Southern Perfection

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Southern Perfection Page 8

by Casey Peeler

  “I saw that, Sunshine,” Grandaddy says. “Now, pass one this way.” I smile and hand him one. I love him more than life itself.

  Once we arrive at the hospital, we carry the food inside and head to Cole’s room. He’s now been moved to a room that will allow more than two visitors at a time, and he’s sitting up when we enter.

  “Cole!” I exclaim as I drop the food onto the counter by the sink and rush to hug him.

  “Rae, I’m okay, girl. No need to freak out,” he says lightly.

  “If you weren’t lying in a hospital bed, I’d hit you right now!” I say as I put my hands on my hips. He starts to laugh until it hurts too much.

  I hear Emmett laughing in the background. My eyes meet his, and I walk to him. His arms open, and I fall right into them. I sure hope Grandaddy doesn’t kill him! He gives me a light kiss on the top of my head, and it reminds me of Saturday night. My cheeks start to creep red, but I try to hide it because I don’t want any questions.

  When we pull apart, I walk back to the food. “Y’all ready to eat?” I ask.

  “Thank you so much, Dover and Raegan. Y’all didn’t have to do this,” Emma says.

  “Yes, we did,” Grandaddy answers.

  Once we eat, Emma and George go home while we visit. When Cole becomes too tired, we tell him we’ll see him later, and the three of us make our way outside.

  “Sunshine, why don’t you ride with Emmett? This old man can handle it by himself for a while,” Grandaddy says as we reach his truck.

  I look at Emmett, and he smiles. “Are you sure?” I question.

  “I’m sure. Go have some fun.”

  “Okay,” I say as I hug him goodbye, and then I lace my hand in Emmett’s, and we make our way to his truck. He opens the door for me, and we drive out of the parking lot. “So, what are we gonna do?” I ask him. He looks at me and gives me that panty droppin’ smile. Oh, lawd!

  “Whatcha wanna do?” he banters back.

  “Doesn’t matter to me, but I wanna get outta this dress!” I say without thinking about the words that just left my mouth. Emmett’s mouth drops, and I can see that he’s a total guy. It makes me laugh. “Get that mind outta the gutter! Would you wanna stay in something like this all day?” He shakes his head no.

  “How ’bout I take you to change, and then we can do whatever you wanna do?”

  “Works for me,” I say, and Emmett takes me to the farm. Grandaddy is shocked when we pull up behind him, but it takes him no time to realize why we are here. Once I change, I tell him goodbye again and hurry back to Emmett in the truck.


  When Raegan comes jogging out of the house in a pair of Daisy Dukes and a tank top with her hair pulled back through a ball cap, I about lose my shit. Let alone, ten minutes ago, she told me she wanted to get out of her dress. This girl is making me go crazy, but heck, it’s a good kinda crazy.

  As she makes her way to my truck, I lean over and pull open the door handle for her. She smiles and hops inside.

  “What do we do now?” she questions with a cute little grin.

  “What’s there to do fun ’round here?”

  “Well, we could go fishin’, hang out by the creek, or just cruise out in the country. That’s ’bout it.”

  “Let’s ride around, and you show me what I’ve missed since I’ve been gone.”

  “A’ight,” she says. “Can you stop at the store, so I can grab a Sun Drop real quick?”

  “Sure.” I push in the clutch and put my truck into reverse, so we can make our way back to the main road.

  Once we’re at the store, I fill up with gas, and she goes in to get a drink and snack. “Rae! Don’t you pay for that!” I yell as she walks inside, acting like she doesn’t hear me. Damn, I could watch that ass move all day. I leave the gas pumping as I hurry inside before she pays. Of course, she’s already grabbed me a drink as well. “Thank ya. Will you check on the gas? I got this,” I tell her. She wants to argue, but instead, she gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.

  I walk to the counter and pay for our food and wait until the gas is finished. The clerk looks at me and shakes her head. I must look at her with a confused look.

  “Honey, you’ve got it bad, don’t ya?” I just smile, but don’t answer. “It’s okay. It happens to the best of ya. She’s a good one, and her grandaddy is as good as gold.”

  “Yes, he is,” I agree before taking the bag and exiting the store.

  Raegan is already waiting in the passenger seat with her feet propped up on the dash and her arm hanging out of the window. Each time I think she can’t look any hotter, she does. “Here ya go,” I say as I hand her drink and candy bar to her.

  “Thanks, Em, but you didn’t have to get it,” she says.

  “Yes, I did. You’re with me, and as long as that’s the case, you won’t buy anything.” Shock covers her face, but it is soon replaced with a smile. She sits up in her seat, unbuckles, and moves toward the console to meet me in the driver’s seat. When her lips touch mine, my hand rises to meet her neck. Forgetting where we are, we pull back and laugh when the driver behind us honks his horn. I pull her in for one more quick kiss, and then she moves back to her seat. This girl’s got me hook, line, and sinker. I swear, I’m glad she picked me out of that pond, ’cause every moment I spend with her feels like I just won the Bassmasters.

  As we cruise around town, Raegan points out everything that has changed since I left, and when she’s not talking, she’s singing to the music on the radio. When there’s nothing else to tell, she looks at me.

  “I’ve got an idea!” she says excitedly.

  “You’re makin’ me nervous,” I joke with her.

  “Let’s head to the creek.”

  I make a right, and we head to the creek at the edge of the Lowery’s farm. We pull down the side of the road before I find a place to park.

  Putting the truck into park, I look at her. “Now what?” I ask.

  “Mr. Bridges, I think it’s time to do a little creek stompin’!” she says as she jumps outta my truck and runs to the creek. I shake my head and hurry to catch up with her.

  Just as she’s about to reach the water, I grab her and pull her up into my arms. She wraps her arms around my neck and smiles at me. “Em, there’s nowhere I’d rather be than here with you.” She kisses me gently as I place her back onto the ground. “Come on,” she says as she pulls me by the hand and runs into the water, shoes and all.

  We spend the next hour wandering up the creek, moving from rock to rock, stomping in the water, and trying to catch fish with our bare hands. I have to say; this is the best idea I’ve ever heard from a girl.

  By the time we make it back to where we started, we are soaking wet, and she is by far the most beautiful person I’ve ever met— inside and out. As she’s about to head out of the creek, I call her name, and when she turns around, I hit her with a big wave of water.

  “Oh, no, you didn’t!” she hollers, and it’s on. She begins tossing water my way, and I do the same.

  “Stop, Em!” she squeals as I hit her with more water. I laugh and just continue splashing her. When I know she’s about to get pissed, I stop.

  As soon as I let down my guard, she hits me with a wave of water that leaves me speechless. “You’ve done it now!” I say and make my way to her. She tries to hurry out of the water, but I catch her, pick her up, and place her back into the water. This time I fall in with her. We both giggle and then stop when we gaze into each other’s eyes. As I bring my lips to hers, I get soaked with water, yet again, and she jumps up, laughing and running toward the truck. Damn.

  Chapter 15


  Emmett asks what we should do, but there’s really not much to do around here. I give him a list, and he chooses exactly what I thought he would. We spend an hour or so riding around town. I tell him all the little secrets about everything that has happened since he left Pleasant Hill. When we run out of places to ride, I know exactly what we should do. Creek s

  “Mr. Bridges, I think it’s time to do a little creek stompin’!” I jump out of the truck and run to the creek. I can’t wait for my toes to hit the water.

  Just as I’m about to reach my happy place in the water, arms wrap around me, and Emmett lifts me into the air. I look into his eyes, snake my arms around his neck, and let words escape my lips that have never been so honest. “Em, there’s nowhere I’d rather be than here with you.” I lightly kiss his lips, and he places me onto the ground. “Come on,” I say as I grab his hand and pull him into the water. I sure hope he doesn’t have a phone in his pocket.

  By the time we are done playing, we are soaking wet. Emmett’s tight-fitting t-shirt is clinging to his firm body, and it’s almost impossible for me not to walk up to him and touch him. I stand to walk out of the water, and then it happens.

  As the cool water hits my back, I yell at Emmett, “Oh, no, you didn’t!” I turn and make my way to him. It’s so on! We both continue to hit each other with water, but then I begin to giggle too hard, and know I’m done for. I squeal for him to stop, but he doesn’t, and I start to get pissed. It’s as if he knows, because he quits. He’s totally about to get it! As soon as he thinks this game is over, I hit him with a monstrous wave of water. He yells at me and hurries toward to me.

  Knowing I’m in trouble, I try to rush to the bank, but just as my feet hit land, I’m lifted off the ground by a pair of solid arms. We both go straight into the water. I come eye-to-eye with him, and I can’t wait for his lips to meet mine. It’s like I’m addicted to how they make me feel, but this time I push my addiction to the side as I move my arm in the water and slap him in the face, rendering him speechless. Jumping up, I laugh and haul ass to his truck.

  When I’m safe at his truck, I laugh uncontrollably until I see his beautiful body making his way toward me. I have no idea what’s next.

  “Rae, that wasn’t funny.”

  I continue to laugh as he moves closer. “I’m sorry. I just can’t quit laughin’. I swear, I’ve not laughed like this in forever,” I say as he looks at me like he doesn’t believe me. “I promise, Em.” He takes another step closer, and I’m caught between a truck and a well-built country hottie.


  The moment Raegan is out of the water, I can’t do anything but stare, mouth wide open, gonna catch a mouth full of flies, gawking. Yup, that’s what she does to me, but when she starts to flat out belly laugh near the truck, I can’t take it anymore. I have to be near her, to touch her, and to let her know it’s okay to be this way with me.

  The closer I get to her, the more she tries to stop laughing, and the more I want to help her stop. She begins to step backward until she is flush with the side of my truck. When she begins to apologize to me, I want to tell her there’s no reason to apologize, but when my name rolls off her tongue, I just have to let it.

  Taking one final step to make sure there is minimal space between us, I place my hands on each side of her face and look into her eyes.

  “Rae, there’s no reason to apologize to me, but if you want me to be honest, I will.” She looks as me with an unsure expression, but nods yes. “Hearing you laugh is like music to my ears, but hearing you say my name makes me want to shout from the rooftop that you’re mine. Raegan, will you be mine?” Rather than responding, she grabs my shirt and attacks my lips. I’ll take that as a yes.

  Chapter 16


  As Emmett’s body traps mine against the truck, I tell him I’m sorry again, and that’s when he lays it all out onto the table. Unsure of what to say, I just react. I grab his still dripping, wet shirt in my hand and bring his lips to meet mine.

  “So, Rae, you didn’t answer my question,” he says between kisses.

  “Yes, Em, I’ll be yours,” I reply and then press my lips to his again.

  “You’re not ready to go yet, are you?” he asks with his forehead against mine. I shake my head no. In fact, I don’t know how I’m ever gonna leave his sight again.

  “Come here,” he says as he walks to the back and lowers the tailgate. He lifts me up and sits me there while placing himself between my legs. I circle my arms around him and rest my forehead against his. “Hold on a sec,” he commands as he steps away and goes around to the driver’s side. He turns on the ignition and the radio, grabs our drinks, and comes back to sit beside me. “Here ya go.”

  “Thanks,” I say as my feet dangle below, and I wish he were wedged between my legs again.

  We sit and listen to the music and enjoy the southern sunshine. I think about this morning and how my day has turned out differently than I had planned, but it’s a million times better than I could have imagined.

  “Rae, can I ask you somethin’?” he questions.


  “What are y’all gonna do with Cole outta work for a while?”

  “I guess we just do what we’ve been doin’. Why do you ask?” I know why he’s asking. It’s sweet, but I can’t let him be that close to me, not with Grandaddy’s situation being unknown.

  “I thought I could help if you needed an extra hand,” he suggests.

  “Thanks, but let us just try it alone for a while. If it changes, I’ll let you know. Hopefully, Cole won’t be gone too long,” I say.

  Emmett grabs my chin and turns me to face him. “Rae, it’s okay to ask for help. I’d be glad to do it, but I understand how things are with y’all. Just know if you change your mind, I’d be glad to.”

  “Okay,” I say as we sit and listen to the birds chirp and the water ripple down the creek.

  When the sun begins to set, I know it’s time to get back, and Emmett realizes it, too. He pushes off the tailgate and comes to face me again. He places his body exactly where I wish it had remained. “Thank you for a wonderful day.” Then, he lays his hand on the bill of my ball cap and removes it. Setting it to the side, he runs his hand in my hair before letting it come to a rest on my cheek. He looks as if he’s trying to find the words, but he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he kisses me on that tailgate, and for once, I’m glad it’s not a tipsy tailgate kissing kinda night.


  When she grabs my shirt, I think I’m gonna lose it right here. I have to pull back. I don’t want to be that guy—the one that makes moves too quickly—but I just can’t help myself. Knowing I need to break us apart for a moment, I move her to the tailgate and wedge myself between her legs. I rest my forehead on hers and try to gather my thoughts and hormones that are running like a damn twelve-year-old. I back away and decide a little music and a drink are what we need, because honestly, I’m about to thirst to death.

  When I return from the cab of the truck, I’m in awe of her beauty. She has no idea she doesn’t have to be the girl that everyone wants her to be. She’s absolutely beautiful without the makeup, perfect outfit, and demeanor. I’ll take her in a pair of cutoffs and a ball cap any day.

  I jump on the tailgate beside her and enjoy the peace and quiet. We’ve both had a lot of excitement in the past twenty-four hours. As much as I hate to ask her, I have to know how they’re gonna handle it without Cole. After a brief conversation, I know where she stands. Still stubborn as hell, but I’m okay with it. At least she knows.

  I don’t want to see what time it is, but I don’t have a choice, and I realize we need to get back. We are both exhausted, and we have school tomorrow. I scoot off the tailgate and place my body between her legs, yet again. Before I let my mind wander to inappropriate thoughts of us, I thank her, and then I do what I’ve been dying to do since she walked out of that house. I remove her ball cap and run my fingers through her brown locks until I stop on her cheek. I want tell her how much I’ve thought about her over the years, but I don’t. What guy does that? Instead, I remain silent and kiss her long and hard on the back of my tailgate.

  “Em, we better get goin’,” she declares as we pull apart, and as much as I hate to admit it, she’s right.

  The ride back to the farm
doesn’t take long, so I drive extra slow since we are already on their property. When we make it back to her driveway, panic begins to set in. We are both soaking wet and look like we’ve been doing who knows what.

  She glances my direction. “Are you okay?” she asks as she moves her hand to mine.

  “Yeah, I’m just kinda worried what your grandaddy is gonna think about us.” She has a confused look on her face. “Rae, we’re soakin’ wet, and I have no idea what he’s gonna think we’ve been doin’.”

  “There’s no need to worry. I tell him everything anyway.” She smirks.


  “Yup, we have no secrets between us.” Taking a big gulp, I’m suddenly glad I didn’t let things go further.

  Chapter 17


  The look on Emmett’s face when I tell him there are no secrets between Grandaddy and me is priceless. It is the truth, though. There aren’t any secrets; well, except maybe one that he’s asked me to keep. I push that to the side and rub my thumb against his.

  “Em, no worries. He likes you… a lot, actually.” I can’t believe Grandaddy’s all about this guy.

  “That’s a relief.” Emmett reaches over and guides his hand behind my neck before pulling my lips to his. “I guess I’ll see ya in the mornin’,” he says.

  Mornin’. This is going to be interesting. “Em, I can’t see ya soon enough.” He smiles at me as I make my way to the front door. It’s better he doesn’t walk me to the door, since our clothing situation isn’t the same as how we left.

  “Grandaddy!” I holler as I walk inside. “I’m home!” I glance in the kitchen and living room, but I don’t see him anywhere. I start to freak out as I make my way from room to room. Where is he? Walking back to the front of the house, I notice his truck parked in its usual spot. Maybe he went back to see Cole. I take out my phone and start to call him when I see a note on the kitchen table. Go figure!


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