Enzio: An Undercover Romance

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Enzio: An Undercover Romance Page 15

by Bry Ann

  “My deepest apologies, Ms. Tree. I didn’t see your anatomy, I assumed male.”

  My cheeks redden slightly. “It’s Mrs., Hunter. You’re really battin’ a hundred. First, you assume she’s male. Now, you assume she’s single. She’s beautiful and I won’t have you offendin’ her.”

  Hunter bites his knuckles, chucklin’ under his breath. “Missed you, lil sis.”

  That warms my heart. I flip off the tree and wrap my arms around him. Hunter’s way warmer than King, but not as soft as Jay. He wraps one arm me easily, giving me a tight squeeze.

  “When you’re not here, Iris, things seem so intense. So dark.” He sighs heavily. “We need ya around. No more doin’… whatever it is you were doin’.”

  I swallow, feeling the shame well up inside me. “What’s goin’ on?” “It’s not easy being King’s best friend,” he teases, avoiding the real answer.

  I smile. “Really?” I gasp. “No!”

  Hand over heart.

  “I could have sworn he was out gettin’ beers and pickin’ up chicks with you on the reg.”

  Hunter snickers. “Oh yeah, you know King. He’s all about the ladies.”

  We both laugh. King’s a loner. Yeah, he hooks up sometimes or whatever, but it’s pretty rare for him. He seems to be always thinkin’ or workin’. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He doesn’t rest. Ever.

  I kick the dirt under my feet. “What are you doing way out here?” “Lookin’ for you.”

  “Oh, why? How’d you find me?”

  He runs a hand through his medium length, dirty blonde hair, letting his eyes land on me.

  “I didn’t find ya right away, don’t worry. I’ve been lookin’ everywhere, but then I remembered you used to come out here all the time as a kid. Took the car out. Figured I’d give it a shot.”

  “Oh, good guess.” I offer him a tiny smile.

  He smirks. “Yeah, I’m sure you’re thrilled.”

  I blush. “No, it’s okay. I kind of wanted to be alone, but it’s really no big deal.” “You’re too nice, Iris. King needs to give you lessons on assertiveness.”

  “Yeah, I’ll pass on that. He’d make me a total bitch.”

  Hunter throws his head back and laughs like everyone does every time I cuss. It’s kind of annoyin’. Just because I choose to be nice and I choose not to cuss doesn’t mean I can’t.“Not possible. You’re a sweetheart.”

  “Yeah, I guess I kinda was. How can I help you?”

  “Was?” He shakes his head, like for some reason he’s not pursuing that topic. “I came to apologize.”


  “Yeah, the other day on the dock. I felt like shit about the interruption. I know you like that guy.”

  Oh God! I throw my hands over my face to hide my flaming cheeks.

  “Hunter, it’s fine!” I shriek. “Just forget about it.”

  I peek through my fingers to see him grinning at me. “I’m not trying to embarrass you, sis. My apology is genuine, I swear.”

  “It’s fine! Totally fine. F-fine. I swear. I’m fine.”

  He laughs. “Are you fine? You sure?”

  “I’m sure,” I squeak. I know he’s teasing me, but I really can’t form words right now. This is so embarrassing.“Look, King’s no good with words and Jay doesn’t talk about anything that invokes a damn feelin’, so I guess it’s up to me.”

  He crosses his arm over his vast chest.

  “No, it’s fine.”

  I back up and crash into the tree. He laughs.

  “I know the only guy you’ve dated is that dick, Wes, and I know he fucked you up a bit when it comes to men and self-esteem.”

  “Hunter…” I whisper.

  “But I like Derek for you. He seems genuine. King’s unsure, but fuck him on this one. He’s not always right.”

  “Okay, but Derek and I aren’t like that. I’m not… I’m not his type or anythin’. So, you can just, um, drive back and forget this. Derek’s goin’ home soon anyway. He got a call earlier and… I don’t know. I don’t think he’s gonna stay.”

  “Then make him.”

  “Wh… What?” I gasp, wide eyed.

  “Iris,” Hunter approaches me with a dark smile. One I know too well. This is King’s right hand. This man right here. I swallow and step back. Hunt catches it and steps back a bit, but he can’t hide who he is, either. He’s tough, brutal, and there’s only so much he can do to hide it from me. “If you like this guy, you need to fight for him. Bottom line.”

  “Oh no, I’d never hold him back. He’s FBI. I’m no one, really.” I blush. “Why would I try to stifle him?”

  “One, ‘cause he makes you happy. That should be good enough, but since I know it’s not for you, I’ll add this. If he likes you like I know he does, you’ll be doing him a favor by convincing him to stay a while longer. At least until you two figure your shit out.”

  “He does not like me! And besides, even if that was true, which is ridiculous, we just met you crazy!”

  “Mmm, King’s right.”

  “About what?”

  His lip curls up to the side. “I do wanna kick Wes’s ass some more.”

  “Some more?!” “You didn’t really think Wes fell off his bike two days after he cheated on you, do you? Wow, you’re really that naive.” He laughs. “Damn.”

  “Wh-what? Wait! You said, King said, you all s-said. You said.”

  Hunter laughs. Laughs! I’m raging mad. I just suck at speaking.

  “Was Wes mad at me after you b-beat him? I mean even Car-Carson said you didn’t,” I whisper.

  Hunter’s face goes an odd combo of soft and pissed.

  “First, I don’t give a shit if Wes was ‘mad or not’. Are you kiddin’ me? Is your self-esteem that low? He cheated on you with a woman in her late 30’s, and when the town found out, tried to redeem himself by spreadin’ a rumor that you were terrible in bed and left him no choice. We all had to listen to that shit. You had to deal with that shit! My only regret is I didn’t break more teeth, and I can tell ya this. Carson tracked his location. Your sweet little Carson asked us to give Wes a good punch for him.” “No, he didn’t!”

  “Oh, he did.”

  “But I forgave Wes for what he did! I told you I that! I was mad, I’m still mad, but I spent years of my life with him. I didn’t want it all to go to waste.” “Well,” Hunt grumbles, “hate to break it to you sis, but every moment you spent with that piece of shit was a waste.”

  “You’re an ass, Hunter.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Oh ha-ha! You’re so damn amusin’. You and King thinking you control everythin’. That was my life, Hunter! Mine. My problem to deal with, and you know, if forgiveness was the path I chose to heal, for myself, then you guys should have honored that! Did you ever think I didn’t forgive Wes for him? That maybe I forgave him for myself, huh? Did you? Because I didn’t ask you and King not to give Wes a hard time because I thought he deserved it. I asked you not to give him shit because I felt I had the right to move on without feeling guilt and anger over what went down in our break up. Because now, now I feel shitty. I don’t feel the blissful peace of doin’ the right thing, of forgiveness.”

  I grab the branch of the tree and yank myself up to sit on it. When I get there, I look back down at a dumbstruck Hunter.

  “So go tell Kingston that! Go tell him you two idiots could learn a little somethin’ from me!”

  I turn away so he doesn’t see my eyes water. That was an awful time. An. Awful. Time.

  “Iris, I—”

  “Go! Just get out of here and leave me alone.”

  “Shit,” he curses. “Motherfucker.”

  But he does listen and walk off. When he’s gone, I crawl more toward the trunk of the tree and wait for his car to drive off before tuckin’ up and cryin’.

  “Carson, why would you encourage that, baby brother? You know I didn’t want it. I miss you,” I whisper. “I miss you so much. I’m sorry. I thought I’d fe
el better seeing Adam get locked up, but I don’t, Car. I don’t.”

  I grab the Hershey kiss I snuck in my pocket and stuff it in my mouth, letting the wrapper flutter to the ground.

  “My finger hurts when it gets cold,” I cry to no one. “The cast is gone, but it still hurts in the cold.”

  “Fuck,” I hear someone whisper. I hear the subtle footsteps of someone trying to sneak off. When a twig snaps loudly, I look down and whoever it is looks up.Derek.

  “Shit, I’m sorry, Iris. This is a private moment. Hunter sent me…”

  Say no more. “It’s fine. You can come up.”

  “You sure?”

  I shrug.

  “No, I need words. I can continue trying my completely conspicuous escape attempt.”

  A soft giggle escapes my lips. “You’re funny. No, you’re good. Come on up.”

  I gesture to the tree branch. Derek looks unsure, but he slowly strolls over and easily pulls himself up the tree. He straddles the branch across from me and searches my face for the inevitable pain I’m showing.

  “You’re gonna break that branch,” I mumble.

  “It’d be worth it,” he grins.

  “Oh, shut up! It would not.” “Why are you crying, Iris?”

  “It’s nothin’.” I turn away. “Really. Just somethin’ Hunt said.”

  Derek leans forward. With the motion, the branch Derek’s straddling creaks loudly.

  “Derek!” I gasp, jumping forward. “You’re gonna get hurt.”

  I scramble backward to give him room by the trunk.“Relax Iris.”

  Without much concern, Derek slides to the trunk spot. I guess working undercover with the worst criminals possible makes you less afraid of an impending concussion.

  “I just wanted to make sure you were safe,” I mumble, staring at my swinging feet.

  Derek sighs. “You’re a great woman, Iris.”

  “Hm-hmm,” I say, but in my head I’m screaming no, I’m not! I’m lyin’ to my family about Carson. I’m the reason Wes got hurt. Even if he broke my heart, I do not condone physical violence.

  “Iris,” Derek runs a hand through his messy black hair, “I gotta go home. It’s an emergency.”



  I don’t know why the bell to let me in the visitor room has to be so damn loud, but I’m chill. I’m just buying my time anyway. This is all ridiculous. They really think they can hold us here? Come on. There’s a reason we’ve never been caught before.

  We’re smart.

  I’m fucking smart. And if they think they are keeping me from my wife, they are sorely mistaken. My beautiful, kind-hearted, blue-eyed, blonde-haired wife is at home waiting for me. If there’s one thing about Rose, it’s that she’s strong if she has to be, but she does not handle stress well. It’s ironic, actually. I have the most fragile wife, and I’m the most outwardly calm. Boss has the strongest woman, and he’s actually freaking the fuck out. Maybe he’s not showing as bad as it is, but I know the man. I’ve been his right hand. His friend. His confidant in some real fucked up situations. I know him, and he’s not dealing well. Not thinking straight, and I saw it coming. So I will. Because if I’m being honest, I’m cocky enough to pull it off. I know I’m getting out of here, Boss knows we’re getting out of here. Why have a raging panic attack over this? It’ll only stifle my thinking, and thinking is how I get out of shit without killing everyone I see.

  “Nix.” I throw my wife’s estranged brother a knowing smile as the guards handcuff me in, like cuffs could hold me. “Fancy seeing you here.”“Shut up, Sven. We’re not measuring dicks and if we were,” he gestures to my handcuffs, “I’d win.”

  Touche. Touche. Nix is no saint and he’s the man not behind bars.

  “Good thing we’re not measuring, then.” I smirk at him. Nix suppresses a smile.

  “You really are an asshole. I can’t believe my sister married you.”

  “I love her more than you ever did,” I sneer. I know he’s kidding, but I can’t stop that dark, obsessive, protective feeling from swelling inside me.

  “Hey, kidding, man. You know I’m kidding. Chill the fuck out.”

  I glare at him and say nothing. Nix clears his throat and leans forward on his elbows. His muscles tense under the strain. He’s grown a lot. The dude is planning something. Something bigger than just getting us out of prison and he’s sure being hush-hush about it.

  “You know why I’m here,” Nix states.

  “I do.” “Good, does your boss know anything I should?”

  AKA, is Adam planning anything that he should be aware of, since Nix is planning on getting us out as well? We have to be careful what we say since we’re being watched. We don’t really mind if they suspect something, that’s inevitable, but we can’t give them anything concrete.

  “I think he’s a bit of a wreck right now.”

  Nix’s eyebrows shoot up. “Lacey?”

  “Yeah. I think he has something in his mind, but he sure as hell hasn’t shared it.”

  There’s a beat where neither of us say anything. I’ve been resisting the urge to ask, scared of the answer. Being in love is one of the few things in life that’s scared me.“How is she?”

  I don’t have to clarify anything. He knows.

  “Rose is upset, but she’s okay overall. I think having to be there for Lacey is helping her. Not to mention, her friend Maria hasn’t left her side, despite the strain it’s taking on her and her boyfriend’s relationship. He gets it, but they never see each other. Cut’s always with Lacey and her daughter, and Maria’s always with Rose.”

  “Jesus.” I run a hand through my hair. Lacey and I have developed a sort of odd friendship, and I know this has to absolutely be wrecking her. I’ve only thought of Rose in this, but damn, now that he mentions Lacey…“How is she?” I whisper, not even able to look at Nix as I ask this. See, Rose will be upset, panicked, hurt, freaking out, but she’s pretty stable now. She may skip some meals, but I’ll fix that when I get home. Lacey, on the other hand, has endured too much for someone of such a young age. She thinks on a grander scale. To her, Adam getting arrested is a permanent thing, then she gets to thinking about her future, or perceived lack thereof, and completely trips.She could do real, permanent, long term damage to herself.

  “Not good,” Nix states in a guarded voice. I risk looking at him. He’s picking at a piece of skin on his finger, shaking his head.“Yeah, she’s not good, man.” “Fuck.”

  He nods. “Don’t say anything to Adam. He’ll have a lot to deal with when he gets home, but I don’t want him distracted now.”“Will she… will it, is it permanent damage?”

  “Yes, no question.”

  Nix stands and begins to pace. “Okay, I can’t discuss this,” he grits out, grinding his jaw.


  I know that he has a girl at home. A girl like Lacey in a lot of ways. This is one of those times where the rare bit of maturity I’ve gained over the years comes out to play.

  “Anyway,” Nix continues, straightening his shoulders, “That’s really all I came here to say. Rose is hanging in there, keep your head on straight, and I wanted to be sure Mr. Ruston knew I was in town. I hoped you could relay the message that if he has any plans, I should be informed. Have a good one, Sven.”

  See ya soon, Nixon Marketta.

  Adam has been smug all damn day. I need to get used to not calling him Boss. I no longer work for him.

  Anyway, yesterday, Adam went off to speak to a detective with cliché American blond-hair, blue-eyed looks. When he came back, the stress of being away from Lacey was gone, replaced with smug assurance. He hasn’t said anything, and I haven’t asked. I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough.

  “Sven Xander. Adam Ruston,” the detective with nearly red eyes calls out in a seething voice.

  “Yes,” Boss— Adam — says with a grin, stepping forward.

  “You are free to go.”

  Adam’s cell i
s opened first, then mine. Adam winks at me. I really don’t know who got us out, Adam or Nix, but whoever it was got us out faster than I expected.

  There are two guards escorting us out. One has nearly red eyes with show-off muscles. The other has shaggy, unkempt blonde hair with piercing brown eyes. Both look pissed, but the quiet one looks like he’s already planning how to get us back behind bars.Good luck with that, asshole.

  “Frances Capello?” Adam asks, clearly not up for any bullshit.

  “Already out.” Adam cocks an eyebrow. “He left?”

  “As soon as we opened the doors, so to speak, he flew out,” the narrow-eyed man states flatly. “Make of that what you wish. Maybe you don’t have the control over your men that you thought.”

  The agent glances around the prison.

  “Clearly, right?”

  The red eyed agent snickers. I have to admit it was a good jab, even if it’s not at all true. Boss knows how to run his shit. Enzio was a mistake, but he’d cop up to that without excuses. I look at Adam, who has managed to keep a neutral expression, even if his eyes are flaring.

  “I know exactly where Frances is, seeing as I sent him. I was just surprised he was on it so quickly. Thank you for informing me.”

  That lying son of a bitch. I manage to hold in my laughter, but he’s fucking hilarious. It sure knocks the wind right of the two agents’ sails.

  When we get to the last of several doors, there’s a guard waiting out front for us.

  “Landon? Kyle? You two getting the prisoners out personally?”

  He cocks an eyebrow. It is a little unconventional that they are doing this personally.

  “This is a special case.”

  A sort of understanding crosses between the two agents and the guard before they open a final door. We’re led to the desk where we are given our clothes and belongings. We are both escorted to the bathroom to change. Adam doesn’t seem to care what he wears either way. I, on the hand, cannot wait to get out of these God awful clothes and into a suit. When it’s fitted back on my body, I can take a sigh of relief. I’ve worn enough shitty, worn down clothes for one lifetime, thank you very much.


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