The Time-Loop Chronicles: The Day the Earth Fell Backwards
Page 6
The Chief continued… “The intranet was the forerunner. Now ask yourself this question, if humanity has access to greater knowledge and information in your time than in any other time in history. Why is your education failing and your morals are disappearing? Why are you not advancing to higher spiritual levels?”
“Important question Chief, why is this happening?”
Within the next few decades what you will witness will astound you where the world will become blind, immoral and greatly lacking in even the simplest comprehension, and in great numbers, people will lose awareness and discernment?
How is this possible unless something is occurring beneath the souls of your feet, through the blindness of your heart and above the crown of your head that is changing the world paradigm?”
“Actually chief I will admit the more I think about it, more people have fallen behind in their education than it was even one hundred years ago. Some people are becoming dumber than rocks so to speak. There is no doubt about it. There is very little discernment anymore either from the people or its leaders. I agree there is a trend developing.
I do know some that do not even know how to grasp simple equations. And as for discerning, I think that has been a lost gift for a very long time. People are more like sheep than those of educated minds. And that is really an oxymoron considering what you have just revealed.
I guess it is because people tend to gravitate to others, and believe what someone else tells them, instead of them trying to ascertain the core value of comprehension for themselves. How can we be living in the greatest information age ever and the education of the masses is not even near the academia we had back in the 19th century, where it was considered much less civilized, and information was much less available?
I recall reading an 8th grade test for students that came from the late 19th century. Their curriculum was so advanced, 99% of College Students of my day would not have passed this test.
It is sort of eerie, but it is true when you think about it. And it has to make one wonder, how could this be possible during the greatest time of information release ever, and most are becoming dog bone ignorant?”
The Chief responds… “The reason it is possible is because humanity is being mentally bastardized. And sadly my friend, within the next 30 years what you see now will be magnified one-thousand fold in a very short period of time.
Humanity is being stripped mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically of their innate talents and abilities and they are slowly entering back into the 10th century mind. Humanity is retrograding, reverting, going backwards. They are not evolving.
Most humans alive back between 11th century and through the 16th century were ignorant, many were as dumb as rocks as is your idiom, because there was little developed mind power that remained after the toxic abuse of humanity occurred in the final generation. And sadly all that remained was the remnant of those whose minds had been wasted, polluted and destroyed.
Now understand this one truth, you cannot rule over people unless you first remove intelligence and then create absolute ignorance. Then and only then can people be governed by and under any extreme.
After the loop, an entire world had to start all over again to relearn the basic kindergarten level of knowledge, like having to learn to walk all over again as a child after being a world class sprinter. However this time you’re slowly being beaten by force to obey, making it nearly impossible to grasp any new personal identity or revelation.
A world that should have had an articulate, dynamic, academic prowess, instead became moronic and zombie like.
There is very little education or know how or smarts. It was all lost, because the people of your day which came back in time had all of their memory removed from them during a new retrograde cycle.
And if they were becoming dumb as rocks during your time as you say, what do you think they will become when they are the product of the Old World Order design? Where their minds will be beaten sponges to receive whatever any one decides they need to know to give them the ability to work and eat as slaves.
These will become the fathers and mothers, and teachers of the old world completely forgetting the new world. May the divine spirit forgive us, AGAIN? A complete world of empty minds leading to great shame, easily controlled by the enemy. Sadly there is always a mass roundup of those that have higher intelligences and are destroyed and eradicated before the time-loop shift.
During your time many poisons will be entering the air, water and food which are decimating the minds of the masses, not even talking about the drugs that the majority are ingesting, which is changing their DNA and limiting them to barely being able to scratch out an existence. It is more in tune to the mind of an animal than a human. I should retract that, not even most animals sink this low.
The reason this is occurring is because the rulers of the world cannot afford knowledge to pass between the barriers of time.”
“I am a little confused here chief, how is anyone going to pass through the boundary of the time change? This is beyond my understanding. If everything is shifted back in time, all that will be left is the people that actually existed back in 937AD, correct? Anyone from my time could not be taken back unless they time traveled somehow.”
“You are partially correct. The vast majority of humanity will not survive the upcoming upheaval. Billions are going to perish. However souls do not perish. These souls will once again incarnate and be stripped of all memory only having what their soul has obtained, like a water pipe having a leak, forgetting everything they had learned.”
“Are you saying reincarnation is real?”
“Of course, where do you think the soul goes? It has to go somewhere that is why it is called, ‘the transmigration of the soul’. The soul is eternal, therefore life in this world is actually in type; the burial of the soul.”
“Then why does it matter about the information or knowledge of today? Why would these dark entities concern themselves that information passes between the time-loop if everyone will forget anyway?”
“Excellent question, the fact is, the soul can still remember at the time of death, it can keep knowledge within at a sub-conscious level. The more that the soul has garnered before it exits this program, it may be able to retain in the time-loop of what it had grasped at a deeper level, and thus would create an enigma for the rulers.
However it will feel like a dream as the brain of the body does not contain this information only the soul does. Therefore they need to create confusion in the soul by totally screwing up their perceived reality in the flesh.
Let me tell you a little secret, there is a reason that the dark lords of this world want people in a state of absolute ignorance. It is because, hold on to your hat now, (chuckles heard from all around) that when you die, you carry the knowledge of what you believed to the other side, and if you were living in error or were being deceived, this is what you will take with you on the other end.”
“So at death we carry with us our memories? But why doesn’t the soul remember from beyond our time?”
“To an extent, we carry with us the general modus operandi of beliefs that we actually received within our soul via the flesh. The soul itself is actually in a coma, it is asleep, but believing it is awake.”
“And this is important why?”
“Because what you know could be a vehicle to thwart those who are wanting to send you back to earth to start all over again. If you are knowledgeable, let’s say, about reincarnation and you know that coming back is a risk of being returned to prison, you won’t follow those who direct you to follow the same event over and over again. The dark side is very fearful that we will figure this out.”
“But many die and some are very intelligent how come they are fooled?”
“Intelligence of this world is really based in ignorance. Most people who are very intelligent have no grasp of the reality that they are being tricked. So they follow right in path with the deception, yet they are
rather very intelligent in human terms.
The entire world is being governed to believe the lie, only a few ever really correctly comprehend the con in any generation. So upon death most will be willing victims to follow whoever it is that is orchestrating this deception, because they simply had no clue.
Let’s be honest, most humans no matter how intelligent they are have no clue what the afterlife is going to be. And when they see this bright light and bright tunnel and all of its beauty and joy and happiness all around them with loving hands and even past friends and family supplying all of the lost information they would ever dream of, who would not follow into this seeming paradise?
And yet never occurring to them it is a trap, a trap to send you back to your provided body in another life whether in the future or the past. And just like that, here you are doing it all over again without any memory. And whatever memory you do retain will all be based in the original deception that got you caught in the first place. Spinning wheels, rats in a trap. So the more you do not know about how the dark lord’s rule this realm, the better for them that you will never catch on to their con.
However, if you do catch on then you are public enemy number one. This is why ignorance is such a common delicacy in the last days, not because of what it can do for you now, but what it does for you later, wherewith you can either fight against the trap or be easy pickings for the Old World Order on your return ticket to hell.”
“Do the rulers also die during this change, then how can they remember anything in a new life either?”
“Friend now you are starting to quantify the argument deeply within your soul proving you are starting to awaken. The earthly rulers of your day have been building and extending walled cities within the earth cavity.
Many of them are going to pass through the time change, and come out during the 10th century. It is mostly humanity that will perish on the surface with a few exceptions.
Many of the rulers also control the program from the other side, and they are not earthbound. The rulers that happen to be alive during the transition on earth will escape through the gateway inside the planet.
At that time these rulers will come back out of their walled cities and begin the process all over again, and their children will be the recipients of their control, passing it down to their parents again as they reincarnate back into this realm as their children’s offspring.”
“Aren’t they going to miss the technology that they had to once again live like hermits?”
“Actually they love these role playing scenes to fit right in to the culture of the time. Many of them could care less about the technology, they are more interested in personal control of others. They are demented.
The enemy will easily be able under these circumstances to control the course of events again, including the necessary changes to your historical documents, religious artifacts, and scientific dogma, to keep the con from ever being exposed, as long as those that they rule over will not be able to function as an opposition.
So many are going to be poisoned by the foods they eat, and the air they breathe during the last generation, and many will be executed, all for the purposes of making sure there does not pass too much information between the barrier of soul-time.
Also the world will have a terrible upheaval as the planet shifts to allow for the return back in time. All of this will limit the number of humans who cross through this loop.”
“If they kill people who they believe are waking up to the con, then won’t those people be aware on the other side? Also do any humans that remain on the surface escape into the past alive?”
“Yes they will, there are always those who sneak through the cracks. As for those who are killed, their execution is so often violent to the soul that they are just happy to have life again in awareness and guess what, they just follow the leader.”
Why is it that the rulers can be spared the shift while being inside the earth as you say?”
“We are not sure, eventually I will teach you about this world and how it operates, but for now I will say, it appears that while being gathered up and sent inside earth; it is like being bound in chains, as part of the earth itself, as living inside of its belly, the shift does not affect them as it does those who simply live on the surface.
Now think about it, why would dark forces desire to make your planet nearly unlivable? Because they already know the end game. The Phoenix will rise from the ashes. They know the earth will not be destroyed, it just starts over. And all of the pollutants and toxins and horrible atrocities will be erased during the shift, as if these horrible elements never even occurred.
And the world will be reborn anew, but the occupants will be wholly ignorant. And the process will begin again, where the world and its occupants will be led by the same malicious spirit that is like a stagnant ever persistent parasite that feeds out of a cesspool.
This is no different than what I spoke about as complete libraries being burned to the ground, and all the knowledge was lost. They do not want the soul to capture or regain any knowledge of previous loops.
People that still use their minds and are educated with reason and discernment, which is beyond mere book knowledge, are considered dangerous during this change as we enter back into the beginning of this Kingdom of this mindless reprobate.
What is truly happening is, the time called the awakening is occurring, this is why I have spent all of my time trying to reveal to you that this is what will finally free you. During the darkest time of this world at the end of the age, is also the most powerful time for opportunity, change and disconnection.
This is when those who awaken among the masses begin to comprehend, that the world is following after a false logic, and then they begin to realize that they fell away from their true realm long ago and must find a way out of this time-loop trap to return home.
But there is only one way to leave, and it is not death as you may perceive, death is also a trap. The true exit doorway is the doorway that is located within your soul, the KEY-Panem Vitae, and it is not in your body.”
“Why is death a trap?”
“Because to those who are unawake, death simply recycles the soul back into the time-loop program. You will never know it is happening, if you are stuck in the cycle, you will repeat the process never knowing you did it before. There is nothing new under the sun.
Knowledge is being erased right before your eyes, so the people that re-enter the new world will be the old comers in the thousand year kingdom, blind, dumb and ignorant.
These will be the previous teachers and parents of the old world order under the tutelage of Sol Malum using the panis venenum, and his children are preparing to return to reenter his kingdom back at the beginning. So they are building shelters inside the planet to be saved.
“Inside the planet? This really stumps me. Are you serious that there is an operation going on where underground facilities are being built?”
“Yes, they have extended the building from past time-loops to become great fortresses with cities and walled communities so they can hide from the destruction while most of humanity perishes. This is how they escape and continue with the deception as internal players.”
“Are you trying to tell me that there is a world beneath our feet?”
“Oh my, would you like to know? They have and are building many underground cities below that is so beyond your imagination, so technologically advanced it would blow your mind away.”
“Oh so they will have technology when they go back in time?”
“Actually no, yes they will have it, but it will not function anymore, it will only be used as blue prints for when the technological marvels come out in the future. Of course they will tell you it is just man’s development, but it is really old knowledge that was given to them by alien worlds and their people, but we will discuss this later.
Sadly mostly deviants, and sick minded trolls who worship Sol Malum will exist within these halls of rocks built b
eneath the earth. They will even bring with them in their underground prisons some of the offspring of humanity to torture them, during this horrible time.”
“If they have underground cities with all of this technology why not just live down there and exist there and not bother to come above?”
“Sadly the answer to that is, they cannot exist with each other because of their darkness and malevolence, so they will turn on one another and kill each other. These are sick reprobate entities that exist only to steal energy from humans as vampires would suck out the blood. These energy vampires exist to live upon the woes of humanity and its created system of Sol Malum. They exist only to destroy.”
“Is there no benevolent being that can stop them, are we left alone?”
“No absolutely not, there is one that can help, the Great Caelestus Pater spirit above and within.”
“Then why don’t we get this help?”