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The Time-Loop Chronicles: The Day the Earth Fell Backwards

Page 22

by John Panella

  The chief interfered in my thoughts, “The issue is not whether you can help them; the issue is, they chose to do something that they were not prepared for, and thus they became trapped into this horrible nightmare.

  They were also warned and they made the wrong choice. They are not trapped forever, but they must follow protocols so that they can be released from their own error. And only until then will they become free.”

  At this point I was not really listening to the chief explain these things, I felt morally responsible to help my family. Not doing so echoed badly on my character. I told the two friends that were with me, “We need to help these lost souls. There is nothing there that can trap us. We are spirits, not material beings, so we can move into this realm undetected and remove our friends.”

  My two companions were not as sure about this as I was. But they saw my determination and believed we could go in there and retrieve our friends and become heroes. The guide then spoke out, “Sometimes good intentions are built on unstable foundations.”

  I continued to lead the way, and this small voice entered within the mind as it really did back then, “You do not know everything, some things are secrets, and thus the soul can be trapped in matter!”

  As I got near to this white stuff in space, I just didn’t believe the soul could be trapped, and then I recklessly flew into the forbidden substance. I then instantly blacked out just like I do when experience soul changes. I could hear this swooshing sound as it continued to pull me at a very fast rate of speed like a sucking machine or vacuum. I had no control against it. I did not even know what was happening.

  The next thing I knew I was standing in a desert area, surrounded by what appeared to be Tuareg’s and Bedouin type people that appeared to be nomadic. They were a desert clan of people that lived in clay houses. Sadly I knew not where my two friends were, they were missing and I thought I would never see them again unless I met them through my journeys.

  The houses were rounded like an igloo. And they had one entranceway into the front part. Inside there were uncomfortable looking clay chairs and beds, maybe two of each. They were not large rooms, enough to hold a family of four possibly.

  While there I ran into one of the people, he was wrapped in some white garments from the head to the toe wearing sandals on the feet. He looked at me and said, “You do not belong here, you should not have come.”

  I asked if he knew who I was. He said, “You are traveler from beyond the world, like me, you came from another time and place until you were pulled into this world. Why did you come here?”

  “I wanted to help, I was hoping I could free everyone.”

  “That was a tragic mistake on your part. You cannot free us, we are trapped and we are stuck forever.”

  I asked him, “You do not believe that do you?”

  “All I know is everyone who has come here has been trapped for a very long time. And most, unlike you, do not even remember who they were the day they got here, their memory was snatched like some enchanted sorcery.”

  “Well how is it that you remember, and did you see two others like me arrive recently about the time I came here, these were my friends?”

  “It is because the black ones have not stolen my memory, they do not know I can still recall events from where I came from. And if you came with friends chances of them landing in the same place are nil, they are probably somewhere else on this planet. They love to divide and conquer.”

  “The black ones?” I queried.

  “These are those who dress in black, they are not human so they hide their form from us. But they have powers, and they can touch you with a rod and strip you of your memory. And you will become a slave for them.”

  “How is it that you have remained with memory, how did you avoid the black ones?”

  “Because I don’t let on that I am aware of anything. When they show up I act completely ignorant like everyone else does who has been taken over. Everyone else just follows orders, they cannot think through the situation, they know to be able to eat and have warmth and a place to live, they must obey.”

  I was becoming angry. This was really bothering me. I hated that I had no power. This body was so thick and dense, and it did not allow me to move or operate properly. It was a useless tool.

  All of a sudden the nomad I was talking too said, “Keep alert, here comes the black ones; I do not know you right now, just do something, anything, look busy and whatever you do, do not look in their eyes, they can read your mind.”

  I was at a loss for words, being angry, all I wanted to do was fight and flee this situation, but I hid around the side of one of the dwellings, and waited there acting imbecilic by kicking dirt around having no rhyme or reason as to what I was doing.

  I heard these entities pushing the nomadic travelers around and brutally whipping these poor souls without cause with straps that had pieces of rock melded into the leather. I had to take a look to see what these entities were.

  I poked my head around and standing there was one of the black ones. They were wearing some sort of bird like head gear, over thick heavy black garments, with leather shoes, like sandals, but not quite.

  They were very large, maybe 9 feet tall. As soon as I looked around, one of them saw me and caught my eyes. Instantly he hit me with this small wand and everything went black.

  The next thing I knew I was living in a village, I was a young teenage boy. Maybe 16 years old. I had straggly black hair, I was unkempt, had tattoos everywhere. My body was littered with jewelry which was pinned inside the skin. I was a sad sight for sore eyes.

  The chief then interrupted, “Now you see how you got stuck here, now it is time to recognize your journey as to why you made this choice and what it will take to leave here.

  That young man is you when you were living in Atlantis before it fell. Most of the children were like this, just like many of the young ones in your time are becoming like this again. They are angry, they are mad, and they want to fight anything and everything.

  In your near future there will be drugs induced and forced into these kids while they are still young, it will remove their anger, make them passive, but it will leave them dead inside and they will become docile and easily controllable. You were such a kid back in Atlantis. Now begin to watch yourself.”

  There was no doubt this kid was angry, he was walking around throwing his fist into anything he could find. I could feel his thoughts and his pain, but his mind seemed empty of all logic, it was pure uncontrolled emotional resentment. He was punching and kicking brick walls. Blood was pouring from his knuckles. He would then slam his head into the walls and blood came from his forehead.

  He was furious and had no recollection as to why. Extremely upset about everything. Wanting to hurt anyone even himself, it didn’t matter. I looked at this kid and said no way that this is me. And yet this deep dark air fell upon me as a memory, and I recalled that I was this young man in a past life.

  Everything faded to black again. While I was in the state of blackness, I asked the chief a question dealing with how many lives have I had, and surprisingly the voice of the female guide interrupted instead.

  “You have lived hundreds of lives since you entered the lower realms, but I am choosing these few to help you get a balance as to what happened, and your extremely long recovery.”

  At that point I then found myself in what appeared to be an ancient museum. I was being trained by a wizard. I was called a Wizard’s apprentice, whatever that is.

  I remember looking into a mirror hanging on the wall, and I saw myself. I was a young boy probably 22 years old and had a blond pageboy hair style. That is when it sort of looks like someone stuck a bowl on your head and simply cut around it and then teased it so the rest of the hair would curl under.

  I looked like a girl, very thin with a pasty complexion, but I was definitely a boy. The wizard was teaching me how to keep spirits locked up if they are malevolent, and how to release the ones that are benevolent spiri

  He gave me this 18 inch wand, and he led me in front of the pictures on the wall, very large paintings. Scenes which consisted of places, people and things. I could see actual movement in the pictures as if the picture was itself beaming with life. He told me how to wave the wand in such a way to release the spirit in the painting.

  I asked the Wizard, “How did those spirits get in there?” He told me, “We placed them in there to confine them.”

  He told me that inside these paintings were virtual worlds. To those that were inside these worlds, they appeared real, and everything seemed normal, but in reality, they were prisons of the mind, and they were simply locked into a program, which was embedded inside the painting.

  I replied, “A world inside a picture, bizarre!”

  “The wizard then said, are you ready to release your first spirit?”

  I told him, “I think I am ready.”

  “Then wave your wand as I taught you precisely and release the spirit. I will be here if you need any help.”

  He then cautioned me not to release a bad spirit, they can be tricky and seduce you into freeing them. I then located one of the paintings and held my wand up, there was this friendly looking creature on the other side that appeared to need assistance, giving me a puppy dog like facial demeanor. It seemed innocent enough.

  I then did a spiral move with the wand as I waved it at the picture. And this energy poured from the painting. And this malevolent spirit came out with utter destruction in its intent, screaming god awful and blood curling sounds with cursing.

  I yelled, “Wizard, I made a mistake! Help me!”

  He came over very quickly and he took his wand and moved it around and the spirit was replaced against its will, shouting the entire way back. I then faded to black.

  I asked the chief again, “What did that mean? Where was I that I would be a wizard’s apprentice?”

  “It is time that you know the truth, you were selected by the dark forces to be part of them. They used your anger to bring you into the fold. At one time you were part of the Secret Societies, you had become one of them. The problem is, they never seem to understand, they cannot have the Caelestus Pater’s children. They can use them at times, but they cannot keep them.”

  “Yea but that Wizard didn’t seem to be malevolent?”

  “That is because they have their own will of what is right and what is wrong. He was teaching you how to release good spirits. Do you know what happens when you release the spirit out of the picture?”

  “No, what?”

  “These prisons are of the world you exist in right now, the world of humanity of the place called earth. All of these different scenes are from this world in different times. These souls are inside a program. They are concealed, hidden away from the truth.

  If the wizard removes the spirit, it means they released your soul, and if that happens you die to this world and go back to the control center in the fourth dimension. They determine when you live and when you die. Notice though they didn’t want you to release a malevolent spirit, because they want them to remain so they can torment the good souls.”

  Sorry but stealing a line from Marty McFly from Back to the Future, “Whoa Doc that’s heavy!”

  “As a wizard’s apprentice you are on the other side of the veil where ghosts enter.”

  Finally I came out of the blackness and entered into another world, this time I was with royalty. “My god chief, I am king of France.

  Chief, I think I was king of France, I was Louis the XV.”

  “Yes I know, look closely at yourself. Who do you see?”

  “You have got to be kidding me, it is me. I mean me, as I look now… I mean it is me. That is my face, it is a tad different, but it is me. Do we look like ourselves in past lives?”

  “Sometimes, almost identical. Now look at the face of King Louis XVI, he is your son, is there also a familiarity?”

  “Oh geez, it is my dad. I mean the one that was my dad in this life, it is a spitting image of my dad.”

  “That is correct, it was your dad in this life, but your son in that life. You see most of the family members you have been with, not all of them, but many times are retreads from the past all playing different roles.

  Sometimes you were the child, sometimes you are the parent. This is how a soul group sticks together. It gives you an illusory feeling of comfort to be around those your soul recognizes. However sometimes you get stuck with enemies of the soul to torment you in a lifetime as a family member or an acquaintance.

  The key is when you were royalty you did not play by the rule book, you brought in a different set of directives, more contingent on doing good, which royalty hated, you had more fairness in your heart.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because you were overcoming the program, your soul was growing and learning from your past mistakes, especially the one. You hated to be king while others were relegated as peasants.

  And thus your kingdom was riddled with ridicule by your own contemporaries, saying you were lazy and cathartic and much too spiritual in thought, which was not a compliment mind you. That you had no real ability to rule a kingdom like others by showing force of will. However, you were aptly named, ‘Louis the Well beloved…’ The people loved you for your fairness.”

  I then blacked out again all the while the chief continued to talk to me. As I began to move through the blackness, the voice of the guide came through again and said. “You have moved through time all the way until the 18th century, and have seen several lifetimes as you had lived prior. The next event we will now return to the past.

  It is important that you witness an event that occurred called the great flood. There has been many stories that have been passed down as to what occurred, when it occurred and did it really happen. And was there a global flood that buried the planet under water? So without delay are you ready?”

  “I am ready…” Immediately light began to appear within my vision. I was expecting to see the ancient past. I was expecting see land dwellers working hard to exist. I was expecting to see people who were clothed in ancient dress, wearing robes and sandals.

  I was expecting to see people living in huts, existing very crudely. All of these images I was expecting turned out to be nothing as I had fathomed. The very first thing I saw left me confused. I even had to tell the guide, there must be some mistake here. This is not the past but the future.

  The guide responded, “What you are witnessing is a past event of what happened at the end of all of the ages. There is a reason that Aquarius is called the Water Carrier. As Pisces enters Aquarius, the world is blanketed in a global phenomenon cleansing, called the great flood.

  During this period, events take place in your solar system that are replications of one of the Great Wars in heaven, remember it is all in a time-loop. Horrible events occur causing great cataclysmic horrors and the world is once again buried in water. The planet becomes a grave yard again. The only difference this time is, your world was moved out of where it could experience the totality of it all.

  The ancient stories of one family escaping was not quite accurate but it relayed a key point as to what happens during this event. When the ancient time-loop occurs as it always does for all planets in the solar system, when Aquarius comes to life on its return, this is when the planet is buried in water, as a renewal, or rebirth and a cleansing. Thus, unless you are born again…

  Sadly you are not allowed to be born again. When Sol Malum changed the time-loop with the help of his dual counterpart, Luna Lunem as the Diabolus, they made sure the world did not return back to the 1st Age ever again, that it would always be cut short just before the grand event, and then sent back into Pisces a millennium earlier.

  And thus came your rainbow of remembrance, but in reality it was the sign of incarceration. What you are about to witness is the last Great Flood event, however some surprises will indeed be revealed that you will not expect.”

  The next thing I k
new I was in this large building hanging around people that I knew from my life today in 1991. Actually most of these people were part of a group that I used to be part of back a few years earlier before I broke away. There were many anomalies. Some of the people I knew, some of the people I didn’t know. I was a little confused.

  It was then the voice of the chief spoke and said, “The reason you are seeing some contradictions, it is because back then when these events occurred, this was the same life you are living now. The difference is, after the time-loop changed, you have lived many lifetimes and because of that you are witnessing key changes since this event occurred long ago.

  Some of these changes are the direct result of souls who have broken out of this prison of hell and have gone home. Other changes are the result of decisions made that altered circumstances and some of the people who you had known in that life are no longer in your life’s corner now.


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