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The Time-Loop Chronicles: The Day the Earth Fell Backwards

Page 19

by John Panella

  “Good question, that doesn’t make sense on the surface. What is really going on here?”

  This is why the ground contains much more heat than let’s say a mountain top. The problem is no one wants to tackle the real enigma of why this occurs. They think they already know by using basic science, but it cannot answer some of these quirks that we have personally discovered.

  The facts are which most in the scientific community do not want to accept, is that the Sun is not the heat source of planet earth, it is the source of earth’s very existence.”

  “Say what?”

  “I have been trying to explain this for quite some time. Do you really know what a holograph is?”

  “I know about them but I guess I am not sure I really understand it.”

  A holograph is a re-creation of a third dimensional plane of awareness by using projection, reflection and splitting and refracting light using mirrors.

  As an example, take an apple, you can then copy that apple by taking pictures of it while covering the entire 360˚ of the apple both longitude and latitude, it is like mapping every square inch of the entire surface. And then using projection through a mirror, you can then split the signal of that source and make the apple appear somewhere else in space; three dimensionally placed upon a two dimensional backdrop.

  It will appear very real, it will look three dimensional, and it will have color and mass like appearance just like the original object. Yet it is just a projection. So what is needed is a source background for the three dimensional object that you want to project out in space to make it appear real?

  Secondly you need a light splitter using something like a mirror. Lastly you need a projection source of light, a very powerful light. And voila, you have your ingredients of a mass projected three dimensional object. Using higher technology you can then even create a core or the internal mass of that object to be as real as the surface, using additional software programming.

  Did you know that all of these things exist in our local space? And strangely enough, we have planets like earth just sitting in space like a magic eight ball, just hanging there in midair so to speak. Do you really believe that there is some sort of gravity that is holding all these things in space? What really is gravity, does anyone know?

  Let’s look at this sensibly, something is holding these objects in space, gravity is the invisible conjecture which gives a reality to that which doesn’t make sense.

  Nothing is being held by gravity, gravity is simply a speculation to answer why a planet can appear to float in mid-air. However using a projection of a holograph via a light source, any hologram can be made to appear as if it is floating in space and gravity has nothing to do with it.

  So if a hologram can appear as a three dimensional object in empty space, then what is holding it there? It is LIGHT Projection! The reality of it is, there really is nothing there but a visual response to an elaborate hoax created by bending light via Arc Angles or Arc Angels.”

  “So you are saying the sun is a projector and it is projecting out of itself everything we witness in space as a three dimensional illusion?”

  “That is partly true. All of the ingredients are there in space to make perfect holographs.

  Obviously the heat we become aware of as we believe is the sun is bringing us radiation via a light projection beam. The beam itself could be as cold as ice, but when it displays the object of projection it can turn very hot. Take a movie theater, the light between the screen and the projector has no real temperature, but notice its projection source is very hot, and the reflection it gives off is a movie screen filled with scenes and objects.

  The beam itself has no heat until it magnifies the projected object in space. In this case, the heat is caused because the object is being produced by the projection itself. Therefore it will be much hotter on the surface than let’s say a mountain, because the denser the object more intense light is needed to perform the holograph to make it appear real and solid.”

  “Wait a minute Chief, there is something missing. There are no mirrors in space that I am aware of, how is the object being split without mirrors, the mirror is what gives off the illusion of the holograph based on what you have just told me.”

  “Very astute and excellent question, but your premise is based on the fact that you cannot see the mirrors.”

  “So there are mirrors out in space that are creating this beam of light?”

  “No not out in space, the mirrors are more earth bound.” (The Chief chuckles)

  “That doesn’t make sense. If the earth is the hologram how can the mirrors be on earth?”

  “Are you really ready for the answer?”

  “Let it fly I am ready… I think.”

  “Have you ever heard the saying, ‘The eyes are the mirror to your soul? Likewise have you ever heard that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you?”

  “Yea! Are you saying our eyes are the mirrors?”

  “Of course they are, if you had your eyes removed what would you see?”

  “Obviously nothing, you would be blind.”

  “Exactly, the only reason you can see the stars and the planets and the sun and even the earth you stand on is due to your physical senses. The eyes are taking in the light and then refracting it giving you the illusion that what you see is a three dimensional reality, but it is nothing more than a projection- lights, camera, and action.”

  “I don’t completely understand, if you have an item, let’s use your apple, you then copy it, and then send the light of it through a mirror, and then the mirror splits the signal of the light wave, giving you the illusion of the object somewhere else.

  Wouldn’t this prove that the light and the source would have to come into the mirror from behind and then send that reflection outward? So how is it possible that our eyes, which see outside of us could be the mirror to reflect what is coming from behind them?”

  “The question you ask is what most scientific so called scholars never want to ask, but they know the answer, and the answer to your question was already given by your dilemma’s thesis.”


  “You said the source and light of the object has to be within or behind the mirror as it reflect outs, and then that light must shine outward to give off the projection that the object is floating in space.

  What you fail to understand is, the eyes do not see anything externally, as there is nothing external happening. Within the next two decades in your time, you will learn this amazing science and you will be able to prove it.

  The eyes are simply the mirror which is taking in the light from behind via the brain and projecting out what is coming from within. And then your lens refracts the light and you believe you are looking at a three dimensional object. This a virtual reality!”

  “Holy Cow Batman!”

  “Holy Cow is right, in truth the object is within you, and the light is coming within the dark matter of your brain, as it is being projected out through the eyes giving off the illusion of matter outside of you.

  The source of light and the object is within you, and your eyes become the mirror reflecting the 4th dimensional realm and sending that light outward creating the appearance of that which is really from within. Without the eyes you would never see anything. Nothing would really be there, it has to be projected to view it.”

  “It might not be there for me, but for someone else that has eyes, it would be there, wouldn’t it?”

  “Actually no, it is only there by illusion to the one who is refracting the light, but it is an illusion of a holograph. You see the eyes are truly the windows not only to the soul but all of the hidden worlds. Everything is within you, as such, the Kingdom of the Heavens is within you. Meaning everything you see out there is inside.

  If someone removed all of your senses, sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch, and all of them were completely disconnected, what would be your perception?”

  “That is tricky let me think upon this… I guess there w
ould be nothing but blackness, a void. Nothing at all. One would not be able to sense anything.”

  “Yes but would there be anything about you that was tangible?”

  “The only thing that would be is my thoughts, I could think and reason. But there would be nothing but blackness. No sight, no sound, no light, no touch, everything would be gone, total emptiness.” (Hmm Blackness!)

  “Very true, and what does that tell you?”

  “It tells me that our senses are the true reality of our life.”

  “Or maybe better stated the true illusion of life. Our bodies are a computer inside the program. If you removed all of the sensing software programming out of the computer it would be a blank screen. If all senses were removed, would you be standing on earth? Could you see, hear or smell anything? What would be real or not real?”

  “If I was standing on earth and lost all sensations, obviously I would still feel the surface because where can you go, the planet is very dense.”

  “Not so, if you have no sensation of touch and feeling how would you describe touching the earth, there would be nothing there to create the sense of a dense object. You wouldn’t feel anything other than floating in nothingness. You would just be a thought inside of a holographic projection.”

  “Yes but the earth is still there isn’t?”

  “That is your conundrum of the mind, the earth is not still there because it never was there. The senses are simply the software in the hard drive giving you the illusion of a solid earth. And the only reason you know it is solid, is because of the software programmed senses telling you it is solid.

  You remove the software you not only lose the sensation but you lose the entire program, because the program, projecting the earth is only valid due to the sensation created by the software. As an example, let’s say you take a computer program and place it on a disk that is called software. This software can produce a picture of a person sitting on the beach. Now you place the disk in the computer and like magic there is the picture... Now remove the disk.

  Is the picture somehow still there?”

  “Well, I guess not.”

  “Exactly, when you remove the software from the hard drive, there is nothing there, it is a blank screen. You would be in the void. Now listen closely, the world needs to know this.

  In the beginning the Gods created the heavens and the earth. The earth was unformed and moved into the void, darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of the God’s (The programmers) hovered over the surface of the water. Then the God’s said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.

  What you just read is a pre-holographic world before the 3rd dimensional heavens and the earth came into being. This is when there was nothing, and what is the first thing that must be done to create a holograph, you need a light source, thus, ‘LET THERE BE LIGHT.”

  There had to be a light source to project the object in question, which were the heavens and the earth to enable it to become, and then removed from the void. All of a sudden the gods just became computer nerds.

  What is interesting here is that everyone assumes the light here is the sun. Actually it is the light of the pre-sun. It is the light of the projector before the sun could even be witnessed. Let me explain.

  The source of light comes out of the invisible world or 4th dimension, or from the invisible world before material creation i.e. 3rd dimension. This was the initial light that had to be created.

  There had to be a source coming from another dimension to create the initial step for this holograph. Before this had been done, the original heavens and earth were just photographs, pictures, maybe even motion pictures, but they were in the void, i.e. 4th dimensional, unseen world, beyond time and space. No one could behold them yet in this realm; they were still in the production stage.

  As an example, take a picture with a camera. The picture that was taken is right now in the void because it cannot be seen, it is inside the camera. Once you remove the film you can then produce the picture that was in the void.

  It is obvious our universe is a copy of something that actually exists in pure energy form, however what we are witnessing is simply a projection, with interactive holodeck principles.

  Now stay with me, a source of inner light had to be created, to begin the projection sequence. Then the idea of space was designed so that the heavens and earth could be projected on to it, like a green screen that many movie makers use.

  Thus the 2nd and 3rd day was all about the firmament of the heavens and the waters. Water makes a great reflection tool, thus water was the tool for reflection but it was not actually water per say, it was energy wave forms, which appear like flowing water.

  Basically what this was is, energy waves being projected on the ‘green screen’ called space-time, which then became the firmament of the heavens. Now what exactly is a firmament?

  A firmament in its basic definition is a large surface that is positioned as an expanse, of what we may call space. So something is being set up as a flat or round reflection surface all around us to reflect a light source image.

  In this case it is likened unto being inside a ball, and all of the in-sides of the ball are the firmament of the heavens. We may call it in type a movie screen. Set designers for movies create images and place them on a green screen so they can project anything on it, and it will seem three dimensional, without ever seeing the actual green screen.

  Now that there is a foundation for the projection, called a firmament, including now a light source from within, to project on a green screen canvas i.e. SPACE - meaning the waters on the firmament, to set these objects upon.

  The next two days, they had to create a source for the reflection on the green screen canvas to project out earth and all of the planets and external bodies in the solar system as holographic frames.

  This is where the projection of earth first began, and the dome was created called the atmosphere, and the seeds of all plants were planted and grew. This is your picture moving into the production stage before the projection.

  But none of this was real, it was just the planning stage for the green screen. How do we know this, because without the sun, nothing can grow, no plants would yield any measure of growth. The earth would still be barren. Why? Because it needs the projection source to make appear what is not yet there.

  So all growth and yield of seed prior to them appearing were all pre-green screen productions, meaning they were the source that was being used to project from, but they had not yet been projected.

  It was not until the 4th day, they could reveal the Sun, Moon and Stars as holographic projections. But notice, why put the sun, moon and stars together. What about the many orbital bodies in our solar system. How does the moon rank above great planets like Jupiter?

  As we have already learned the moon is being used for a special purpose to control the functions of earth. Therefore it gets the same notoriety or billing as does the sun.

  There is a duality in these first verses when it spoke of earth having been created and then it went into the void. What happened was, before the wars in our local universe took place. Earth was somewhere else in the holographic realm. But due to the wars and violence it was knocked out of its orbit as we have learned and then restored.

  The holograph had to be changed to re-create earth in another place. Thus it went back into the void, meaning it went back into the production stage. Earth didn’t move into another part of the solar system, it was simply removed from projection and re-placed via the new projection where it is now.

  And then the 5th day the sea and land and bird creatures can now come into view because the holograph is now working. Before the actual sun was placed into the sky all there was is a green screen canvas.”

  “Hold on for a second, if the light is internal then how can the sun be the projector?”

  “Because the internal light as it is turned on, will also project itself as the source externally. Humans would need to be built into the sys
tem as avatar programs as the mirrors, so they can finalize the result of the light from within them, which when projected they would see it as the sun externally, but it is the sunlight shining internally that is now being seen externally via projection through the eyes.

  So on the 6th day a computer program was made to benefit from all of this creation. It was called the Human. Now the mirror within the eyes were now set where all of these things could be experienced so it would appear that it was external. However the mirror must not look at the reflection. If both the source and the projection meet; the mirror is damaged, and poof it all vanishes. This means don’t stare at the sun.

  And the 7th day revealed it all, Saturnalia or Sabbath day was the worship of the moon as Diabolus, which was known as SIN.

  Simulation Interactive Network.

  Everything in the solar system is a three dimensional holographic projection made visible by the eyes. Beyond the solar system, it becomes a two dimensional screen like a movie screen. It is no different than being in a 360˚ planetarium watching a movie.


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