarrass her.

  Turning, he followed Molly to the outside door, wishing the meeting could have been more amiable. It doesn’t matter, he grumbled to himself. I’ll be leaving in a couple of months anyway. No time to start anything with the lovely Evie. Climbing into his car, he pulled out of the parking lot, the image of her dark brown eyes in his mind. He acknowledged, And she’d be no easy fuck. A woman like that…deserves it all.

  * * *

  Saul stopped by Evelyn’s office on Friday afternoon, seeing her sitting at her desk, typing away on her computer.

  “Hey, I thought you’d be ready to head out for the weekend,” he said, a perpetual grin on his face.

  Looking up, she returned his smile. “For once, I don’t want to work over the weekend, so I wanted to make sure I finished everything before I left.”

  He plopped down in a chair and shook his head. “Evelyn, you shouldn’t work on the weekends. You need your down time.”

  “Oh, believe me, I utilize my down time,” she said, leaning back. “But, sometimes, I feel like I need to take care of some things so I don’t come in on Monday morning already behind.”

  “How did things end up with the Army shipment?” he asked.

  “The Captain was a royal prick, but Saul, I felt stupid not knowing that the offer I made to him was a lowball offer.”

  He had the good grace to blush while ducking his head. “Sorry, Evelyn. That’s just the way business is.”

  “Yes, but I don’t have a business background!”

  Nodding, he sat quietly for a moment before asking, “You still want a job in the plant?”

  Stunned that he had to ask, she said, “Saul, you know I do. I find the sales part of the industry to be fascinating and it helps me understand how others use what we build, but my degree is in engineering.”

  “Well,” he said, still smiling. “I just might have something that’ll make your weekend better.”

  Afraid to hope, she cocked her head to the side. “Yeah?”

  “It seems that one of the engineers will be retiring early…I’ve already talked to Gary and dad. They both say that you can have the job when he leaves, which should be in about a month.”

  The air left her lungs in a whoosh as she leaned forward, fist pumping the air. “Yes! Oh, my God, thank you!”

  Laughing, Saul said, “Hey, this was always the agreement when you came on board with us. I’m just glad we can now work toward that.” He sobered for a second before adding, “You do realize you would be working near Ed all day?”

  Not even the idea of working with the surly, burly Ed could put a damper on her enthusiasm. “No worries! I can do this!”

  “So, how about a celebratory drink after work?”

  “Um, I’ve never been a drinker,” she admitted. “But I’d love to celebrate.”

  “Sounds good. Follow me in your car and we’ll go to a place near here. It’s called Aces Bar & Grill. Not fancy, but good food and drinks.”

  Grinning at the turn of events, she shut down her computer and followed him outside. Looks like things are finally going my way!

  Chapter 5

  Following Saul to the bar, Evelyn glanced nervously at her reflection in the rearview mirror, hoping she was not making a mistake. This is not a date…just a celebratory drink…but I don’t drink…so it’s a celebratory…something. Jesus, I hope he doesn’t get the wrong idea. Before she could talk herself into heading home instead, she pulled into the parking lot behind him. It appeared, due to the number of cars—or rather jeeps, trucks, and SUVs—that the place was already hopping.

  Getting out, she looked down at her attire and knew she was overdressed. Saul walked over and motioned for her to follow him. Hustling to catch up in her heels, she said, “Do you come here often?”

  “I haven’t been here for almost a year, but I swear they serve the best wings and I skipped lunch today.” He halted just as they entered, givi
ng them a chance to let their eyes adjust to the dim interior. There was a crowd, but they sighted a high-topped table near the front and he assisted her to her seat.

  Once the waitress took their order, he looked at her, smiling like a little boy. “Look, Evelyn, here’s the thing. I know you said you don’t date co-workers and I respect that. So, I figured if I took you to some high-falutin’ place for drinks, you’d feel self-conscious. But here? This is just a neighborhood bar with a bunch of people unwinding after a week of work. We’re here as friends, okay?”

  Smiling at his explanation, she nodded. “Perfect,” she admitted.

  A while later, a loud ruckus came from the back where a group of soldiers played pool. Twisting around to look behind her, she glanced through the crowd. Right in the middle of the group stood Captain Cartwright…staring straight at her.

  Face flaming, she jerked her head toward Saul, choking on her food. Saul leaned over, slapping her on her back.

  “You okay? The sauce go down wrong?” he yelled over the noise.

  “Perhaps the lady needs some water,” a familiar voice came from her side. Without turning, she recognized who it belonged to. Perfect, she thought. My face is red, my eyes are watering, I have sauce on my cheeks, and Mr. Army Hunk walks over. Grabbing her glass of water, she drank deeply, finally gaining control of herself.

  Saul peered up at Patrick, a question in his eyes. Patrick stuck out his hand, introducing himself. “Captain Cartwright. Patrick. I met with Ms. Sinclair the other day.”

  Saul’s eyes brightened with recognition. “Yes, yes. Saul Oysten, here. I’m over the Financial Department of GMS. Glad everything worked out with the shipment replacement.”

  Evelyn watched as Patrick’s eyes darkened, but before she could imagine why, he growled, “So you’re the one who sent her in unprepared with that ridiculously low offer to begin with.”

  Saul shrugged, saying, “Business. Purely business. I assumed you wouldn’t accept the first offer and we would come up to what was acceptable.” Just then his phone buzzed and he glanced down at the message. Looking up apologetically, he said, “Evelyn, I’m sorry. I’ve got to head out. Dad’s decided to convene a late meeting and needs me to come back.”


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