Over. (This. Is. Not. Over. #2)
Page 19
“Oh! Then you knew Malcolm, Cadence, Jacob and Nat!”
“Oh, I had no idea.” Wynston says with excitement. “You all go way back.” He points around the table.
No one says anything.
I look to Jasmine and she’s trying to hold her polite smile, I look to Malcolm and he’s running his hands over his face, I look to Nat and he’s nodding with a smile, I look to Cadence and he’s rolling his eyes at Lola while wiping something off his shirt, and I look to Jacob and he’s taking the last sip of his drink while turning around, looking for the waiter.
“Malcolm, did you all know each other well?” Wynston asks.
“In a way.” Malcolm answers with his signature smile. “Danielle ran the school newspaper so just about everyone knew her. Jasmine was her roommate and she was on the volleyball team so we knew her too.”
“What did I tell you about those athletes?” Jax says to Wynston.
“You’re right because Malcolm and Jacob played football and basketball and Nat and Cadence played baseball.” Wynston answers.
“And they knew Jasmine because she played volleyball.”
“Yep, it all makes sense.”
“Ooh, Jasmine.” Winnie says as she leans into the table and smiles. “Tell me about Jacob in high school.”
What the fuck is going on? Why is it like pulling teeth to get information out of everybody?
“He … was … really nice.” Jasmine says with a smile for Winnie as she reaches for her water glass again.
“Jacob’s a charmer.” Danny says as she looks at him and smiles. He winks at her. “I didn’t know him in high school but I most certainly heard about him.” She raises her eyebrows at him. He grins and shakes his head, implying that the rumors weren’t true. The table laughs … well everyone except for the usuals: me, Jasmine, Matt and Malcolm.
“Yes, Jacob’s the charmer, Cadence is the poet, Nat’s the brain and Malcolm’s the bullshitter.” Wynston says proudly. Everyone laughs again, except for the usuals.
“But you knew Malcolm.” Angie says to Danny with a smile. Now it’s Danny’s time to go silent. She glances over at me and then smiles at Angie. She’s feeling uncomfortable with me here. Good.
“Danielle could have cared less about me.” Malcolm says. And once again he’s saved the day. Heaven forbid he allows Danielle to feel the shame she should rightfully feel. “I was the one who would do anything for just a five minute conversation.”
“How romantic.” Cadence says as he looks at Lola.
“And then years later, here you two are.” Angie says with a wide smile.
“Years later … good girl Danielle,” Wynston says, “You didn’t make it easy for Malcolm. You went ahead and explored other options before you settled down with him.”
“And no one had to die in the process.” Cadence says.
Well I can see how this night is going to go. We’ll be talking about Malcolm and Danny, their love story and the six degrees of separation between them and everyone else in the world. So I get comfy, and look around for the waiter to order another brandy. But now I have a feeling that I don’t belong here. This is Danny and Malcolm’s story, not mine. This night belongs to them and the rest of us are just the friends that came along. But I don’t even fit in that category. I’m the ex-husband who won’t let go. I’ve embarrassed myself by coming along to this little meet and greet in Hilton Head. The conversation is flowing around me as everyone is now commenting on Nicky, Georgie and Ralphie. No one has asked about Danny and my story or how we met or when we were married because our story is done. The Book of Jon and Danny is done, the story is over, the book is closed and no one wants to reread it. It didn’t turn into a classic, it wasn’t a bestseller. It was a flop. The Book of Malcolm and Red, now that appears to be a hit. This book club seated around this table is dissecting it, trying to find out how all the pieces fit together. They’re trying to learn about the supporting characters and the ensemble cast. I’m done here. I won’t embarrass myself any further. I take out my phone to text Marla.
Me 8:45 pm: I was just thinking, did you want to head to NYC for a few days? It’s pretty nice during Christmas. Lots of lights. Music.
Marla 8:45 pm: Oh wow! Absolutely! When?
Me 8:46 pm: I can fly into Philly tonight and we can head there tomorrow.
Marla 8:46 pm: That sounds perfect Jon.
Me 8:46 pm: I’m going to bring Nicky with me.
Marla 8:47 pm: The more the merrier! I love my little Nicholai.
Me 8:47 pm: See you tonight, I’ll rent a room at the Ritz for us.
Marla 8:47 pm: Just one room this time?
Me 8:48 pm: Yeah. But I’ll make it a suite so Nicky can have his own room.
Marla 8:48 pm: I’m so excited!
Me 8:48 pm: I’ll call you when I get in.
Marla 8:48 pm: Can’t wait …
“Danny, I’m going to head out.” I lean over and whisper to her.
“Everything okay?” She whispers back. I look up and see Malcolm look at us and then away. He’s annoyed as hell.
“Yeah, I’m catching a flight out tonight.”
“I need to handle some things in preparation for the move.” I lied.
“Did a client just text you or something?”
“They did.” I lied again.
“But I’m going to take Nicky with me.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m going to take him up to New York for a few days once I settle this business.”
“Just leave him here if you have business to handle.”
“No, I’ll take him. We’ll be back in Boston by the time you get there.”
“Okay.” She smiles, I rub her back and then stand.
“I have to head out I’m sorry.” I say to the table.
“What happened?” Jax asks.
“Business before the … you know …”
“Ah, gotcha.”
“I’m taking Nicky with me.”
“Yesss!” Nicky says as he jumps up. He’s just as relieved as I am to get the hell away from this table. “Come on dad! Bye Ma! Bye Mac!” He says to Malcolm before grabbing his coat and walking towards the door.
“Well give me a hug! Goodness, gracious.” Malcolm says as he stands. “Just said bye, threw me the deuces and walked away.” The table laughs … even some the usuals.
“Nicholai St. James, get your butt over here and give me a hug.” Danny says.
Nicholai heads back to the table and starts his rounds of hugs beginning with Danny and ending with Malcolm. I’ll be a bigger man as Malcolm hugs my son right in front of me. I will be the bigger man. And as I put Nicky’s coat, hat and mittens on, I listen to everyone say how beautiful he is, how well-behaved he is and how much he looks just like Danny … and still no one acknowledges the fact that I helped create him. To them, I no longer exist. My character was killed off in the last story.
Everyone screams Feliz Navidad to Nicky while giving me a passing wave before I walk out of Italiano’s and officially out of Danny’s life. We’re done. Our story is over.
10:30 p.m.
“Why didn’t you tell me about this dinner? I’m starting to think I can’t trust you!”
“You can’t be here! And you stood me up, remember? Look, why are you here? It was risky for you to come here; anyone could have seen you through the window.”
“Get her out here now.” I say as I watch Danielle talk to Malcolm’s mother. Malcolm’s mother is smiling, running a hand along Danielle’s hair, looking at it in awe. It’s red, she’s black, what’s the big deal!
“Listen, just give me the diary and I’ll give it to her, but you can’t talk to her. Not here.”
“Are you serious? Me give you the diary? No, I don’t think so. Get her alone now. I’ll be waiting.”
“God, why me?”
“Just do it!”
p; “Fine. Wait here and I’ll get her alone.”
10:30 p.m.
“Shit, she’s here.” Jacob says to me from behind his scotch glass.
“Where?” I look around Italiano’s. Please don’t let Laura be in the building, not with Red’s father here. I can take Laura acting like a nut job in front of anybody but him.
“Outside. She has a wig on.” I look out of the windows, hell yeah, that’s her. “They’re talking.
“Fuck.” Jacob says as he slams his scotch glass on the table.
“Relax … where’s Danielle?” We both look around the restaurant. “She’s with my mother.” I nod towards the bar.
“Okay, I’ll go out there now.” Jacob says as he begins to stand.
“Alright, I’ll grab Danielle.” I say as I begin to stand.
“And I’ll–”
I look at Jacob to see why he didn’t finish his sentence, he’s looking towards the windows where Laura is.
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
“She’s gone.”
“Oh shit,” I look back at the bar for Red, “Danielle’s on her way outside.” I head over to stop her. “Jacob, grab Winnie.”
10:30 p.m.
“Danielle! Come here!” Winnie says with that signature smile of hers. “Let’s talk, it’s been two days.” She gives a pout.
“Winnie, I was really shaken after the fire, I’m so sorry. It wasn’t personal and I don’t want us to have problems.” I say as I hug her.
“Jacob told me about you and the stalking thing.” She whispers in my ear.
“It was terrifying.” I whisper back.
“Did we ever find out who it was?”
“No.” I lie.
“I can’t imagine, but I do see why the fire spooked you. But we’re Family now, we stick together right?” She pulls me into another hug. I know Winnie’s probably tipsy right now but she’s beyond lovable.
“Sorry Winnie.” I hug her back. After losing Lola as a friend, it’s nice to have Winnie around.
“I’m glad I have you alone,” She says as our faces are within a breath of each other. “I wanna talk to you about Malcolm.”
“Danielle, can I speak to you for a second.” Speak of the devil. Lola.
“Lola, now may not be the best time.” Winnie says with a smile as she glances around. “No one likes a party pooper and if you’re here to talk about Laura and Cadence–”
“It’s not that.” Lola closes her eyes and drops her head back and then looks at me. “I’m not sure how much you’ve heard; I haven’t been able to get in touch with you for a couple of days. But Cadence was in the house when it caught on fire.”
“What?” I ask.
“Lola, here you go.” Winnie says with an eye roll.
“I’m not going to dwell on it, but it would be nice to talk to Danielle about it. We’re always there for each when we’re having husband problems. And as you can imagine Danielle, this all has been devastating for me. ” Lola looks me in the eyes and then flashes hers off to the side. She wants to speak with me alone.
That’s not happening. I don’t give a damn if Cadence was in that fire or not and if Lola intends on coercing me into a friendship because I almost killed her husband, she’s got another thing coming. Sorry Lola, but I don’t feel guilty about almost killing your husband. His ass shouldn’t have been in that house.
“I’m glad Cadence is safe.” I say to them as I back up. “Winnie, I’ll be right back.” I walk away from the two of them without waiting for a reply.
“Red, let me speak with you for a minute.” Malcolm says as he comes from behind me and gently takes my arm into his hand. Damn he smells good but I’m mad at him still. I’m not going to even look at him because if I do, I’ll see those chocolate eyes, that square jaw, that Roman nose and will eventually cave, just like last night. No, I’m not turning around to look at you Malcolm Blair. I’m not going to cave. “It’s important.”
“Give me a second Malcolm.” I say as I continue to walk and slide my arm free.
“Red–” I hear him say as I open a door that leads to Italiano’s pier and see Jasmine standing on it. I’m glad she’s out here, I’ve wanted to get her alone. She’s my oldest friend and I want to salvage our friendship. To me, it’s worth it.
“You were acting weird at the table, is everything okay?” I ask Jasmine as I walk up behind her. As I move further away from the heat pouring from Italiano’s, I start to notice just how cold it is. “I ran out of there in a rush and didn’t even think to put a coat on. Damn, it’s freezing.” She says nothing, just continues looking out into the water, her arms crossed over her chest. So she’s still mad at me I see.
The moon is reflecting off of her coal black hair that’s blowing in the Carolina wind. Chocolate skin, black diamond hair. Jasmine’s a fox, always has been. She looks the exact same as when we were kids. I can’t imagine growing older without the comfort of my oldest friend nearby. “By the way you look gorgeous tonight. Why I even thought I saw Jacob stealing a look or two at you, with Winnie right at the table. That Jacob, he’s such a–”
“Danielle, why do you want this man?” She asks without turning around.
“Jasmine …”
“Jon is a perfectly suitable mate for you, he’s safe and nice and you have a history with him–”
“A perfectly suitable mate?” I laugh at the expression. “Jasmine that sounds boring as hell.”
“Yes,” She turns around to face me. “But it’s safe.” We lock eyes for a moment as my smile fades. It’s no secret that Jasmine isn’t a Malcolm fan but until here recently, she’s tried to keep her opinion about my love life to herself. But I don’t want to talk about this here while everyone’s inside drunk, singing along to a Dean Martin song. Which, by the way, is a remarkable difference from just two hours ago when I was scared to breathe at the table. That’s how uncomfortable I felt. Yet, when Jon left, everyone started to get along marvelously. That is, everyone except for Jasmine who didn’t say another word.
“Jasmine, is something else going on?” She can’t be this hurt over Jon and me. No one would be this anxious over another person’s love life.
“I just wish you’d see Malcolm, Jacob, Cadence and Nat how I see them.”
“And how’s that?”
“They aren’t genuine. That’s what I wanted to tell Winnie when she asked me how Jacob was in high school. They all were completely bogus, well not all of them, I’ll give Nat the benefit of the doubt. But Malcolm, Jacob and Cadence, they were all full of it. And they still are.”
“You’re forgetting Jasmine that I already know this.” I say with a smile.
“I don’t think you really get it though.” She’s serious.
“Get what?”
“Listen, I’m trying to protect you Danielle. The life that you’ve built was just tarnished in one day just because you are connected to Malcolm Blair. Just because his house caught on fire, you were dragged down by association. That fire should’ve had nothing to do with your divorce, but when you keep company with a Blair, things like this happen. Yes, you were cleared by that phony divorce decree, because we all know that you were in fact married when you met up with Malcolm again, but what has that done to your image? And then this fire and the fact that Malcolm owned that home. Why didn’t he tell you that? It’s made you appear foolish and as a feminist and business owner, you can’t afford to appear foolish. Your entire image is being picked apart right now. Everything that you’ve worked for in high school, college and beyond has been threatened by one fire. Have you thought about that? Jon may not have been perfect but you never had to worry about this kind of stuff. It’s outrageous and if I were you, I’d leave Malcolm Blair alone now. Even if he saves you from all of this stuff going on, your image is still hurt while his is strengthened. Once again, Attorney Malcolm Blair has saved the day. You need to think about that before you let J
on leave for Philly.”
“What? Philly?”
“Marlon texted him and asked was everything alright and Jon admitted that he was going to Philly to get Marla and take her and Nicky to New York.”
“Jon said he had business to take care of.”
“Jon was trying to get away from here.” She walks over to me. “And Marlon and I are leaving tonight as well. I think it’s best and I’ve already switched our tickets.”
“I love you too much Danielle to watch you destroy your life.” She walks back towards Italiano’s.
Wow …
Everything I’ve worked for my entire life has been trashed.
She’s right.
Me 10:45 pm: Jon … wait.