Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Love (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Saints Protection & Investigations Book 7)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Love (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Saints Protection & Investigations Book 7) Page 4

by Maryann Jordan

  She attempted to slide down from the high chair but found her way blocked by Patrick’s large, immovable body.

  “I’ll see Evie’s taken care of,” Patrick said smoothly, and before she could object, Saul nodded, but a flash of jealousy crossed his expression. He appeared to want to say something, but shot her a tight smile instead, leaving the bar quickly.

  Sliding into the seat vacated by Saul, Patrick looked over at the flushed…and visibly angry woman sitting across from him. Looks like I’ve pissed her off again, he thought ruefully, rubbing his hand along his jaw.

  “Look, Evie,” he began. “I’m not sure what I’ve done to make you so mad, but—”

  “How about you just embarrassed me in front of my boss by implicating that I couldn’t handle our meeting, for starters? Then you come over here, all caveman-like, to defend me? And now, you’re sitting there like you…like you…I don’t know. Like something!”

  He opened his mouth to explain, but before he had a chance, she questioned, “And Evie? Evie? You don’t know me and yet you’ve nicknamed me? Who does that?”

  Patrick stared at her, words sticking in his throat. Today her hair was pulled back away from her face with a fancy clip, but the heavy length of glistening tresses hung over her shoulders, beckoning his fingers to discover if it was as soft as it looked. The simple makeup in place showcased her deep brown eyes and the mouth that he wanted to taste. Her lightweight sweater, in mint green, caressed perfect breasts and if he was any judge, they were natural. His eyes moved back to hers and he could not hold the grin from spreading across his face.

  “Look, Evie. I was pissed the other day, but not at you. That guy,” he indicated with a head jerk toward the door that Saul left from, “knew there was no way we would accept the low-ball offer and I got the distinct feeling that you didn’t know that. It made you feel inadequate and awkward and I thought that was a shitty play on his part.”

  “I’m learning the business…at least in sales until I can move into the engineering job that’s coming up,” she answered back.

  “So you’re an engineer?” he asked, pretend surprise on his face.

  Sighing deeply, Evie glared at him. “Why yes, Mr. Know-it-all. I’m sure it must be a shock to your system to realize that an intelligent woman might not be hideous at the same time!”

  “Whoa,” he exclaimed, putting his hands up in front of him. Damn, I keep saying the wrong thing around her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be insulting about you being an engineer. I just meant that I was surprised an engineer was working in sales. That’s all, I promise.”

  Blushing, Evie pulled her lips in, embarrassed to have misinterpreted his comment. “I’m sorry. Truly.” She reached out and placed her hand on his, giving a slight squeeze before placing her hands back around her water bottle. “I have no idea why I’m lashing out at you. I suppose I find myself often having to defend my true vocation. There aren’t a lot of women engineers in my field.”

  “I guess you get that kind of comment a lot, don’t you?” he said, regret in his voice, already missing the touch of her hand on his. Deciding to change the subject, he asked, “So how’s the investigation going?”


  “The investigation…into where the missing partial shipment went?” he reiterated.

  Her eyes darted down to her plate before moving back to his. “I don’t actually know,” she admitted. “I didn’t ask any more after I was given the few cursory answers about the truck driver. It’s not my job to search for it…if it really was missing.”

  “I assure you, it was missing,” he said. “I understand that it’s not your job…I’m just curious. Stealing equipment meant for our soldiers is a big business. Makes me fuckin’ furious, but well…that’s the way things are. I was just hoping that GMS had recovered it.”

  “Oh,” she replied, embarrassed that she had never considered theft of military equipment. No wonder he was pissed. Before she could think of another comment, he continued.

  “And the nickname…I don’t know…I just think you look like an Evie,” he shrugged, a playful grin on his face. “If you don’t like it…” his voice trailed off.

  Evie looked over at him, the wind suddenly going out of her sails. How can a man look so devilishly handsome and like such a little boy all at the same time? “No…it’s…it’s okay. I haven’t been called Evie since I was much younger, so I guess it just took me by surprise, that’s all. In college, all the professors used the full name, Evelyn, and then my employers do also.”

  “Surely your old friends and family still call you by Evie?” As soon as the words were out of his mouth he wanted to pull them back in, as he watched the light go from her eyes.

  Faking a small smile, she slid from her stool and grabbed her purse. “It was…uh…nice to see you again, Captain Cartwright. I hope you have a nice evening with your friends.” Turning, she was surprised to find his hand gently grasping her arm.

  “I’m sorry if I said anything to offend you,” he said, holding her gaze.

  “No, no, it’s fine. I’m tired and really need to go home.” Pulling away, with a smile that did not reach her eyes, she weaved her way through the crowd and disappeared through the door.

  What the fuck—

  “Hey, man, did you strike out big time or what?” came the jovial question from Dude, who threw his arm around his friend.

  Twisting his head around, Patrick admitted, “Damned if I know. I’ve seen the woman three times…three times I wanted to get to know her and three times I’ve been shut out.”

  “I’d say, three strikes, you’re out buddy. Time to look for someone a little more accommodating.” Dude carefully stared at his friend’s face, a slow smile beginning. “Unless, of course…she’s someone…special?”

  “Fuck if I know what she is,” Patrick answered before allowing himself to be pulled back to the pool tables.

  * * *

  Evie settled into the hot bath a few hours later, candles lit around the bathroom. Lying back, she sunk into the deep water until only her head appeared above the bubbles. Her mind ran over the events of the day, trying to focus on the upcoming engineering position she craved. Back to research…back to understanding how to make things stronger…how to build better machines and equipment. People? I don’t have a clue how to make them work. As her muscles relaxed in the warmth, her mind drifted to the enigmatic Captain. Patrick. The first man to call me Evie since my dad. The thought of her father suddenly had her closing her eyes tightly, not wanting to allow the tears that stung the back of her eyes to escape.

  If Patrick only knew…he’d never accuse me of trying to hide military thefts. After her skin had pruned, she stepped out of the tub and quickly donned her PJ shorts and a tank top. Shutting off the lights in her condo, she stopped and stared at the picture on the end table next to her sofa.

  The smiling family faced the camera, their happiness evident in their expressions. Her father, in his military uniform, holding to her mother protectively, with Evie and Chrissie hanging on to both of them. Her dad had returned from an overseas tour in time to see her high school graduation. Who could have predicted he would not make it back from his next tour three years later?

  Lying in bed, as the moon moved across the night sky, she realized she wanted to follow up on the missing shipment. If there was a theft of military equipment from GMS, then I want to know about it!

  Chapter 6

  As the meeting came to a close, Norman asked if there was any other business that needed to be discussed. His expression was open and pleasant, but Evelyn hesitated for just a second, noticing the others around the table beginning to close their notebooks.

  “Yes, I do,” she announced, clearing her throat. As she realized all eyes had turned toward her, she continued. “I wanted to know what investigation was being conducted to find the missing materials…from the shipment to the Army Corps of Engineers base.”

  Norman appeared disconcerted for a moment
and as her eyes moved around, she noted the expressions on the others’ faces as well. Gary appeared uninterested, Saul’s eyes darted nervously around the table, and Ed’s normal glower darkened even more. The few others in attendance seemed surprised, as though they were unaware of what she was talking about.

  “Evelyn,” Gary began, “Ed talked to the truck driver who gave the statement that he missed a turnoff and was late getting there, did not know to sign the form, but according to him…all materials were delivered.”

  “Then how do we account for the missing items?” she continued.

  “You ever consider the screw up wasn’t on our end?” Ed growled.

  Her gaze darted to his immediately. “Not on our end?”

  Ed leaned forward menacingly, his meaty forearms resting on the table, and said, “Yeah. Not on our end. As in someone on the base miscounted…or got rid of what came in?”

  “But…but…why would the military want to sabotage their own?”

  “Jesus, how fuckin’ naïve are you?” Ed bit out, leaning back heavily in his chair, causing it to squeak under his bulk.

  “Ed!” Norman spoke sharply. “Language, please. This is still a business meeting. All may speak freely in here but keep your language professional.”

  Ed clamped his mouth shut, but his eyes glared daggers at Evelyn.

  Gary continued, “It’s our opinion that because the temporary truck driver did not follow procedures, we have no proof of any wrongdoing on his part and it is not uncommon for military personnel to sell some of their own equipment on the black market.” Seeing Evelyn’s eyes widen, he continued, “Black market sales are huge. They take a bite out of our profits and the military’s ability to maintain their bases.”

  Evelyn’s mind raced, never having considered that the theft could occur on the base. Licking her lips as she pondered this idea, she noticed everyone was looking at her. Nodding slowly, she conceded, “I see your point. I think though that it would be nearly impossible for someone from the base to move the large transoms and side panels. It would take a truck to get them out of there.”

  “Evelyn, the inquiry is done,” Saul said. “We’ve checked with the driver and we’ve taken the loss. You worked a nice deal with the military representative and now it’s over. We won’t be using that truck driver anymore and Ed has a checklist now prepared for each driver to go through when they make deliveries. Problem solved.”

  The air in the room grew thick as the assembly focused on her. Glancing toward Saul, she saw him offer her an encouraging smile. Clearing her throat again, she plastered a smile on her face. “All right, then. I suppose that’s that.”

  The group smiled in relief and started moving from the room. Ed pushed by her in his normally rude manner, while Norman stopped her, saying, “I’m glad you asked, Evelyn. We don’t want a habit of losing money or shipments.” Patting her arm, he and Gary continued out into the hall.

  Saul was the last to leave and he fell into step with her as they moved toward their offices. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  Looking over at him, she shook her head. “Honestly? No. I hate the thought that someone from the Army base stole their own equipment…”

  “But?” he prodded.

  Twisting her head around to him as they approached her door, she said, “I don’t believe they stole their own materials. I still think it was from this end and I can’t believe no one wants to pursue the possibility more.”

  Neither spoke until they stopped at her office door. Looking up, she asked, “Is it hard, sometimes…working with your brother and dad?”

  He glanced down the hall, then at his feet, before lifting his gaze back to hers. “Yeah, sometimes. Dad’s the President, Gary’s the Vice President. I got my finance degree and swore I’d never work for the family business. I wanted to be a success on my own, you know?” His eyes searched hers and seemed pleased when she offered a small nod. “But, there were a ton of people with business, finance, or accounting degrees when I got out, so, here I am.”

  He hesitated for a moment, then added, “Evelyn, don’t get me wrong. I do well here, but sometimes…I wish I could get out from under their watchful eyes.” Shrugging, he said, “But this is where I ended up.”

  Once more, the silence floated between them as Evie had no idea how to respond to his confession.

  “If you want, I’ll do some more digging? As head of Finance, I can ask questions easier than you can.”

  She smiled at him and nodded. “Yeah, I see where you could.” Looking down the hall at the retreating backs of Gary and Norman, she said, “I’d like for you to check into it more. Just for our peace of mind.”

  * * *

  Patrick walked out of Major Trumble’s office and headed back to his own. His thoughts were jumbled, as he considered the Major’s words. Patrick had been congratulated on his job performance and the Major asked him to consider re-upping for another tour. They discussed the missing equipment, the Major sure that the truck driver had delivered the partial load somewhere else for his own profit.

  Sitting down heavily in his chair, he looked out of the window over the large equipment yard. His mind wandered to the beautiful Evie, wondering for the millionth time how she was doing. She looked so sad when she hurried out of Aces the week before.

  Turning his thoughts from her, he watched as soldiers moved about the yard, his mind on the missing equipment. No way this could have been from our end, he surmised. Not as big and heavy as the bridge parts are. His mind always wanting to figure out a problem, he thought back to his grandfather. Work it out, piece by piece. Like a puzzle. And then you can put it back together the right way.

  The more Patrick sat there, the more he wanted to know what had happened. Investigating’s not my job, but I sure as hell want to know. Wondering how to get his hands on the internal report from GMS, he opened up his laptop. His fingers hesitated over the keys for a second, then plunged ahead. Typing an email to Evelyn, he requested an unofficial meeting. He erased and retyped the missive several times before it sounded the way he wanted—a mixture of personal and professional.

  It was not long before he received his reply and to his surprise, she agreed to meet with him at a local seafood restaurant. Smiling to himself, he typed out his gratitude. Perfect…I get to see the woman that’s filled my thoughts since I first saw her, and maybe can charm some information from her as well.

  * * *

  The next evening, Patrick arrived at the restaurant early and had the hostess give him a corner table with lots of privacy and a view of the lake. He did not have to wait long before looking up and seeing the hostess escort Evie to him. Unable to hold back his smile, he stood as she approached.

  Her rich hair was pulled back in its usual low ponytail and he itched to take it down, letting the strands caress her shoulders. Dressed in a rose-colored skirt that skimmed the tops of her knees and a cream-colored silk blouse, she appeared elegant…delectable. Her warm, brown eyes met his and she ducked her head as a slight blush appeared on her cheeks. Interesting…she’s a fighter…and shy. Thinking of that combination in his bed had him grabbing her hand and ushering her into her seat so that he could sit as well to hide his growing erection. Fuck, man. Get a grip!

  “I was surprised to get your email,” she said, cocking her head to the side. “You wanted to talk?”

  “Yes, but first, let’s order.” As the waitress came over to them, he ordered a beer and then added, “And for the lady, a glass of Voss Sparkling.”

  Her eyes widened as she looked at him. “How did you—”

  “I remembered you only drank water at the bar, so I assumed you didn’t drink alcohol,” he admitted, his face suddenly uncertain as he queried, “Was I right?”

  She smiled at his sudden little boy expression again. “Yes, you are. Thank you.” She nervously fiddled with her napkin, placing it in her lap, keeping her eyes from the blue, piercing ones sitting across from her. When she had opened her email, seeing his request fo
r an informal meeting, she had no idea if it were a date, a business meeting, or something in between. And curiosity had gotten the better of her. Admit it, girl…you’re interested…even if he’s off limits!

  The silence overtook and she lifted her eyes to his, seeing the sparkle in their blue depths. The blue dress shirt he wore stretched over his muscular body. He appeared casual…and deadly gorgeous. His hair, military short, showcased his features to perfection. His intelligent eyes, square jaw, and beautiful lips turned up in a smile. Jerking herself out of her musings, she said quickly, “Um, so what did you want to talk about?”

  “Evie…uh, is Evie all right?” he asked, realizing the use of her nickname might not be a good place to start building something if the name made her prickly again.

  “Yes, Evie is fine,” she admitted, a slow smile curving the corners of her mouth.

  “I’m glad. I didn’t want to upset you again.”

  Looking down for a moment, she shook her head. “No, no. Really, it’s fine. My father always called me Evie.”

  He stayed silent, hoping she would continue to speak. She did not disappoint.

  “My father was in the Army,” she said, fiddling with her napkin before lifting her gaze back to his, seeing Patrick’s eyes widen in surprise. “We traveled a lot…growing up. Different bases, different schools.”

  “I take it you didn’t like that very much?”

  Smiling wistfully, she confessed, “No, I didn’t. My older sister was outgoing and loved to travel. She made friends wherever we landed. Me? Not so much. I was the geeky, smart girl who was shy. I vowed when I finally grew up, I would find a place to live and stay put forever.”

  Patrick thought about telling her his plans to move to Virginia in a few months but found the words choking in his throat. No need to bring that up now, he told himself.

  “Anyway,” she continued with a delicate shrug, “my family always called me Evie. Once an adult, everyone called me Evelyn. The name seemed more professional and so I just stuck with it.”


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