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Wasted (Dirty Boys of Chicago #1)

Page 22

by Morgan Black

  “So, it's over. You’re in the clear.”

  I wanted to nod, but I knew it would hurt with her fingers through my hair, so I didn't. “Yup, it's over.”

  “Did you think what Monique said about Hudson is true? That he was just doing it in some weird way to protect you?”

  “I guess I'll never know. I ended things last night with him at the club. I don't think I'll ever see Hudson James again. The court case is over; everything's over.”

  “Maybe it's for the best. You can move on. Are you going to keep working at the club?”

  I changed the channel on the TV to some reality show that was mindless. Other people's drama suddenly seemed to make me happier than my own. “Yeah, I think I might. I don't think Hudson will come back for a while. I can still work there, make really good money, and put it away for grad school.”

  Alexis stopped braiding my hair. “Grad school?”

  “Yeah. I'm going to become a lawyer. Everything I've ever wanted, and I'm not going to let anything stop me now. As scary as it was to be in a courtroom, it was also a rush. It's what I want.”

  “Good for you. At least you know what you want.”

  “What about you?”

  “Girl, I don't even know what I want tomorrow, let alone in four years. I do know though that I want to call Josh.”

  “Oh?” I ran my fingers back and forth over our hot pink rug.

  “Yeah, he’s cute. I want to give him a chance. Even if it's only for a little bit.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You are such a mess.”

  “Look who's talking, girlfriend. Hey, you have that economics class tomorrow right?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Well, I forgot to mention that the old geezer had a heart attack. Supposedly, he's going to be fine, but will be out for a few weeks. They hired some new guy to take his place, but I heard that he's not a professor, so he probably can't teach. I just wanted to warn you.”

  Shit. Econ was already one of my worst classes. If the new guy couldn’t teach, I was screwed. “Great. I hope that I won’t have to retake it.”

  “Hopefully he's easy because he doesn't know what he's doing. But, just in case, pay attention tomorrow.”

  I turned around to look at her. “You act like I don't focus in class. I’d like to remind you I have amazing grades.”

  “Well, you’re whooping my ass in physics, but in Econ, I've got you beat.”

  “True. I guess we'll see tomorrow.”

  It was nice to just talk about school. To be relaxed for the first time since the judge had been murdered. I was really free.

  * * *

  I arrived to class early, on the off chance Alexis was right that this new guy really had no idea what he was doing. I wanted to make a good first impression just in case I needed to go to office hours or ask for extra help. But when I got there, he was already busy working on papers with his back turned to us. He was definitely younger than I was anticipating, which concerned me even more. I watched him from behind, his crisp gray suit outlining broad shoulders. I found a seat near the middle of the rows, and I sat down. He still didn’t look up at me or the other ten students that had already arrived. I checked my emails to see if Hudson had gotten in touch with me again, but there was nothing. I had ended it, and he listened. But there was a part of me that just wanted him to reach out. For him to touch me again… the roughness of his skin on mine. The class around me grew quiet, and I opened up my notes on my laptop just as the professor was clearing his throat. And then I looked up.

  I saw his face, and my breath caught in my chest.

  Those chiseled features. That strong jaw and dark eyes. They always drew me in like that.

  “My name is Hudson James. I'll be your guest lecturer for the next three weeks while your professor is out on medical leave. I'm a business executive and a self-made millionaire.”

  It seemed like he wanted to say more. But that's when our eyes met. He stopped and looked directly at me without being able to move his lips anymore.

  “Calla,” he breathed.

  Everyone in the hall looked in my direction.

  Shit. And I thought I was free.

  Part Four



  Boston Buyer’s Club Book 4

  Chapter One

  I sat like a deer in the headlights, and sucked in a deep breath. How could this happen? How could my two worlds collide in such a ridiculous way? I felt, for a moment, like I was being set up.

  He rubbed his hands along the outside his pants, probably trying to get rid of sweat. I knew I was nervous. I couldn't imagine that he wasn't. Everyone’s eyes were still on me.

  He cleared his throat. “So, I'm actually just going to give you an online assignment for this class today.” He ran his hands through his hair, but tried to appear calm. “I mean, I’m no teacher. I have more important matters to attend to.” His eyes narrowed in on me. Everyone knew it was a lie. He turned around, and fumbled with his briefcase as he pulled out a laptop. I'd only seen him this vulnerable once before, when we were on the beach together in France. Eyes were on me from all over the room. The girls were noticing how nervous I made Hudson, and the guys were trying to figure out what was so spectacular about me. How had I made this powerful man in a crisp black suit come crashing down at my knees?

  “Yes. Here it is, uploaded. So go home.” No one moved. I could tell the other students weren’t sure if he was serious or not. “I said go home. Class dismissed. Whatever it is that professors say these days. Just get out of here.”

  Everyone collected their things, and stole glances at me, with hushed whispers. I didn't move. I didn't grab my laptop. I just sat there, waiting for him to say something. When the door closed behind the last student, I expected him to turn around. To look at me, to say something. But he didn't. I watched his body hunched over the desk at the front of the classroom, deep in thought.

  “Should I leave too?”

  He spun around, and looked at me with such desperation in his eyes that I'd never seen before. “I don't want you to go.”

  “Then I stay.”

  He slowly ascended the stairs to the right of me, walking up into the seats. He stopped just a row short of me, and moved across the aisle until he was leaning against a chair directly in front of me.

  “I swear I had no idea you were in this class. Though I should have.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I was offered this gig by one of my bosses. With or without me, they’re keeping tabs on you, Calla. I guess they wanted us to be reintroduced.”

  “I don't like people messing with my life.”

  He nodded. “I'm sure you don't. But, when you entered into a relationship with me, that's kind of what you get. I told you. I hurt people.”

  “But you don't want to! You sent me all those flowers, you try to make up for what you did. But I'm just so damn mad at you! You lied to me. Do you know how that makes me feel?” I pointed to myself for emphasis.

  He hung his head in shame. “I know what I did to you, Calla. And there's no excuse for it. But I just want a second chance. Can you just give me that?”

  I looked at my laptop to avoid his eyes. “I want to.”

  He bent across the chair so that he was inches from my face. “Then just let me try.”

  I sighed. “Fine. But I want a real relationship, Hudson. I don’t want to just be your call girl anymore.”

  “With me, you were never just a call girl.”

  I leaned forward so that our lips just barely touched, and it sent a tingle through my body. Suddenly I was back in France with my hands bound and waves of pleasure ripping through my body. I had missed this. When we parted, a smile crossed his face, and reached his eyes. Something I had rarely seen.

  “So, next time you teach my class, do you think you can handle yourself enough to actually get through class?”

  He laughed as he leaned back. “Not my best first day, was it? I'm sure the Dean
or whatever is going to be asking questions about that. And the other students.”

  “Yes, so much for being discreet. Everyone on campus is going be talking about the hot new professor, and how he dismissed class so we could talk to a girl.”

  He laughed. “Did you just call me hot?”

  I smiled at him. “Maybe. What are you going to do about it?”

  He leaned forward again, and placed another kiss on my lips. “So much.” His mumbled words against my lips made my heart race, but now was not the time. This was my school, and I couldn't just let the rumors run rampant. I was sure that people had already gone back to their dorms, and were putting Hudson James's name in Google search. Self-made millionaire, sleeping with a university student. The headlines would be splashed with our names once again.

  “So how does this work? Do I ask you to dinner?”

  “I think I could handle dinner, but not tonight. Too much work to do, and I have a shift at the library this afternoon. But maybe tomorrow?” I wanted to make him wait, squirm for another day.

  “Tomorrow sounds great. I’ll pick you up myself.”

  “No town car?” I was surprised.

  “No, just you and me, casual. Like a real date.”

  “Sounds good.” I grabbed my laptop, tossed it in my bag, put my cell phone in my back pocket, and got ready to leave.

  Just as my hand was on the doorknob, he said my name. I turned around, and he was walking towards me with that smug look on his face, like he owned me. I let him feel that way. But, when he pushed my body against the door, and raised my hands above my head, I wasn't in charge anymore. He trailed kisses down my jaw and along my neck. His body pushed against mine made my body temperature skyrocket. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I wanted him to take me, but I knew that this wasn't the place. Plus, a little part of me wanted him to earn it.

  “Hudson,” I breathed. He brought his face back up to mine, and bit my lower lip just enough that I felt a touch of pain.

  “I didn't want you to forget about me before tomorrow night.” He leaned in closer, and put his lips next my ear. “I want you to think about tomorrow night until I can have you again.”

  His head dipped down onto my collarbone, and I laid my bag down on the floor. I looked behind me through the door’s window to see if the hallway was clear. I didn’t want to get caught. For a moment, it crossed my mind that I could get kicked out of school for sleeping with a teacher.

  Hudson continued to fondle my body, and as he got to my pants, I was shocked to see him unbutton them.

  “Hudson, we can’t… Not here.”

  “Just a little reminder,” he teased.

  I bit my lower lip as he pulled my pants down to below my ass, and exposed my underwear. He drew circles on the outside before pulling the fabric to the side.

  “What are you...?”

  He tongue dove between my folds. I leaned my head back against the wooden door. He sucked my clit as my knees trembled in response. I pushed my hand into his hair while I moaned with pleasure. He slipped a finger into my hole, and began to pump, when I heard a door close behind me.

  “Shit, someone’s coming.”

  “Besides you?” He mused.

  I pulled up my pants and grabbed my bag. He kissed me full on the mouth, and I could taste my own juices on his tongue.

  “I just didn’t want you to forget how good I can be.”

  I nodded, fumbling with the handle behind me. As he released my body, I slipped through the door, and into the hallway. The coolness of the outside air from an open window helped to clear my head as I fixed my bag over my shoulder. An older professor walked by me and tipped his head in my direction. I couldn't believe that Hudson James had once again made me feel completely helpless. And I couldn't believe how much I liked it.

  Chapter Two

  Alexis was watching some random TV show when I got back to the apartment. I dropped my bag in the kitchen, and walked over to the couch plopping down next to her. “You won't believe my day.”

  “What do you mean?” she said, turning her attention to me.

  “Guess who the new professor is?”

  She shrugged. “I don't know. Some old fat bald guy is what I assumed.”

  “Not exactly. Our new professor just happens to be Hudson James, the millionaire who broke my heart.”

  “You've got to be kidding me. He’s not even a professor.”

  I shrugged. “I guess somebody called in a favor. He thinks it's a set up by his bosses. Just another way to get us together.”

  “But, you didn't take the bait, right? I mean you're not going get back together with him, not after what he did to you.”

  I sighed. “I wish I could say I didn't. But that would be lying. I don't know, Alexis. He makes me crazy. I can’t think straight around him. I felt like he deserved another chance.”

  She just stared at me. “Another chance? When he almost sent you to jail? And now it turns out that he may or may not be a drug dealer? But, sure, he deserves a second chance.” The sarcasm was dripping off her words.

  I knew she was right. I knew that I was making a huge mistake, but somehow I couldn't help it. The way that Hudson made me feel, my skin tingling every time he touched me, the way my breath caught in my chest when our eyes locked… I just couldn't deny my feelings for him as much as I wanted to. I knew he was dangerous, but I didn't care.

  Alexis crossed her arms, and looked back at the television, acting like she wasn't interested our conversation anymore. But I knew she was worried, and she had every right to be. By me being involved with Hudson, it put her in danger too.

  “Alexis, I can handle it. I promise nothing will happen to you.”

  She turned her head, and narrowed her eyes at me. “You don't know that. You're being reckless Calla, something you never are. You’re calculated and smart. Why throw everything away for one guy?”

  She was right; I usually planned everything out in my life, just so I wouldn’t end up like my mom. But, for some reason, Hudson made the risk worth it. But I didn't know how I could explain that to her.

  “You're right. But this is what I'm doing, and it's cool if you don't support me. You don't have to have my back on this one.” I stood up, and started to walk away, but she called after me.

  “Calla! You're my best friend, dammit. I'm just worried about you.” I looked over my shoulder to see her standing next to the sofa. “I just don't want to see you broken; there's not enough Ben & Jerry's to fix that if he hurts you again.”

  “I know.” I continued walking, and shut my door behind me. I sat down on my bed, and looked at a picture of the two of us that I kept on my nightstand. Alexis was always looking out for me; that's just what best friends do. Suddenly, Hudson felt like a betrayal against that friendship. So, why did I still want him?

  Chapter Three

  That evening, I had my normal shift at the library. I planned on getting some work done, but Shane had me stacking books instead. We were getting close to finals, and people were using some of the textbooks for thesis statements, mostly the graduate students. That would be me one day. Working on law papers, attempting to reach my goal. I also saw them studying, nervously sweating in the tiny little cubicles that they used to block out the rest of the world. I hope that part wouldn’t be included in my future, but I knew that was wishful thinking.

  I was on the top floor of the library, stacking books about sexual harassment law when I saw two people arguing in the next aisle. It looked like a couple just having a relationship issue, and I didn't want to intrude, so I moved to the other side, and waited for them to figure it out. I saw a guy sitting by himself with headphones on, but I realized that he wasn't studying. He was talking on a cell phone, but he kept the headphones around his head to make it look like he was busy. Or maybe I was just being paranoid.

  I couldn't help but overhear the conversation as I walked away from the arguing couple. I tried to appear inconspicuous as I looked through the shelves, p
retending to need a book. I'd abandoned my cart in the corner so that I just looked like another college student.

  "I’ll have your money. You don’t need to tell Rudolph anything. I will have it tonight." He paused for a moment. "No, I haven't seen her. But there was some weird shit going on in class today. The professor cancelled class, and gave us some online assignment. But I know that she stayed. At least, I think she did."

  He paused again listening to the person on the other end of the line. "Okay I know, you guys need to stop calling me. Someone is going to figure it out."

  I wondered what someone was going to figure out, and if that someone was me. Hudson was the professor who didn't finish the class, and I was the girl who stayed after for some…extra activities. My heart rate quickened just being reminded of my encounter.

  The kid put his phone down, and put his headphones back on, furiously typing on a laptop. I tried to look over his shoulder, but I couldn't see anything. I opened a book and began paging through it, and moving closer to him to try to see what he was working on, but he turned around and looked right at me. He shook his head and took off his headphones, slamming his laptop screen down, and shoving his things in a bag. I turned around and walked back to the stacks, thinking he would just leave, but instead he walked right towards me.

  "You better watch yourself. You're not the only one involved."

  I shut the book. "What the hell does that mean? And who were you just talking to?"

  He looked me up and down in a way that made me feel dirty. "You'll see soon enough. Watch your back."


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