by John Panella
As I handed it back to the chief, he told me to keep it. I was truly moved, I am not sure I ever read those words in the Bible, especially like that before. I never really got into the bible or their stories that deeply.
It seems to be saying that we are locked in a war within ourselves, and things that we do that are often wrong is not because of who or what we are as a soul, it is because of this programming inside of us taking over the controls.
I was amazed and responded to the chief saying, “This is incredible to me. I never realized our body was a program.”
The Chief continued his oration, “This is the key to everything, and it is all so very misunderstood because most do not understand the process of what is going on in this realm. Our body has a generated life of its own, it is programmed to function a certain way. But when the true consciousness enters the body, it goes into a war mode. We begin to have a war within ourselves.
This is critical. If we do not have this war going on, then we are either only the program itself or the seed of Sol Malum. Why is that, you might ask yourself? Because the true spirit of the Caelestus Pater consciousness via the Panem Vitae is who the true seeds really are. It is not the body they wear.
The body is a cloak, as a veil or covering, hiding within its true consciousness or lack thereof, either being programmed alone or seeded via the Caelestus Pater consciousness or seeded via Sol Malum.
The difference is, the Diabolus programmed these bodies via the DNA console, and they have become an elaborate structure of biological life. Thus any of Sol Malum’s children will certainly mesh within the programming, it will seem very natural to them, and there will be no fight, or internal battle going on. Their fight will be against others outside of them as they fight for control, because survival of the fittest is how the program operates.
They will blend into the body as a perfect slipper that Cinderella might wear. However when the Caelestus Pater seed is implanted into these bodies, which is simply our soul consciousness, then a war begins. A brutal all-out fight going on within the members of our body.
We are constantly battling what is wrong so that we can do what is right, and often the program defeats us. This does not mean the soul is a failure even though the body fails.
Just like the story Paul related, if this war was not going on, then we would not be of the Caelestus Pater consciousness. So the war within is our testament to who we belong to. If this war is occurring, it is our proof that we belong to another.
The battle is the key defining reality, the only reason there would be a battle, is because those that are experiencing it are truly the children of the Great Father and Mother in the sky or heaven or a higher dimension of reality.
If we live our life without a thought towards what we do on a daily basis, without realizing anything is amiss, then something is obviously wrong, the program is ruling.
In truth though, it won't matter to that body mask, soulless or otherwise, because if this is the case, to the body that is operating this way, or not feeling is a better term, it won't care anyway, because it won't affect it, i.e. therefore, there is no battle.
Do you understand what I am saying, only to those who are in this war are realizing a battle is being played out within their own body, of the Caelestus Pater consciousness, that is in war with the Diabolus Program?
If this war is not taking place then there is no true seed within. There simply cannot be. For the Caelestus Pater consciousness is not of this world or body, and thus the interactive state is in a state of flux, a battle, and a war.
Now some true souls may be giving into this fight, and it might not show as much in their outer actions because they are losing the battle. These are souls that are being debilitated by the artificial reality, or the holographic program. And thus will need to be replanted at another time to try again, unless they awaken.”
“Replanted? You meant reincarnated?”
“Again, yes indeed… Now Sol Malum has another consciousness, a faulty consciousness, a mixture of good and evil, to create confusion and bring forth the negative programming. This mixture of both good and evil coincides perfectly with the program to create trickery.
So anyone belonging to Sol Malum will love the program and find it suitable for their needs and desires. There will be no battle internally. Their battles will all be external ones, this is why war is always on the top agenda for these malicious ones.
Everything they do is about conflict, war, jealousy, pride, greed and wrath. Their war is not internal, thus they never change. Their war is external, because they want to force everyone else to feed off the programming.
So the bodies that are soulless are programmed to become the children of Sol Malum who is also the Diabolus, the adversary. And when a bad seed is planted within these bodies, that seed feels right at home. And it uses the programming to its fullest nature.
It only reacts out of the lust of the flesh, survival of the fittest, food, warmth, clothing etc... It desires only the fleshly staples, because in its heart it believes it is the flesh.
And as these staples are of supreme importance, even to the children of the Caelestus Pater, this does not truly ever feed them nor fill them up. It is their soul that needs to be fed. Thereby they desperately need the Panem Vitae.
Good souls who are fed with the programmed desires still continuously seek for what they lack, which cannot be provided here. And thus we recognize the supreme difference between the good and bad seeds and the programming.”
At this point the chief looked at me and said, “It is time after many long days for you to move forward. I had spent a very long time with the chief in the world of the Anasazi, filling up my entire 6” by 9“notepad.
I learned incredible things from his people many of whom were able to communicate with me in my tongue and we all became very good friends, almost like a second family or maybe an original one.
The Chief told me the window of opportunity has passed and it was time for me to move ahead. He said very expressively, “This will be the last time we meet for a good while.
Please remember all of these things I have told you, devour the words, drink them in and do not let them fade from memory, or else you will continue to repeat this cycle over and over again.”
I asked the chief if I could stay there longer. I was at so much peace there. Life is completely different, everything seemed so serene and secure. In its own way I felt it was like paradise. Yet the chief was adamant, I had to return, and do it now. I felt like I was leaving a friend, and I didn’t know if I would ever see him or his friends again.
The chief taught his people well, and he had great understanding, but I knew the time had come where I must say my goodbyes. I really didn’t want to leave, but I knew I had to, I needed to share these things with others. Although I was afraid of how people would perceive me with this information.
But heck it is not my words, these are not my theories, I am just a messenger. People would have to understand that. The chief’s final words were somewhat an enigma. He looked me glaringly into the eyes and said, “Give me all that you have written from this journey, I will take them and plant the seed.”
I was dumbstruck, I told the chief, “I won’t be able to remember everything, I wrote all of this down every single night so that I could retain all that you have told me in detail. Now you want it all back, how is this going to help me or you?”
He gently patted my back as I was handing him all that I had written down in my notepad. It was completely filled with very small disorderly print.
His last words before I entered back into the doorway of the cave was, “Things are not as you may believe, but this information is very important and it now it is within you. So go ahead and pass it on, and when the time is right, your notepad will become available.”
It was then I slowly walked back into the cave, knowing this was an experience I will never forget. As I turned away from this enigmatic people having to walk away from what
may be the most exhilarating experience I will ever have in my life. I said my final goodbyes and walked back through the gateway between times.
(18) Back to the Future
Time Loop One – Did I Dream This?
It was 7:30 am, the alarm just went off next to my bed. I rolled over to see my wife awakening with her little smile, as we both realized it was time to get ready for a new day.
As I sat there in bed, I had this horrible feeling as if I had forgotten something. I was being plagued. I looked back over to my wife and said, “Is there something we were to do today? I feel like I am forgetting something.”
“No sweetie, nothing out of the ordinary.”
“Are you sure, I feel like I am supposed to do something… (Turning my head back and forth with eyes tilted upward) ah I don’t know; maybe it is nothing.”
As the days, weeks and months rolled by I had this nagging feeling in my mind that I was to remember something, but for some reason nothing came to mind where I could place it.
It was now September 1985 and my wife wanted me to take her out to the new movie called, ‘Back to the Future’. It has something to do with time travel. I asked my wife, “What’s it about?” She said, “It has to do with a scientist who devises a time travel machine out of a DeLorean.”
When she said this I felt this energy stream run through my brain, like a tingling feeling of a long lost memory, but it faded as quickly as it had begun. We went to the movie and as I sat there watching how the Doc was explaining to Marty how he was going to do something amazing, and then he said, ‘If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit.’
Marty afterwards asks Doc Brown, ‘Wait a minute, Doc. Ah... Are you telling me that you built a time machine... out of a DeLorean?”
Doc Brown eventually sent Marty back in time from 1985 back to 1955. This is when Marty’s parents were meeting for the first time. And when Marty would meet a young Doc Brown.
All of a sudden I kept hearing the word in my thoughts as I was watching this movie about going back to the future. It kept triggering something in my mind but nothing was really coming to me.
It made no sense at the time. Yet for some reason this movie didn’t seem strange to me, it felt like it was possible to travel back and forth in time. After four years passed they made a second movie, ‘back to the future ‘2’ and of course my wife and I had to return.
At the end of the movie, Doc Brown was in the DeLorean, he was hovering over land in 1955 because time had been altered in 1985 and Doc and Marty had to set events in order to reset the time line.
There was a scene where he helped Marty escape and while Marty was on the ground, the DeLorean that Doc was now flying in the air got struck by lightning, and Doc and the DeLorean were sent to another time in the past. They showed some previews of the 3rd sequel, ending up in the old west and during the preview I flipped out.
At that point I had a rush of memory hit me and I fell back into my seat while dropping my drink on the floor, and I yelled out, “OH MY GOD!”
My wife said, “Holy smokes honey, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t know, I just had this rush of memory that made me think I know something about time travel and it put the scare into me, as soon as the memory was there, I lost it.”
“What do you mean, lost it?”
“It all slipped away from my mind.”
It was about a year later they already made, ‘Back to the Future ‘3’ and of course my wife and I had to go see it, in October of 1990. We decided to make a night of it and go out to dinner and then a movie.
As we were mesmerized by the plot trying to remember what happened in the first movie and then connecting it to the second movie. The flood gates of my memory came back during the final movie of the third trilogy as what had happened in the upcoming scene from the second movie.
Doc had been sent back to 1885 after the car had been struck by lightning. Doc was sent back to the Wild West in 1885, where eventually Marty then had to follow, having been given a note by a courier that was 70 years old, it revealed Doc Brown had been stranded in the past and he told Marty where to find the DeLorean that had been hidden in a cave where Doc brown had placed it after he entered the old west.
And then Marty found the Delorean and went to join Doc Brown as he took the DeLorean up to 88 miles per hour at a drive-in theater and as soon as he was about to crash into the screen he bolted into 1885 into the middle of the desert, where he saw Indians being chased by the Calvary.
And guess where Marty ended up backing the car in to get out of this ensuing battle? In a cave out of rock. Sitting there and watching this scene come together with the Indians and the cave in the rock wall, it finally triggered the main event and I all but lost it.
The patrons there were not as excited as I was as I heard echoes across the theater, ‘Shhhhhh, quiet down, shut up man, we’re trying to watch a movie here’ and then I yelled out, “I remember now!” Finally a patron said, ‘Who the hell cares, shut up before I shut you up.’
My wife looked at me and asked me if I was alright? I said, No I am not, we need to go. She looked at me as if I was losing my mind. I told her that I finally realized what has been bothering me these last many years.
As we got back to the car I sat their paralyzed, I asked my wife, “When did I go hiking in 1984 to search for lost Indian ruins?”
She looked at me like I was crazy, “You don’t hike, not that I know of anyway. We have been together for quite some time, and you never really got into hiking to search for anything.”
“Are you sure, in 1984 during May or June, didn’t I take a hike outside of town? I was gone for quite some time.”
“Darling, you never took any hike, and I would know whether you were missing for any length of time or not.”
“Then explain to me how these memories all are coming back to me? I remember what happened, maybe not in detail, but quite a bit. I went back in time, honey.”
“Babe, it had to be a dream, or it was your imagination. You never left me even for one day that I can recall. Have you been talking to my Brother-in-law’s kid, Wilki, has he filled your mind with a bunch of nonsense? If not, then this must be a memory from a dream, that’s all it is.”
“Is it really possible that I could have been dreaming all of this, going through the cave wall, and entering back in time and living with the Anasazi?”
“Whoa darlin’, what are you smokin’? Anasazi? This aint like you, where are you getting this crazy talk from?”
By this time I knew I was losing it, my wife had to be right that it had to be a dream. I know I never hiked anywhere, but it was so vivid, it was so real. I then began to tell my wife what I had remembered from this dream and the chief whom I had met.
The time I had spent with the chief was absolutely amazing. I have now so many more questions I wished I would have asked, they just didn’t come to mind. I was in awe of the moment, unable to explain what was happening to me. The very nature of the experience left me speechless and somewhat impotent.
I am not a reporter, or journalist, I do not have the necessary skillsets to know exactly how to respond to every word the chief spoke, but I wrote down what he said.
Oh damn I uttered. “Honey, I wrote down everything, I was writing it all down. But he took it away from me telling me that he was going to do something with it.
“So you don’t even have what you wrote down then?”
“No and I have forgotten most of what he told me. But I remember as clear as a bell living among the Anasazi, it was a wonderful time.”
“Well dear, it is obvious it was a very powerful and emotional type of dream, and that is all.”
“I remember writing everything down because the chief wanted me to tell others about what I had learned. The problem is, he took it all away from me when he removed my notes.”
“Again, it had to be a dream, only a dream would have something as crazy
as that sweetie. Why write it down if you can’t keep it?”
The hours and days since my dream encounter memory has left me wary. I can’t get it out of my mind. Some things are clear others are vague. I even remember the chief asking me to tell everyone about this experience. And yet he warned me that I would be ridiculed and mocked.
He elaborated that the true seeds will hear my voice, and know that what I am saying has a ring of truth in it. He said, just tell the people and some will listen.
However, since you will not be able to uncover where all the seeds are located, you will have to cast this out as a wide net, and capture everything, and then throw away the left-overs.
I remembered that it was easy for the chief to say this, but actually doing it, was another thing altogether. No one wants to be laughed at, or ridiculed, and I would be setting myself up for every conceivable joke. Yet to walk away and not respond in kind is a slap in the face of my own reality. I know what I had experienced. I know it happened, it just had to have.