Southern Perfection

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Southern Perfection Page 9

by Casey Peeler


  Rode with Joe to visit Cole again. I should be back by 8. There’s a pizza in the freezer if you want to eat it for supper. Love you to the moon and back!


  I smile, thinking pizza sounds fabulous. After placing it into the oven, I hurry upstairs to shower and change while it bakes. I smile as the warm water covers my body. To think that earlier today, I fell apart in here, but right now, I couldn’t feel more alive.

  I hurry to get back downstairs before the pizza looks more like burned toast. As I take a seat in the living room and turn on the TV, I see headlights coming up the driveway. Grandaddy.

  “Sunshine, I’m home,” he says as I hear his keys hit the table. He comes into the living room. “Did y’all have fun?” he questions.

  “We did,” I answer with my mouth half full of food. After I finish that bite, I give him a rundown of my afternoon with Emmett. When I get to the creek stompin’ part, he smiles and laughs just like I did. My heart warms knowing he’s happy for me.

  “Sunshine, Emmet’s a good guy, but remember, he’s a guy.”


  “Hey, I’m just callin’ it like I see it, but if I had to choose someone for you, I’d choose him.”

  “What makes you say that?” I ask.

  He takes a seat beside me. “That boy sees the real you. He gets that you’re just Raegan, not the girl who lost her parents or the girl that has everything going for her. I saw how he looked when you walked into that hospital room today, and Sunshine, he’s got it bad.”

  I start to giggle. Grandaddy has never liked to talk about boys or the birds and the bees with me. His tone turns serious.

  “Sunshine, we don’t know what our future holds, but I know I want a man that loves you for you, and Emmett Bridges is it for you.”

  My grandaddy’s words go straight to the heart, and I know he’s telling the truth. Even with the way Emmett looks at me and the way I feel about him, there’s only one person that would ever cause me to venture away from him—the most important man in my life that is sitting right next to me.


  As Raegan makes her way inside, I can’t help but repeat those words over and over. No secrets. No secrets between them. Oh, I’m dead. Dover Lowery is going to hunt me down and shoot me if we take things any further. I shake my head to try to clear my mind, crank up the radio, and drive home.

  I call Mom on my way to see if they are still at the hospital, and they are on their way home as well. I stop and grab a bite to eat, and once I’m home, I notice that Jace is in the front yard shooting some hoops. Oh, hell. Here we go.

  “What’s up, Jace?” I ask as his hard stare meets me, and I realize he’s probably wondering where I’ve been.

  “Not much.” As soon as I put the key into the lock, it starts. “Quick question,” he says, and I turn to face him.

  “Shoot,” I say.

  “How is it that you walk back into town and the girl that is untouchable falls at your feet?”

  “Dude, really?” I say sarcastically as he puts down the ball and walks toward me.

  “Just curious, because it makes sense for Raegan and me to be together, but you show up, and I’m history,” he says with his arms crossed.

  “Look, all I know is it just kinda happened. It’s not like we’re strangers. I’m not a new kid on the block. I’m an old kid that’s back on the block.” I turn to go inside.

  “Well, just know that one day she’s gonna have to choose between you and her grandaddy, and that’s not a choice for her. Remember that,” he says with irritation in his voice as he goes back to shooting hoops.

  “Yeah, I gotcha man.” I don’t have time for stupid assholes like him. Dumb ass, I think to myself as I walk inside and up to my room to get out of these wet clothes. As I remove them, I can’t help but think how I’d love to remove Raegan’s right off her body.

  Chapter 18


  Monday’s alarm clock comes way before the crack of dawn. I slept like a baby last night and jump out of bed, because I know the sooner I get moving, the sooner I’m done with my chores and off to school. It’s five o’clock. That means three hours until I get to see Emmett. A smile spreads across my face, and I throw on work clothes and make my way downstairs.

  The kitchen light is already on as well as the light inside the barn. Man, why didn’t I beat him this morning? He needs to take it easy. I grab my boots and sit on the porch to slide them on before I head to the barn.

  “Mornin’, Sunshine,” Grandaddy says as he feeds each of the horses in their stalls.

  “Mornin’. Whatcha need me to start with?” I ask.

  “I’ll feed them if you’ll check the water, collect the eggs, and slop the hogs. I should be able to handle the rest today.”

  Standing there with my hands on my hips, I reply, “Grandaddy, you better not work too hard today!”

  “Now, listen. Before you get all feisty like your mawmaw, hold up. Joe’s coming back mid-mornin’. We have this covered. I don’t want you to worry. You got me?” he says firmly.

  “Yes, sir. I’m glad Joe’s comin’,” I say, and it’s the truth. Joe is my grandaddy’s longest childhood friend. They might be getting up there in age, but those men know how to work. They’d put guys my age to shame. “I’ll hurry, so I can get breakfast ready, too.”

  Within the hour, I’m finished and making my way back inside the house. I take a package of fresh bacon and a few fresh eggs from the fridge. Once breakfast is complete, I go out to tell Grandaddy. As we eat together, we talk about the day and plans for the week. After breakfast, I get ready for school while he goes back out to start working for the day.

  Hustling to get ready, I shower and let my damp hair dry naturally. I look in my closet and have no idea what to wear. Not that it really matters, because I know Emmett doesn’t care, but images are important when you are the Raegan Lowery. I choose a pair of neon pink shorts, an embellished black tank, and a pair of gladiator sandals. After I finish putting on my makeup and scrunching my hair with a little gel, I grab my backpack and make my way downstairs to tell Grandaddy goodbye before leaving.

  I see him at the tractor shed. I toss my bag into my truck before I walk his way. When he notices me, he stops what he’s doing and walks toward me.

  “A’ight, Grandaddy, I’m gone. I’ll see ya this afternoon. You and Joe behave, okay?” I tell him as I hug him.

  “Sunshine, I don’t know if Joe and I know how to stay outta trouble, but if not, we’ll be good at it.”

  “Oh my! That’s enough.” I laugh. “I’ll see ya right after practice. Love you.”

  “Love you, too, and don’t you worry ’bout this old man or the farm. Do you hear me?”

  “I hear ya,” I say, heading to the truck.

  I wave to him when I drive past him and make my way to school. I can’t wait to lay my eyes on Emmett.


  When the alarm goes off, I hit Snooze at least five times. When I cut it off the last time, I pull myself from the bed. Sitting on the edge with my elbows on my knees, I give myself a minute to wake up. When Raegan’s image enters my mind, I automatically become motivated.

  Glancing at the clock, I hustle to get to school. I’m not exactly sure how this is gonna go now that Jace has said his peace, but I know I’m not gonna let him mess with her today.

  Grabbing a quick shower, I shave to remove the stubble and then pull on a pair of AE khaki cargo shorts and a fitted vintage style tee. I grab a Pop Tart on the way out the door and put the truck in the wind.

  When I arrive in the parking lot, I look for her truck, but I don’t see it. Crap! I didn’t even find out how Cole was this morning! I send Mom a quick text, and she says Cole’s doing better, and they are going to work today because he insisted.

  As I slide my phone back into my pocket, I see her blue Z71 Chevy coming in on two wheels. I can’t help but smile, but when I see her hair blowing in the wind and the look on he
r face, laughter is the last thing from my mind. She’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

  Chapter 19


  Crap! Crap! Triple Crap! I’m running late! I push the Chevy’s gas pedal to the floorboard as I hurry to make it to school. This isn’t how I planned on Monday starting. When I round the turn into the parking lot, my wheels squeal just a little as I slow down toward my parking space. Once I’m in my spot, I throw the truck into park, glance at my reflection in the rearview mirror, add a little lip-gloss, and grab my bag. As I turn from the truck, I see him. Who thought a pair of shorts and a tee could look so good? A smile evades my lips, and I take a deep breath to slow myself down from my crazy drive to school this morning.

  “Mornin,’ Rae, or should I just call you Mario Andretti?” he teases as he approaches.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment,” I say as I make my way to him. He embraces me in his arms, kisses the top of my head, and laces my fingers in his as we walk into Cleveland High. Emmett walks me to my locker as the first bell rings. “You better go, Em. I don’t want you to be late because of me.”

  “It’s all good. It’d just be my first tardy.” I guess he has a point.

  He walks me to physics and lets my hand go as I enter the doorway. I swear, every time he leaves me, I feel like a piece of me leaves, too. I take my seat and count the minutes until lunch.

  When the bell rings, I gather my things and walk to my locker. I’m surprised when Jace smiles my way, but doesn’t say a word. Something is totally up with him. I smile back and make my way to my next class, but not before someone wraps their arms around my waist as I walk.

  “How was class?” Emmett asks.

  “It was physics. Please, don’t tell me you’re takin’ another tardy?” I laugh.

  “Nah, I have physics next and just wanted to surprise you.”

  “Thanks.” I kiss him briefly on the cheek before he separates from me, and yet again, I’m yearning to have him near me.

  Jordyn is waiting for me after class, and I know she’s about to ask a gazillion and one questions, and to be honest, I can’t wait to tell her all about it.

  “Spill it, girlfriend!” Jordyn says with excitement. “But, first off, what happened to Cole? There are all these crazy rumors going on.”

  “Cole was in a car accident Saturday night. He hadn’t been drinkin’ or anything. Some car pulled out in front of him, and he tried to miss them, which he did, but not before he hit a freakin’ tree. It was awful, J. I’ve never seen him so pitiful. That boy is like my brother, and I was scared I was gonna lose him.”

  “Can I be honest, Rae?” she asks.

  “Aren’t you always?” I laugh.

  “True! I always thought he was in love with you.”

  “What? He’s family for cryin’ out loud.” I’ve never in a million years looked at Cole that way. Now, I’ll be the first to admit, he’s easy on the eyes, but we are family.

  “The way he looks at you sometimes, I mean, y’all are like barely related.”

  “Just stop! That’s totally gross, and no, he’s not in love with me. I know that for sure. Yuck! I don’t even wanna think about that.”

  “Fine, I’ll stop, because I’m tellin’ ya right now, if I knew I stood any chance with him, I’d be all about that.”

  “We need a different subject because this is wrong on soooo many levels.”

  “Okay, so, what’s up with you and Emmett? I overheard Jace talking this morning.”

  “What’d he say?” I stop in the hallway.

  “He said he and Emmett had words last night. He made it sound like he was all big and bad, but my guess is he’s the one that went inside with his tail between his legs.” We both laugh because that is highly likely.

  “Now, back to you. What’s up with you and Emmett?” My face starts to flush red. “Ohmygosh! You’re totally blushin’, Rae! Spill it!”

  “J, we had the best day. Well, after we left the hospital, anyway. Take out Cole’s accident, and this has been the best weekend of my life. Emmett took me dancin’ at The Shed Saturday, and then Grandaddy let me go with him yesterday after we left the hospital. We cruised around and then went to the creek.”

  “Y’all totally went creek stompin’, didn’t ya?”

  “You know it!”

  “I’d loved to have seen him all drippin’ wet,” Jordyn says seductively, and I laugh.

  “It was nice.”

  “‘Nice’? That’s the word you’re gonna use?” she asks. “‘Nice’ is how you tell Grandaddy he looks. I’m sure Emmett was like damn scrumptious!”

  “Come to think of it, I think you’re right,” I say as we make our way toward the cafeteria.


  I’d planned on waiting for Raegan to walk into the cafeteria, but when I see her and Jordyn in a full-blown conversation, I decide to give them a little time.

  Without much of an appetite, I settle on a pack of chips and a Gatorade from the vending machine and make my way to sit down. Um, awkward! Do I sit with Jace like Friday or find a new table? I see Ridge sitting at the table, and he makes a motion for me to move his way.

  “What’s up, Ridge? Jace?” I acknowledge them as I sit.

  “We don’t know. How ’bout you fill us in?” Ridge says with a sly grin.

  “Besides spending the weekend in the hospital with Cole and Raegan showing me around town, that’s been about it,” I say, trying to keep it low key.

  “I bet she showed you ’round town,” Ridge says mockingly.

  “Hey, man,” I say as Ridge bursts out laughing.

  “Chill. I’m just messin’ with ya. We know Raegan is like the crown jewel, and nothing’s getting that. Right, Jace?” He laughs.

  Jace remains silent; he picks up his tray and walks outside. I laugh it off with Ridge until my eyes catch sight of Raegan and those long, toned legs moving our way.

  “Who pissed in his Corn Flakes this mornin’?” Jordyn asks as she and Raegan sit at the table. Did she really say that out loud?

  Ridge kisses her on the cheek. “Ya know, his macho ego just got deflated.”

  I smirk, and Raegan elbows me. “Play nice,” she whispers.

  “I didn’t say a word.” I throw up my hands to prove my innocence.

  “Maybe not here, but word is there was a not-so-friendly discussion last night.”

  I just shrug my shoulders. I don’t care to air out our business for everyone to hear.

  “Em? What happened?” she asks as she places her hand upon my leg. “I know he tries to act big and bad, but we all know he’d go cryin’ to his mama. Tell me what happened.”

  “Nothin’ really. He just wanted to know what was going on with us. So, I told him, left him standin’ there, and went in and ate supper. That’s pretty much it,” I recount as I take a swig of my drink. Her eyes meet mine, and I can tell she’s unsure if she believes me.

  “I promise, Rae. That was it. I’m not arguing with him about you because there’s no reason. You got me?”

  “I got ya,” she says as she lays her head upon my shoulder and steals my bag of chips.

  “Chip thief? I never would have thought that about ya!” I tease as I watch her eat every last one as slow as possible.

  Chapter 20


  The way Emmett stares at me as I eat his chips looks as if I am about to have him begging me to stop in front of everyone. I have to say, for a girl who hasn’t really liked all the male attention I’ve gotten in the past, I love everything about the way Emmett Bridges looks, touches, and speaks to me.

  When I finish the last chip, I don’t give him time to think. Instead, I brush my salty lips across his and back away.

  “Rae, you’re gonna have to stop that,” he says.

  “What can I say? I love chips. Come on. We’re gonna be late for class,” I say as I stand from the table, and we walk down the hallway.

  The remainder of the day is filled with boring lectures, a pop qui
z, and thoughts of Emmett. I take a few minutes with him after school before I head to practice. As I hurry to the gym from the locker room, the one and only Jace meets me.

  “Hey, Raegan, you got a minute?” he asks as he stands propped against the wall.

  “I’ve got like five. So, let’s walk and talk ’cause I know you’ve got practice, too.” Can’t he just get over it? “Talk.”

  He takes a minute to look around, almost as if he’s looking to see if anyone is watching. “Look, I don’t know what he’s got, but if he makes you happy, then I’m happy for you.”

  I stop mid-stride. “OMG! Is Jace admitting he is wrong?” I say smartly.

  “Not funny. I’m trying to be nice here,” he says.

  “Sorry. Go on.”

  “I just wanted you to know I’m calling a truce. Not to say I like it, but I do want you to be happy. Of all the girls in this school, you deserve it.”

  I’ve never seen this side of Jace, and honestly, I don’t know if it’s genuine. “Thanks, that means a lot,” I say as I give him a hug. He vanishes as quickly as he showed up. Maybe I was wrong about him. Maybe he’s not a total jock, but regardless, he’s not the guy for me.

  Practice goes off without a hitch, and I’m on my way home before I know it. When I get home, Grandaddy and Joe are sitting on the front porch sipping sweet tea and shooting the breeze.

  “Hey, Sunshine,” Grandaddy says as I meet him with a hug.

  “Looks like y’all did all right today,” I say to both of them.

  “For two old buzzards, we still got it,” Joe says, and we all laugh.

  “I’m gonna fix us some supper. Have you heard any more about Cole today?” I ask Grandaddy.

  “If things go well, he’ll be home Wednesday. He’s already tryin’ to figure out how to get back to work. Bless him. He’s gotta learn to take it easy.”

  “And you’re one to talk,” I say as I enter the house and start supper.

  The remainder of the night I text Emmett, do my homework, and hang out with Grandaddy. The routine for the two of us is the same until Wednesday.


  I fall in love the minute Raegan steals my bag of chips. Most girls wouldn’t be that bold as to steal their man’s food within the first week of seeing each other, but when she eats each one slowly, I am fully aware that she knows exactly what she is doing to me.


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