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Daemons Are Forever

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by Suzy Shearer

  Daemons Are Forever

  "Please send me a sexy hunk, someone really tall and handsome who will love me forever. Let the sparks fly and the attraction go way off the scale and let me fall in love with him."

  Eliza Walters never expected anything to happen when she made her wish. But, when an extremely handsome man follows her home and asks her to let him into her home, she seems powerless to resist.

  He tells her he is a Greek Daemon, sent to her by Greek Gods in answer to her wish. Eliza finds it hard to believe him, still, she cannot deny the attraction and sparks that fly between them.

  Oh, and then there is the little green demon, Krisk. Throw in a penchant for sorting M&Ms into colours, a few Greek Gods who enjoy hanging out with her, and dozens of cats, and you have the ingredients for a crazy romp.

  Note: This book is written in one point of view.

  Note: This book is written in first-person point of view.

  Genre: Contemporary, Fairy Tales/Myths, Fantasy

  Length: 43,266 words


  Suzy Shearer


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2014 by Suzy Shearer

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-108-2

  First E-book Publication: August 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To Krisk…and to Ms. Trudi, who appreciates ASD parties.


  Before the history buffs start complaining, I do know some of these Gods and Goddesses were killed by others, but Albert Einstein concluded that past, present, and future all exist simultaneously, therefore I figured in my books I can have them all alive and interacting.

  I am also using the ancient Greek descriptions of the Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons. The demons—well, they are all mine, although their physical description does have some basis in movies and books.

  The Greek Mythological Gods, Goddess, Spirits, Daemons and Demons used in this book:


  Gaia was one of the first entities to come into existence. These deities are the ones that all other Gods are descended. She is the primal mother Goddess who gave birth to the Earth and all the Universe. All the other Gods in heaven, Giants, and Titans were born to her.

  Zeus, the father of gods and men, was a son of Cronos and Rhea, a brother of Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, and at the same time married to his sister Hera

  Hades is the God of the Underworld—in my book he is Lord of the demons—one of his brothers is Zeus

  Persephone, wife of Hades

  Aceso, Goddess of the Healing Process

  Anteros, one of the Erotes, God of Requited Love. Nephew to Zeus and Hades

  Asclepius, God of Medicine and Healing

  Dike, the Goddess of Justice, Fair Judgements and the Rights of Custom and Law

  Helios, God of Sun and Guardian of Oaths

  Nemesis, Goddess of Divine Retribution

  Pothos, God of Sexual Longing, Yearning, and Desire is another of the Erotes.

  The Erotes are a group of Gods associated with love and sex in Greek mythology and are part of Aphrodite‘s retinue. The Erotes have a special influence on Homoerotic love.

  The Erotes are Eros (God of Love), Anteros, Pothos, Himeros (God of Sexual Desire), Hedylogos (God of Sweet Talk and Flattery, Hermaphroditos (God of Hermaphrodites and of Homosexuality) and Hymenaios (God of Wedding Ceremonies)


  Bia, spirit of Force, Power and Bodily Strength

  Dikaiosyne, spirit of Justice and Righteousness

  Dorian, daemon

  Eleos, spirit of Mercy, Pity, and Compassion

  Horkos, spirit of Oaths

  Maleos, daemon and friend to Dorian

  Philotes, spirit of Friendship, Affection, and Sexual Intercourse

  Poine, spirit of Retribution, Vengeance, Recompense, Punishment, and Penalty for Murder and Manslaughter—attendant to Nemesis.

  Theos, daemon and attendant to Dike and Dikaiosyne


  Botis, demon friend of Krisk

  Focola, demon who entranced Adrian

  Krisk, demon who attacked Eliza

  Orniax, demon friend of Krisk

  Tzitzim, demon who entranced Adrian

  Zagan, demon friend of Krisk

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Author's Note

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Ninete

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  About the Author



  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  I looked at the clock on the wall. It was ten fifteen. I had bored myself silly watching something on the television, but just don’t ask me to tell you what. I figured I may as well go to bed.

  To be honest, I was sick of the same of routine, get up, work, eat, relax, go to bed. No, actually, that wasn’t right, the routine was fine, it was because I had no one to share it with.

  I had been living alone for the past twenty years and it sucked big time. I would really love to meet someone who would sweep me off my feet, but my problem was I was too fussy. Even when I was in a relationship, it just didn’t really work. We saw each other on the weekends and often that was too much for me, and the sex was dull.

  Maybe I should have just given up and let the universe provide, except I doubt it would give me what I wanted.

  And just exactly what was it I wanted?

  Let’s see. A gorgeous male, over 6’4”, the taller the better as far as I was concerned, amazing eyes, fabulous body and, of course, totally devoted to me.

  So what was the problem?

  Maybe it was because I was a woman in her sixties. Okay, I did not look it. Most people thought I was about fifty. I was overweight, but it suited me and I liked it. I was Rubenesque. I had rather large breasts, which looked great in a brassiere, but unfortunately gravity is not kind to large-breasted women over a certain age. I had very short-cropped auburn hair, all spiked and sticking out every which way, but it looked okay with my green eyes.

  The men who approached me were either interested in only sex or um…let’s just say they were behind the door when looks were being handed out, and usually they were under my height of 5’8”. Oh, yes, they were usually between sixty and seventy.

  On the other side, there were many more under forty who contacted me, but I can’t seem to get my head around going out with a man who is in his thirties.

  Okay, so you can see I am obviously fussy, but to be honest I think we all are. There has to be some sort of chemistry and attraction so if it isn’t there it just isn’t going to happen.

  So I live a life alone.

  Occasionally I have succumbed to accepting a date but there just hasn’t been a spark so I have just about given up.

  That night I lay in bed and thought, I am going to send it out to the Universe and see what happens.

  Feeling like a complete idiot I whispered, “Please send me a sexy hunk, someone really tall and handsome who will love me forever. Let the sparks fly and the attraction go way off the scale, let me fall in love with him and let us be wonderfully happy for eternity. My perfect match.”

  In my mind, I visualised him, a cross between all those sexy models with piercing eyes and dangerously good looks. And off I went to sleep.

  I forgot all about my crazy request and went on with living and working.

  I am a textile artist and do commission work, mainly quilts and wall hangings. I make enough money to keep me out of debt but not enough to buy myself a mansion and a fancy car. I really enjoy the freedom of working for myself, and I love producing something beautiful with my hands.

  About a week later, I was driving home from delivering a commission, it was about eight at night, I was almost home and, as usual, singing along with the music playing in the car. I stopped at a set of lights and glanced to my left. In the car alongside was Mr. Amazing!

  I picked my bottom jaw off the floor and tried to pretend I was just casually looking around while waiting for the lights to change.

  Now, as I said I won’t go out with guys under thirty, but that doesn’t mean I don’t look. I am as human as every other woman.

  This guy looked to be around thirty to thirty-five and, boy, was he hot looking. For a minute, I wished I was thirty-five again. He could put his shoes under my bed any day. I shook my head and gave him another glance.

  I was blown away when he smiled and then blew me a kiss. I think I blushed.

  The light turned green and I gave a silly smirk and drove off.

  I drove along feeling kind of silly and kind of flattered. Obviously, it was just a fun thing for him to do, but still, it was cute.

  Another set of lights but no handsome guy, instead it was a woman who looked harassed. She had a carful of kids aged around ten or twelve and they looked like they were all arguing. I felt sorry for her and rather glad at that moment that I had never had children.

  Green light.

  Off again. Another five kilometres and I would be home, just six more sets of lights, maybe I would be lucky and they would all be green. Next set, yep, green, drove straight on through. Damn, the set ahead was green but I would not make it before they changed.

  Red light.

  Glanced over to left. Mr. Amazing! Be still my beating heart!

  He gave a big grin, so I thought, why not? I grinned back. He gave a hand signal to say “red light again!” I shrugged and grinned. The lights changed and he blew me another kiss as he drove off. I had a few butterflies in my stomach, I mean it was exciting to pretend. Heck, the man was H.O.T.—any woman would be excited, and to flirt with someone thirty years younger was a real ego boost.

  Next set of lights I breezed through. I figured that would be the end of my interaction with him, because I would be making a right turn at the next set. I could see his car ahead, in the left lane.

  As I was coming near the right turn, he put his blinker on and came into my lane to turn right. I gave a little grin. We both sailed through. One more set of lights then I would be making a left turn into my neighbourhood.

  We pulled up at the next set. He was in front and as the lights turned green, I was tempted to wave good-bye but I refrained. I drove a few hundred metres then put my blinker on to turn left into a wood-lined side street.

  As I made my turn, I notice his brake lights on. Interesting, maybe he knew someone in one of the houses there. I drove down the street, and as I made another left I saw headlights turning into the top of the street. I lived in a semi-rural area with large blocks and few houses. A few more streets with very few houses, then I finally reached my little street.

  My house was on the far lot. I had a large corner block, with only one neighbour about two hundred metres away. Behind my house was a large natural bush reserve, so it was peaceful and quiet. The street was really a cul-de-sac—a dead end, so the only traffic was usually the four residents who lived there.

  As I pulled into my driveway, I noticed a car pass by. For a moment, I thought it was Mr. Amazing’s, but that would be crazy.

  My block has a lot of trees, in fact it looks a little like the reserve behind it. The house and my studio are mostly hidden behind them. I parked my car under the carport and locked it up. I headed to the letterbox in case someone had written and then started to move toward the door just as a car pulled up in my driveway.

  I turned around, wondering who it could be. I rarely have visitors, usually only clients. I never married and have no children, no family.

  It was hard to see because the headlights were still on. I stopped and began walking toward the car. The lights turned off and the door opened.

  I stopped, stunned.

  It was Mr. Amazing!

  Chapter Two

  Okay, this was officially scary. Obviously, he had seen me pull off and had followed me. I wanted to run inside and slam the door. I started to turn as he reached me. He touched my arm and I felt like a bolt of electricity had shot through me.

  I looked at my arm and then at him.

  Oh, big mistake.

  Out of the car and up closer he was even more gorgeous. It was a bit difficult to make out a lot in the darkness but I could see he
was very, very tall. He looked like he had dark hair and was built solidly, but he looked like he was all muscle.

  I wasn’t sure what to do. I was really confused by my reactions. Part of me wanted to run and the other part wanted to move toward his arms.

  Instead, I just stood there.


  Okay, he speaks. That’s a good sign, isn’t it?


  “Please don’t be scared.” I think I rolled my eyes at that.

  “I promise I am not going to hurt you. I just wanted to meet you.”


  “Oh.” As you can see, I am a great conversationalist.

  He grinned down at me. I wished it was daylight so I could really see what he looked like.

  “Can I at least walk you to your door?”


  “Just to make sure you get there safely.”

  He was laughing, I am sure he was, I could hear it in his voice.

  “Safely? Door?”

  Duh! I felt like hitting my head with my hand.


  He sounded so polite. Do rapist have manners, or murderers? Yes, I would get to my door more safely, but after that?

  At this point, I lost all reason. I actually started to move toward my front door. Years before I had a sensor light put in, mainly because I hated walking through spider webs at night and having to turn ninja by chopping them down and waving my arms around like a maniac.

  As we neared the front veranda, the sensor light kicked in. I stepped up onto the deck and reached the front door, turning to the man who was now beside me.


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