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Stanley, Gale - Mating Call [Black Wolf Gorge 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Mating Call (it)

  Crying wasted time and energy. Better to save it for what lay ahead. She'd escaped, and she would never go back. They'd have to kill her first.

  She had no idea how long Jude would be out or whether Jonas would check up on them. The more distance she could put between her and the Outlaw ranch the safer she'd feel.

  She ran for what seemed like a long time and her breath rasped in her chest. Moonlight filtered through the canopy overhead, but she didn't need it to light her way. Sometimes she stopped to wipe her tracks away with pine boughs. It wouldn't fool Jude, but she hated to leave clear tracks.

  Ahead, a giant hemlock blocked her path, leaving a gaping hole where its roots had once anchored it. She jumped into the depression and leaned back against the dirt. It was as good a place to think as any. A multitude of chirping cicadas serenaded her while she rested. Concealed, she could relax for a few minutes and try to figure out her location.

  Everything looked the same in the forest. She could wander for days, maybe even end up back at the ranch. She hadn't picked up a familiar scent to guide her. She'd just gone on instinct. So far, she'd been lucky, but it wouldn't last forever. Jude was a damn good tracker, the best. He'd been the one to capture her in the first place. No doubt, he'd be out looking for her again.

  Maybe there was another way she could throw them off her trail. It would take a little time, but in the end, it might gain her time.

  She bit her finger until she opened a wound. Then she tore off a piece of her T-shirt and wrapped it around her bloody finger.

  She climbed out of the hole. Turning ninety degrees from her path, she walked a few feet looking for a spot that would catch a tracker's eye as he followed her trail. A flock of squawking crows caught her attention. They were fighting over the carcass of a rabbit. The biggest one cocked its head and studied her with black, beady eyes. With a harsh, raucous caw, it warned her off and turned back to its meal.

  "I don't want your dinner, stupid bird." Laughing, she turned away and spotted a large, mossy rock. She planted her butt on it and slid around a bit. Then she made a noticeable mess of the surrounding vegetation and snagged the remnant of fabric on a low-hanging branch.

  She ran a few miles then backtracked. At the very least they'd split up, and she'd only have to deal with one of them. Jude was the better tracker. She wondered which path he'd take.

  * * * *

  Jude woke with an excruciating headache. The inside of his head felt like the rhythm section in a jazz ensemble. He tried to sit up but the pain drove him back down.

  Shit! Why did I drink so much?

  He reached over for Sable and found only cold, empty space.


  His heart missed a beat. Calm down, old man. She's probably outside peeing.

  He wasn't supposed to let her out of his sight. If Jonas knew, he'd pitch a fit. He'd been against this camping idea from the get-go because he was so damn afraid of losing his property. The hell with Jonas. He treated her like a dog. He didn't have the same feelings for Sable, and he sure as hell didn't own her.

  When had his own feelings changed? It happened so gradually he couldn't be sure when it stopped being all about the sex. He wasn't knocking the sex, it was explosive. He wanted her all the time, but more than that, he wanted to be around her. He could talk to her, and she liked the same things he did, running, camping, sleeping under the stars. He loved the time they spent together. Hell, sometimes he forgot she was only part human. Most of the time, he didn't care.

  "Sable!" he yelled, and, damn, it made his head hurt more. He crawled out of the tent on all fours and looked around. Dawn was breaking. He wanted to watch the sun come up with Sable. Another twinge of dread hit when he didn't spot her.

  She must have gone for a run. He dressed quickly. Following the path of flattened grass she'd left, he kept calling her name, but only a hoot owl answered him.

  He saw her sneaks lying by the fence, and his pulse quickened at the thought she might be hurt. Then he caught sight of the charred stick by the wires and he knew she'd escaped.


  All the time he'd been mooning over her, she'd been planning the great escape. She must have been laughing her ass off at him, calling him every kind of idiot. Tears of anger, hurt, and worry stung the back of his eyelids. Most of all he felt lost. He missed her already.

  He pulled the cell phone from his pocket to call Jonas. His brother didn't say much except to stay there and wait for him.

  Fifteen minutes later, he watched him approach with Sherlock on a leash. The big, gentle bloodhound had the best nose in the county, next to Sable herself. If anyone could find her, it would be him.

  Sherlock wore a GPS collar unit with a whip antenna that transmitted via a radio signal. Jonas carried a handheld unit that looked like a walkie-talkie. He barely looked at Jude.

  "I'm sorry, Jonas."

  Jonas took a bottle of deer piss out of his pocket and threw it at him. He sprayed himself while Jonas crouched down to look at the sneaks Sable left behind. He picked them up and started walking. Jude followed a few paces behind.

  Once outside the gate, they headed back to the spot where Sable had made her escape. Jonas held the sneaks out to Sherlock who sniffed and snorted then bayed in acknowledgement.

  "Find her," Jonas said.

  Sherlock put his head to the ground and never looked back. His long ears brushed the scent up towards his nose as he picked up speed.

  Without another word, Jonas followed.

  Jude held back and kept his mouth shut. The best course of action for him was to keep his distance. Jonas barely controlled his temper. He didn't need much more of a reason to unleash it.

  Jude didn't need a dog to track. And if wanted to follow Sherlock's trail it would not be a problem, even without a handheld like the one Jonas carried.

  He tried to think like the she-wolf. If Sable were as smart as he thought, she would find a way to cover her tracks. He took his time and searched the trail carefully, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

  He wanted Sable back for his own reasons. He'd find her. Of that he had no doubt. And once he did he'd never let her out of his sight again.

  * * * *

  The forest came to life as the sun rose. A few clouds moved across the sky, hinting at rain. Sable wished for a downpour. It would cover her trail. She'd been running for hours. The men had to be out looking for her by now, but she'd been running so long she allowed herself to hope she'd eluded them.

  She slowed to get her bearings again, and that's when he tackled her from behind. He knocked the wind from her lungs, and she went down with a whuff. She was stronger than him, but he caught her off guard, and she struggled against his weight.

  Howling her sorrow to the sky, she twisted in his grip to no avail. She should have known her false trail wouldn't fool Jude for a minute. All the time she wasted only gave him a better chance to catch her.

  "Going for a little early morning walk without me?" he whispered in her ear.

  "Get off!" she cried, angry and desperate—and, yes, a little excited, too. The thrill of the chase and the warmth of his lean, muscular body covering hers confused her. She couldn't think straight. He was her lover and her mate, but, damn it, she would not let him take her again. If only she didn't have this stupid collar on he'd be no match for her wolf.

  "Is that any way to treat your lover?" He slipped his hand under her and inside her shorts.

  She stifled a gasp at the sharp spike of arousal he set off. She tried to hate him, but instead she wanted him to fuck her hard and fast.

  "Jesus. You're so fucking wet. If that's for me, baby, you should have woke me up this morning."

  Damn him. She got wetter as he stroked her.

  "Let me go, Jude." She bucked up against him.

  "Mmmm. That feels good. Maybe I'll fuck you before I bring you back home."

  "I don't have a home." She gritted her teeth and tried to ignore the fire he ignited in her belly.

nbsp; "Your home is with me, and this time I'm gonna make damn sure you stay there."

  He fumbled in his pocket. She knew what that meant. No more drugs. Assembling every bit of strength she could muster, she reared back and threw him off her.

  He grabbed her leg before she could run and took her down. Her hands closed on a good size tree limb, and she swung it at his arm, knocking the dart gun out of his hand. It flew several feet into a pile of dead leaves and branches.

  "Bitch!" he swore at her, his face twisted with pain, and he released the death grip on her ankle to hold his injured arm.

  She jumped to her feet, feeling his pain as acutely as if it belonged to her. An urge to go to him put her off her game. She hesitated a second too long.

  That fast, he grabbed the discarded branch and whacked the back of her knees.

  Her legs buckled, and she went down, biting her lip until she tasted blood.

  "Why are you doing this?" she sobbed. "Please, just let me go." The thought of being held captive again terrified her. This time there would be no escape.

  His face softened for an instant, and she thought he might actually let her go.

  Then he jumped up, grabbed her in a bear hug, and, swearing under his breath, he dragged her across the dirt to look for the gun.

  She squirmed and kicked, but adrenaline must have given him strength. Even as he bent to search through the leaves with his injured arm, he kept a tight hold on her body with the other.

  She sniffed the air curiously. A split second later, something leaped out of the trees and slammed into them. Jude's head made a sickening thump as it struck the tree trunk.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Half-wolf, half-dog, with his canines bared, he looked every bit the wolf. Sable showed her teeth. He might have two more legs than her, but he didn't scare her.

  Jude's motionless body demanded her attention. She kneeled at his side and put her face to his. Thank the Gods, he was alive. She cradled his head in her lap. Her hands came away bloodied and salty tears slipped down her cheeks.

  "Damn you. Why did you have to follow me?" she wailed. Her filthy hands painted his clammy face with dirt. "I never wanted this. I love you, you bastard. You're my mate, I'd never hurt you."

  Ralf watched her intently but didn't approach. She ignored him. The hybrid had never liked her. She didn't like him either. The whole time she’d lived with Malcolm, they’d avoided each other. There'd been times she wanted to kill him, but for Malcolm's sake she’d put up with his irritating presence. Ralf acted like an overprotective guard dog. Intensely loyal to Malcolm, he didn't trust her. He'd been right. She’d almost killed Malcolm's true mate and his unborn child. She wasn't the same person, but Ralf couldn't know that.

  She heard it before Ralf—the faint sound of a dog barking in the distance.

  Ralf picked it up a few seconds later. He shook his head, whined, and took a few steps back. When she paid him no mind, he jogged to her side and nudged her arm with his muzzle. His blue eyes bored into hers, trying to tell her something. She got the idea but shrugged him off. "I can't leave him." She shook her head and stayed put.

  A faint whiff of dog came on the breeze. It smelled like the big collar Jonas had once made her wear.

  "Aaroooo!" The bay of an excited bloodhound sounded closer. Her heart lurched. Stay or go? The dog had her scent. If she wanted to escape, it had to be now.

  Ralf jumped around, frantic. He nipped her hand and ran a few yards. Gently, she laid Jude's head on the grass, gave him one last kiss, and got to her feet. Jonas would find him and take care of him. He would be fine.

  She followed Ralf. He kept looking back at her, urging her to hurry, but she hung back. Worry over Jude slowed her feet. Stupid. What could she do for him if she stayed?

  She'd never get another chance like this. Jonas wouldn't leave his brother to die in the woods. He'd let her go to save Jude, and she'd have a chance to get away and make a life for her baby.

  Ralf howled and picked up speed. So did she. They traveled through an area of forest that became increasingly familiar. She knew Ralf was taking her to Malcolm's house, and although she dreaded seeing him, she kept going.

  While making her getaway plans, she'd thought about going to Malcolm, and every time she discarded the idea. Why should he help her? She'd come between him and his mate and ruined his life.

  If she had only herself to think about, she'd take off and go into hiding, but not with a baby. Suddenly, the baby had become the most important thing in her life. She wondered if Malcolm knew he had a child. Karin meant to tell him, but Sable never gave her the chance. She attacked Karin and ran off when Malcolm showed up. He followed her, but Jude caught her first. She had no idea what happened after that. For all she knew, Karin could be dead now.

  If only he'd give her a chance to explain. It might not make any difference, but she wanted him to know how much she'd changed. She'd been a feral animal then. Living wild on her own had done that. Those days were behind her now. Creating a baby had opened her eyes. It made her realize that every life was important. She would never hurt anyone again.

  The trees started to thin, and suddenly Malcolm's house appeared in a clearing, an A-frame with big expanses of glass to let in the outdoors. He'd built it himself, even the furniture. She'd never really appreciated it when she lived there.

  Sable stopped near his Jeep. The idea of showing up on his doorstep terrified her. If he shifted and tore her throat out, she wouldn't blame him. Ralf continued on, but instead of going to his usual entrance, an open window, he trotted up to the front door, threw back his head, and howled. She cringed. Malcolm would recognize it as an alert.

  Almost immediately, the door opened, and Malcolm stepped onto the porch. He saw her and froze.

  Her breath caught in her throat. She hugged herself and willed her pounding heart to slow down. He looked the same, tall and lean, very dark, and as graceful as he was powerful. But it wasn't lust that made her heart hammer against her ribs, it was fear.

  His eyes remained fixed on her as he approached. She wanted to run and never look back but she stayed put. Even if he didn't want to help her, he deserved an apology for everything she'd put him through.

  He stopped a few feet away and clenched his fists. He looked like he might hit her if he got too close. "What are you doing here, Sable?" His voice dripped ice down her spine.

  "I'm sorry, Malcolm." She swallowed and kept her head down submissively.

  "Look at me." His face was marked with loathing. "You didn't come here for that, and I'm not interested in hearing your apology. What you did was unforgivable. I looked for you a long time. You're lucky I didn't find you."

  Afraid, she trembled and choked back a sob. "I know I can't change things, but if I could take it all back, I would."

  "I don't believe you. You're a dangerous woman, Sable. I'm not sure I should let you leave here."

  Her heart near exploded. She quelled the urge to flee and stood quietly, silenced by the threat in his voice.

  "Where have you been?" He looked her up and down, his expression dark and angry. "Are you hurt?"

  She realized what she must look like. Her clothes were ripped and reeked of Jude's blood. "It's not my blood," she answered meekly.

  "So you hurt someone else."

  "No," she protested. "Ralf—"

  "Don't try and blame Ralf for whatever you've done," he said harshly.

  She hunched her shoulders, trying to make herself as small as possible. "I was attacked, and Ralf saved me. The man hit his head on a tree," she sobbed. "I tried to help him, but we heard others coming, and Ralf led me here."

  Malcolm folded his arms across his chest. "I don't know why he led you here, Sable. I can't help you."

  "You have every right to hate me. I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to kill me."

  "I'm not going to kill you, mainly because Karin would never forgive me." His face softened the tiniest bit.

  "Karin." H
er hand flew to her chest. "She's okay?"

  He ignored her. "You should go. And don't come back."

  "I'm pregnant," she blurted out.

  "My God!" A gasp came from the porch, and they both turned at the same time.

  "Karin, get in the house," Malcolm thundered. "I told you to stay inside."

  Karin shook her head and came to stand next to him. Her arms rested on her stomach in a protective posture.

  "Damn it, Karin." Malcolm frowned at her.

  Sable couldn't help staring at Karin's big belly. She would have one soon enough. "I'm sorry, Karin. Is the baby okay?"

  A rumble of warning came from deep in Malcolm's chest. Karin inched closer to Malcolm. "The baby's fine."

  Relief flooded through Sable. "Thank the Gods." She started crying and choked on her words. "I'm so sorry, Karin. I wish I could go back and make it right."

  Karin stared at her, sympathy plain on her face. "I believe you."

  Nobody spoke for a minute. Then Karin asked, quietly, "Is it true? Are you pregnant, Sable?"

  She nodded. "I didn't know where else to go. I wouldn't ask for myself." She shrugged helplessly.

  Karin took a step toward her. Malcolm pulled her back and put a protective arm around her.

  Karin looked up at him. "She's pregnant, Malcolm. Look at her. She needs help."

  Malcolm shook his head and sighed deeply. "All right. You can come inside. But just for a meal."

  Malcolm gestured for Sable to go ahead. He didn't want to turn his back on her. She walked into the house, and they followed. Everything looked the same except for the little dog yapping at her heels. Ralf gave it a nudge, and it sat on the Navajo rug in front of the fireplace, watching her.

  Karin suggested she clean up, and Malcolm led her to the spare room on the first floor. "Everything you need is in the bathroom, soap, towels." He left her alone, shutting the door as he walked out.

  She couldn't resist taking a shower. The hot water felt incredibly good, but nothing could wash away the sadness. Seeing how Malcolm looked at Karin brought everything back. Her child would never have a loving father, a nice home... Thinking like that wouldn't help anything. She'd take care of her baby on her own, give it whatever she could.


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