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Sheltering Abby

Page 6

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  By the Gods, she was smokin’ hot! What in the hell had he or Ben ever done to deserve her? If it took all his life, he’d prove to her that she was his very heart and soul. And that even when it was time to battle, instead of asking to hang back and stay out of it, he would forever stand by her side, protecting her and Ben as they’d protect him. Unable to watch the finger-fucking session anymore without playing, too, Trevor cleared his throat. “Do you mind if I join you, love?”

  Abby didn’t say anything at first, just smirked and gave him a Cheshire grin. “Do you have what it takes to play with the likes of me, Trevor Marcum?” Abigail boldly asked.

  "You know it, love. You know it,” he responded, his thoughts on something else despite the gorgeous body splayed out in front of him. He hoped the fact that she hadn’t had much to say to him thus far this morning was because she was consumed with lust rather than regrets. Maybe she was just trying to come to terms with her new reality by herself. He wasn’t sure he wanted that. “What has you so quite this morning, love?”

  Abigail shook her head, then laid it back against the tile behind her. “Not much really. Just trying to decide whether I should learn to fight blind now when I truly can’t see or would it be better to wait until I can see, then use blindfolds.”

  “And which decision are you leaning toward?” he asked, knowing that he and Ben would support her the best way they could, by being by her side regardless.

  Keeping an eye on her, Trevor eased down on a wooden bench to the right of Abby. Unable to help himself, Trevor dropped his gaze to where Abby was still playing with her pussy. Knowing she’d hear what he was about to do, and not caring at all, had him reaching for his cock, stroking it in time to Abby’s fingers thrusting inside her tight, wet channel.

  They sat there in silence for a while, letting the misty water turn the shower into a sauna, just enjoying the slow masturbation. Eventually Trevor leaned his head back and closed his eyes, groaning as the need to come tingled up and down his spine. His balls were full, his legs tense. He needed to come so bad, but he had to wait for her—would wait for her. Even if it killed him.

  * * * *

  Abby continued to fuck her pussy with her fingers with one hand and lightly stroke her clit with the other. She needed to come, needed to take the edge off so she could enjoy mating with Trevor. She wanted to make it special for him. It had to be hard to let Ben mate with her first. Even though she hadn’t known them long, she had known almost from the beginning that the Marcum brothers were hers for the taking. By the Gods, she’d never thought to find anyone who’d support her the way these two men did. Despite her injuries, her blindness, despite it all, they hadn’t wavered in their decision to mate with her. It awed and humbled her.

  And now that the decision was made, she wanted to enjoy what was to come, wanted to make this relationship work for all of them. And that included in her mind, making sure Trevor doesn’t for one moment consider himself second best. Hence her decision to masturbate for him, knowing full well he’d join in on some point and get himself off, too. It was just too damn bad that she couldn’t see him come. She was sure that would be a sight that would have lived long in her memory. Oh well, after her first shift, she’d have to do this again. And that time, she wouldn’t miss a thing.

  As her body tightened, she leaned her head back, closed her eyes and groaned. Her channel gripped her fingers, pulsing around them in large strong pulls. Warm cream dripped down her channel, flooded over her hand, until finally dripping onto the bench beneath her. She opened her eyes, once again wishing she could see Trevor, knowing from the rough sound of his breathing, he, too, was close to coming. She wanted to see his face when his cum shot out. Would it drench his chest or would he point it downward to be washed away by the water? Again, she promised herself that she’d find out one day soon.

  Abby heard Trevor stand, heard the splash of his feet as he approached her. When he lifted her in his arms and carried her out of the shower, once again she felt safe and protected. She could feel Trevor’s love though he hadn’t yet said it. But that was enough, the knowing, the belief that he loved her was enough for her. Trevor set her on her feet on a shag rug of some sort, then quickly wrapped a large, warm fluffy towel around her. “Come on, baby,” he said while taking a hold of her right hand and tugging her gently in the direction he wanted her to go. “We’ll lie down in bed and rest for a bit. Go ahead, Abigail. The bed’s about five steps to your left. Get in and we’ll spoon for a bit.”

  Abby carefully crossed the distance, pulled the covers down and crawled in. She quickly turned on her left side, waiting for her mate to join her. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone, lover or friend, had wanted to snuggle with her. Within seconds, she felt the comforter lift, then a warm body press solidly against her. His arm went around her waist and his hand covered her mound. His head snuggled into the crook of her neck and his leg moved between hers so that she had to place her right thigh atop his leg, leaving her completely open to his probing fingers.

  Abby relaxed against him, far too comfortable at the moment to say anything. She thought for sure the moment that she crawled into bed with him, he’d want to make love to her—it’s what most men would want. But she was beginning to realize that Trevor and Ben were not like most men. Even what little she remembered about the battle a few days ago, they fought to protect her, to guard her as she went about her duties. They didn’t try to stop her or persuade her to let them take care of things, and that meant the world to her.

  Even knowing they were a different species, she a Black Jaguar and they White Tigers, they cared for her as she was. She’d never been given a greater gift than that. It was so easy to love them, knowing no matter what she did or said, they’d always be there for her, loving her, supporting her and waiting for her to come back to them when her independent streak roared forth.

  Minutes passed and, just as she was about to tumble into the land of nod, he pressed tender kisses to her neck, back and shoulders. She smiled when she realized he’d been kissing her injuries. His hand began a slow, deliberate stroke over her tummy with the lightest of feather soft touches. Her empty channel spasmed, her slit wept with unfulfilled desire. Her heart thumped thumped thumped against her chest wall, faster and faster. His every touch was gentle, tender, loving.

  “Are you ready to make love to me, Abby, or do you need more time?”

  Abby choked on a groan. “I’m more than ready. It seems like I’ve been waiting on you forever—you and Ben.” His lips continued to explore her neck and shoulder while his hand lifted her raised thigh, opening her wider to his intimate touch. With her leg firmly over his, his fingers drifted down to her pussy, slipped through her slit until he found her clit, quickly brushing his finger across the exposed nubbin before moving on. Slowly, meticulously, he investigated every fold and crease until she could only moan and beg him to make love to her, to mate with her. She needed him as much as she needed to breathe. She needed him to fuck her, to mark her, to make her his forever.

  “Oh, baby. Thank the Gods you’re ready for me because I can’t wait another second to make you mine.”

  Without another word, Trevor gripped her hip, arched his back until he lined up with her gate and slowly sank into her slick channel. By the Gods, liquid fire raced along her slit, soaking his cock. He filled her perfectly, stretching her pussy to fit the size of his cock. But even when she begged him to rush, to fill the aching clawing need to orgasm, he kept his thrusts slow and gentle, though deep enough to caress her G-spot on every pass.

  It wasn’t a wild a frenzied mating. Instead, he gently loved her with his body, giving her everything she needed emotionally as well as physically, giving her soothing touches and hot raunchy words. There was no doubt she’d come because Trevor definitely knew just how to thrust his hips, how to time his strokes for the most devastating impact. It was different from her mating with Ben and that was a good thing. They’d gone out of their way to make this mating m
emorable for her, and that beyond anything else proved to her they loved her.

  Trevor dragged his mouth down her throat as his lower body continued to stroke in and out of her, slow and steady, but deep enough to hit her womb on every stroke. Soon, her orgasm was upon her. Her legs tingled. Her pussy spasmed, clutching around his thrusting cock, urging him to come with her. Trevor’s thrusts increased, and just as her body climaxed, pooling the come from his shaft, he sank his mating teeth into her shoulder, right over Ben’s mark. Slowly, he swirled his tongue over the puncture marks, sealing them closed with his saliva. She was well and truly mated now. If only she could stay awake for the afterglow, but already her thoughts were growing as dark as her eyesight, dropping her into unconsciousness for the third time this week. A habit she was starting to hate.

  Chapter Eight

  Abby woke as she always did, alert and ready for battle. Her eyelids snapped open, though darkness still greeted her. What had they said, after the mating she could shift. Theoretically, she knew how it was done, though calling her beast out for the first time was usually taught by the shifter’s parents. She knew without doubt that her guys would help her, but she felt the need to do this alone boil up inside her. Instinctively, she knew that in this she had to take control. That didn’t mean she had to be stupid about it. She was at a disadvantage at the moment, and there was still a big, bad evil out there somewhere gunning for her. It wouldn’t wait long to strike at her again.

  Sometime in the night, Ben had joined her and Trevor because one man currently lay wrapped around her from behind and the other was nestled to her front. They were huge living blankets and, from the size of their erections and the insistent prodding, they were awake.

  “I want to try shifting. As nice as focusing on my sense of smell and touch is, I want to be able to see you guys the next time we mate.”

  Behind her, Trevor stretched. She could tell it was Trevor by the way his hands felt against her waist, not as callused as Ben’s, but just as equally strong and dexterous—as she learned the night before, much to her delight.

  Ben dropped a soft kiss on her lips, then he, too, stretched before rolling away. “Okay. I’ll bring you in some clothes. Twila packed an overnight bag for you, and before you ask, yes she was guarded.”

  “Oh,” Abby asked, curious now who Ben and Trevor had trusted to guard them through the night while they went about mating with her. “Who’d you trust to watch our backs and Twila’s? I’m assuming they had battle experience.” A muffled chuckle behind her back had her eyebrows rising in question. “Well, who was it?”

  “The Grazioso’s are guarding us and everyone you said were in danger at the meeting in the diner the other day.”

  Abby choked back her horror. They’d called the family in? Were they nuts. The Grazioso’s were the mob and beyond that they were honest to God vampires. Everyone knew you didn’t upset a vampire if you wanted to live through the night. And knowing the Elder Grazioso as she did, she knew he’d be pissed when he heard about her injury. “And you survived telling Marco about me?”

  Trevor snorted. “It wasn’t easy. That man loves you like a daughter. When he learned you’d been injured, the family started showing up in droves. I think our asking him to help guard you eased his need to harm us.”

  “Yeah,” Ben added. “Especially when we told him you were our mate and we’d do whatever we had to do to guard you until they could get here and help keep you safe.”

  Abby’s shoulders relaxed then, knowing they’d played Marco exactly right. “Well, good then. Although most of Marco’s vamps are able to handle being out in the sun, I’m sure the rest are happily sleeping the day away. Are there enough out there to keep watch while I shift?”

  This time both men started to laugh. It was starting to get damn annoying that they kept laughing at her and she had no idea why? “What?” she asked, doing her best not to bitch at them despite her desire to rip them a new one.

  “Abby, it’s two in the morning. I’d say that right now is probably the safest time for you to choose to do this. We’re only laughing because you slept a whole day and half the night away after our lovemaking. It pleases us to know that we can satisfy you until you pass out from exhaustion and only reawaken hours and hours later.”

  It was only because she could hear the teasing laughter in Trevor’s voice that she didn’t get angry. She could hear the amusement, even feel it through her soul. She knew that it really did please them that they could satisfy her lust and, that in turn, pleased her.

  “Then let’s do this.”

  She felt the bed dip as Trevor stood, then heard a door to her right open and close while another one from the same direction did the same. By the Gods, she hated depending on another person this way, hated her inability to see what was happening behind her. Only her trust in Ben and Trevor allowed her to relax enough enjoy her mating thus far, otherwise she’d be out, learning how to survive, to fight without her sight.

  Once again, the bed dipped, lightly this time.

  “I placed your clothes to your left and Trevor is starting a bath for you. The bathroom is directly to your right, about ten of your steps. Do you need anything else?” Ben asked.

  Abby shook her head, awed and amazed that her men knew she’d want to exert some independence now that her body had started to heal. “No, thanks. That should do it. I should be out of the bath in a bit. Thanks, Ben.”

  “No trouble, baby. Feel free to soak for a while if you want. We don’t mind waiting.”

  After placing a long lingering kiss on her lips, Ben backed away. “Go to Trevor, he’ll tell you where everything is in the bathroom, then leave you to your soak.”

  Abby nodded, then stood, turned to her right and counted the steps to the bathroom. After Trevor explained where to find everything and gave her another long, slow lingering kiss, he, too, left her to her bath. But she was too jazzed to sit and wallow in the bubbles, choosing instead to wash quickly and dress. She waited all her life to shift and she didn’t want to waste another moment before freeing her beast to run free for the first time.

  Within minutes, Abby had dressed and made her way out of the room. Hearing the sounds of conversation, Abby placed one hand on the wall and followed it until she reached the room where everyone had gathered. From the sound of all the voices, there had to be at least a dozen men and women in the house.

  “I’m ready,” Abby announced. Silence greeted her pronouncement, but before she could get self-conscious, having all their attention trained on her, despite her inability to see them, Ben and Trevor were each taking a hand and leading her into the room—whatever room it was anyway. Again, she sighed, hating this blindness, even as temporary as it was.

  “As soon as you greet Marco, we’ll get you out of here,” Ben whispered in her ear. Abby nodded, thankful he and Trevor seemed to understand and even accept her relationship with the Grazioso’s. It did a lot to ease her nervousness. She’d always feared that if she’d ever found her mates, they’d insist she have nothing to do with her adopted clan. Knowing she wouldn’t have to make such an impossible choice eased something in her heart.

  “Thank you guys,” she whispered, wishing that they were alone so she could show her appreciation in a more physical way. Oh well, it would have to wait until they returned.

  Suddenly, strong arms wrapped around her and the welcome scent of the Elder Grazioso surrounded her, filling her with happiness. Gah…she’d missed his warmth, his eagerness to shower her with affection. It’d been many years since he’d cuddled her to his chest. Too many.

  “It’s good to have you here, Papa Marco. I’ve missed you.”

  “I missed you, too, munchkin. I see you got yourself into a bit of trouble.”

  Abby sighed, then straightened. “Well, it’s nothing we can’t handle. As a matter of fact, my mates are going to teach me how to shift and, hopefully afterward, my injuries will heal.”

  “Good. But just in case, we’ll send out a few o
f the boys to guard you. You won’t even know they’re there. I know you think you can handle anything, but in this you will listen to your Papa Marco.”

  Abby shook her head, then smiled. She could hear his worry and it was such a small thing to allow his help. Besides, she wasn’t stupid. Her guys would protect her above each other and she couldn’t have that. Until the three of them could protect each other, she’d do whatever she had to do to ensure their safety as well as her own. “In this, I will.”

  Sooner than she thought possible, Abby and her entourage were heading outside toward the backyard. Each of her guys squeezed her hand before letting go. “Okay, Abby. I want you to search inside yourself,” instructed Ben. “Search for your beast, feel her filling you up. Picture her. Trevor and I will do the same. When you feel your feline surge forth, embrace her, embrace the magic and let it roll over you, take you over.”

  Abby nodded, then concentrated on the beast, the Jaguar that had lived inside her since her birth. She could feel her, feel the power of the cat waiting with relish to explore the world around her. Letting the magic wash over her as Ben instructed, Abby held her breath and waited. Her skin tingled, her muscles flexed. But there was no pain, no fear, nothing but pure pleasure.

  When the tingling sensation stopped racing through her body, Abby opened her eyes shook her head as she saw the world around her. Everything was different, bigger, the colors sharper in the dark. Her body trembled, wanting to run, to find water and swim, to hunt and romp. Abby tilted back her head and roared her pleasure. She turned her head as she scented her mates. The urge to fuck almost overwhelmed her. Again, she roared, this time calling her mates to her, urging them to take her, to make her theirs again in this form. To mark her again as their mate for all to see.

  Before she could run, could force her mates to chase her, she scented it. Evil. Evil approached.


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