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The Time-Loop Chronicles: The Day the Earth Fell Backwards

Page 25

by John Panella

  It makes a sound somewhat akin to a vehicle driving over equal cracks in the road, i.e. thump, thump, thump, thump. Or a train as it moves through the ties on the track. It is a constant sound as the wheels are moving.

  Every second an arc of light comes from the golden ball into the crystal ball which then sends this energy into a specific panel in its alignment at that moment. When the energy is sent from the crystal ball and into a panel, the panel turns from gold into a bright white light.

  Now what is amazing, is the wheels are separated and operating at such a precise measurement, that when the energy from the crystal ball hits the panel, there is no obstruction from the other panels.

  They are all separated enough to make sure the energy hits the correct panel. So every second the energy hits the outer wheel’s panels, the wheel then spins to replace it with a new panel. It moves around the outer wheel 5 times giving it a full minute, 12 panels multiplied by 5 revolutions equals 60.

  As soon as it hits the 12th panel at the 60th second, the first panel of the second wheel has slowly moved in place and is also in direct line to catch the arc of energy, thereby both panels light up in this magnificent bright white light. When 60 minutes or one full hour is finished, then three of the panels line up, the seconds, the minutes and then the hours.

  The same thing occurs with the minutes, the wheel moves five times around to finish the process, or 12 multiplied by 5 equals 60 minutes. Then when the hour panel aligns with the minutes and seconds, it follows the same measure except it only revolved around twice, 12 multiplied by 2 equals 24 hours. Everything is precision, everything is exact.

  I asked the chief, “How can we see the entire movement of this amazing inner earth clock.” He said, “We could speed up time within our soul and watch the hours turn into days and then the months turn into years, right before our eyes.”

  We then began to speed up time, and the gyroscope was flying. It was glorious. It sounded and felt somewhat like a train or a tornado with wind and lighting flashes all around us, or thousands of horsemen in battle. We came to the days, and there were only ten panels, and each panel was energized three times, bringing a perfect 30 day month.

  And then the last wheel having only 6 panels, represented 12 months with the energy hitting the wheel on every panel twice. All of this was mind-blowing. I asked the chief, “Where is the core of the energy coming from? Is that wondrous blue light energy in the core tube creating this effect?”

  “It is coming from the Northern polarity of the Arctic where the same thing is occurring there but at the opposite end in reverse and it is being influenced by the Moon.”

  I then was mesmerized by the crystal ball, what I have not shared is what is occurring in the crystal ball in the center of the huge gyroscope, that alone is beyond words.

  Every time energy is released to the panels, a holographic image appears that looks perfectly real. It shows some place on earth. It appears to be a recorder that records everything that is occurring on the planet. The best I could make of it, is if something changes, then it records it and shows the change and then melds it altogether. I wondered when conversing with the chief, “Why is anything changing?”

  “I believe it is due to the interactive nature of this world. Remember it is all programmed but being that the players in this program are interactive, they can make changes.”

  According to the chief our minds are constantly creating new events. And these changes must be recorded. So whenever humanity creates a change that part of the world is sent into the holograph to record it and add it to the program.

  That is what we both surmised by what we saw. It could be wrong, but that is what it appeared to be. As an example if an earthquake was released or a volcano erupted, the crystal ball would show these events in the holographic window via the crystal ball.

  Now for the clincher. When we sped up time to enable us to witness the months and years. We noticed when we got to the 360th day, the energy shut off for a fraction of time. Everything shut down.

  The chief yelled back at me, “This is where it is malfunctioning. This is what took us out of the time loop of 25,920 years and turned it into 1080 years.”

  The entire gyroscope stopped working for a short period of time. I believe this is the added 5 ¼ days that was created due to the moons pull. The internal clock does not keep running for these extra days, it literally stops functioning proving something is not in sync. But 5 ¼ days once every year is but a fraction of time considering hundreds and even thousands of years. But the cessation of this mega clock reveals something is very wrong during this short shut down.

  So I had to try something, we decided to send the clock ahead until we came to the end of the age. The date was April 14th by our calculations, in the year 2017. We then stopped the speed to go back to the seconds and minutes. We then saw something in the holographic orb, the dates of April 14th, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 also showed up. I asked the chief what does this mean.

  “He said based on everything we know the end of the age is 2022, so these must be potential dates of the time-loop in case changes are made that delay it.”

  When the final hour approached, something happened. The entire earth groaned like a pregnant woman in travail. And the gyroscope stopped for a short period of time and then began moving the other way. And then it switched back again and regained its earlier form, it’s then we saw the earth stopped spinning for three days and three nights.

  All of a sudden the holographic images were those of the Middle Ages. The people were wearing cloths suitable to those times.

  “Oh my god,” I screamed, “We witnessed the time-loop.”

  What was even more stunning, for some reason the scene of the images jumped to a very large ship midway. I could read the side of the ship, it was called the Titanic.

  I then told the Chief, I remember the history of the Titanic, and do you know what is interesting about this date, April 14th, it is when the Titanic hit an iceberg and began to sink into the ocean. No one believed that this ship could sink, they said it was called unsinkable. The actual sinking was on the 15th, but it all began on the 14th.

  The chief then said, “Yes that is a coincidence, it was also the day Abraham Lincoln was shot.”

  I began to wonder, is there something in this time period that causes April 14th to bring about disasters. I wondered if there was any more disasters on this date. We may never know the tie to this date, but we now know it is the ultimate of catastrophes.

  I began to feel strange, and I felt like some internal power was pulling me. And the next thing I knew I had blacked out again, and then awakened at the entrance to the wall. We had returned back through the sine wave, or the temple of Sinewava, where this trip began.

  My body felt completely energized and we started our trek home.

  (25) The Illusory world

  The Reunion Day Twenty One – Virtual Reality

  After our long trip home, I slept for hours, and then waking up the final day I wanted to talk about the mysterious earth time machine, but the chief told me there was no more time left, we had to finish and then move on.

  Today the chief has told me we are going to speak about the most difficult thing to comprehend and that is this world is not real, it is only an illusion of the mind. The chief began to ask me that after all that I have witnessed is there any one truth that I have gained from these experiences that I could internalize.

  He told me you have had the paint brush, and you have had a chance to fill in the empty spaces on your canvas. You have witnessed things most will never have the opportunity to be aware of until their awakening. The chief looked at me as if he was telling me this would be the last time we would see each other in this way, as teacher and student.

  He said, “It is time that you now become the teacher. You now know what I know, and I know what you know.” He began to labor in his thoughts, reaching deeply within himself, and he asked me again, “After all that you have experienc
ed, have you discovered the core truth?”

  I sat there cautiously scanning all of the information from within my mind that I had been taught and witnessed myself. I then looked at the chief and said…

  “Chief, this may sound strange, but everything I have been taught and witnessed has proven to me, that nothing here is real. It is our minds experiencing a program and each of us have our own unique experiences.”

  “You have correctly surmised the true condition of this realm. Nothing is real. So then how do you find truth in a non-reality?”

  The chief went on to speak a long discourse. “Everything in this world is an illusion. It is simply the mind interacting within a program. Matter itself is not real. It is simply atoms floating in space giving off the illusion of appearance, because of its holographic, or Hollywood type nature.

  All matter is a delusion. You think you are your body, but you are not. You think you are connected to this world, again though you are not. You are part of a simulation interactive network, a virtual reality. You think you are back in time, but you are not. You believe you are from the future, again this is incorrect.

  You look into space and you believe those stars are real, and the planets are real, and yet it is all the same illusion. The truth is, you are in a coma, and you are living an illusion while dreaming inside your own mind, as the soul is slumbering.

  Thus everything you experience is but only a dream that the mind has manufactured as it is links to this external paradigm. Your life is a dream. This world is a dream. Speaking to me right now, you are dreaming. Your mind is engaged with an interactive discussion with yourself. You have dreamt me up, I do not exist in this realm any more than you do.

  When I release you from this mind warp game, where will you end up? You will go where your mind takes you. And even though everything around you seems real enough, all of it is an artificial spirit.

  You have met souls along your life’s path, but they also are snoring to their hearts desire, sound asleep, having no clue they do not belong here anymore than you did. Remember the time you went back and saw that you came to this world to free your friends? And what happened? You ended up getting stuck here also.

  And yet you said something that makes perfect sense, you said, ‘how can matter overpower the spirit?’ It cannot not, thus it didn’t. But mind over matter is the opposite of mind under the control of the illusion of matter.

  When the mind accepts what it believes is occurring, it produces the event. If the mind believes it can be taken prisoner even though it is a powerful soul spirit, it will be trapped. All this proves is, just how powerful you and me really are. We became amiable to our own prison because our mind believed its validity.

  Therefore everything that you have ever experienced is solely due to your mind’s acceptance. I am not speaking of the human brain, I am speaking of your consciousness. Every time you maneuvered through and with the mind into another dimension, do you remember how you always blacked out?”

  “Yes, why is that?”

  “It is because of a transference, a change was taking place as you rightly surmised, from one part of your consciousness awareness to another. And to accept its reality you have to block out the past to accept the future, which is part of the soul enigma of forgetfulness and sleep.

  It is time that you begin to realize that you have never left paradise. At this very moment you are there, right now. But your consciousness is dreaming, it left long ago to experience these play worlds by separating the spirit into two parts, the experiencer and dreamer.

  You could be daydreaming all of this while sitting under an oak tree in the shade. This is how powerful you really are. The problem is someone else got inside your thoughts while you were dreaming, and they are telling you what to believe and what not to believe, and you are accepting it as your own internal voice. And because of this ritualistic drama being played over and over again. You are keeping yourself locked into the prison of ignorance.

  If what I have told you is true, then you are as close to paradise as a thought, or a whim, or a dream. All you have to do is change your thinking and instead of giving up your power of imagination to someone else to use as they may, release its glory and allow it to make you free.

  Do you understand why that you became stuck when you entered the milky substance in space? Because your mind believed it was a trap. You already had proof of it because your acquaintances were lost there who were as powerful as you.

  Somewhere between believing you could help them and accepting that this was a true prison for spirits, you lost the battle of consciousness, and you accepted the lie.”

  “What is the lie?”

  “That matter is real, and it can overcome spirit. That matter has so much power that not even spirit can effectively disengage its control. But ask yourself, how did you walk through that wall of ice, and that super steel door? You know why, because you believed me when I said the soul cannot be confined by material illusion.

  If I had told you that there was no way through those walls. You would never have been able to penetrate through them. You see, you never went to Antarctica, only your mind did. There was no body there, there was no flesh and blood; there was not even any Antarctica, there was only belief all of which you helped to create.

  Until you absolutely believe that matter has no power over spirit, you will suffer this ignominy and fate over and over again.

  The day you become aware that matter does not rule the spirit, this is the day you will finally awaken and be reconnected to who you really are, a Divinum Spiritus aka Divine Spirit child of the Caelestus Pater.

  (26) Returning from Somewhere

  Back to the Time Loop Four – Roaming inside the Blackout

  It is a new day, yet I am deep inside the mind of the blackout. I feel I have awakened from my encounter with the chief. However the last moments we were together, I for some reason cannot recall right now.

  Being lost in time living with the Anasazi, I had come to the point where I had to return, and as I had entered the gate, there was no way of knowing if I would make it back to my time or not. Little did I realize that I was creating a new thought during this blackout, one that would send me somewhere far away?

  I had been gone from my wife now for many more days based on time as we know it, which in truth matters not. During this time the chief taught me about the vortexes, and the holographic sun projector, as well as the inner earth clock in the Antarctic, and the Moon, as well as one last thing that has slipped my mind in this state.

  The last words the chief spoke to me were, “It is time to walk back to your time, and as before, I will keep this notepad also and return it the one who will complete this saga.” He then wished me well. That was it, it was over.

  I had no way of knowing whether I would return to the correct place in time. But this time I wanted to remember, I had to remember, please remember. And then a strange thought hit me, what time am I actually from? And the blackness went still and confusion reigned.

  (27) Beyond the Dream Gate

  Time Loop Five – Missing Time

  Knock! Knock!

  “Yes who is it?”

  “Mrs. Annie Trovel, this is the FBI, we need to speak with you.”

  Opening the door very slowly, you could see tears welled up in the eyes of the woman. She obviously was dealing with heavy life issues.

  “Hi, I’m sorry, forgive me,” (as she wipes her eyes and prepares herself) “What is the trouble?”

  “Mrs. Trovel, are you related to Tim Trovel?”

  You could see by the way her eyes lifted, in what seemed like a state of an old awareness, that something triggered a memory. “Yes, he was my husband, is there something I can help you with?”

  “Mam I am Agent Maxwell Stram, and this is my partner Laura Thol, we believe we have found your husband. He is not dead, but is severely injured, he was found near a mesa but he is now in recovery at the local hospital.”

  Annie May with e
yes wide open now began to recall a memory and wondered if this was a joke. She asked the two officers, “Now this is odd, I remember you two, you came to my place nearly 30 years ago…”

  All of a sudden Mrs. Trovel took a step back and said, “No that is not possible is it, neither of you do not look a day over 25.

  “What is going on here?”

  “Mam we don’t know what you are talking about, but we have found your husband. The reason we contacted you is because where we found his body there was a very old notepad and it seemed to describe some very strange events, and we think he must have been involved somehow. Do you know anything about these events that took place while he was out in the desert?”


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