cuteness factor in, 157
Hollywood and, 133–38
imitation of ST in, 133–41
international, 147–48
postwar dominance of, 243
ST products in, 5, 82, 83, 120, 126, 131, 137, 138, 141–48, 143, 145, 200, 229, 235
see also merchandising
Coogan, Jackie, 53, 134–35, 134, 227, 230
financial exploitation of, 231–32
Coogan Act (Child Actors Bill), 232
Coomer, Dorothy, 130–31
Cooper, Gary, 161, 218, 238
Cooper, George, 93
Cotton Club Parade, 270n
Coughlin, Charles, 44
Covarrubias, Miguel, 75
Crabtree, Mary Ann and Lotta, 224
Crosby, Bing, 38, 55–56, 210
Crowther, Bosley, 197, 238–39
Cuba, ST look-alike contest in, 124–25
Cukor, George, 167
Curly Top, 152, 153, 161, 162, 171, 178, 279n
Curtis, Charles, 14
Curtis Publishing, 138
Custen, George F., 278n
cuteness, 156–65
of ST, 157–58, 163–64, 171, 176–78, 186, 198, 205
Czechoslovakia, 244
Daily Telegraph, 124, 124
“Dark Cloud of Joy,” 93, 111
ST as idealized image of, 118–19, 125–26
transformed view of, 5
David Copperfield, 167, 214, 231, 241
Davis, Joan, 179
Dell, Dorothy, 77
Del Rio, Dolores, 49–50
Democratic Party, 11, 20, 23, 26, 38, 194
DeSylva, Buddy, 153
Detroit, Mich., 20
Dewey, John, 136
Dickens, Charles, 241
Dietrich, Marlene, 50, 210
Dillon, Frank, 148–49
Dimples, 163–66, 173, 266n, 268n
Dionne quintuplets, 157
Disney, Walt, 186
“Dixie,” 103
celebrity, 148
Shirley Temple, 5, 82, 120, 126, 138, 141–48, 143, 145
Donaldson, Ted, 235
Doorway to Hell, 153
Douglas, Melvyn, 40
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 111
Dunn, James, 56, 57, 58, 80–81, 83
Durbin, Deanna, 133, 137, 148, 198
Dwan, Allan, 170–71, 196, 224–25
Ebsen, Buddy, 161
banking crises in, 8, 12–13, 36–37, 46, 51
1920s boom in, 9–10, 19
see also Great Depression
Educational Films Corporation, 47–48, 55, 74, 141, 219, 259n
Edward VIII, king of United Kingdom, 1
Edwards, Anne, 259n
“egalitarian distinction,” 221–22
Einstein, Albert, 116
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 242, 243
elections, U.S.:
of 1920, 23
of 1928, 9–11, 18, 20, 26
of 1930, 26
of 1932, 16, 19–20, 26–30, 55–56, 90
of 1936, 43
of 1940, 41
Emergency Banking Act, 36
Ethel Meglin’s dance studio, 46–47, 56, 57, 93, 219
Ettlinger, Don, 194
Evening Herald, 132
Evergreens Cemetery, 112
Fair, J. A., 170
Fairbanks, Douglas, 196, 203
Fair Labor Standards Act (1938), 59
Faithless, 70
fan clubs, 115
fan magazines, 5, 121–23, 126, 219, 221, 233
see also specific magazines
fan mail, 204–6
and “egalitarian distinction,” 221–22
and private lives of stars, 202
of ST, 5–6, 114, 123–33, 239
threats and danger from, 202–6, 215–17
fathers, father figures, in ST films, 57, 76–77, 85, 105, 159, 161, 164, 178, 182–83
suggestion of pedophelia in, 81–82
Faye, Alice, 152
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 1, 116, 214–15, 217, 240
Federal Emergency Relief Administration, 79–80
Federal Reserve System, 11, 13
Federal Writers’ Project, 117–18
Ferris, Walter, 182
Fess, Simeon D., 13
Fetchit, Stepin (Lincoln Perry), 62, 88–89, 165, 268n
Fields, Dorothy, 94
Fields, Lew, 17
fireside chats, 36–40, 44
Flossie Flirt doll, 141
Ford, John, 155, 167–69, 174
Forkins, Marty, 91, 93
Forman, Henry, 126–27
Fort Apache, 237
Fortune, 117
42nd Street, 153–54
Fox, William, 67, 151
Fox Film, 2, 55, 56, 59, 62–67, 73–75, 74, 80, 84, 86, 115, 122, 124, 124, 141, 150–52, 155, 177, 208, 217, 219, 220
see also Twentieth Century–Fox
Frank, Anne, 1, 133
Frolics of Youth series, 48
Front Page, The, 49
Gable, Clark, 41, 117
Garbo, Greta, 41
Gardella, Tess, 89
Garland, Judy, 46, 93, 148, 181, 185, 188, 198, 224
Gaynor, Janet, 152
Gentleman’s Agreement, 154
Gettysburg Address, 108–9
Ghana, 244
Girl Who Came Back, The, 193, 195
Gish, Lillian, 31
Glad Rags to Riches, 50
Goldman, Mollye, 141, 144
Gone with the Wind, 104, 181, 237
“Goodnight, My Love,” 173
Gordon, Mack, 196
Gorney, Jay, 55–56
Gover, Mildred, 89
Grapes of Wrath, The, 154, 198
Grauman, Sid, 203
Great Britain, 66, 69, 147, 211
Great Depression:
African Americans in, 27, 29, 35, 87, 89, 90, 113
deepening of, 15, 17, 27
emotional crisis and healing in, 3–4, 20–21, 29, 45, 78–79, 87, 88, 128–29, 171–72, 179, 184, 198
FDR’s recovery strategy for, 1–3, 6, 21, 29–32, 34–45, 69, 77, 148
full recovery from, 32
Hoover’s failed strategy for, 11–21
image of men in, 77–79
onset of, 11–13, 126
optimism as ideological choice in, 70
smile as symbol of recovery in, 1–2, 26, 34, 80–81, 89, 111, 233, 261n
Great Dictator, The, 198
Greene, Graham, 81–82
Green-Stone, Lois, 145
Greenwood, Charlotte, 195
Grierson, John, 69
Griffith, D. W., 104
Griffith, John, 60, 209
Griffith, Mabel, 209
Griffith, Raymond, 109
Grumbine, E. Evalyn, 135–38
Gumm, Ethel, 46, 224
Haley, Jack, 173, 175
Hall, Alexander, 224, 289n
Hancock, A. E., 177, 185
“Happy Days Are Here Again,” 26–27, 55
Harburg, E. Y. “Yip,” 55
Harlem Renaissance, 109
Harlow, Jean, 122
Hastings, Patrick, 82
Hathaway, Henry, 209
Hauptmann, Bruno Richard, 211, 213
Havoc, June, 224
Hawaii, 215, 216, 239
Hays, Jack, 47–49, 51, 55
Hays, Will, 122
Hecht, Ben, 49
Heidi, 87, 148, 170–72, 173, 175, 209, 224, 279n
Henie, Sonja, 204
Hersholt, Jean, 175
Hewart, Gordon, 82
Hickok, Lorena, 80
“hidden children,” 132
Highfields, 210
Hill, Ethel, 182
“His Enigmatic Smile,” 43
Hitler, Adolf, 44, 45, 116
Hochschild, Arlie Russell, 2, 234
Hollywood, see motion picture industry
Hollywood Reporter, 64
Holocaust, 132–33
homelessness, 27
Honeymoon, 238
Honolulu, Hawaii, 215, 216
Hooray for Love, 94–95, 267n
Hoover, Herbert, 26, 28
in attempts to minimize stock market crash, 11–14, 178
failed Depression strategy of, 11–21
FDR compared to, 21–22, 29, 32–33, 36, 42, 44, 55
loss of presidency by, 27, 28
as pessimistic and gloomy, 15–17, 19, 32, 46
public protest against, 20
respect and regard for, 9–11
sarcastic use of name of, 18
Hoover, J. Edgar, 1, 116, 240
House Committee on Un-American Activities, 238
House of Rothschild, The, 154
Hovick, Rose, 224
Howard, Cordelia, 53
Howard, Kathleen, 195
Howe, Louis, 254n
How Green Was My Valley, 154
How I Raised Shirley Temple (Gertrude Temple), 225
“How’s Chances?,” 58, 58
Hughes, Howard, 123
Hughes, Langston, 113
in Baby Burlesks spoofs, 48–50
of FDR, 41, 42, 43–44
of Robinson, 91–92
in ST films, 161–62
Hundred Days, 21, 31–32, 58
Hurrell, George, 218, 226
Hyde Park, N.Y., 22, 227
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang, 153–54
Ideal Novelty and Toy Company, 5, 82, 120, 141, 143–44, 147–48
imitation, of ST, 114, 133, 137, 143
look-alike contests, 5, 123–32, 124
IMP girl, 202
Independent Moving Picture Company (IMP), 202
Informer, The, 167
inmates, 86–87
“In My Little Wooden Shoes,” 171
In Old Kentucky, 97, 107, 152
Ireland, 131–32
Irwin, L. A., 170, 177
Jack Hylton and His Orchestra, 26
Jacobs, Floyd, 192
“jangler,” 111
Janis, Elsie, 224
Janis, Jennie Cockrell Bierbower, 224
ST look-alike contest in, 125
ST merchandise from, 148
ST’s fame in, 115
Jason, Sybil, 183
Jazz Singer, The, 67, 153
as outsiders, 130
persecution of, 132–33
prejudice against, 44
Johnson, Ellsworth “Bumpy,” 1
Johnson, Hiram, 32
Johnson, Hugh, 62
Johnson, Nunnally, 166
Johnston, Alva, 153
Johnston, Annie Fellows, 99
Jolson, Al, 162, 186
Jones, Jennifer, 238
Jordan, Charley, 18
Joslin, Theodore, 13, 16
Joy, Jason, 70
Junior Girls’ Club, 138
Just Around the Corner, 178–80, 226, 266n
Kathleen, 237
Kelly, Fred, 127
Kelly, Gene, 127
Kent, Sidney, 67
Kid, The, 134
Kiddin’ Hollywood, 50
Kid in Africa, 52
Kidnapped, 214
kidnappings, 210–13
threats to ST, 213–15
Kipling, Rudyard, 161, 167, 170
Kiss and Tell, 238–39
Kiss for Corliss, A, 239
Kligman, Ruth, 129–30
“Knocked ’Em in the Old Kent Road,” 183
Koehler, Ted, 270n
Korean War, 241
Krieger, Gertrude, see Temple, Gertrude Krieger
Krieger, Maude, 8, 48, 51, 241
Kugler, Victor, 133
Ladies’ Home Journal, 138, 221
Laemmle, Carl, 202
Lahr, Bert, 179, 190
Lamont, Charles, 47, 51–52
Landon, Alf, 43
Lange, Dorothea, 1
Laughton, Charles, 209
Lawrence, Florence, 202
“Lay-De-O,” 190
Lee, Gypsy Rose, 224
Le Gon, Jeni, 94
LeHand, Marguerite “Missy,” 42
Lemus, Renzi B., 110–11
Leslie, Elsie, 53
Levine, Peter David, 212
Liber, Benzion, 225
Lieberman, Ruth, 38
Liebling, A. J., 127
Lincoln, Abraham, 107–8, 112, 189, 244
FDR compared to, 35
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 210, 212
Lindbergh, Charles, 210, 211
Lindbergh, Charles, Jr., kidnapping of, 210–13
Lin Yutang, 115
Little Caesar, 153, 204
Little Colonel, The, 89, 97, 98–103, 102, 144, 152, 153, 155, 163, 168, 226
Little Diplomat, The, 186
Little Eva (char.), 164–65
Little Lord Fauntleroy, 53, 214
Little Miss Broadway, 139, 176–79
Little Miss Marker, 75–78, 76, 82, 89, 152, 155, 159, 218, 224
Little Orphan Annie, 157
Little Princess, The, 53, 87, 159, 161, 181–84, 182, 209, 226, 282n
Littlest Rebel, The, 89, 97–99, 100, 103–9, 108, 112, 155, 161, 163, 168, 227, 269n
“Little Three” motion picture corporations, 65–66
Little Women, 167
“Living in a Great Big Way,” 94–95, 98, 267n
Lloyd’s of London, 210
Locke, Alain, 109–10
Loew’s, Inc., 65–66
Long, Huey, 44, 256n
look-alike contests:
Jackie Coogan, 135
Shirley Temple, 5, 123–32, 124
Lord, Daniel A., 68
Los Angeles Times, 191, 203
Louisville Courier-Journal, 64
Loy, Myrna, 117
Lyle, Bessie, 106
MacArthur, Charles, 49
MacArthur, Douglas, 240
Maeterlinck, Maurice, 186–88, 190
make-believe, 132–33
malnutrition, 18–19
“March of the Wooden Soldiers, The,” 174
Marsh, Mae, 195
Marshall, Herbert, 220
Martin, Joseph W., 42
Masante, Silvio, 279n–80n
Matthews, Ralph, 110
May, Lary, 71–72, 262n
Mayer, Louis B., 181, 185
McCarthy, Joseph, 243
McCrae, Joel, 161
McDaniel, Hattie, 89, 100
McGlynn, Frank, Sr., 107
McHugh, Jimmy, 94
McLaglen, Victor, 160, 161–62, 167, 169
Meglin Kiddies, 46, 48
Memoirs (Hoover), 17
Mencken, H. L., 43
Menjou, Adolphe, 76–78, 76, 218, 238
Mercer, Lucy, 24
merchandising, ST licensed products in, 5, 82, 83, 120, 126, 131, 137, 138, 141–48, 200, 229, 235
Merriam, Frank, 116
Merrily Yours, 141
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) studios, 26, 65, 70, 181, 186, 231, 237, 241
Metropolitan Theatre, 203
Mexican Americans, 72
Meyers, Gabriel, 118
Michton, Morris, 141
“Migrant Mother” (Lange), 1
Miller, Arthur C., 159
Minter, Mary Miles (Juliet Shelby), 104
Miss Annie Rooney, 237–38
“Miss Brown to You,” 95, 97, 98
Mississippi River Flood (1927), 10
Mitchell, Margaret, 104
Mix, Tom, 152
mob scenes, 202–4, 239
ST endangered by, 215–17, 216
Modern Screen, 5, 122, 148
Modern Times, 204
Moley, Raymond, 254n
Monroe, Marilyn, 154
Montgomery, “Baby Peggy” (Diana Serra Cary), 46, 48, 53, 229–30, 255n–5
Morgan, Frank, 164–65
Moscovitch, Maurice, 184
Motion Picture Daily, 175
Motion Picture Herald, 86, 103, 117, 169, 177, 179, 185, 191
motion picture industry:
alleged Communist infiltration in, 238, 243
American democratic ideals promoted by, 69–71
censorship in, 67–71, 122
changing tastes in, 187–98
color line in, 88–113
and consumerism, 133–38
crime plots in, 213
in Depression era, 65–73, 105, 179, 180–81
distribution control in, 66, 68
in FDR’s Depression recovery strategy, 45, 61–62, 69
global market for, 66–67, 69, 70, 151, 198
golden age of, 72–73, 114
movie attendance in, 71–73
1939 as annus mirabilis for, 180–81
political purpose of, 69–71
publicists in, 202, 217
public opinion in, 150–51
slump in, 67–68
ST’s popularity rating in, 117
studio star system of, 4, 6, 114, 150–51, 180, 202, 204, 241
use of color in, 26, 103, 181, 183, 189–91
use of sound in, 53, 67, 68–69, 93, 104, 151
women in, 118–19
Motion Picture News, 83
Motion Picture Producers and Distributors Association (MPPDA), 66–67, 70
moral code of, 68–70, 122
Motion Picture Production Code, 70
movie theaters:
first-run, 65, 68, 190
independent exhibitors in, 86, 105, 117, 123, 151, 166, 169–70, 177–78, 180, 185, 192, 197
premieres at, 204
proliferation of, 72–73
promotions for, 123
Moving Picture World, 69
Muchman, Beatrice, 132
Muir, Edla, 208
Muni, Paul, 152
Mussolini, Benito, 45, 116
Nash, Mary, 209
National Alliance for the Protection of Stage Children, 54
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 268n
National Bank of Kentucky, 12
National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 268n
National Catholic Welfare Conference, 12
National Recovery Administration, 58–59, 62, 148, 261n
Nazis, Nazi Germany, 1, 44–45, 66, 115, 116, 132–33, 155, 189
Negro and His Music, The (Locke), 109
Netherlands, 133
Newark News, 129
New Deal, 6, 20, 21, 27, 32, 41–42, 58, 62, 69, 79, 90, 112, 117, 197
New Deal Rhythm, 261n
New Jersey state penitentiary, 86–87
newsreels, FDR’s use of, 40–41
Newsweek, 75, 239
New York, N.Y.:
Robinson’s funeral in, 112–13
Valentino’s funeral in, 203–4
New York American, 123
New York Amsterdam News, 113
New York Curb Exchange, 32
New Yorker, The 29, 153, 155
New York Herald Tribune, 169, 179
New York Times, 21, 44, 96, 103, 109, 163, 165, 174, 179, 184, 197, 238, 239
New York World, 151
Nicholas Brothers, 95
Night and Day, 82
The Little Girl Who Fought the Great Depression: Shirley Temple and 1930s America Page 30