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Page 2

by Viola Grace

She kept herself from laughing when Lord Dremal was denied access to the imperial transport, and her honour guard kept him from boarding when he tried to push in.

  The six men surrounded her as they slid through the city on a magnetic rail system. Ari kept her box of tools touching her feet and her bag in her lap. When they approached the palace, the captain handed her a mask.

  “From this point forward, only the emperor can see your face in public. Your guard surrounds you and we know you now. Should one of us be transferred or fall in service, you will meet the replacement when and if it is necessary.”

  She licked her lips. “I would like to see you without helmets if possible. I can draw a better picture if I can see the whole image first.”

  The six men pulled off their helmets, and there wasn’t a pink hair on any head; in fact, all six were completely bald except for silvery eyebrows.

  She looked over their faces and nodded. “Thank you.”

  With fingers that fumbled a little in their gloves, she tied her mask on as they replaced their helmets.

  The transport that they were in split from the regular line and was diverted through security gates that scanned them as they passed.

  Ari smiled at the odd sensation of being in a private train car with the imperial crest of a raptor’s claw against an eclipsed sun.

  They were waved through a number of checkpoints until the transport stopped inside a building. Her guards rose, and Ari picked up her kit after settling her bag over her shoulder. It had been checked on the ship for any restricted materials, and she had been given a clear seal for her possessions.

  “This way, Scribe Longway. You are going to meet the emperor.”

  They surrounded her, and their group moved through the ornate hallways painted with murals of battles fought throughout Hredu history.

  Ari didn’t ask questions. There was no place for questions in public. Silence was her only defence when she didn’t understand what was going on. It was strange to live with such restrictions, but this was her life now until the end of her contract. When her contract was over, she would have a new band of tattoos on her fingers to indicate her service to the Hredu Imperium and she would go on to her next job.

  Her guard walked her through the halls, but aside from a few glimpses of colour, all she could see was their soot black and bronze armour.

  Another set of guards was waiting in the hallway. Captain Kredik stood stiffly.

  “We have brought Scribe Longway for her meeting with the emperor.”

  “He is in his office. Please go through.”

  Ari blinked. She thought she was supposed to meet him formally. If he was in his office, she was going to have to remember all of her protocol briefings. She wasn’t sure that she remembered how to meet an emperor.

  The double doors opened and more guards met them inside. A man to the right of the door touched his helmet and spoke softly. He nodded to whatever he heard through the com unit and opened the door.

  “Please proceed, Scribe Longway.”

  She wasn’t asked to leave her bag or her kit, so she took them with her through the door that was held open and closed when she passed.

  The man at the desk had a central crest of silky black hair, and the same dark green skin as most of her guard. She could not make out any other features because he was bent over his screen and focusing on what he read.

  Ari walked forward and bowed when she was ten feet from the desk. She waited in that position until he spoke to her.

  “Rise, Scribe Longway.” His voice was low and calm.

  She slowly straightened and flicked a quick glance at him. His bright gold eyes reminded her of the hawks and eagles of Earth.

  “Take off the mask. You arrived late so the formal greeting will have to be skipped. You will go to your chambers, get into your evening clothing and attend the state dinner this evening, no gloves.” He tapped his fingers on the desk.

  She set her kit down and reached up to undo her mask. When it was dangling from her fingers, she looked at him again.

  He was surprised, but he covered it well. “You are aware that eye contact with the emperor is not allowed.”

  She nodded and bit her lip. “I am aware, Your Imperial Majesty.”

  “And yet, I can clearly see the deep blue colour of your eyes. Are you always so pale?”

  She blushed.

  He chuckled. “Apparently not. Well, I am having a busy afternoon, so please show me your hands.”

  Blinking, she stripped her gloves off and tucked them in her belt. She hesitated.

  “Come close. I don’t bite.”

  She shifted her bag so it settled against her back and stepped forward, extending her hands to him, palms down.

  His fingers were warm as he turned her hands over and examined the detail. “The design is lovely.”

  She blushed. It was a scribe’s duty to design their first tattoos. The artist filled in the necessary formalities, but the initial designs representing the Terran animals were hers.

  He looked up with a smile. “I look forward to seeing the Hredu black and gold added on in a year.”

  She blinked in surprise. “A year?”

  “Yes, we go through scribes so frequently that we mark them annually. The more double bands you will have, the longer you will have been here.”

  She nodded. “Yes, Your Imperial Majesty.”

  He wrinkled his nose. “If you must address me by my title, call me Emperor Usorn.”

  Ari cocked her head, “Aren’t you Emperor Usorn Lukarik?”

  He grinned. “You have my planet’s prosperity in these slender hands. You may call me Usorn.”

  She blushed again. He wasn’t flirting. He couldn’t be flirting. He didn’t let go of her hands, even when she tried to tug them back. “Thank you, Emperor Usorn.”

  He grinned and let her go, sitting back. “You may go and get into your assigned clothing, though I may make a few alterations given your grace and beauty.”

  She swallowed and backed up to retrieve her kit. “Yes, Emperor Usorn.”

  She bowed again and waited.

  He let out a blast of a sigh and he said, “Dismissed, Scribe Longway. Do not forget that I am expecting you at dinner in full regalia.”

  “Yes, Emperor Usorn.”

  She backed to the door before turning and pulling it open. When it closed behind her, she let out a loud exhalation and she heard a bark of laughter from the office. She winced and her guards formed up around her, a few were grinning. Her mask went back on and they led her out of the reception area with smooth steps that made no noise on the hard floor.

  She had made an impression on them, and she had learned something she didn’t know before. All the emperor’s guards had open coms at all times. He heard what they heard.

  Ari was just happy that she hadn’t burped.

  Chapter Three

  Nexica was her bather, dresser and makeup artist. When she found out Ari was expected for the court dinner, the guards were kicked out and Ari was stripped before she could say a word.

  Being bullied through an apartment while naked was a new experience, but Nexica was calm about it, unravelling Ari’s braid as they walked.

  “I cannot believe that they have summoned you this early to an event. It is unheard of to have to attend a dinner on the day you arrive.”

  The bathroom was the size of Ari’s first apartment. A huge tub was filling from the pouring churn of three wide taps. Soft curls of steam were rising, and Ari was prodded into the tub via the steps that led into it.

  To her shock, Nexica plunged into the water next to her and started to soap and scrub her.

  “I can bathe myself.”

  “Can, but won’t. I am your bather, in service to the empire. There is no chance that you will conceal poison or illness. That is what the bather is here to check.”

  Nexica was a jade green, and her eyes were a brilliant pumpkin orange. Her b
risk fingers did not miss a spot.

  Ari tried to defend herself at first, but Nexica just pushed her hands away and tripped her into dropping beneath the water to wet her hair. When she spluttered up, her hair was soaped and she was dunked again. When she was clean from head to the spaces between her toes, Nexica finally let her out of the water.

  Ari stepped out of the tub with the feeling that she had just gotten caught in a washing machine. She was dried, seated and her hair combed with long, smooth strokes until it was dry. She then waited as the hair was pinned and finally couldn’t hold her tongue any longer.

  “How did you learn to do all this?”

  “I worked for the emperor’s mistress for two years until she made a political move that did not sit well. I was dismissed from her service and taken on to attend the ladies who arrive at court.”

  Ari watched the woman coil and pin her hair with practiced skill. “Is this a step down for you?”

  Nexica paused and smiled in the mirror. “No, it is a promotion. I do not have to worry about sudden visits from the emperor and getting you into appropriate lingerie. I will dress you for work and for events like this evening. Working for the scribe is not an opportunity I thought I would have. We have not had a female for centuries. Will you take many lovers?”

  Ari blinked. “I am here to work. Sex has not been considered so far.”

  “Fair enough.”

  Her hair was up in a series of twists.

  Nexica held out a robe. “Now for the makeup. You are fortunate. You are being allowed makeup in lieu of the mask that would normally be required. I have the design at the makeup table.”

  Ari slipped her arms into the robe and followed her maid into the large bedroom, and she took a seat at the makeup table, across from Nexica. There was no mirror, just a stand. She simply leaned forward and the makeup was applied in the prescribed pattern.

  Nexica smiled. “I have to say I am excited to use these colours. They are not normally allowed on aliens.”

  Ari leaned her head onto the support stand. “I am in your hands.”

  The base coat went on in a shade paler than her normal skin. Ari kept her eyes closed unless she was asked to open them while she was painted and stroked with tiny brushes and exotic makeup.

  The makeup took an hour.

  “Next time I will be faster. Your skin has a slippery texture that I am not used to.” Nexica checked her chrono and nodded. “Thirty minutes to finish. We should just make it.”

  The gown was wrapped around her, wide sleeves covered her from shoulder to wrist, but if she raised her hands, her arms were completely exposed. The sleeves were not closed underneath. Her hands looked very distinctive with this style of gown.

  A sash held the gown closed and Ari realised something. “No underwear?”

  “No. There will be some for daylight hours, but not for eveningwear. You don’t want to ruin the line of the gown.”

  Ari nodded, and then, she smiled as she was ordered to back up toward the small stepladder that Nexica produced. When she stood, a jewelled headpiece confined her hair and acted as jewellery.

  A few tugs and some suede slippers completed the dressing ritual.

  Nexica smiled in surprise at the finished product. “The mirror is inside the wardrobe.”

  Curious, Ari looked, and she stared at the woman in the mirror with the blue lips and the stylized stars over her eyes. The headpiece looked heavy, but didn’t weigh her down as she turned her head.

  The gown was bands of gauzy black and deep gold. The sash was a deep orange. She was wearing the imperial colours.

  “Will the makeup change for the daylight hours?”

  Nexica shook her head. “No, your hair and makeup will remain the same. I will clean up and be here when you return to help you out of your clothing. You do look striking.”

  Ari gave a small smile with her blue lips. “I feel startled. It is a work of art. Thank you, Nexica.”

  A knock on the door proved that the timing was perfect.

  Nexica went to the door and spoke with the guard.

  “Scribe Longway, your escort is ready.”

  “Thank you, Nexica. Please, call me Ariadne or Ari.”

  “I cannot do that, but thank you for the offer, lady.” Nexica inclined her head.

  With a deep breath, Ari headed out and was slightly gratified by the startled looks of her guards. “Shall we?”

  The four that were still on duty surrounded her, and she was walked through the halls to the dinner.

  * * * *

  Usorn paused mid-conversation as the scribe entered the room. Even knowing that her face was covered with makeup, he wanted to touch the curve of her lips.

  The curves of her body were another matter. There was no way that she had anything on under that gown. If he focused, he could just make out the darker curve of her nipples through the semi-sheer fabric of the gown.

  “Excuse me.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.” Guardian Winter quirked his lips.

  Usorn gave him a dark look and he walked over to Scribe Longway, taking her by the hand as her guards backed away.

  “You look lovely.”

  Her neck turned that delightful shade of pink. “Thank you, but isn’t this against protocol?”

  He quirked his eyebrow. “It is and it isn’t. As I have never had a female scribe before, there are new rules in action. I am making this up as I go along.”

  She reached up and paused before she touched her face. “It isn’t too much? Should I wear a mask?”

  “It is perfect and will help you when you are working. The starbursts make your eyes hypnotic.”

  She smiled, but her brows said she was unsure. “I thought I was here to write.”

  He sighed. “Yes, but you can still do it with grace and style. Come on, I wish to introduce you to the Guardians of Hredu.”

  He held her blue-black tinged fingers in his, and he tugged her toward his teammates. Something about her made him want to show her his entire world and she had only just arrived.

  Ariadne Longway belonged on his world, and he had no idea why. Usorn grinned; he looked forward to finding out.

  * * * *

  Ari had heard of the Guardians. They were the Imperium version of the Sector Guard, but they tended to be posted to a single world as opposed to travelling when called.

  Given the slightly more wild set of societies in the Imperium, it made sense to have a dedicated set of heroes for one particular world.

  Winter had a shock of white hair in a crest design and pale minty skin. Spring’s hair was deep emerald and his skin was bright leaf green. Summer was rich tones of emerald skin and waves of burgundy hair.

  “Where is Fall?” She asked Winter.

  “Holding your hand. His Imperial Majesty has a talent for flight and telekinesis. He leads and protects his people instead of simply ruling them.”

  Emperor Usorn was speaking with Spring and a minister for the interior. If he heard them, he didn’t show any sign.

  Winter smiled. “You were expecting more formality?”

  She sighed and cocked her head. “Something like that. Certainly more isolation.”

  His smile turned into a grin. “Since you are the first of your particular kind, consider all previous regulations gone. I think that Fall is rather smitten by you.”

  Usorn turned his head toward them and smiled politely. “Not smitten, just curious.”

  Winter smiled, “Then let her hand go, Your Imperial Majesty.”

  Usorn looked down at his grip on her hand as if surprised. He looked back to Winter. “No.”

  Her skin and blue-black-tinted fingers were trapped in his warm and comfortable hand.

  She felt a wave of relief when a gong rang for dinner. The frustration that flickered over the emperor’s face was frightening, but Winter laughed.

  “I will take her in to dinner, Your Imperial Majesty.” Winter grinned.<
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  Ari reclaimed her hand when the emperor released it. She inclined her head as he turned her over to Winter and left to enter the dining room.

  “I will be your dinner companion this evening, Spring and Summer will be across from you.”

  Winter took her hand and placed it against his forearm. “You seem a little nervous.”

  “This is new. It is a lot of new in a very short time.”

  “You will adapt. From your security file, your species thrives at adaptation. You will do just fine.”

  She stifled a yawn. “I am sure that I will, eventually. Today, I am just trying to get to tonight and my own bed.”

  Winter patted her hand. “Many here have that same goal.”

  Her surprised laughter went with her into the dining room and the formality finally kicked in, for about five minutes.

  Chapter Four

  The dinner party passed in a blur, and Ari remembered making polite conversation about how much her tattoos had hurt when they had first been administered.

  The evening wrapped up abruptly when the report of a landslide sent the Guardians out the door.

  Ari rose to her feet, nodded to those assembled and headed to the point where she last saw her guards.

  The four of them moved into position around her and walked her back to her quarters. Nexica took charge of her and had her stripped and her face scrubbed in minutes.

  “Come along, lady. You look exhausted.”

  Ari raised her arms up as the maid slipped her sleeping gown over her head, and it was clear that Nexica was now as familiar with her clothing as she was.

  The bed was warm, fluffy and it could have swallowed her whole for all she cared. By the time she settled her head on the pillow, sleep crept into her. In the morning, she would be able to work. That was what she was here for.

  Dawn was a brutal bitch and Nexica worked for her. Ari was shaken awake, prodded out of bed and into the bath for another scouring session.

  Her hair was brushed, but today, she was dressed before the arrangement of her locks or the makeup went on.


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