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Sinner: A Reed Security Romance

Page 7

by Giulia Lagomarsino


  We pulled up to the gated hotel and entered a code in a security box we’d installed. Pulling up in front of the house, we escorted Vanessa inside. She stopped in the foyer and looked around like she was disgusted.

  “Do the accommodations displease you?” I asked, trying to hold back the bite in my tone.

  “Would this be where you would choose to stay? I would rather stay at a low key hotel than in a place like this. Don’t get me wrong, it’s beautiful, but what the hell am I supposed to do with all this space while I’m here?”

  “Relax, I guess.”

  “Right. Sit around this large house by myself with noone to talk to. That sounds like a great time.”

  “What about all the people that were with you at the airport?”

  “They’re people my father insists I travel with. After they drop off my luggage, they’ll be going to another hotel. None of them are my friends.”

  The manager of the hotel stepped out of an office and made his way over, practically bouncing off the walls to get to serve Vanessa.

  “Ms. Adams, I’m the manager, Edward Collins. It’s so lovely to have you here at The Mansions on Fifth. As you requested, the hotel is booked entirely for you and you may use any room you would like, though we have set aside our best room for you.”

  “Actually, could you just give me a normal room? It doesn’t matter what it looks like. I just need a place to sleep.”

  Edward looked to me nervously and I could see the sweat forming between his eyebrows. He clasped his white gloved hands in front of him and smiled at Vanessa. “Of course, Ms. Adams. Anything you wish.”

  “I assume the kitchen is stocked. If you’ll have someone show me around, I’ll make lunch for myself and my security team.”

  “We have a five star chef on the premises that can make you anything you wish.”

  “Well, what I wish is to make my own food. I believe I rented out the whole hotel, correct?”

  “Yes, but-”

  “Then that includes the kitchen. I don’t need anyone to wait on me while I’m here. In fact, I would prefer it if you kept the staff to a minimum. I can get my own clean towels and make my own food.”

  His eyes darted back and forth between Vanessa and me. He cleared his throat and stepped back. “Of course, Ms. Adams. Anything we can do for you. I will have the staff take some time off while you’re staying with us.”

  “I won’t be using the other hotel. Frankly, it was a waste for my father to book the entire property. I’m sorry if we caused you to lose any business.”

  “Your father has compensated us fully for your stay. I assure you, there won’t be any issues.”

  She nodded and Edward walked away. Turning to me, she smiled. “Well, now that that’s all taken care of, how about I make us some lunch. How many people do you have here?”

  “There’s just the three of us.”

  Cazzo walked in the door, followed by Burg. “Property’s secure. Ms. Adams, I’m Sam Galmacci. I’m the lead on your security detail. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Vanessa responded after a second. I watched her as she fumbled with her purse to free her hand so she could shake Cazzo’s. She was flushed and kept looking down. She liked him and judging by the way Cazzo’s eyes were roaming over her body, he was just as interested.

  “Do you need to go anywhere else besides the charity function while you’re staying here?” Cazzo asked.

  “Um, I need to find something to wear. I have an appointment set up at a boutique for tomorrow, but other than that, I just want to hang out here.”

  “I’ll need the name of the boutique and the time of your appointment.”

  “Of course, the boutique is La Boutique di Arte. It’s owned by a friend of mine. My appointment is at one o’clock.”

  “What is your friend’s name?”

  “Caroline Hemsley.”

  “I’ll contact her about security and make sure everything is arranged.”

  “I would prefer that we don’t have a whole entourage of scary men barging into her shop. I don’t want to scare away potential customers. Would it be possible for just you and I to go?”

  “Mark is assigned as your personal protection agent for the duration of your stay.”

  I looked to Vanessa as she crossed her arms over her chest and pursed her lips. Vanessa may not like being catered to, but all her time being served had taught her how to get what she wanted.

  “I believe that I’m paying for security and I would like you to escort me. No offense, Mark.”

  “None taken.” I smiled and looked at Cazzo, who was clenching his jaw.

  “You aren’t paying for anything. Your daddy is.” Ooh, bad choice of words.

  “Yes, you’re correct. My daddy is paying for your services and I’m sure you wouldn’t want me to report back to him how disagreeable you’re being. It would be a shame to have one of the wealthiest men in the country give your company a poor service rating. Imagine all the potential clients you would lose.”

  I barked out a laugh. This woman had balls. Cazzo turned a glare on me and his nostrils flared. I should have stopped laughing, but I just didn’t want to.

  “Fine. I’ll arrange everything, but we’ll be taking another security agent with us. That’s non-negotiable.”

  “I trust you know what you’re doing. Now, I’ll go make us some lunch.”

  She turned and walked out of the room to go find the kitchen. Cazzo walked up to me and smacked me on the back of the head.

  “A little help would have been nice.”

  “Hey, she’s got the hots for you, and it gets me out of dealing with her for the next few days. I would imagine she’ll be taking you as her guest to the charity benefit. Good luck with that one.”

  I smacked him on the back and followed after Vanessa.

  “Where are you going?” Cazzo shouted.

  “I’m going to see what your girlfriend is making us for lunch.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend!” He shouted back. I just laughed as I made my way to the kitchen.


  “Are you ready to leave, Vanessa?” I was standing in the doorway of her bedroom and she was sitting on her bed reading. She looked up and then looked at her clock. “Oh, shoot. I didn’t realize what time it was.”

  She stood and grabbed her purse, slipping her feet into a pair of sneakers. She was wearing sweats and a long sleeve shirt, not exactly what I expected her to go shopping in.

  “Don’t you need to change first?”


  “Don’t girls usually want to dress up to go try on shit?”

  “Maybe some girls. I don’t really give a shit. I already know what I want and I don’t need to look my best to get it. They’re just clothes.”

  “Alright, well, the SUV is ready when you are.”

  “Wait. Where’s Sam? I thought he was taking me.”

  “He is. He’s driving. Don’t worry. He’ll take you inside.”

  She nodded and we got in the SUV that Sam had idling outside. When we arrived at the shop, I got out and scanned the streets before opening the back door for Vanessa. Sam came around and took up her other side as we walked to the door.

  “Seriously, this so ridiculous,” she muttered under her breath as we stepped into the shop. She spent the next hour trying on dresses as she talked with her friend, Caroline. I noticed that Vanessa kept looking over at Cazzo while she was shopping and she even walked over to him to ask his opinion on several dresses. He mostly shrugged or gave a noncommittal answer, but when she walked out in an emerald green dress that matched her eyes, anyone in the room could see how much she affected him. The hour went by quickly and soon we were headed back to the hotel.

  Tomorrow night was the benefit and we all had to dress like we belonged at the function. Vanessa didn’t want any of us to stand out or appear like security guards, which meant we a
lso had to make small talk with the other guests. Cazzo, Burg, and I were planning out security for the event the night before.

  “Sinner, you’re going to be her personal protection for the night-”

  “Wait just a minute. You know she’s going to ask you, so why bother? She’s going to overrule you at the last minute.”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “Because you like her,” Burg stated.

  “No, because she seems to have some kind of obsession with me and I don’t think it would be good to feed into that.”

  “Really? I saw the way you were looking at her at the boutique. You can’t deny that you want her too,” I grinned.

  “We don’t get involved with clients. You know the rules.”

  “Yeah, I think the rules went out the window when Sebastian hooked up with Maggie. He has no right to say anything now.” Burg stood and grabbed a bottle of water, downing it in just a few swallows.

  “Look, I just can’t. She’s going to be hanging on me all night and she’ll think it’s something more. You know how chicks are.”

  “Is that why you practically fucked her up against the wall last night?” Burg asked. Burg was always so casual in the way he said things. Nothing really fazed him. Cazzo turned red and glared at him.

  “Oh, shit. So, we should really be concerned about you getting too attached,” I laughed.

  “It was a mistake. It won’t happen again. That woman does something to me and it messes with my mind. That’s why I can’t be on her tomorrow night. I won’t be watching out for her, but watching her ass. You saw the dress, right?”

  “Yeah, I saw the dress. Well, since you don’t want her, maybe I’ll take a chance with her.” I gave him a big smile and clapped him on the back as I walked out of the room. I loved fucking with him. By tomorrow night, he’d change his mind and have her back on his arm.


  Vanessa walked down the stairs in an emerald green dress that hugged her every curve. Her breasts weren’t on display, but the way the fabric clung to her, there was no doubt how gorgeous they were. The fabric hugged her curvaceous body and if Cazzo wasn’t interested in her, I damn well would be. As it was, I was going to put on a show with Cazzo to see just how far his possessive side went.

  She took my arm as she reached the last stair and I walked her over to the closet to grab her coat. Sliding it up her arms, I made sure to stand extra close and trail my fingers over her skin. She shivered under my touch, but her eyes never left Cazzo, who was standing by the door with his nostrils flaring. After her coat was on, I made a point to inhale her perfume and whisper in her ear how gorgeous she was.

  “Get your fucking hands off her,” Cazzo growled. His hands were clenched tight in fists and his chest was heaving. I raised my hands, holding back a chuckle and stepped toward the door.

  “I’ll just leave you two alone.”

  I stepped outside and took up his position in the driver’s seat. Burg joined me moments later in the passenger seat. Once we were all settled, we headed for the fundraiser and quickly escorted Vanessa inside. Vanessa had wanted for us to all pretend like we were part of the guests, but that just wasn’t possible if we were going to keep and eye on the exits and look for possible threats.

  Cazzo stuck by Vanessa’s side the whole night and played the part of the boyfriend. His hand was constantly draped around her waist and I didn’t miss the way he gazed at her like he truly liked her.

  “Sinner, black suit, black shirt by the terrace doors. He’s been watching Vanessa for the past hour. He hasn’t made any attempts to contact her, but I’ve got a bad feeling,” Burg said into my ear piece. He was on the other side of the room keeping an eye on the guests while I was watching the comings and goings from the front.

  “Any idea who he is?”

  “I already checked. He was a plus one.”

  “You copy that, Cazzo?”

  “Checking now,” Cazzo said.

  I saw Cazzo spin Vanessa around on the dance floor and whisper in her ear. I saw her momentary look of shock before she schooled her features and casually glanced around the room.

  “No I.D. Weapons?”

  “No visual,” Burg replied.

  “He’s talking to someone, but he’s still watching you guys. Just keep dancing,” I replied.

  “Vanessa’s done her part. We’re leaving. Burg, grab the SUV. Sinner, we’re headed to you in five.”

  Burg casually made his way to the front and exited while I kept eyes on the suit. He was still staring at Vanessa and not making any attempt to hide his fascination with her. When Cazzo walked over with Vanessa, his eyes were steely.

  “I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” he muttered.

  “Why does this not feel like a simple assignment anymore?” I asked. Cazzo put a wrap around Vanessa’s shoulders after getting it from the coat check. I took up one side, while Cazzo took up the other. We walked outside on Burg’s instruction and made our way to the curb. Everything appeared normal, but the hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end. The kind you feel when you’re being hunted. Burg quickly made his way around to get the door.

  “Shooter!” Cazzo yelled as he dove on top of Vanessa just as shots rang out, shoving her to the ground and covering her body. I pulled my weapon and quickly found the shooter, taking him down and then scanning for others. When I saw no one, I turned to Burg who was also scanning.

  “Let’s move!”

  I glanced down to see Cazzo didn’t move, though. He was still lying on top of Vanessa and there was blood seeping onto the ground. I quickly rolled him over to see Vanessa staring up at me in fear.

  “Are you hurt?” She shook her head shakily and sat up. Looking at Cazzo, I saw blood coming through the front of his shirt.

  “Cazzo.” He was pale and unresponsive.

  “Quick, give me your wrap.”

  Vanessa jerked it off her shoulders and I applied pressure to Cazzo’s wound.

  “Sam. Sam!” Vanessa started crying and shaking his shoulder. “Sam, wake up!”

  “Burg, get her out of here!”

  Burg picked her up and hauled her into the SUV, all the while she screamed for Sam. The SUV tore out of sight and I struggled to keep pressure on his wound while trying to dial 9-1-1. Luckily, someone else must have dialed because sirens came roaring down the street moments later.

  “Cazzo!” I slapped his face, but he was still unresponsive. Shit, this wasn’t good. Paramedics pushed me out of the way as they got to work on Sam.

  “Sir, is this your weapon?”

  The officer held up my weapon that I had dropped when I was trying to help Cazzo. I nodded and he handed it off to another officer that quickly bagged it into evidence.

  “We need to ask you some questions about tonight’s events.”

  Rubbing a hand on my face, I watched as the paramedics wheeled Sam away urgently toward the ambulance. Cazzo had been in the Army with Burg and me and we were like brothers. The thought of something happening to him had my stomach in knots. I wanted so badly to get in the back with him and drive away, but I had to stay here and take care of this shit first.

  “Sir, I need you to answer some questions. Can you tell me who you are and why you have a weapon on you?”

  “Mark Sinn, close protection agent for Reed Security. We accompanied a woman here tonight and when we spotted a potential threat, we decided it was time to leave.”

  “Who was this woman?”

  “If you want that information, you’ll have to speak with my lawyer.”

  “Sir, we’re on your side. We’re just trying to sort out the details. It would help if you would cooperate.”

  “I don’t give a shit if you want my cooperation. Who I was protecting is none of your goddamn business. If you have a problem with it, call the owner of Reed Security.”

  The man’s face was practically purple by the time I was done yelling at him.

  “What happened when you s
tepped outside?”

  “Everything looked clear, but I could sense there was someone nearby.”

  “You could sense?” He smirked at me and shook his head.

  “Have you ever served in the military?”

  He shook his head.

  “Pity. It would help if you knew what it felt like to be hunted. It could save your life.”

  “It doesn’t appear your friend had the same feeling.”

  “He did. That’s why he’s in the hospital and not the woman. Now, if you’re through with me, I need to get to the hospital.”

  I left without answering another one of his questions. If he wanted more answers, he could talk to Sebastian. Before the police called him though, I needed to call him and fill him in on the events of the evening. He was going to be pissed.

  “Cap, it’s Sinner. Burg has Vanessa back at the hotel. There was a shooter outside the fundraiser. Cazzo was hit. Paramedics have taken him to the hospital.”

  “What the fuck? Was there any indication of trouble?”

  “There was someone watching Vanessa, but other than that, nothing. When Vanessa was done with her part, we left. I got the shooter, but it wasn’t the guy inside. I thought you said this was a simple protection detail? Did her father suggest there was any kind of threat?”

  “Nothing. He said that because she was his daughter, she would always have protection. The fucker didn’t say shit about a threat.”

  I blew out a breath and looked at the sky. “Maybe he didn’t know. I’ve gotta get back to the hotel.”

  “I’m heading to the hospital now. I’ll keep you updated.”


  I hung up and hailed a cab back to the hotel. When I walked inside, Vanessa was still in her dress, sitting in the lounge with a glass of what looked like scotch. She stood when she saw me enter.

  “Any word on Sam?”

  “Not yet. My boss is heading to the hospital now. He’ll keep us updated.”

  My phone rang showing Sebastian’s name.

  “Yeah, Cap.”

  “I just talked with Victor Adams. He’s sending his personal security detail to get Vanessa. He wants her ready to leave when they arrive. They should be there in a few hours. Once we hand over, we’re officially off duty.”


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