by John Panella
This chosen offspring of this long lineage was given many titles, few believed he was the key holder, but most did not agree. He was different, he was unique. He didn’t fit into any of the other clan types of either Proditor or Verum, where this had all begun. He was not a warrior, he did not seek power and glory unto himself. He was peaceful and loving and he wanted above all else to restore the Key to the lost souls.
He was a child that carried the original key given by Caelustus Pater. And this child along with his many titles was named, Panem Vitae.”
“I am a tad confused, I thought Panem Vitae was something we were to eat. How do we eat a person?”
“Good question; that was also something many have asked down through the ages because they didn’t understand the key. What we had come to learn is the key was encoded in the blood of a certain tribe or race of people. And within that people, every generation the key was handed to one son who had been chosen to carry the key in his blood. By the time it came down to Panem Vitae he became the key in the flesh.”
“Does this mean only one son chosen in every generation could have the key just to lead to the One? I am not sure how successful this entire operation was. So Panem Vitae became the key, but what about all of the other souls who were blinded that had lost the key from before the world, how do they receive the key if it is only passed down to the One?”
“Again another excellent question. Understand, the key was simply in the blood, but the blood nor the flesh is Panem Vitae.”
“Then what is it?”
“Panem Vitae is the ONE that will transfer the key to all of the lost souls. Every soul who became blind and lost can now be given the Panem Vitae so they can eat it. It isn’t just meant for the one, it is meant for the many; it is meant for all true souls.
When the false key was added it also went through a blood lineage. And one named panis venenum took upon the name Panem Vitae. Sol Malum wanted to make sure that panis venenum became the chosen one under a false nom de plume.
However, he wanted people to worship him as a deity, and to believe he was the only one that had access to Panem Vitae. The people all over the world were being seduced to follow after a lie under the guise of it being truth.
It was then decided to lock all souls together, and trap them into the time-loop. It was hoped that all souls would forever forget where they came from and who they were and this was accomplished by giving them the panis venenum. So the time-loop was created after Panem Vitae was murdered to substitute the panis venenum for the Panem Vitae.”
“He was murdered Chief?”
“Sadly he was.”
“Was the key passed down before he died to one of his sons as was the tradition?”
“No, and that was the indirect cause of all deception from the beginning on earth. When the real key stopped being passed down, the false key that was being passed down, continued. And when the time-loop was created, this has become the only key people know of, that which they can recognize. The great lie became the substitute for truth and it has caused great confusion.”
“Oh wow, does this mean the true souls will never access the true key then?”
“Fortunately Caelestus Pater was much smarter than Sol Malum. The truth is, the blood was not the power it was in the Panem Vitae and that was the true encoding all along. So you see there never was any key in the blood.”
“Say what?”
“The key was only to distract the enemy away from discovering the real truth.”
“And what pray tell was that?”
The chief begins to laugh hysterically, along with all of his friends. The laugh must have lasted for three minutes, I felt like I was the brunt of a bad joke that was on me. I couldn’t figure out why this was so funny. Finally the chief composed himself and said these words.
“The key as Sol Malum believed, was never placed into the blood, for the flesh and blood are meaningless. The key was inserted into all true souls.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means at the death of the Panem Vitae; at that very moment it occurred, all keys were activated in all true souls. Now the key must be internalized, by eating the Panem Vitae it will unlock the doors of this prison to set everyone free.”
(6) New World Order
Day Four – Mystery of Duality
The chief told us to get some rest before he would explain anymore. He said, mysteries should be revealed slowly, one at a time, or else we would become scatterbrained.
He told us we would continue in a few hours. I was perplexed by the knowledge and information the chief was revealing to me. But it took every break I had to make sure everything he taught me was being written in my notepad. I didn’t want to forget a single word.
A lot of what the chief was telling me had a ring of memory to it. I am not sure if this was an ancient myth, or some story that was passed down. It just all seemed familiar to me. There were so many things I wanted to ask the chief about Panem Vitae, and the panis venenum. He would always say, ‘all in good time, all in good time’.
Now getting to the other part of what the chief had been explaining to me that I was trying to grasp. He was explaining how that Sol Malum created an Order. I began to wonder if this had anything to do with the panis venenum, it was all so intriguing, and I wanted to learn more.
“Chief, what really is this New World Order as it pertains to the time-loop and the thousand year trap that you were talking to me about earlier?”
“The time and place you live in now is the most powerful time of all ages because it is the time of the information age. It means to be informed. If there was truly a New World Order out of an old world order or a massive intellectual collection depot, wouldn’t the time that you live in now above all other times represent this new order of things?
Coming out of the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance, the people were wholly ignorant. They lived their lives in subjection to the Kings and Queens of Royalty and mostly the religious power who dictated the world’s dogma, so they could control by reason of influence and subversion.”
“Royalty? You mean like the secondary fake key of panis venenum?”
The most powerful ruling royal line where all the key royals stem from is the continuation of the lineage of the panis venenum, which is now after all of these years located in Great Britain.”
“Are you saying the royal line of Britain is the carrier of the panis venenum?”
“Yes indeed and it is also part of the secondary part of the key of national greatness. Together both keys found its home in the same place.
It’s a conundrum isn’t it? Let me finish… this is what they believe, those who are part of the deception, they believe they stem from the lineage key of the panis venenum, but they are acting as if it is the Panem Vitae. However the world basically has little to no understanding about any of this.
The people during this earlier period did not have access to the technologies, and luxuries, and stupendous knowledge your time avails. And yet you are slowly losing all of it, why?
How is it possible to have a New World Order when the world is returning back to what the world once was, an Old World Order? You are not evolving you are devolving where you are being controlled like the people were in the Middle Ages.
Your present time is slowly reverting back to the strange customs, where there is no freedom and the people are wholly ignorant of everything wise, proper, moral and true.
This is when humanity worked as slaves for breadcrumbs, and were forced to be obedient to strange laws or they would be beaten or even killed by the edicts of the panis venenum.
The time period you are from now, your country, the United States of America had represented the greatest period of advancement in morality and creativity through all of the half age time-loop cycles, and ironically it always does.”
“America did become a great nation, does this mean it is also part of this national greatness of the fake key?�
“Absolutely, it was all predestined by the false key in the blood.
In your last generation, as it moves toward the end of all ages. People were free, they were learning to be moral and they were governing themselves with laws of virtue under a powerful Constitution. It really appeared as humanity was on the threshold of breaking out of this prison, and of course that is exactly what they wanted it to appear like.
Yet all of this is changing during this last portion or fifty years before the time-loop in 2017 as it always does. Everything began to change in 1967. It was then that the world was no longer moving forward into a greater more prosperous time of both physical and spiritual wellbeing. It was all being reverted backwards.”
“What happened in 1967?”
It was the time when people demanded human rights forgetting they already had divine right. Morality was replaced with immorality. Individual power was being removed for central power. Government was being given more and more authority all under the guise of new freedoms based on conditions.
However it was not freedom nor was it rights. It was the removing of freedom and rights and giving one’s own power and authority to another to establish a new creed.
The real power, which is given as divine sovereignty where all authority and power comes from, is within. This power was then rejected to give the power to others to control the masses under the guise of permissions and no longer rights.”
“Chief correct me if I am wrong, it sort of sounds like the two keys, where the one was the internal key of the Panem Vitae, and the other was an external key of the panis venenum.”
“I certainly do not need to correct you on that. You are exactly right, now you are understanding the beginning of the plan of Sol Malum who has been controlling this world in secret, but soon will unveil himself to reestablish the one-thousand year control again.
You are being prepared to go back in time, where the powers of this world will beat you with a rod of iron establishing their role as Sol Malum’s servants, crushing mercilessly upon the breasts of humanity, while they serve their millennial long prison sentence under their Sun deity.
Do you understand the reason these changes are occurring? It is because the time machine is starting to return in its cycle. And only those who are awakened will be able to free their soul from the delusion, the rest will be recycled.
So yes indeed, in my time the world is about to enter several distinct events which has been established in the choreographed time-loop. First the ancient religions have been re-established via the fraudulent monks who will keep the secrets with them from the future and the past.
The true Panel Vitae had come once to fulfill the mission to unlock the key to all that were encoded. To allow them to see through this global farce of the false keys of the panis venenum. Many have come to believe though, that the panis venenum is the true key, and have been led into greater dissolution and deception.
The panis venenum that has deceived the whole world is fraudulent to the core. And a lot of that story was added or blended in with the true Panem Vitae. A bad seed and good seed were planted into the same garden.
Today we have nothing but a potpourris of the keys that were passed down. Understand, that the Panem Vitae died before the foundations of this world, when the light of Caelestus Pater was sacrificed via Sol Malum as darkness removing light and truth. But the man who portrayed the Panem Vitae in the flesh was simply performing a ritual of the original death of the light of Caelestus Pater, as the awakened key holder.”
“Chief, when did the actual man known as Panem Vitae live?”
“Panem Vitae lived in the place we call Istanbul, Turkey in the year 1053AD as best as we can figure. And he died in the year of 1086AD 33 years later.
My friend, everything that we know about this world primarily came from the 10th century and later. Very little has ever surfaced on what occurred prior. So yes, I am trying to tell you Panem Vitae lived during an earlier time-loop in the 11th century.”
I do not care who you are, or what you believe, the entire world is being ruled by those who have instituted their plan via panis venenum. You are either being controlled by panis venenum or Panem Vitae, there is no middle ground.
The only difference is, they cloak their actions under science and government and political parties making you believe Panem Vitae is an out of date belief system as they have moved forward physically and mentally, but it’s all part of the con. I am telling you all of this because unless you have the foundation for why all of these things are occurring you won’t understand.
This all occurred right at the beginning of the first time the earth went into this loop, and it happened a long time ago because the time-loop does not replay the death of Panem Vitae, it happened once and that is all, so the true memory is fading.
So due to the time-loop being engaged, this event does not happen over and over again. Instead panis venenum is sacrificed over and over again claiming to take away the sins of the world.”
“Chief forgive me but this sounds a lot like the story of Jesus Christ in the Bible.”
“There are many stories, some of which are contained in the Bible that try to reveal this event, but so much of these stories are the mixture of Panem Vitae and panis venenum.
The greatest lie ever told was that the Panem Vitae was sacrificed for everyone sins. A sin is created by faulty behavior, if you do not change yourself then how can someone else change you?
The Panem Vitae brought the knowledge of how we are being controlled by the panis venenum. And that only with the Panem Vitae can we understand how to break away from this control, but you must eat it or else the panis venenum will kill you.”
Chief, are you trying to tell me that panis venenum is something we also eat?”
This is the problem with your time period, everyone seeks a savior but no one wants to change themselves. They want someone else to do it for them.
This is why the loop continually operates every thousand years over and over again, because the lie is so infested into the mind, no one believes they have to change to reconcile their own behavior.”
“How many times has this thousand year loop occurred?”
“Ah, I’m not sure I understand, you keep saying it has happened time and time again, haven’t you?”
“Yes indeed, but it is a dream loop, if it happened a thousand times, it happened only once, because you will never remember, and when you do finally awaken, then you will have taken the Panem Vitae.”
“I am still not sure I completely understand this.”
“Let’s try to rearrange this puzzle. Let’s say you are driving down a highway and you come to what is called a circle, which was invented in Italy. This is when cars come off a merging road and go around a circle to merge back on to a new road in whatever direction they need to proceed. Now let’s say you get stuck in that circle, and you go round and round this circle, over and over again. You are not moving on inch forward, you are stuck.
As soon as you break free from that control, then at that moment your trap will cease to exist. You didn’t make any headway during the time your mind-numbing revolutions, until you were released. Therefore whether you went around once or a hundred times, it only accounted for one time that you had really moved forward.
The sacrifice that Panem Vitae went through on earth was an allegory of an event that predated this world before it existed. Yes Panem Vitae was murdered, because Sol Malum hated him for what he was saying, but the act of the physical event was not the real event. It was only a sign of what happened before the world was.
What happened during this event, only happened one time at the moment the earth went into its erred one-thousand year time-loop. It does not need to happen every time the loop occurs.”
“Why not, if it is a time-loop why wouldn’t it happen over and over again?”
“Simply because when Panem Vitae brought with him t
he internal key to free everyone, he did so to finally break free from this prison also as a sign it can be done. He does not have to return again to do it all over, he has escaped. We are the ones who have yet to be freed until we follow the same way to also be free, and then we will no longer remain trapped here either.
Now what we have is different cultures all speaking of the same event, but since it doesn’t happen again and again, people believe these were ancient events that predated Panem Vitae and then they add mythology and sun paganism into the mix as to the worship of Sol Malum who is the Sun God.
And the true event drops even further back in time, and then we have all sorts of a myriad of stories that surface from this one event that is now being drastically altered.
Therefore the conclusion by many is, that the story of Panem Vitae must not be true, or they made it into a myth, because it appears to be a reduplication of the same event going further and further back in time. Yet it is all a deception that Sol Malum created to make sure we do not access the real key.