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Shadow's Light

Page 39

by Nicola Claire

  I shifted to see where my clothes had got to and Michel tightened his hold.

  “Ma douce,” he whispered, although there was no need to talk quietly, no one was here to listen to a word we shared. “Whatever happens tonight, know that you are mine and always will be.”

  I stiffened at his words. “What do you think is going to happen, Michel?”

  He shrugged as he sat up and finally let me go. An elegant shift of his shoulders that did not hide the tension in his frame.

  “We have been invited to dinner with the Champion. The question is not what will happen, but what will go wrong instead.”

  Like me, Michel did not trust the Champion.

  And we were about to walk into her den.

  Foolish? Or just desperate? I had no idea which.

  Chapter 34

  The Palais

  The sun was peeking over the horizon by the time Michel and I exited the jet. The vampires were already inside an Iunctio black limousine, waiting for us to join them. The car was so big, we were able to all fit inside with room to spare. I would have preferred a separate vehicle. I may have got used to verbalising my pleasure when with Michel intimately, but I was not above being highly embarrassed that each vampire in that car knew what we had been up to.

  Hell, they could probably smell it on us. But, thankfully, none of them said a word. In fact, M&M were utterly fixated with Michel. It occurred to me, it was the first time they had laid eyes on him since his death. They may have spoken to him on the phone, talked to me about him as though nothing had happened. But, to be face to face with the miracle is something else entirely.

  If I had felt uncomfortable with the potential looks I could have received after our slow arrival to the limo, Michel didn't bat an eyelid at the scrutiny he was receiving now. He acted as though nothing was untoward. He simply leaned forward, from the seat he had taken with me and shook each vampire's hands. Lingering longer on Marcus and Matthias, as they were of his line.

  “Master,” they both intoned after shaking hands. Sinking to the floor, fisted hand across chest as they bowed.

  “It is so good to see you.” Matthias's voice was choked. I had never heard him sound so emotional before. I almost felt like Sergei and I were witnessing something private. That we shouldn't have been there to see the big vampire crack.

  But, Michel, sensing my unease, simply took hold of my hand in his casually and began to rub the back of it with his thumb.

  “Sit back, both of you.” Michel's words weren't harsh, they were quite soft actually. Caring. “We will reacquaint our bond in due course, should you wish it.”

  It was obvious that both Marcus and Matthias wanted that. That they still wanted Michel as their master. I didn't realise until that moment, how worried I was about the possibility that they wouldn't want him to head their line. That they would want to remain independent, or perhaps join with Jett or someone else. I had been worried their rejection would hurt Michel, but I hadn't needed to worry at all. Marcus and Matthias were loyal to their master, even in his 'death'. I hoped the rest of the line was that dedicated too.

  Turning to me, Michel went on. “Alain and Daniel are here. I have already brought them back into my line.”

  “Even Alain?” I asked. Simply because he was a level one master vampire and if any of Michel's vampires had wanted to branch out on their own, it would be him. He was also the head of Michel's European spy network, so him being back under his wing was monumental. Michel could now converse with him mind to mind and right now, we needed all the help we could get.

  Michel smiled indulgently at me. “Yes, even Alain.” Then he turned back to M&M. “I have every intention of bringing you back under the line as soon as possible, maybe even when we return to the Palais, but I must be sure I have time to recover. Even having Lucinda here to feed from, it will leave me vulnerable.”

  I didn't like the sound of that at all. Marcus and Matthias could just wait until we return to New Zealand, until all of this crap was over and done with. I did not want Michel to be at a disadvantage when faced with the Champion or Keeper.

  “Ma douce," Michel began, having somehow heard my thoughts. Man I was projecting and I needed to get that under control, before I was anywhere near the Champion who could easily read minds. Michel squeezed my hand at that. “Having a connection to Marcus and Matthias would be beneficial. I would be prepared, given the right circumstances, to attempt it. We need all the backup we can get.”

  I bit my lip, but didn't answer. I'd only argue and lose the point. This was Michel's turf, my influence would not be great here.

  Your influence is great anywhere. Do not doubt the effect you have over me. Now, he chided softly in my mind, start building your shields, ma douce. You are wide open and susceptible to attack.

  He leaned over and cupped my face, brushing my lips with his in a precious kiss. He held my gaze for a few minutes as I meticulously worked on my shields. Eventually, he nodded when he could no longer hear my thoughts and then kissed me softly again.

  This time he turned his attention to Sergei. “Your sister is being well cared for and I believe she will be released as soon as Lucinda is in the Palais. My suggestion,” his eyes flicked to mine briefly for confirmation, “would be to leave Paris immediately and take yourselves both to London. You may use my house. Christopher will be ready to receive you both.”

  Christopher was a vampire who looked after Michel's house in London. A dreary, old Victorian building in South Kensington. What I would call a typical vampire haunt. It sounded like Christopher was still very loyal to Michel, although not having had the time to reaffirm their blood bond. Christopher I could imagine remaining steadfast in his devotion to his old master. He just was that kind of guy.

  “Thank you,” Sergei answered, “but I will remain to protect my mistress.”

  “No,” I turned to the Russian. “You will get Nataliya out of here and make sure she is safe, so I don't have to worry about either of you being used against me.”

  Sergei bristled and I knew the time for our first disagreement about my ability to protect myself had arrived. I didn't have to say a thing though. Michel leaned forward and clasped my vampire's hand.

  “You have my word, that Lucinda will be protected by me and mine. On my life. On the life of my second, Alain Dupont.”

  It didn't surprise me that Michel had made Alain his second in command. The fact that he had only two vampires under his line right now was part of it. But more so, the fact that Alain was more than capable of backing up anything Michel said. What surprised me though, was how quickly Sergei backed down.

  “I have met Alain,” Sergei said. The implied there being that he respected the vampire who Michel had named as his second. “I accept your word.”

  Michel sat back satisfied and Sergei sat back mollified. I just sat there seething. Of course, Michel had just saved me from a full-on argument with Sergei, one I would probably have had to resort to a Light-command to end. But, and it's a whopping, great, huge “but”, I should have been left to handle this on my own. I didn't need Michel to fight my battles. I didn't need Sergei to insist on how to keep me safe. I could handle both of those things quite adequately by myself. I didn't need to be taken care of by anyone else, but me.

  Marcus started sniggering in the corner of the car. All eyes turned towards him.

  “What?” he asked innocently, but his eyes flicked to me. He didn't need to say anything else, because three pairs of additional eyes turned to look at my face and although I was trying to use my blank mask of indifference, the mask I adopt when facing particularly clever vamps, I was failing miserably.

  I was fuming and they could all see it.

  Michel sighed, Sergei looked uncomfortable and Matthias simply swung his head quickly to look at his reflection in the blacked out window of the car. Nobody said a word.

  Michel pulled me closer against his chest, but didn't try to talk to me aloud or in my head, he simply stroked a hand thr
ough my hair and let me calm on my own. His steadily beating heart and breathing in my ears setting a rhythm for me to follow. His loving embrace signal enough to let me know he hadn't intended to hurt my feelings. But, his lack of words told me he'd do it all over again, given half the chance.

  Michel had always been over enthusiastic where my safety was concerned. To the point of being smothering. He had improved in the months leading up to his 'death'. I just hoped we hadn't taken a few steps back since then. I loved him more than life itself, but I would not allow myself to lose me by being smothered.

  Still, nothing is better than make-up sex after a showdown. And Michel and I have had some really doozy showdowns in the past. I smiled and kind of wished he'd been able to hear my thoughts just then.

  We crossed over the Pont Neuf bridge without even seeing it, but we all knew when we had reached the Île de la Cité, or as the vampires call it, Lutetia. The centre of Paris and home to the Iunctio's Council and Palais since 52 AD. Their seat of power and government, it is well warded and even Norms know that it is something more than just special when they stand on its banks.

  I didn't mind that we couldn't see the sights. As beautiful as the island is, all that mattered was what awaited us at the Palais. And I knew from personal experience, that the Palais was not beautiful. The buildings of the Notre Dame Cathedral, the Conciergerie, and the Palais de la Justice were all designed to draw you into a false sense of safety. And then you're faced with the Iunctio Palais. A big, dark, block of a fort. Utilitarian in design. Practical, unattractive and dire. The only saving grace to the ruthless façade it keeps, is a spectacular wooden door at the front. Carved intricately, from a distance it is exquisite. Up close, it resembles vampires at war.

  There was nothing I liked about the Palais, but somehow I kept finding myself here despite my abhorrence to its style and what it represents. I was not a vampire, even though I apparently hark from the same ancestors as the Nosferatu. Even though we were once of the same ilk. I am not them and they are not me. But, without Nosferatin power they would be unable to control the Nosferatu as a whole. Part of our power runs the Iunctio network. And as has been made abundantly clear, my power is what is needed to close the portals to Álfheimr.

  I didn't like it, but I had absolutely no say in it. The Champion may not be my leader, but when she says jump, every Nosferatin in hearing distance does. She's just that kind of vamp. Without the Iunctio controlling the masses of vampires out there, the Nosferatin would not stand a chance. At their base nature, a vampire will kill to survive. Even just to feed. Humans mean nothing to them, really. It is only recent centuries when living alongside humans has become possible, that more care has been taken. And even then, if it weren't for the Iunctio's rules, humans would still have ended up dead.

  Now, vampires are accountable. But not to the Nosferatin. No, they are accountable to the Iunctio. Sometimes that's OK. Sometimes not. But I will admit, despite my despising the Iunctio, I would be disturbed if they no longer existed at all. Hell, I'd probably be run off my feet and quite possibly dead. A vampire without rules is a very dangerous thing.

  Our car parked in a covered area, sheltered somewhat from the sun. Which allowed the vampires to flash inside the building and avoid a painful sunburn. The door we entered wasn't the carved one at the main entrance, which I was pleased to discover. One look closely at that baby and you have nightmares for days on end. This door was a side entrance, still well warded and guarded. But obviously designed for daytime arrival of guests.

  We were all identified and then led to our accommodation. Nobody said a word about Nataliya or whether the Champion wished to see us straight away. In fact, nobody said a single word at all.

  Our rooms were all in the same wing, with six Iunctio guards keeping an eye on us. Two at either end of the corridor our rooms were located in, and two right in front of Michel's room. I briefly wondered why he hadn't had guards with him at the airport and then it hit me. He wasn't being guarded, I was. They had let me walk into the Palais of my own accord, but once here, there would be no escape.

  Had the Champion and the Keeper been that sure that I would come, that they didn't need to fetch me from the airport? The answer was simple. They knew me well. I would not leave Nataliya here without trying to negotiate. All they had to do was hold my vampire captive and wait for me to arrive. I had done exactly what they knew I would. But, there was no point being upset with my position in this game. It was what it was. Nataliya was mine to protect.

  They could have threatened Michel, but my response would have been different and they knew it. Not only could Michel take care of himself, I would have come guns blazing to his rescue. But a vampire of my line, I'd tread more carefully. Nataliya was mine to protect and I take that responsibility seriously. Sometimes I wished I was more unpredictable. That I didn't operate by a set of steadfast morals and rules.

  Although we all had separate accommodation on the guarded corridor, everyone came with us into Michel's room. It was similar to what he had stayed in on previous visits. The room decorated to a high standard. This time muted autumnal colours in browns, golds and dark greens. The main room was a well appointed large lounge, with seating, entertainment units and drinks bar. Off the back of the room was a small kitchenette and to the side the bedroom and bathroom. All matching in décor and standard of furnishings. It was beautiful and luxurious. I hated it.

  Waiting for us inside were Alain and Daniel. Michel's European spies and now the only two members of the Durand line. Alain rushed forward and greeted Michel, his blue eyes sparkling as his master entered the room. It was obvious the Frenchman was pleased to see Michel safe. But he didn't completely relax. Taking in those of us who accompanied Michel. He smiled when his eyes landed on me, but only briefly, then he was surveying the others. Skimming Marcus and Matthias, but keeping a wary eye on Sergei.

  His blonde hair was tied back as usual and he was dressed in casual brown trousers and a cream long sleeved top. Every item of clothing hugged his body to perfection, but he didn't over shadow his master's attire. He simply blended into the room making you believe he was born to be a part of it. So much so that it was easy to forget he was even there. I was guessing this was part of his talent as a spy. To belong, no matter where he needed to be.

  Daniel was younger looking than Alain, he had obviously been turned when just a late teen. He used his age as a tool, like every other part of his body. When I had last met him he had been dressed like a young biker with ripped jeans and leather jacket. Today he looked like a college student. His polo shirt and chino trousers crisp and his university jacket with La Sorbonne written across the back, perfecting the ruse. The only noticeable difference for a vampire was his short black hair. Daniel was designed to fit in with humans and in truth, they wouldn't suspect a thing was out of place with this vampire. He was more human looking than most humans. A frightening thought.

  He stood when we entered, but didn't approach, just hung back and watched beneath hooded eyelids. Once introductions had been made and Sergei and Alain had a chance to assess each other, we all sat and somewhat relaxed.

  It was early morning here in Paris and if the Champion was indeed not going to call on us until this evening, then I would need to get some rest. I hadn't slept for long on the plane, you never do. So, I could feel the weariness enveloping me despite the heightened level of tension the situation called for. I wasn't in the slightest bit hungry, but my body was starting to shut down. Small shivers were racking my frame, but I just tucked my legs under myself on the couch and wrapped my arms about my body to keep the little heat I still had inside.

  It shouldn't have surprised me that Michel would notice, but he didn't make me go to bed. He simply walked into the bedroom and returned with a mohair blanket and wrapped it around my shoulders and placed it over my legs. Then, while the others watched silently, he went into the kitchen and out of sight. If they had forgotten how Michel cared for me, how he could transform from the
master vampire in charge of a large line to the caring lover of a Nosferatin, then his actions now were reminder enough. He returned from the kitchen with a steaming mug of hot chocolate and handed it to me before he sat down.

  I took it numbly and managed a sip or two to appease him, even though the thought of eating or drinking was far from my mind. Only after I had taken those two sips did Michel bother to address the quiet room.

  “Any news?” he asked Alain.

  “No. But the guards arrived in the corridor about ten minutes before you all did.” Alain’s French accent was appealing. Like Michel's when he's angry or stressed. Or in my dreams. “I expect we'll hear shortly. It is Lucinda they have been waiting for after all.”

  The reminder that I was the target here was not welcome, but it was enough to make me steel myself for what may come. Or maybe the blanket and hot chocolate were doing what Michel had intended them to do. Because all of a sudden, I didn't feel so cold. All of a sudden I was angry. At the Champion and stupid, stupid games.

  I wanted to end this. Join with Michel now and give them what they wanted. My power, while Michel guarded the portals to Álfheimr. But until Nataliya was safe, I couldn't risk it. Something told me the Champion would only cooperate if we played by her rules. And me joining with Michel without having first had an audience with her just didn't fit the bill. I was at her mercy until Nataliya was safe.

  Did I mention how much I hated her?

  An hour passed and then another. By then it was obvious we weren't going to see Nataliya any time soon. Nor would we be called to the Champion before dinner. There was nothing for it, but to wait until then. Sergei had started pacing after just twenty minutes in the room. I wanted to join him after a further twenty, but Michel had shifted on the couch to wrap an arm around my shoulders, no doubt sensing my increasing discomfort and concern. Forcing me not to wear a path into the floor.

  Alain and Daniel discussed plans. Where they expected the exchange to occur. Who they thought was in attendance in the Palais right then. How they thought it could possibly play out. Several different scenarios were offered, the more possible outcomes to the day they discussed, the more uncertain I was that we would walk away from this home free.


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