Promise Made (The Callahan Series)
Page 7
Okay, he was a sucker.
She looked wonderful. A sense of purpose about her he hadn’t seen before made him look again. In her arms she held a laptop computer plus a file of some kind. What was she up to?
“Katie-Girl has found a way to stay busy. She’s happier when she can work.”
“Work?” In Austin? If not, what happened to her job there?
Kate flipped on the light in the unused living room that didn’t look like a living room anymore. A desk sat against the far wall and faced the room. She dropped the file and computer on it. The couch was shoved against the opposite wall; a couple of chairs, separated by a small table were in the corner.
She’d hung a copy of her law degree on the wall. He’d bet it was the same one Grace showed everyone for months after Kate passed the bar.
“Do you plan to practice law in Oaktree?” Kate was staying? His heart thudded so hard he hoped he didn’t pass out.
This wasn’t good. He wanted her to leave so he could get back the life he was used to. Then he could forget her. Forget he wanted to see her, be with her. It would be impossible if she stayed.
“It’s temporary. I wanted to make myself useful while Gram recuperates.”
“Katie-Girl can’t sit still. I’m the same way. I’m getting lazy with nothing to do. I’m ready to do a few things around here.”
“Not anytime soon,” Ed warned.
“Just because I ran an ad doesn’t mean I’ll be too busy to take care of you, Gram.”
Kate was hanging out her shingle?
He looked at her, at the confidence in her stance, her beauty. Her dark hair wasn’t as straight and polished as it had been when she arrived, but curled around her face like it once did. The look on her face told him she looked forward to this venture. Would it become permanent? Would they be forced into each other’s orbit once more? Mentally, he shook his head. Right now, he didn’t know how he felt about it.
Seeing each other on a regular basis could be a disaster.
Ed kissed Gram goodnight and left right behind Dugan. When the two women were alone Kate helped Gram get ready for bed. “Ed makes you happy, doesn’t he?”
“Once upon a time, Dugan made me happy. I’m not proud of it, but I ran from his love. You’re not going to drive Ed away, are you?”
Gram turned troubled eyes to Kate. Uncertainty stared back. “I’ve thought about it.”
“Why? It’s obvious you love one another.”
“You and Dugan still love one another and look at the two of you. It’s as if you’re on opposite sides of a cliff. You want each other, but can’t seem to connect.”
What? She still cared for Dugan. But love? It wasn’t a big leap. However, it was one she wouldn’t even consider—couldn’t.
Her earlier thought that she could give Erik another chance and say yes to his proposal was a delusion. She didn’t love him. Period. So she’d just as well be honest with herself and with him. As soon as he got here, she’d do just that.
“That’s different. Besides, Dugan and I are just friends.” Trying to be friends again would be more truthful.
“Not so, but to your question. I like the way things are. Ed makes me feel like a queen. I’m not sure I want to take the next step at my age.”
“Poo! Who said age had anything to do with love?” Every negative thought disappeared in the face of what was so evident between Ed and Gram.
“What would the town think? Their former sheriff and Grace Stockwell? We’d be the talk of the town.”
“So? Be the talk of the town. Do them good to have something nice to talk about for a change.” It would also take their minds off her and Dugan. If one more person asked if the two of them were getting back together, she just might lose her manners and yell. Didn’t they realize Mary Jo was still in the picture? Didn’t they know how angry Dugan was at Kate? How she had a strong feeling he wanted her to leave his town?
Since Molly had told her how the town was taking sides, Kate would love to give them a real romance to talk about.
She tucked Gram into bed. “You’re all set; glass of water, Tylenol if you need it, remote if you want to watch TV. What else?”
“I’m good, Katie-Girl. Go to bed. Don’t worry about me.”
She bent, kissed Gram’s cheek. “I love you, Gram. I just want you to get back to yourself.”
“So you can leave again?”
“Austin is where I live, Gram.” She wasn’t sure though. Wasn’t sure she wanted to step back into the turmoil Erik was sure to create. Actually, she wasn’t sure about anything. How could she explain her uncertainties to Gram when she couldn’t explain them to herself?
“You like it here, don’t you?”
Kate forced her mind back to the present. “Of course I do.”
“Then think about staying.”
“I will. If you want anything or need me, just call out, I’ll hear you.” Gram was being insistent, but could she stay? Could she see Dugan every day—see that anger and hurt simmering beneath the surface? Be reminded every day of what she’d done to him?
“Think about what I said.”
Kate went to her office.
One client already and there was a deeper sense of accomplishment than at Walton and Associates after dozens of cases. Was it because she was on her own?
Or was it because she was in Oaktree where her heart was?
Or was it because Dugan was right down the road?
An hour later, she shut off the light and went to her room. Before she made it to the bed, Yogi and Heidi were waiting for her. “You two,” she said with affection. “What would I do without you?”
She curled under the covers, hoping she could make Erik understand. The last thing she wanted was to create another wrong.
Chapter Seven
Erik rang the doorbell at eleven o’clock the next morning. Earlier, Kate had put on jeans and a T-shirt, brushed her hair and applied a little lipstick. Maybe if he saw the real Kate, he wouldn’t be so upset when she told him she wouldn’t marry him.
She opened the door and ushered him inside. Yogi jumped and barked until she made him leave the room.
“Don’t think your dog likes me.”
Kate chuckled. “She doesn’t like strangers. Period.”
“You don’t look the same, Kate. How could you change that much in nine days?”
“This is the real me, Erik. You’ve only seen the professional me.”
At the entrance to her office, he stopped. “What’s all this?”
“Come in and sit down.” She led him to the couch. “I’ll explain.”
Once seated, he faced her. “Have you set up your own practice?” His face was pure disbelief. “Here? I’ve never seen such a Podunk town in my life. I wanted a cup of coffee when I got here. Was there a Starbucks? Any kind of coffee shop? Of course not. Nothing but a diner that looks like it was built in the fifties and hasn’t changed. The coffee was good, but damn it to hell, Kate. I can’t see you here on a permanent basis. Not for a minute.”
“Slow down, Erik.” Erik would never understand her love for this town, so she wouldn’t try to explain it. “I intend to work until I decide whether I want to stay or leave. I haven’t gotten that far yet. It will be weeks before Gram is out of her cast. I have to do something or go nuts.”
“So, this is temporary?”
She ran a hand through her hair. “I don’t know.” There was no way she’d discuss her uncertainty with Erik. It was obvious he didn’t belong here. Just being in her office with him seemed awkward.
He took her hand. “Have you had time to think about my proposal?” He pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it. “This was my grandmother’s. It’s an heirloom. I want to see it on your finger.”
Kate clenched her fists as he opened the box. The ring was beautiful. Diamonds surrounded a stone of blue topaz.
“It matches your eyes.�
�� He took her clenched fist to put on the ring.
“I don’t understand.”
“The answer is no, Erik. I can’t marry you.”
He pulled back. Stared at her, incredulous. “You don’t mean it.”
“I’m afraid I do. I like you a lot, Erik. We’ve worked well together. I like that you care for animals. But I don’t love you.”
Remembering how strong her and Dugan’s love had once been had made her realize how much she wanted that kind of love again. Maybe not with Dugan or with Erik, but with someone.
He slammed the box shut. “If I leave the ring will you think about it?”
She shook her head.
He put the box on the end table beside the couch and stood to leave.
“Take it, Erik. I won’t change my mind.”
He gave her a quick, sad smile. “I’ll leave it. I want to believe you’ll get sick and tired of this hick town, decide you love me, and can’t resist the ring.”
She shook her head. “You always were an optimist. I’m sorry I upset you, but I’m glad you came. I wanted to tell you this in person.”
“I love you, Kate. Nothing will change that.”
She opened the door to let him out. And he was gone.
Kate was glad Ed had taken Gram to lunch at Molly’s, because the minute the door shut she burst into tears.
It seemed as if all she was good at was hurting the men who loved her.
The next week flew by. Gram was so improved no one could keep her out of the kitchen. One-handed, she made coffee, planned meals, made out grocery lists and generally had Ed and Kate both anxious she was doing too much.
Kate was busy.
Who would think a town the size of Oaktree had so many residents who needed legal advice? She didn’t charge much and sometimes nothing. What would you charge to tell someone it was illegal to park his tractor in the neighbor’s driveway? Even though he swore the neighbor never used it.
Compared to the charges of Walton and Associates, her fees were more than reasonable. There were times when guilt stole over her for collecting from folks she’d known most of her life.
Gram, with Ed’s help, talked her out of that mind-set.
From the kitchen Kate could hear Ed and Gram’s voices, but couldn’t make out what they said. There was a lot of laughter. Kate would bet there were a few stolen kisses, too.
Her heart clenched. She wanted what the two of them had.
She shuffled a folder that held the real estate loan and deed for the sale of the Coker place aside, walked to the window and looked out. The day was dreary. Clouds rolled across the sky looking for a place to drop their load. Maybe that was why she couldn’t concentrate.
Itching for something she couldn’t define, she wandered into the kitchen for another cup of coffee. If it didn’t look so much like rain, she’d go to Molly’s to get a roll to go with it.
Light sprinkles hit the window just as she stepped into the room.
“That’s good, Ed.” Gram looked up to smile at Kate. “I think he’s finally got the hang of it. Now if I can just teach him how to season, we’ll have a big pot of soup in no time.”
Kate chuckled. Ed’s forehead was wrinkled in a frown as he concentrated on the pile of vegetables he was cutting up.
“This takes too long. Why can’t I just cut up hunks and throw them in the pot?”
Gram shook her head.
Kate grabbed a cup of coffee before walking back to her office. The two of them were happy even when they disagreed. Despite the discontent in her own heart, they made Kate happy.
Dugan’s smile leaped into her head. As if she had conjured him up, his cruiser pulled up at the front gate.
His familiar walk made her insides tighten. His long stride had him at the door in seconds. It took every ounce of control to stop her heart from thumping out of her chest. How could he make her feel this way when Erik never did?
The question spun around in her heart and slammed up against a hundred other questions she’d asked herself since she got back to town. Questions like, why couldn’t she admit she still had feelings for Dugan? She’d waited too long. He’d lost his heart to Mary Jo. Hadn’t several gossips told her that very thing? Besides, she was just about the worst relationship risk in the county. Probably in the state. She’d had her chance and blown it.
Her head was whirling when she opened the door and looked into emerald green eyes. She took a quick breath. “You’re early today.”
He stood there staring.
It had started to rain. One of those slow rains that were good for soaking the garden. “Come in before you get wet.”
He cleared his throat and stepped inside.
“Did you want to see Gram?”
“No. I came to see you.”
He looked different. The look in his eyes was different. “What happened?”
He tensed as if bracing himself. Her concern kicked up a notch.
He took off his Stetson, dropped it on a chair.
“Dugan?” she asked, her voice almost frozen with fear.
“I guess you haven’t heard. There's been a murder.”
Kate gasped. “Is it someone I know?” Was it a member of his family? A friend?
She couldn’t bear that kind of hurt.
“Not at all. But it’s the first one in the county in years.”
She let out a silent, pent-up breath. “So why are you here? Don’t you have a murder to solve?”
“Rita Johnson killed her husband this morning. She’s already admitted to it.”
“Rita? I remember Rita from high school. In fact, she was at Molly’s the other day and said hi.” Kate’s brow wrinkled. “Rita isn’t the type to kill anyone. What happened?”
Dugan wiped his forehead as if he were a raw deputy instead of a seasoned sheriff. Kate had no idea why he was so nervous. Nor did she know what a murder case had to do with her.
“Rita claims self-defense. Truth is, I’ve had her husband, Tobias, in jail more times than I can count for that very reason. Rita would never press charges so I always had to let him out.”
“Then this is an easy one. She was protecting herself.”
“No one has the right to kill another person.”
Kate crossed her arms. “So it’s okay if he beat the hell out of her, maybe threatened to kill her, and she has to stand there and take it?”
“Not what I said.”
She clamped her mouth shut. Surely, Dugan wouldn’t charge Rita with murder? “Unless you have evidence to the contrary, she’s an innocent woman.”
“I guess you can argue that theory in court. She wants you as her attorney.”
“You’re not serious?” A surge of something, anticipation or fear, maybe both, washed through her. This wasn’t what she expected at all.
“Have you ever tried a murder case?”
“Not alone. Besides most of our cases were pleaded out before they went to trial. Why doesn’t Rita hire Karl Theiss? He’s experienced.” But her mind was already busy forming a defense.
“Couldn’t talk her into it. Rita insisted on you. Maybe because you were in school together. I have to get back. Do you want the case or not?”
Dugan picked up his hat and backed for the door, ready to escape. Clearly, he wanted to be as far away from her as possible.
“I’ll talk to her, then decide,” Kate said.
“Want a ride?”
Unless the rain stopped, he’d have to take her home when she got through. Kate didn’t think it was a good idea.
“I’ll be right behind you. I have to tell Gram I’ll be out for a while.”
Ed popped his head in the door. “Figured it was you.”
“I was about to leave,” Dugan said.
“We’re cooking up a big pot of soup, Dugan. Why don’t you join us tonight?”
“If I can get away. Thanks.”
Great. Her avoidance tactics weren’t working. If
she took this case, she’d have to see him often. “Is Rita at the jail?”
“I’ll be there soon.”
And he was gone.
She clutched her stomach, willed her insides to calm down. Because she’d never handled a murder case alone before or because Dugan looked so good today she wanted to tackle him, she didn’t know.
She’d thought all this time she was over him. She’d moved on with her life. Now, she didn’t know.
Gram’s cast would be off in three weeks. Then, if Kate wanted to, she could leave.
Not if you take a murder case, you won’t. It’s not likely to come to trial so soon.
She went to the bathroom, combed her hair and patted color in her cheeks. Better.
Then she told Gram and Ed how Rita had killed her husband and wanted Kate to defend her.
“I’m so sorry,” Gram said. “If Rita is convicted, what will happen to her two children? They’re too young to be without a mom and a dad.”
Ed patted Gram’s shoulder. “Kate will do a good job. If Rita defended herself, Kate will get her off. Rita’s kids will be just fine.”
“I’ll be back later. Ed, will you stay with Gram?”
As if she had to ask.
Kate ducked out the back door with an old umbrella of Gram’s. It took only minutes to make it to Dugan’s office. The back of his building housed the jail. Four cells faced each other. Only one was occupied.
Jonathan unlocked the cell door. “Holler when you’ve finished.”
Metal slammed against metal as he shut the door behind him.
Kate looked over at Rita. Her dark eyes were wide with fear and something Kate couldn’t define. Rita was reed-thin, medium height, and would be quite pretty except for the black eye and gash on her cheek. Her soft chocolate skin was smooth and firm despite the damage to her cheek and the repeated beatings Dugan said she’d endured. But Kate would swear she was paler than normal. The bruises on both arms stood out. Was Rita in pain? Or just scared?
She had reason to be frightened. If convicted of manslaughter, she could get anywhere from five to ninety-nine years.
Kate walked over to the metal cot where Rita sat. Her arms were wrapped around herself as if she were freezing. “Hi, Rita. I’m sorry about your troubles. Dugan said you wanted to see me.”