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Ambrosia (Nectar Trilogy, Book 2)

Page 15

by Prince, DD

  “This place,” she whispered into his shoulder. His grip tightened on her and her chin slipped into the crook of his neck. “It’s freaky. It’s wrong.”

  He sighed and softly said, “Yeah. Welcome to my world. You haven’t even seen freaky yet.”

  “I need to walk with you,” she whispered against his throat and then kissed it.

  He squeezed, “Can’t right now. It’s a full house downstairs so too much exposure for you. I’ve requested he move us so to one of the cottages on the property. I’m stepping out but text me if you need me,” and his chin jerked toward her purse.

  She nodded.

  “Be back in five,” he said against her mouth, giving her a soft kiss. She rested her forehead against his chin for a second and then looked up into his beautiful eyes.

  “Love you,” she whispered.

  “Love you, princess,” he told her and then gave her a squeeze and got up.

  He gave her a wink as he left the room and she reached for her purse and took out the disposable cell phone and typed a message to him,

  “If Adrian’s cover story for my reaction in front of Ruben is that I’m on an experimental drug that keeps me semi-lucid, what if he actually DID give me that kind of drug before we met? Maybe Sam gave me something before we met and that’s why I can’t be hypnotized.”

  She hit send and then paced, waiting for his reply. She erased her message to him so that if anyone got ahold of her phone they wouldn’t see it.

  Fifteen minutes passed and then he was back.

  “We need to be at a dinner with them,” he grumbled as he entered the room with two garment bags that he dumped on the bed, “Unfortunately. Here’s something to wear.”


  Did he read my text?

  “Fuck,” he grumbled and rubbed his eyes with his palms, “Claudio turned up right in the midst of me ripping Adrian a new asshole for approaching you without me. Your father tried to crawl up my ass. Ruben tried to crawl up there with him. Sam’s fuckin’ groveling and he and I had an interesting chat. Too interesting. And now Claude’s here and insists on a bloody dinner with all of them. And he wants you there. Bullshit. Fuck. I’m gonna talk to him. Try to get out of this.”

  “Did you get my text?” Kyla asked.

  Tristan shook his head and reached into his pocket, “No. I got bombarded as soon as I left this room.” He touched the screen on his phone. His expression hardened.

  “Goin’ for a shower,” he mumbled, taking his phone into the bathroom.

  Two minutes later she heard the water go on as her phone dinged.

  She picked it up and read his text.

  “I’ve already considered that & don’t think so. He hasn’t had access to you consistently so it prob would’ve worn off by now. Haven’t completely ruled it out but unlikely. Delete these msgs after reading.”

  She deleted the message and opened the garment bag and saw a full-length flowy coral-coloured gown with intricate rhinestone-crusted thin straps that’d go over her shoulders and crisscross over her back. There were gold strappy sandals, too. She put the bag back down and went into the bathroom. She could see him through the mist in the shower stall, which was enclosed with glass doors. He had both palms against the wall and his head and body were bowed forward. He looked like the weight of the world was on his slumped shoulders.

  She had an overwhelming urge to comfort him.

  She shed her clothes and opened the door and stepped in. His chin rose and she stepped directly into his embrace and his fangs instantly appeared and then he sighed what sounded like relief as they sank into her throat. She felt his relief. He probably felt hers. They were connected and she was thrilled. She felt his need, his stress, his love and hunger for her.

  His fingers went between her legs and her hand gripped his cock as her thumb caressed the tip. He released her throat and his mouth moved to her breasts, which he took in both hands, alternately licking the tips of each one. She sank against him again and started to stroke faster. They kissed with urgency.

  “Fuck, baby,” he moaned, “You shouldn’t have come in here. I want inside you so fucking much.”

  “Do it,” she pleaded, “Just do it. I don’t even care.”

  She didn’t care at all about the consequences at that moment. She was driven purely by need.

  “I can’t. You are pushing it and we both know it. Stop it, okay? You’re gonna piss me off.”

  “Tristan it’s like I’m fueled by need instead of common sense, I’m sorry.”

  “Go down on me,” he ordered.

  She grinned. He gave her a disapproving look.

  “I need to fuck you and if I can’t fuck you properly I have to fuck that mouth. Look up at me when you do it.”

  She instantly complied, feeling giddy, getting to her knees. He was a sight to behold, all muscled and wet. Droplets of water trailing down his washboard abs, the gorgeous V and happy trail at his waist, his big beautiful hard cock.

  She ran her hands down the ridges of his abs and then took him deep and he placed the palm of his hand against the back of her head and caressed. She looked up at him while she bobbed, twirling her tongue and rotating her fist.

  His looked straight into her soul and then his head rolled back and he hissed at the ceiling and then his fangs protruded and he got a handful of her hair and his grip went tight, kind of too tight. But she didn’t care. She adjusted.

  She could see the veins on his arms, his wrist; her eyes traveled up his arm, his sexy muscled arm. He growled her name and hauled her back up and pierced her throat with his teeth again. She felt urgency surge through her and in her mouth she tasted sugary berries.

  He backed away, grabbed his cock and started pumping it in a fist.

  “No, you have to stop touching me or I’ll slam right into you. Touch yourself.”

  She got back against the opposite wall of the shower so that there were about four feet between them and put her hand between her legs. She bit down hard on her lower lip and they stared at one another, intently, working themselves.

  The passion, the heat in Tristan’s eyes was so erotic she knew it wouldn’t take long before she was shuddering out her release. Kyla hadn’t touched herself in front of someone before but this? This was hot.

  Watching him fist his cock? That was hot, too.

  Her entire life, her entire future was on the line here and yet she was completely consumed with the need to climax.

  “I can’t wait to fuck you again,” Tristan said.

  “Me, too,” she said, “I can’t wait to have you inside me in a way where we don’t have to hold anything back. No fears, just us.”

  “I promise I’ll do everything in my power to get that for us. Soon,” he vowed.

  By the look of resolve in his eyes, she totally believed him. She smiled.

  “The second I know it’s safe I will fuck you non-stop for days. I love you so fucking much. Come for me,” he ordered and started to stroke himself faster, his fist blurring.

  Wow. I wish I could jerk him off that fast. If I were a vamp, too, I probably could.

  Kneeling on the shower floor, she sat back on her calves and spread her legs wider and kept working her clit with her middle and ring fingers, separating her folds with her index and pinky fingers. She leaned forward and got her mouth over the tip of his cock while he continued to stroke. The sounds he made were so freaking sexy.

  Her free hand went around him and she grabbed his ass and his cock went deeper. Fuck, he had the best ass ever. Tight, round, hard, smooth. She gazed up and their eyes locked and she circled her fingers harder and harder around her clit in time with swirling and suction on him and she was so wet that she had trouble getting a grip on herself.

  She kept at it until she finally hit it and fell apart, shuddering with his cock in her mouth. He came down her throat and she took what he gave. She took it all.

  It took a minute for the aftershocks to stop and when they did, he hauled her up in
his arms and kissed her right on the lips,

  “You’re so fucking bad,” he growled and thrust his tongue into her mouth, “And I love it.”

  She whimpered and threw her arms around his neck and they stood for a few minutes, just under the water, just recovering.

  “Love you,” she said against his throat.

  “Mmm, love you more,” he said and slapped her ass, making her gasp.

  “No way,” she whispered, “I love you way more.”

  “No,” he looked in her eyes, “I had no capacity for love for years and the amount of love I feel for you? It exceeds anything I’ve ever felt.”

  “Ditto,” she said.

  He gave her a dazzling dimpled smile and then reached for shampoo and squirted a glug into his hair. He passed her the bottle. She followed suit.

  When he was done and out of the shower she asked him to bring in her toiletries bag so she could shave. She was extra cautious with the razor, despite the fact that she knew he wasn’t about to blow a gasket over the scent of her blood. She didn’t know if anyone else would swoop in at the scent of it so she was slow and concise with the razor.

  When she was back in the bedroom he was on the bed, on his back, towel around his waist and his eyes were trained on the ceiling. He was in deep thought.

  She crawled in and put her cheek to his shoulder, “Hey.”


  “Prep me for this dinner?”

  He shuffled uneasily, “Get dressed. In the bathroom. Nothin’ but towels between us is too tempting.”

  “But we just…”

  “Doesn’t matter. You’re getting closer to that peak. I can feel it. It’s making me crazy. It better not have this kind of effect on anyone else. You need to be good, okay? Don’t push.”

  She got up and picked up the garment bag and nodded at him.

  “I’m serious, princess.”

  “I’m trying,” she said contritely.

  “Try harder.”

  Mm, harder.

  He gave his head a shake and waggled his finger at her.

  She couldn’t help it. It was as if she’d been fed an aphrodisiac. She chewed her bottom lip and nodded as she headed toward the bathroom.

  “Take your phone,” he said softly.

  She walked a few steps backwards and lifted it from the nightstand, carrying it into the bathroom with the garment bag and her purse.

  As soon as she got into her undies there was a text from him,

  “I’m pretty sure tonight is one of Adrian’s experiments. Test us to see how I handle you being at almost peak cycle with others around. Do your best to be as on-guard as possible.”

  “Gotcha,” was Kyla’s reply.

  Yeah, based on the long list of possible outcomes for Kyla listed by him, Grandfather Dearest seemed the type to run continuous experiments.


  The dress fit her like it was designed for her. She loved it; it was gorgeous. She felt beautiful. She wished she had this dress for some other event in some other place, though. If only they lived in a world where she could wear beautiful little black glittery dresses or long coral dresses without it being when her life was at stake!

  She’d put her hair up in a twist with a claw clip at the back but Tristan walked into the bathroom as she was just about finished with her mascara and he immediately yanked it out.

  “Hey! It took me like fifteen tries to get that just right!”

  “Yeah, well your bare throat isn’t something I want on display,” he grumbled, tossing the clip aside, “Bad enough your body’ll be on display.”

  “Oh,” she said softly and picked it up, deciding to use it to pull back the sides of her hair, since she didn’t have nearly enough product or styling tools with her to do anything fancier. The dress was too fancy for her hair to just hang limply after air drying, “If that’s your way of saying I look hot in this dress, thank you.”

  He raised his eyebrows at her.

  “Levity?” she suggested.

  He rolled his eyes.

  She shrugged and went back to working on her mascara.

  Tristan was gorgeous in his dark suit, dark shirt, and black tie. Of course he was; he was always gorgeous. She called out, “Wait,” as he finished running his fingers through his still hair and gooped up her hands with a little styling gel and started to run it through his hair.

  “I really don’t give a fuck what I look like tonight,” he mumbled, backing away from her.



  They left their suite hand in hand and there were five men stationed outside the room when they entered the hall. Tristan had told her that Adrian promised security going forward.

  One guard (they were all dressed in a black suits, looking like secret service agents) walked ahead of them, leading the way: two walked on either side, and two walked behind them, effectively surrounding them. Kyla tried to ignore them.

  They walked down the stairs to the first floor and through the open lounge area, which was still littered with “people” (she felt eyes on her but didn’t make eye contact with anyone), through doors to a hallway with several sets of doors and to the end, where French doors were opened for them into a dining room that was breathtakingly beautiful, designed like what Kyla could only imagine might be themed after a palace in France in the last century or even the one before.

  The room had a long table set and seated were Adrian, at the head, Sam at one side, Kyla’s father at his other side, and a tall dark-haired goateed man beside Sam. Tristan sat her at the foot of the table and he sat beside Lyle, swapping Kyla’s water glass with an empty goblet. Clearly, changing the planned seating arrangement, not wanting Kyla beside Lyle.

  “Kyla, meet Claudio,” Tristan introduced with a sweep of his hand gesturing toward the man with the goatee.

  Kyla looked to the man and he was watching her, an assessing gaze, a glass of red wine in his hand.

  No, wait, not red wine. Blood.

  She gave him a nod as she sat down. He didn’t return it but watched her.

  A server moved to Tristan and was about to fill that goblet with blood but Tristan waved his hand in refusal.

  “Nothing for you, Tristan?” Adrian queried, his brow notched and his eyes darted to Kyla.

  “Wine. White.”

  “Good to meet you, Kyla,” Claudio belatedly said and Kyla’s eyes moved to him.

  At once Kyla was struck with the fact that he appeared arrogant, cunning, predatory. It was written all over him. He was a handsome man, looked to be about ten to fifteen years older than Tristan. His hair was short; his eyes were grey but fairly luminescent. He had a goatee and a squared jaw. He was sitting down but based on his posture and the lines of his expensive-looking grey suit, Kyla suspected he was a bodybuilder.

  “Tristan?” Adrian interjected, “Have you fed?”

  “I have,” Tristan didn’t look at Adrian.

  “But we agreed…”

  Tristan waved his hand, “We’ll discuss it later.”

  A server moved around to top up water glasses and then two more male servers moved in and began delivering an orange soup to everyone.

  Tristan immediately leaned over and inhaled deeply over Kyla’s bowl. Then he lifted her spoon and tasted it.

  “Honestly, Tristan.” Adrian said, amused.

  Tristan glared at him and his fangs shot out.

  Kyla steeled herself and clutched the edge of her chair.

  “Gentleman, I realize emotions are high at the moment with all the revelations that have come to light. Let’s enjoy a nice meal, some conversation, and move forward, shall we?” That was Claudio.

  Tristan continued glaring Adrian’s way for a beat and then his fangs retracted.

  Kyla reached over under the table and put her hand on his knee and gave him a small reassuring squeeze. His face gave nothing away to anyone else at the table but he put his hand on top of hers and his thumb skated across the back of her hand.

n apetit,” Adrian said and raised his glass. All others but Tristan raised their glasses. Kyla raised her water glass.

  A server moved over and offered her wine. She nodded, asking for white as well, and he poured her a glass.

  Tristan leaned over and lifted Kyla’s wine glass and put it to his lips and drank some and then passed it to her with a nod.

  Kyla glanced at Adrian, who was watching Tristan.

  “Royal taster?” Lyle mused, “I’m impressed.”

  No one replied.

  The soup was cream of carrot. It was delicious. Kyla decided to focus on the soup.

  Does he really think they’d poison me? Or maybe slip me one of Adrian’s so-called concoctions?

  “There are a few things that need to be settled,” Claudio started, “Tristan and I have spoken briefly but I wanted us to enjoy this meal together so that we can put everything on the table. Move forward. As discussed, this was planned 27 years ago when the last Kovac mating experiment failed. We need to move forward. We all want the same thing. Prosperity for our kind.”

  Kyla couldn’t hide her jolt of surprise.

  He continued, “Alexander, along with other counterparts around the world, and Adrian, along with Adrian’s medical council counterparts, have worked together closely to solve problems of a medical nature as well as ensure our population continues at healthy levels, despite the challenges we’ve faced in that area. There are regular ongoing clinical trials as well as contingency plans in addition to this plan for Tristan. Tristan, you have the allegiance of myself, of Sam, of the entire leadership team. You have the ability to do amazing things for our kind. You’ve already done impressive things for Kovac Capital as well as on the councils you’ve participated in. Breeding is the next step, a royal responsibility. You have already demonstrated the skills and you have the lineage to lead. Your offspring are essential to our future. Your bloodline with hers? This blended bloodline, it will ensure strength. We can only imagine what kinds of results we’ll get with a blend of Kovac and Constantin blood. I know Adrian has outlined a variety of options for you. I want you to know that myself, Sam, and Adrian are here to help. All our resources are at your disposal to ensure success here.” Claudio kept looking at her during this little speech.


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