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Shadow's Light

Page 32

by Nicola Claire

  I let those words sink in slightly. Then asked, “What do you intend for Michel to do if he returns to Auckland?”

  “I can wait a while, Luce. Maybe another week. But, if he doesn't return to claim his line, I will have to act.”


  He ran a hand through his curly, long black hair. “I will have to take some of them, if not all of them, under my own line. I have the strength to hold off opposition to my position for that long. Any longer and I need further backing. The backing of a line.”

  That was a hell of a lot to admit to someone who wasn't honour bound to keep his secrets. Either he trusted my morality, my desire to do right, or he was taking a mammoth risk.

  He must have sensed my unease, the fact that I truly didn't know if he was genuine or not, because he added, “I told you once, Luce, I owe Michel. I will not abandon him yet.”

  He had told me that once. When Michel had gone through a time of trial. Michel had a vampire he trusted sell him out, to the American Families of Vampires. She had been like a daughter to him and he had trusted her beyond all others. That disloyalty had led him to not trust the rest of his line. And to then not trust me. It had been a hard time. During his absence, Jett had taken control of business. He had covered for Michel, not letting the line know how weakened he was. At the time, Jett had told me it was because he owed Michel that loyalty. Because the vampire who had let Michel down and betrayed his trust, had been Jett's girlfriend. Possibly even his vampire mate.

  Jett had felt responsible for her actions. It seemed, if I was to believe him, he still felt he owed Michel a debt. But, there was now a finite date to that offer. One week. If Michel couldn't return to Auckland in that time-frame, then all bets were off. Jett would take over his line and rule Auckland City in Michel's place. Not that I had thought there was a chance Michel could return to the role of Master of the City. But his line, I had definitely hoped he could reclaim.

  A master vampire is only as good as, as strong as, his line. Plus, Michel loved his vampires. He may have held them on a tight leash, as Jett had insinuated, but they were his family. To lose them would be crushing. Even to a hardened, experienced vampire like Michel.

  The sense of urgency I had felt at getting Michel out of the Champion's clutches increased. But, I still had no idea how to effect that.

  I ran a hand through my shorter bob of hair, lamenting the long locks I had once had. It was all enough to make you want curl up in bed and hide under the covers for a while. To pretend vampire politics, fairy courts and half-vampire half-vampire-hunter problems simply didn't exist at all.

  “OK,” I said at last. “I'll pass on the message when I talk to Michel next.”

  Jett barked in laughter, then caught the look on my face. “You're serious? Have you been talking to Michel? No one has been able to make contact at all.”

  Ah hell, Michel's ability to visit dreams wasn't exactly a secret, but I never did like talking about it. It was obvious why he visited my dreams. To vampires it was bloody obvious indeed.

  I settled for avoidance, a half truth. “I can get a message to him, but I don't have control over when it happens. It's not foolproof.”

  He watched me for a moment and then nodded, having decided not to push me on the specifics.

  “Good, then when you do get through to him, let him know Nataliya is being held hostage by the Keeper at the Champion's behest. And if he doesn't wrap this up with her soon, the Keeper is coming for you too.”

  I sat there staring at him incredulously. Of course he'd have known where Nataliya was. He could probably use his position as Master of the City to locate her, or at the very least sense her presence within the city limits. Nataliya was a level two master vampire. Only those level two and above feature on the Master of the City's radar. I could also understand his reluctance to tell Sergei, as Nataliya's brother would be uncontrollable, should he know his sister was being held hostage.

  But, what I couldn't fathom is why he was only telling me, her mistress, now.

  “What does he want?” I asked finally, pushing thoughts of his delay in sharing this knowledge with me aside.

  “He wants you, but we're not going to give him you. Michel will sort this out at his end. Once he knows about it, that is.”

  “You have a lot of faith in Michel's ability to influence the Champion. I don't think anyone has that level of persuasion.”

  “You'd be surprised.” He cocked his head and assessed me, then added, “Or maybe not. In any case, he has the Champion's ear more than most realise. He is also very good at playing the game.”

  People kept telling me this. Even Michel himself had said he was good at playing the game. Just what the hell did playing the game actually entail?

  I leaned forward in my seat and rubbed my temples. There were just too many different things happening at once right now for me to get a handle on any of it. First things first, deal with what's in front of me.

  “Will the Keeper harm Nataliya?”

  Jett shook his head, making his long, loose curls fly about his shoulders. It wasn't model worthy, but that head of hair certainly knew how to steal centre stage.

  “No. She is a bargaining tool and he has given 48 hours to deliver you. We have time, but a message to Michel would be better delivered earlier rather than later, I think.”

  I nodded. Fine, I'd get myself off to sleep as soon as I could and hope Michel entered my dreams. If that failed. Well, I had other abilities. Dream Walking for one. Although I had sworn not to go to him, expecting that was exactly what the Champion was waiting for, I would do it if it meant saving Nataliya. She was mine to protect. Vampires like being part of a line for the security and safety it offers. As master, or mistress, of the line, I offer protection and a safe harbour. In return I get her loyalty and service. I would not let the Keeper harm her.

  I knew what he wanted. It wasn't exactly me he was after. It was my Nosferatin power. The Keeper overseas the Iunctio's power base. He contains it and directs it where it needs to go. I had known the Champion would send him after me at some point. Or at least I had expected it. But, I hadn't seen this approach coming. I had been prepared for a more bold, in the face attack. Popping out from behind a dumpster down a dark alley and taking me by surprise. Sneakily abducting one of my vampires and holding them hostage had not featured in my musings.

  Crap. I was losing my touch. These were vampires, they didn't play nice.

  “All right, I need to make a call, can I use your phone?”

  “Sure,” Jett said standing up to full height and walking towards the door. “When you're done, take one of the spare rooms in the line's quarters. There should be plenty free. Most of the line is spread around the city right now. It doesn't pay to keep all your eggs in one basket.”

  I nodded, trying to hide my smile at his choice of words. Vampires and eggs in baskets just didn't seem to go together somehow. The door shut behind him and I went around the desk and sat in Michel's chair. I quickly picked up the desk phone and dialled Samson's cell.

  “Hey,” his quiet voice came down the line, as though he didn't want to wake Gigi with anything louder. There was no background crashing or musical chimes that I could hear. So he was either alone in the house with Gigi or had made it out.

  “Hey yourself,” I replied. Our standard phone exchange. “How's Gigi?”

  “No change, but at least the fairies have gone.”

  “When did they leave?”

  “About a minute ago actually, your timing couldn't have been better. I haven't ventured out on the landing, but I'm guessing half the house is destroyed. I'll hole up in here for the day, when the sun sets I'll take a peak.”

  The fairies had gone. But where to? And who had won the fight?

  “Are you OK?” I asked instead.

  “Yeah. Tired, stressed, but otherwise I'm still pumped up on some Nosferatin go-go juice that'll see me through the sunlit hours. You pack some punch, Luce.”

  I laughed.
“Don't get too addicted, you can't afford me on a regular basis.”

  He laughed in returned. “Jesus, I wouldn't think of it. I'm not mental. Michel would kill me if I took that liberty again.”

  Yeah, he probably would. “OK, hang tight. I'll catch up with you tonight.” I wanted to tell him about Nataliya, but there was no point adding more stress to his day. I'd deal with it myself.

  “OK,” he replied. “Hey, Luce?”



  I smiled. “Don't mention it. We're family.”

  I hung up the phone and had taken a couple of steps out around the desk, when the room shimmered and swirled, a fairy signature appeared in the air and the faint smell of peaches reached my nose.

  My silver dagger was out in my hand before the form had fully materialised in front of me. If it had to end here, it would. There was no way I was going back to Álfheimr with Lutin.

  A form walked through the swirls and distortion of air and then promptly collapsed in a pool of blood on the ground.

  It wasn't Lutin.

  Chapter 28

  The Best Laid Plans

  I paused only briefly and then rushed forward to Aliath's side. He was conscious still, but badly hurt. I wondered just how bad Lutin was. I considered getting to Sergei to gain his protection, but this could be an opportunity to gain Aliath's trust.

  “What can I do?” I asked as he glanced up at me, pain evident by the look in his green eyes.

  “In my pocket... vial... must drink.” His breathing was laboured and as I started to search his pockets for the vial he had mentioned, I noticed that although he was covered in blood, most of it appeared to not be his.

  I located the small bottle, withdrew the stopper and held it to his lips. His bloody hand came up and wrapped around my wrist. His hold much firmer than I would have expected a wounded man to have. In fact, it made me realise I was alone with the Grey Lord and although he appeared injured, he was fey. Deception, if not lies, were par for the course with even the Dökkálfa.

  He drank the golden liquid and then let his head fall back on the carpeted floor of the office, closing his eyes. His hand did not release my wrist. I waited a few seconds and then began to twist it free, but his hold intensified. My heartbeat began to speed up.

  I had a choice. I could just wait this out and see what happens, or I could pull the silver dagger from its sheath inside my jacket and threaten him until he let me go. I was tempted by the knife scenario. My deep seated distrust of the Fey was at the forefront of my mind. But, some part of me, something deep within, wanted to give the Grey Lord a chance. If I held a knife to his throat I may destroy any possibility of having a fairy on my side.

  I almost laughed at that thought. Why the hell would I think a fairy would want to be on my side? Yet, I still didn't go for my knife.

  After several minutes Aliath opened his eyes again, looked up at my face and then flicked his gaze to where he was holding me still firmly at my wrist. Then promptly let go. I forced myself not to shuffle backwards like a fleeing crab, but instead sat back on my heels putting a modicum of space between us. I did rub my wrist though.

  Aliath watched the movement, then swiftly rolled to his knees and faced me. Colour had returned to his cheeks and although still covered in blood, he didn't look injured. If he was hurting, he was hiding it. For all I knew, that magic potion had healed all his wounds, but somehow, even though he moved smoothly, I knew he was still in pain.

  “What happened?” I asked, when he still didn't say anything.

  “He escaped.”

  Crap. I had thought perhaps one thing could get resolved today. My end of the accord with Sofiq. One less thing to worry about, but no such luck. Lutin was still at large and Sofiq was waiting.

  “What now then?” Lutin would come back, but when? How long would it take to get rid of that bloody fairy?

  “He is injured, but he will recover as swiftly as I.” I flicked my gaze over Aliath again, noting he looked even better than a few seconds ago. Maybe he would be completely healed in no time at all. “He will return for you, but be prepared for me now. The element of surprise has been lost.”

  “Great,” I muttered under my breath. As if we needed the odds to be any worse.

  Aliath stood in one smooth, graceful movement. Similar to how the vampires stand, but not quite as otherworldly. You could still believe the fairy's motion was carried out by a human. Albeit an athletic, gymnastically trained human.

  “I must rest. He will not attack now, he too will need to rest. But, I suggest, Princess...” He paused and smiled at me. “...Lucinda, that you not be alone today.”

  I nodded in agreement and led the fairy out of Michel's office and towards the other side of the building, where the vampire quarters were housed. Aliath didn't indicate he needed any assistance walking, he strode with purpose, but also care. Despite his efforts to appear at full strength, I was positive he was not. I didn't push the matter, didn't offer any support, just led the way silently to find him somewhere to rest.

  The building Sensations was part of, was a three story structure with a basement below. The club took up most of the ground floor, but to one side Michel had his private chamber and office and to the other were storage rooms and a few smaller vampire quarters. In the basement was the underground car park and a larger storage area that had been made over into a vampire day retreat. Complete with large screen TV, pool table, mini bar and comfortable seating. The two upper stories had been converted to further vampire lodgings, including bathrooms and mini kitchens, since I was last here. Plans that Michel had instigated but not been around to execute. Jett had obviously carried on with those plans. The entire building was now Auckland's vampire headquarters.

  It all looked good. Equally as well furnished as Sensations main club room was. Plush fabrics, lush colours and lots of polished wood. It was nice and I was sure those vampires who chose to board near their master appreciated the accommodations. I couldn't help feeling that Michel was not going to benefit from it though. Jett was in charge of Sensations now, not Michel. And soon he could be in charge of the entire Durand line.

  I found an empty room and showed Aliath inside. He glanced around and seemed moderately impressed, but didn't say anything. I nodded to him and shut the door on my way out. I wondered if he collapsed on the bed as soon as I had left, finally able to allow his body to fall into the pain he had, I was sure, been suffering.

  I let myself sink into that black nothingness and sought out the Dark vampire signatures in the building. There were only about a dozen vampires housed within. Finding Sergei was easy. He has a very small smattering of Dark, but his signature is infused with my Light. It was like being pulled towards the magnet opposite me. I simply followed that pull until I stood outside his door.

  I was about to knock when the door swung open. Sergei stood in his trousers, but no shirt. His upper body rippling with all the muscles he had. I had never seen Sergei in anything other than fully dressed. It was impressive. He was a big man. Built to be a warrior. His size, however, did not make him appear cumbersome, instead when he moved he simply flowed. Despite his near nakedness, he was still just a vampire. Nothing else.

  He stood aside and let me walk in. The bed had twisted sheets on it, I had obviously woken him up.

  “Hey, sorry about this, but Lutin is free and I don't think I should be alone today.”

  He swore, something unintelligible in Russian and ran a hand through his black hair.

  “Of course, Mistress. Take the bed and I will stand guard.” He walked over to a couch and sat down, making himself comfortable. Then picked up a tablet computer from a side table and started reading. I would have taken the sofa and left him the bed, but I knew there was no point arguing. Sergei was old school, there was no way he would settle for that.

  I slipped into the bathroom and freshened up, removing my jacket and hanging it on a hook on the back of the door. I was about to leave and re
turn to the room, when I had a thought. Turning back to the jacket I took a stake out and then proceeded to the bed in the other room. Sergei noted the stake but didn't say anything.

  I'd made my decision, for good or for bad. But, the idea of trying to sleep and having Michel visit me in my dream with Sergei there just did not appeal. Often Michel had a strong effect on me when visiting my dreams, one that was obvious in my sleeping body. If I Dream Walked to him, my body would lie unconscious for the duration. There would be no indication of what was occurring until I returned from the Walk.

  But, to avoid any concern on Sergei's part...

  “I'm going Dream Walking, so don't be alarmed if my body is motionless for a while.”

  Sergei sat forward in his chair. “Is it safe, Mistress?”

  It was never entirely safe. Sure, I would be invisible to vampires, but that didn't mean they couldn't get lucky, capture me and harm me while I was there. I was not invincible whilst Dream Walking, I just held the upper hand.

  “It'll be fine, I'm an expert.” I smiled, hopefully convincingly, then lay myself down on the bed. The stake still firmly in my hand.

  Closing my eyes, I didn't waste time entering the black void of nothingness that led me to my Dream Walking self. I let the cool darkness surround me. Unlike the Dark or shadows that had seemed to haunt me lately, this darkness was welcoming and familiar. It was a complete blackness, a nothingness that engulfed every particle of me. But despite that all-consuming feeling, it was also full of hope and Light. Or at least, the essence of Light.

  I allowed myself to seek out Michel. I was unsure how easy or hard it would be. When we'd had a Bond, it was as simple as breathing air. I was drawn to him down that connection and didn't even have to try. A small part of me was worried that I wouldn't now be able to find him at all. Perhaps it helped that I knew he was in Paris, on the Île de la Cité. I was able to concentrate my search efforts there. But as soon as I saw his signature, I knew it wouldn't have been hard at all. I knew that signature as if it were my own. Light-filled with a dash of Dark. Not too dissimilar from other vampires, but it wasn't the ratio of Light and Dark that let me know it was him. It was the type of Light and Dark.


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