by John Panella
Are you understanding it now?”
“I am a tad confused about one thing, if this continues to occur every time-loop, and it is all part of the setting up of Sol Malum to be the panis venenum over the people again, for one-thousand years, why does Sol Malum have to keep repeating the same event to get others to follow him?
You have even told me that this bloodline is through the royal lineage of panis venenum, I would think that this would be understood that people are being taken for a ride.”
“Remember what I said about the twin sons Proditor and Verum, and how the true lineage came through Verum, but the false one came through Proditor?”
“Well what I didn’t tell you was, there was another deception, another switch. Through one of the twelve sons of Proditor he gave the key to the son that became the royal ones, his name was Pendula.
Now Pendula had twin sons also and they were named, Calcaneo and Fracturam. Now Calcaneo is the lineage that we were told is the panis venenum acting as Panem Vitae.”
Calcaneo and Fracturam, were also born as twins, but the actual bloodline was noted by a royal thread that was on Fracturam’s hand coming out of the womb.”
“Why is this so important?”
“My friend, just as the Panem Vitae came in the flesh to establish the key, so also will Sol Malum come in the flesh to act as the copy of Panem Vitae, but he will be panis venenum. So like Panem Vitae came from a bloodline so also will panis venenum come from a bloodline?!
The problem is, if you do not know where to look you will believe that panis venenum is the Panam Vitae returned again.
It was all a delusion to create the deception. However since the royal bloods have come as part of the panis venenum lineage, it is believed that the one who is coming in the flesh direct through this bloodline is coming from that bloodline of which was Calcaneo, but this is the deception, it is actually coming from Fracturam.”
“I don’t totally grasp this because who really cares, no one seems to know any of this anyway?”
“Oh Contraire mon ami. Someone does care, the royal bloods that control the world care.”
“So what is the big deal, don’t they know the true bloodline?”
“They are so part of their own deception their pride and ego has led them to believe their own lie. This is why Sol Malum is allowing his own followers to be deceived, but for what reason you might ask? He needed to figure out a way to deceive the followers of Panem Vitae, and the only way to do this was create a secondary bloodline carrying the false key.”
“And this is important why?”
“Because part of the lie is Panem Vitae is returning to the earth to take rule of the earth, when the truth is, it is Sol Malum that is coming back to give the world the panis venenum again to keep them in their illusion.
However, he needs a way to make everyone believe it is the truth and the only way he could do that was deceive his own followers so they don’t let on to the secret of this global conspiracy.
The bloodline coming through Calcaneo is not the correct bloodline even though the royals have ruled during the entire thousand years. It is actually Fracturam’s bloodline who was given the royal key in the form of clothing on his hand. Now of course babies are not born wearing clothing, this was all part of the hidden secret.”
“What is this scam going to produce, I mean the world doesn’t even understand what this is, so who cares?”
“My friend everyone should care because it is the great double sting and switch that is going to deceive the whole world.”
“Why, I don’t understand?”
“Because those that believe Panem Vitae is returning as the sacred key have been led by the lie that the key is external and not internal.
Remember when the panis venenum was instituted everyone believed it except the few. So this new bloodline, which will end the royal power of Calcaneo for short time, will actually come out of the East through the blood of Fracturam, and this is where Sol Malum will rise as the false Panem Vitae to take over the world. He comes from the East.”
“East? From where?”
“The Bloodline is now in Asia in your time and it is forming to become the new world’s power bloc of many nations under the dragon society. When Fracturam rises again as the true blood, this time he will subdue Calcaneo, and that long so called noble bloodline will come to nothing until after the time-loop and it all begins again.
The people will feel that the world is changing for the better and that the Panem Vitae is the one that is really making the changes prior and upon his return, and everyone, believers and non-believers will worship this sun god.”
“Will the world know this is actually panis venenum?”
“No, just like you said who cares, and that is the trick of it all, they will really believe this is the Panem Vitae coming to free the world from this horrible monarchy and global deception that has created such a malevolence on this earth. So why fight it. Something good is happening! As the sun rises from the east, so shall the coming of the lord Sol Malum return in the clouds, where every eye shall witness this event.”
“One thing I am not quite understanding, it seems for Sol Malum to pull this off he would have to have some friction or adversary as the component to this deception. Because right now it looks like he is fighting against himself and his own.”
“Astounding, you have unwittingly cracked the secret code of the ages. Sol Malum is fighting against himself as a ploy. From the very beginning, Sol Malum believed in the law of good and evil. He governs by the rule of law.
The key is, to control everything, one must be able to control also the enemy. If you control the enemy you control everything. So Sol Malum acts as if he is the good one, the savior coming to free mankind and deliver them to the one-thousand year kingdom of his rule; with a rod of iron, which on that merit alone should be suspect.
But do to so, he must also govern the enemy, he must control how everything works. It is called ordo ab chaos. It means to establish order you have to create the chaos. So the sun god created a dual mask for himself to wear. As he is the sun shining upon darkness he creates the polar light of the moon, and the god of the moon is Luna Lumen as Diabolus.
Thus he can control the light-good, and the darkness-evil and set up what is called the God and Devil conspiracy. In actuality god and the devil are one in the same. The one shines the light as the ruler and the other reflects the light as the servant, but both are the same power divided in two.
Notice closely how corporations all over the world use the symbol of the sun rising as their logo, it is very important that you understand. Whether people want to believe any of this is true or not, it is being shoved down their throat all the time via symbols. Obviously someone believes it is true, and that someone has so much power that nearly every corporate power in this world is following it in one way or the other.”
“But why would the world follow after this? People do not really believe in spiritual or religious stuff anymore.”
“That is why they will follow…This is the error of summation that Panem Vitae never existed because his life is simply a reduplication of the same event going further and further back.
The fact is, it happened, Panem Vitae was murdered, but it happened in the first time-loop, and it has almost been forgotten except for the myths that keep it alive that are supporting the false system.
The Panem Vitae came and died but not to save you from your sins, but to awaken you to the time-loop error so as to bring the true children home to Caelestus Pater. Only you can change yourself through grace, which means, unmerited pardon or given more time to change. And the only way one can truly change is they must eat the Panem Vitae.”
“Again how do you eat Panem Vitae and why would anyone want to?”
“All things shall be revealed in time. And guess what, how much time do you have to change? A perpetual time-loop over and over again every thousand years. Repeating the same
events over and over again, but having the choice to change things each time around.
Can you imagine waking up every morning and having the same events all around you happen again and again? And only you can change the day once you become aware that it is occurring. But no matter what you change the next morning will be the same day, until you use your time wisely to change yourself. Then finally that day will turn into the next day.
In about 9 years of your time, a movie will be released that will depict this very thing, keep an eye out for it.”
“How do you know all this about my future?”
“Because time is irrelevant, it is not real, what happens in the future continues to happen because the future always returns to the past. Panem Vitae came to reveal the true nature of our slavery and how to become free via the Great Caelestus Pater that lives within you via the code. But what has been passed down is nothing but a lot of dogma of do’s and don’ts that seldom reveal any real answers to ever set you free.
Soon during my time of the 13th century, a great evil is about to occur which will hit the shores of this new land, which in truth is very old.
There will arise even a greater malevolence as those who hid themselves within the earth at the time of the end, will arise from the earth, and between the 10th and 13th century their children’s offspring will govern and rule with a rod of iron leading to the famed but albeit wicked inquisition, which does indeed always repeat itself...
Do you know what the inquisition is?”
“I have heard of it, people were tortured and killed for not believing in the teachings of the church.”
“Exactly, this was called the time where people were controlled by the use of a rod of iron. Sadly, beating people does not change who they are, they may indeed obey, but only out of fear and collusion, but never through character.
Force cannot and never will change any soul to become something else. They will always internally fight, regret and hate the direction they are following. But Sol Malum does not care, as long as you are being brutally controlled he keeps his power in place over the flesh hiding the soul.
Already during my time things are happening in Europe to continue this malicious sinister mindset, but first they must unleash the black plague again.”
“Oh my god, isn’t that the disease that killed a great portion of Europe?”
“Yes sick isn’t it? And yet it never ends.
It is during my time, that the Phoenix has arisen from its ashes after the destructive time-loop occurred, it has risen in Asia, India, Africa, parts of South America, the Middle East, Europe and Russia. Soon it will be coming once again to the shores of the New World, America.”
“Oh so the New World Order is simply a metaphor for the new land of America being discovered and becoming the new world?”
“Well sort of, America carries on the national greatness that was offered as the panis venenum as they were handed it as a baton in a race from Great Britain. The United States of America also became great. Therefore they are trying to establish the NEW WORLD ORDER, out of the Old World Order.
That once proud land, which stood for all that was right and true, that became a great nation, yet was decimated by reason of ignorance and stealth to once again repeat the process, and rise from the ashes to be born and soon become the greatest nation on earth, until it is morally decimated by plan again. Around and around it goes and when it will end nobody knows. It is a living hell. A ritualistic sacrifice!
Most of the crimes of humanity during my time, are occurring in other parts of the world as the church is gaining more strength as being the Kingdom of God on Earth. America will not resurrect until the late 15th century. And then they will become a supra-nation that Sol Malum long ago promised unto them as one of the keys.
What I am trying to tell you is it is part of the overall plan, to make it appear great only to destroy it from within. It is all a planned sacrifice!
If America was truly a great nation with proper character it would never allow what always happens to occur time and time again. Its glory and greatness is only a façade created by a false Panem Vitae.”
“You mean there are people who are planning the destruction of America even before it comes into its greatness, what is the purpose?”
“People is a bad choice of terminology, there are dark entities out there that follow this precise plan. And many are being used to foster off this plan even without them understanding what is occurring.
Do you know what this does to the soul that believes with all of their heart that this country is the result of the Panem Vitae? Many believe that America became great by divine right. They have used this greatness to destroy others and use their power for deadly control. Sadly it was the panis venenum that was used to lure the souls into a trap.
It is doing great harm to the soul. What I am trying to say is, America is part of a greater deception to trap souls into the great lie. So these same poor souls can be punished eternally, during the millennial time-loop, which is indeed Hell.
And what is hell, it is a repetition of the same events over and over again never really allowing for true change, but only the reality that no matter what anyone does, nothing ever changes.”
“Chief, is this really hell?”
“Sadly it is. The very thing many fear, is the very thing they exist in as this time-loop. This is an eternal hell called the Time-Loop plan of the Kingdom of Sol Malum.
It is not just America it is the entire world. However America brought hope to an otherwise hopeless world, albeit a false hope. And then that hope was dashed into pieces. It is all to destroy hope continually to psychologically turn the soul into mush causing the soul to reject the internal key of Panem Vitae believing the external key is more important.
The world is not moving forward in time, you are at the end of the one-thousand year kingdom, where the world is going to shift back in time, at the beginning of the one-thousand year kingdom to repeat the process.
The ruler of this kingdom is not Caelestus Pater in the vast hidden dimensions, it is none other than the Sun God, known also as the Sun of God, and his quantum polar personality as the Moon God.”
“So these entities are real?”
“Their spirit is real, their attitudes are real, and their motivation is real. They exist, and their fruits expose them in everything they put their grimy little hands on, and everywhere they go.
The SUN God and the MOON God are the adversarial polar opposites working together, revealing the tree of good and evil. Both are one and the same. This is not only real, they have a progeny that exists among all humans.”
“What? They have human children here?”
“Yes, but they are not human, they just look like us while they are dressed in the human avatar while using the program.”
“The Program, Chief?”
(7) The Generation that lost it all
Day Five – Mystery of Ignorance
I had no words to express my shock, all I knew is I never expected in a million years for my world to be turned upside down like this. The next day we then continued where we left off, “Do you realize chief what you are saying this is monumental?”
The Chief went on to say, “I want you to decode and prognosticate about the world during your time and in your very near future. Is it not called the information age? Is it not the time when there is more information than ever in the history of humanity, where individually everyone has access to knowledge?
Now wouldn't you think that the people of your generation would be the smartest most intelligent people ever, having direct access to the fruits of all knowledge and they would be the most clever over all previous times? Compare the 20th century from where you came from to the 13th century where you are now, do you understand what I mean?”
“I am slowly being able to grasp what you are telling me. We have access to much information and our technology is vastly supreme comparably to other times.”
“Exactly, a
nd just wait in about 30 years, you have seen nothing yet, in your immediate future, information is going to become readily available to every person on your planet, where entire libraries will be accessed at the tip of your fingers, inside what is called the, ‘Internet’, more than at any other time in ‘known’ history.
It is actually a technological vehicle known as the Global Information highway. And nearly every man, women and child on your planet, will have access to it. There may have been great knowledge in the distant past but did the average person have access to it like these will have in your time? Of course not.”
“I have heard the military uses a secret communication called the Intranet, but never heard of the Internet.”