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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Love (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Saints Protection & Investigations Book 7)

Page 11

by Maryann Jordan

  * * *

  Luke called Monty at home. “Hey, man. I wanted to give you the intel I’ve uncovered and let you pass it on to Patrick. Using the data from the drives, and assistance from not only Tex but my mystery assistant again, I’ve found some interesting information.”

  “Give it to me and I’ll contact Patrick.”

  “Okay, the warehouse is owned by a number of subsidiary companies but, eventually, I found the owner to be listed as Oysten, Inc.”

  “Oysten? Isn’t that the last name of the people who own GMS?”

  “Yes, but what’s interesting is who we’re looking at. And why they want to stay hidden.”

  * * *

  After receiving the phone call from Monty, Patrick dialed Evie. Come on, pick up. Looking at the time, he saw it was after six o’clock. He knew that she should have been home. “Baby, call me when you get this message.”

  Seeing her car was not in her condo’s parking lot, he turned around and began driving to GMS. On his way, he called Dude. They agreed to meet at GMS and Patrick stepped on the accelerator, churning the few miles up quickly.

  Pulling into the parking lot, he immediately spotted her car still parked in its space. He parked next to her and as he got out, Dude came driving up as well.

  “What have you got?” he asked, coming up to Patrick.

  “Monty called. Seems Luke and Tex came up with a way to dig deeper into the hidden financial assets of the warehouse the missing shipment was directed to. It’s owned by an Oysten. Those are Evie’s bosses, but we don’t know which one. I tried to call her, but she won’t pick up. It’s not like her to work late…especially now that she’s disgusted with them.”

  Just then Patrick’s phone vibrated. He answered after checking to see who was calling. “Evie, where are you?”

  “I saw you had called,” she whispered.

  His eyes jerked to Dude’s. “Why are you whispering? Where are you?” he asked again.

  “I’m in the plant. I needed to speak to Ed, but when I got here, it was past closing,” she continued to whisper. “There are two men arguing and I’m afraid to make myself known, so I moved back closer to the door to call you.”

  “Who’s arguing? Where’s the plant?”

  “It’s the huge building to the left of the offices I work in.”

  Patrick glanced up locating the group of buildings she was referring to. “Which one?”

  “Why are you asking? Where are you?” she returned, still whispering.

  “I’m next to your car. Now, which plant building are you in? I don’t want you there alone with two people arguing. You need to leave.”

  “I’m in Building 5A,” she replied softly. “Listen, I think the voices have quieted. I’ll go see if I can find Ed and then come out.”

  “I’m coming to you,” Patrick said, but realized she had disconnected. Looking at Dude, he said, “I’m going to her.”

  Dude grinned and said, “Lead the way, man. I’m in.”

  The two men took off running around the corporate building toward the production area.

  * * *

  Now that it appeared the loud argument had ended, Evie moved up the stairs leading to Ed’s office. Lifting her hand to knock on his door, she stumbled backward as it opened briskly. Stunned, she stared into the face of Norman Oysten, with Ed standing several feet behind him.

  “What are you doing here?” he growled, his hand reaching out to grab her arm.

  In a split second decision, she jumped back out of his reach and turned quickly, running back to the stairs. Hearing a scuffle behind her, she tripped on the stairs as a shot rang out in the vault-like plant, the echo ringing in her ears. Oh, my God!

  Recovering her footing, she stumbled the rest of the way down, but heard someone shout her name from the top.

  “Get back here! Evie, get back here!”

  Another shot rang out. This time, a ping bounced off a metal container near her head and she threw her body around the corner of a large crate, her heart pounding a staccato in her chest. Oh, Jesus, oh, Jesus. What have I gotten myself into?

  Hearing the sound of someone clomping down the stairs, she darted between another group of containers, trying to move inaudibly. Glancing down at her heels, she knew she would be better off barefoot. Slipping off one and then the other, she held them in her hands as she continued to wind around the machinery in the large section of the plant.

  “I know you’re in here,” Norman’s voice cried out. “You can’t escape me.”

  Norman? Her frightened mind was unable to process the kind man who hired her with the angry visage that greeted her at the top of the stairs and continued to chase her. Knowing her phone was in her pocket, she remembered Patrick’s phone call. Please find me!

  * * *

  Patrick and Dude made their way to Building 5A and had just entered the main door, after Dude circumvented the security door, when the shot rang out. Hearing shouts, they immediately shared a glance and headed full speed toward the back stairs.

  “I know you’re in here,” a man’s voice called. “You can’t escape me.”

  Patrick mouthed, “Circle around,” with his forefinger swirling in the air and received Dude’s nod. The two men split and while Dude headed toward the right back wall, Patrick moved toward the left. Once out of earshot, Dude called 911, apprising them of the situation.

  Patrick peeked around a stack of wooden crates and viewed an older man at the bottom of the stairs, holding a gun. The man’s eyes were wide and wildly looking around. Who the hell is that? Ed? The only person Patrick had met from Evie’s work was Saul, and it certainly was not him. And where the fuck is Evie?

  The man turned and began creeping along the wall away from Patrick. Slipping around the crate stack, Patrick followed him for several yards until he was able to move stealthily behind him.

  Hearing a slight noise, he observed Evie slipping around another crate, but unbeknownst to her, she was heading straight for the man with the gun. Wasting no time, he shouted, “Evie! Stop!”

  She immediately halted, flattening herself against the side of the crate nearest her. Unable to see what was happening, she trusted Patrick.

  As Patrick’s voice cried out his warning, the man with the gun whirled around, firing a shot in his general direction. Rushing him, Dude came from the side just as Patrick kicked the armed hand up, sending the weapon flying through the air. Landing on the floor, the gunman crumpled under Dude’s weight before Dude jumped up, pulling the man with him.

  “Evie! Evie!” Patrick yelled. “Come out! We’ve got him!”

  Evie’s body flew around the crates, slamming into Patrick’s. He took her weight effortlessly as she jumped into his arms. Holding her shaking body closely to his, with one arm under her ass and the other cradling her head, he realized he was quaking as much as she.

  Running footsteps were heard behind them and Patrick jerked around, setting Evie down quickly and shoving her behind his body.

  “Police!” a voice shouted, as members of the SPD came into view.

  Lifting his hands in the air, Patrick called out. “We called you. We’ve apprehended the shooter.”

  “The person he shot is upstairs,” Evie said, her hands holding on tightly to Patrick’s waist. She watched as several policemen and EMTs ran up the stairs. “I don’t know for sure who he shot,” she whispered. “But I think it was Ed. They were the ones arguing.”

  Dude handed Norman over to the police, as Patrick and Evie began answering their questions. She stood on rubbery legs, but with Patrick’s arm around her, she steeled her spine, realizing the two of them could face anything.

  Just then, more shouting was heard and once again, Patrick moved Evie protectively behind him. Saul and Gary ran from one of the outside entrances and skidded to a halt as they came upon the group.

  “Oh, dad,” Saul cried, as Evie looked on, stupefied at the events.

  Chapter 14

  Sitting in Aces Bar several hours
later, Cheyenne had joined her husband at the table he shared with Patrick and Evie.

  “Norman? The company’s owner?” Cheyenne asked, sipping her beer and eyeing the plate of wings that had been served.

  Evie, still reeling from the day’s events, nodded. “Yes, it appears that he began siphoning a small portion of some of the shipments to the military bases over twenty years ago during the Gulf war. He found it a lucrative way to have a side business. He knew the military’s budget would pay top dollar and he would undercut some of his competitor’s bids to get the contracts. Then, he’d make up the difference and more by selling some on the black market.”

  “Un-fucking-believable,” Dude announced.

  Patrick grinned at his friend and, slapping him on the back, said, “Gotta thank you for having my back today. You and Tex, both, really helped us tremendously.”

  “I just can’t believe it was him. At all our meetings, he was…well, not meek…but certainly not a gun-toting madman! And to think that I thought it was Ed.”

  Cheyenne, still trying to catch up, asked, “So Ed was the one who got shot?”

  Nodding, Patrick said, “Yeah. It seems that Ed had been doing some investigating himself—”

  “And the sons, Gary and Saul,” Evie piped up, interrupting.

  “Whoa!” Cheyenne exclaimed.

  Patrick continued, “Saul, being in charge of the finances, knew something was happening. He talked to Gary and, together with Ed, they began their own investigation into what was going on. From what Saul told the police, they suspected their father, but hadn’t been able to prove what he was doing.”

  “And then I came along,” Evie added, “and threw a kink into their plans. They wanted to keep me out of things because they were afraid I would find out what was happening first. If they discovered the truth, they would deal with their dad quietly. You know, have him retire gracefully and no one would know of their dad’s illegal dealings.”

  Patrick growled, “They shouldn’t have threatened you. Even if they were trying to stop their dad, that was an asshole maneuver.”

  Nodding, Evie agreed. “Yeah, but I guess it must be weird to think that their dad was stealing and dealing on the black market.”

  The foursome finished their meal and leaned back, enjoying the music. After a few minutes, the two women headed to the ladies’ room. Dude looked over at Patrick and asked, “So, do you know what you’re going to do in a month when you get out?”

  Patrick shot a glance in the direction where Evie had walked, his mind on the beauty in his life. Before he had a chance to respond, Dude continued, “ ’Cause if you stay, I can easily send some investigations your way.”

  Responding honestly, he said, “I guess I’ve got a lot of thinking to do.”

  * * *

  That night, Evie laid in Patrick’s arms, the joyous sounds of their lovemaking having faded into the quiet darkness. Neither slept…neither talked. Both lost in their own thoughts. Finally, he rolled over, facing her. “I was terrified tonight, babe,” he confessed. “I heard that gunshot and, swear to God, no matter how many times I’ve heard gunfire in training and in battle…that one sound nearly undid me.”

  “I was scared too,” she admitted. “I was just so stunned and then ran…as though on instinct.”

  “The survival instinct is strong…as is the protection instinct. Especially when the heart is involved.”

  Smiling a shy smile, she stared into his blue eyes, barely discernable in the soft moonlight through the window. Her gaze roamed his face, taking in the stubbled jaw and strong lips. Leaning in closer, she whispered, “And is your heart involved?”

  His hand cupped the side of her face as he moved his thumb over the soft skin of her cheek before dragging over her smiling lips. “Yeah, babe. My heart’s as involved with you as it can possibly be. You gotta know…I love you, Evie.”

  Her smile widened as his lips met hers before she was able to say the words back to him. So she let her kiss speak for her. And then she let her body show him once more.

  * * *

  Two days later, Evie looked up from her desk and could see Gary and Saul disappearing into Saul’s office. Standing, she followed them and, knocking on the doorframe, announced her presence.

  “Come on in, Evelyn,” Saul called out. “We’re discussing the company and you need to hear what we’re discussing.”

  She entered, settling in one of the comfortable leather chairs and gazed at both men. Remembering the last time she was in the room with both of them, she now wondered what they were going to speak to her about.

  “Evelyn, I need to begin with an apology,” Gary confessed, his expression remorseful. “I behaved abominably, but truly felt trapped. We,” he nodded to his brother, “had been trying to find out what was going on and just wanted to keep everyone else out of it.”

  Irritation flew through her and she bit out, “Yes, but if you had alerted the authorities earlier, your father might only be facing charges dealing with the thefts…not attempted murder.”

  The two brothers winced at her words, but each knew she spoke the truth.

  “How is Ed, by the way?” she asked.

  “He’s going to be fine,” Saul answered. “Thank God.” He shared a look with Gary before proceeding. “Evelyn, the reason we wanted to talk to you, besides to apologize, was to say that we now need you more than ever. The news has raced through the plant and we have had quite a few resignations…people wanting to jump off the ship—”

  “Before it goes down?” she bit out, cocking her head to the side.

  “No, no,” Saul assured. “GMS is still financially sound. We’ve just got to weather the bad press and can then move forward.”

  “Anyway,” Gary interrupted, “we’re ready for you to start immediately as an engineer. There will be a new office, a new area for you to work in, obviously a huge increase in salary. We see you as becoming our lead engineer very quickly.”

  The room was quiet for a moment as Evie weighed her options. She already knew her heart, but did not want to make a rash decision. Shaking her head, she held back a grin. Who am I kidding? Time for the cautious Evie to move forward!

  Standing, she smoothed down her skirt before lifting her gaze first to Gary and then to Saul. “Gentlemen, I want to thank you for the faith you have in me, but I think you are over-optimistic if you think that this company won’t suffer. While you’ll come out in the press as the ones who tried to oust your father, you will find that not many companies, nor the military, will be quick to order from you. And while I do agree that my engineering skills could be of significant value to GMS, I have decided to resign…effective immediately.”

  Turning toward the door, she had not yet walked through it when Saul’s voice called out to her. “Evie…I’m sorry.”

  Glancing back over her shoulder, she offered him a sincere smile. “I’m not, Saul. For the first time in my life, I’m willing to take a chance…and it feels great.”

  Placing a quick phone call, she moved back to her office and packed her personal belongings, which fit easily in her large tote. Taking a last look around, she walked down the hall, stopping at the door to turn in her security badge to the guard at the front.

  Stepping out into the California sunshine, she slid her sunglasses onto her face and smiled at the handsome man leaning against his jeep. With his military uniform sleeves rolled up, his muscular arms strained at the material. One leg crossed in front of the other, she viewed his booted feet up to his short haircut. Unable to see his eyes, covered with reflector sunglasses, she smiled anyway, knowing they were directed at her.

  Patrick watched the beauty walk toward him, her smile piercing his heart. She did not stop until her shoes were directly in front of his boots. Standing to his full height, he reached his hands out to her shoulders. Holding her for a moment, he slipped her sunglasses up her face, pulling her hair back at the same time. Wanting to peer into her eyes, he slid his glasses up as well.

; “Anything you want to tell me?” he asked, hope pounding in his chest.

  “Thought I’d tell you that I’m officially unemployed…I quit!”

  Laughing, he picked her up, twirling her in celebration.

  Giggling, Evie confessed, “I should be upset but, honestly? It feels great!”

  Setting her back down, he assisted her into his jeep. “Let’s grab something to eat and you can tell me all about it.”

  Agreeing, she told him about her meeting over lunch. Munching on the last of her French Fries, she said, “So, I’m unemployed and for the first time in my life, I’m not sure what my plan is.”

  Leaning over to kiss the side of her lips, Patrick said, “Babe, we’ve built something amazing between us. I’d protect you with my life. And it’s no secret I want us to be together. So, if you want to stay in California, we can both look for jobs here.”

  Her heart leaped in her throat at Patrick’s willingness to alter his life plans for her. Her hand moved to cup his jaw as she stared deeply into his sincere expression. “I left GMS today…not only because I wanted to quit working for them, but because of another reason.”

  Patrick held his breath, awaiting her to continue.

  “And, since I plan on moving to Virginia with you, I can hardly commute to California!”

  It took a second for her words to sink in. “Moving? You’ll move with me? Across the country?” he yelled.

  “Yes, yes,” she laughed. Before she had a chance to speak further, he leaned in to kiss her again. This time, much more than a sweet kiss—this kiss was claiming—and she felt it down to her toes.

  Finally pulling apart, remembering they were in a restaurant, she continued to smile, holding his gaze. “After all,” she said, “I can’t let go of the man I love.”

  “I love you too, baby,” Patrick enthused. Quickly paying, he ushered her back to his jeep. “Let’s get you home.”

  Agreeing, she added, “Home for now…but not for long.”

  * * *

  Four weeks later, Dude and Cheyenne stood outside of Evie’s condo, saying goodbye. A moving company had left several hours earlier with her furniture and Patrick’s, and now his jeep held just what they would need for their cross-country sojourn.


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