Book Read Free


Page 11

by Chandra Ryan

  One of the representatives raised his hand. “I second it.” The member was new enough that Renee didn’t know him.

  “I object.” This one she did recognize. He was one of her father’s oldest friends, Chairman Lowry. The Loyalty Directive was his baby and Renee was willing to bet that this little delay was killing him. “Representative Lee is stalling. There’s no proof that Prime Minister Vance has done anything wrong. And Lee’s only witness to the loyalty of the planets in question is deceased. She was tragically killed by Coalition forces. The very people this bill will protect our citizens from.”

  “Actually I have two witnesses willing to testify,” Lee said as he stood. “The first is Adam Pallara. Son of Maxwell Pallara, whom we all remember best as the CEO and founder of Pallara Energy.”

  Adam stood as Renee was still processing the words. Adam’s family had been the Pallaras? They were the same age so of course she remembered reading all the gossip about him when she’d been growing up. Who he dated. Where he hung out. Which model of transport his parents were buying him for his birthday. They’d all been fodder for the tabloid news. He’d been royalty in everything except title. And she’d slept with him.

  “He’s been tried and found guilty of treason.” Lowry’s words cut into her little fantasy. Of course, there was that. “He cannot testify in front of this house or in any court of law in the universe. As a matter of fact, I believe he’s a matter for security to deal with.”

  “He’s currently in my employment and as such qualifies for diplomatic immunity.” Lee’s calm, collected voice was in stark contrast to the whispered chaos breaking out around him.

  “Traitors don’t qualify for diplomatic immunity.”

  “Check again, Chairman Lowry. He qualifies under the political asylum clause. I had my best lawyers look into it.”

  If the streak of red that colored Lowry’s face wasn’t enough to let everyone know he wasn’t happy, there was always the spittle that rained over the desk every time he spoke. “This is your last chance, Lee. If he testifies I will tell the people. They’ll know once and for all where your allegiances lie.” He obviously didn’t want to hear a single word Adam had to say. But she did. She needed to know what happened.

  “I’ve never hidden my allegiances or my intentions, Representative. Not even with backroom deals or cleverly worded legislation. Feel free to tell whomever you like. But in the name of full disclosure, I brought Mr. Dallen with me to broadcast the session today.” Lee gestured to Michael, who was obviously aiming his reader at Chairman Lowry. “You don’t have a problem with the people hearing about your loyalties, do you?”

  He glared at Lee but then shook his head. “I have nothing to hide.”

  “Good to hear. Now, can we please get started?”

  “Of course. As it turns out, I do have a question for the traitor. And since he’s here…” Lowry spread his hands in a gesture to encompass the chamber. “Might as well ask it.”

  “Ask me whatever you like. I have nothing to hide. Not anymore.” Adam’s voice was so calm and sure that Renee would’ve cheered had she not been still pissed off at him.

  “How is it that you managed to survive when the rest of your family and planet were destroyed?”

  “Satellite,” Adam said calmly.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Luca’s third moon is just that, a moon. It’s a satellite to the planet Luca.”

  “Fine. How is it that you survived when your family and satellite were both destroyed?”

  “Because I was lazy.” Adam took a deep breath before continuing. “The rest of my family was already up and at the manufacturing plant that day. When the shuttles dropped the H8 there was nowhere for them to go. Nowhere to hide. I’ve been told they died quickly. In more pain than imaginable, but almost immediately. I think they expected me to find some measure of comfort in knowing that. I, however, was late. I’d slept in.” He looked down at Renee as he spoke as if he was telling his story just for her to hear. “I was the child of wealth. Oh, I went to school and studied hard. I even managed to graduate with honors. But I also partied, spent money without considering the hard work that went into earning it and I took my family and their business for granted. So I slept in.” He reached up and scratched his head. “A lot. It never mattered until that day, though.”

  Without thinking, she reached up and grabbed his hand. In that moment he wasn’t a traitor or a Coalition soldier. He was just a man who’d lost everything he’d ever loved and he deserved to have his story heard.

  “My bodyguard pulled me out of bed that day and started to drag me to the safety pods in the house. But I argued with him. Told him that I wanted to stand with my people against whomever was attacking us.” He smiled ruefully. “Imagine my surprise when I learned it was my own government. And that it wasn’t an attack but an annihilation. There was no defense against it. Still, I was young and arrogant. I thought I could do something to help. With time running out, he aimed his weapon at me and told me that if I didn’t get into a pod, he’d shoot me where I stood. I wasn’t stupid, so I got into one of the pods. He climbed into the one next to mine and then we waited.” Adam shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he told the story. “As the first wave of the gas swept through the house I heard the glass in the pod start to crack. They were top-of-the-line but they weren’t designed to stand up against an H8 attack. Nothing is. And as soon as the house started to burn, the pod began to melt around me. The last thing I remember was watching my bodyguard’s skin melt off his face.” As he closed his eyes and cleared his throat, Renee found herself hoping the story ended there. Reliving that day couldn’t be easy for him. It hurt her just to hear him talk about it.

  “Do you have any experience with H8 burns?” His question was directed at Lowry. “Have you ever been close enough to a planet during a burn off to feel the heat the chemical gives off?” He waited for a second but then continued as the chairman remained silent, “The pain is excruciating. I was being cooked inside the pod. My skin blistered instantly. And even though it was filtered, the air scarred my lungs permanently. Thankfully I blacked out before the worst damage was done. When I came to I had to endure months of treatments and years of therapy. But that wasn’t the worst of it. I had to go through that knowing that everyone I ever loved was dead, my home had been confiscated by the government and I had been found guilty of treason. In absentia, of course. Because I was too busy fighting for my life to defend my family’s name.”

  “You sold fuel to the Coalition.” Lowry had calmed down considerably while Adam told his story but the accusation still carried some heat.

  “No. You just didn’t want to pay us for something you could steal.” His voice was brittle as he issued the challenge.

  “We had a judge look at our evidence. He agreed with us.” Lowry said the words with such force that they made his jowl shake.

  “Oh yes. Good old Judge Doshell issued the order, didn’t he? I would’ve liked to speak with him about his ruling. Unfortunately he died three months ago.” Adam squeezed her hand in return. “Right about the time the Loyalty Directive was written.”

  Lee took this moment to advance his case. “I would like to point out that Judge Doshell signed the orders for a number of burn offs that failed to meet the threshold of evidence.” Lee nodded and the Speaker changed the display to a list of planets Doshell had signed off on. “And Prime Minister Vance signed off on each and every one of these bun offs.”

  Lowry shook his head sharply. “A judge who had access to all the facts thought they did meet the threshold. Are we to believe you and some traitor that over him? What evidence do you have?”

  “They have me.” This had to be the optimal moment Lee had told her to wait for. She couldn’t imagine a better one. Renee stood and let her hood drop behind her. There were several gasps but she ignored them. She had something to say. “I’m Captain Renee Holt and I scouted at least seven of those planets. There were no signs of Coalition f
orces on them and I wrote that in my report in no uncertain terms. Yet the judge still signed the order. As did Prime Minister Vance.”

  “You’re dead.”

  “That’s what I hear. And I’m sure that a whole lot of people want it to be true. I assure you however that I’m quite alive.” She smiled weakly as she looked at her father. “And I’ve got one hell of a story to tell.”

  They were escorted out of the council chambers and to a private transport two hours later. They were going to be sequestered in a hotel until the vote. The move was for their protection. Or at least that’s what everyone kept telling her. Then she’d finally get the press conference she wanted. Although she didn’t think she needed one anymore. She couldn’t imagine the press coming up with any questions the council hadn’t already asked of her. The worst, of course, had been from her father. He’d been every bit as pissed off as she’d thought he’d be. “My dad was not in a forgiving mood today, was he?”

  “It’s okay, sweetheart, he’ll forgive you.” Michael wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she snuggled into his warmth.

  “I feel as if the entire universe is mad at me right now. Even you’re upset with me.’”

  He smiled down at her. “I am. A little. But I still love you and so does your dad.”

  He loved her? She’d suspected it for a while. She feared she even returned the emotion. But he’d never said it out loud. And if he didn’t say it, she could go on pretending it wasn’t true. Only he had said it. Which meant she was in trouble.

  She looked up and her heart fluttered as she caught Adam staring at her. Damn it. She’d been attracted to him before hearing his story. But now she felt drawn to him. Yep. She was in big, big trouble. “You know, if you just would’ve told me what was going on, I wouldn’t have had you arrested.” She probably wouldn’t have, at least. It really depended on how pissed off she’d been at the time. Still, they didn’t need to hear that.

  “But you would’ve thrown him off your ship and you needed him,” Michael argued. “Besides, it’s his story to tell or not to tell. Hell, I didn’t even know all of it until last night.”

  “And yet you still trusted him?” It was something that’d always amazed her about Michael. People had to earn her trust but Michael just gave it to everyone he encountered. He honestly believed people were good.

  Michael pulled her in and kissed her lightly on the head. He’d probably meant it to be a comforting kiss but being snuggled into him felt so right that the kiss made her breathing catch and her nipples harden against the lace of her bra. Thankfully he didn’t seem to notice her reaction to him though. “My gut told me he was a good guy and my gut is never wrong. It’s how I dig up all the good stories.”

  “And here I thought it was luck,” she teased.

  “Ouch. That hurts.” But his smile didn’t look all that pained.

  “I’ve missed you,” she admitted reluctantly. “I’ve missed this.”

  He nodded softly as his smile disappeared. “So have I.” He ran his thumb along her chin and the gentle caress made her shiver with longing. “Have you made a decision?”

  “We really can’t just go back to the way it always was?” Her tone was hopeful but she already knew the answer in her heart.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. This has been coming for a long time.”

  In other words, it was time for her put on her big girl panties and make a choice. Her future in the military was uncertain right now. She hadn’t followed procedure and that was going to be noted in her debriefing. But she hadn’t been kicked out. There was still a slight chance they’d let her stay. And if they did, she had every intention of flying until they forced her to retire. “You won’t make me choose between you and my ship.”

  “Never. I don’t want to change who you are. I love you. All I want is a promise that your home is with us.”

  “Us?” She followed his glance up to Adam. “You two are a package deal now?” She tried to sound disappointed but her heart was already beating fast and she’d become wet at the idea.

  “I like him.” Michael’s mischievous smile told her that he more than liked Adam.

  “Great. I knew I’d regret bringing him to your place.”

  “You don’t regret it. You’ve loved every minute you’ve spent with us.” He gestured to Adam and he moved over to sit next to them. Now she was sandwiched between the two men. Memories of the last time she was in this position raced through her mind and made it difficult for her to breathe. “I saw you grab his hand in the council’s chambers. You care about him.”

  Being surrounded by the men was intoxicating. She was having a hard time remembering why she shouldn’t rub against them. “So is that what your gut is telling you?”

  “It is.” He brushed a soft kiss against her lips as Adam nibbled on her ear. The two of them together were more than she could resist. How long had she been fighting against making any commitments? It’d been so long that she couldn’t even remember. And she suddenly didn’t know why. She’d never met two men she respected more. Yes, trust would probably be a bit of an issue for a while. But they could work through that. She wanted to work through it with them.

  “And your gut is never wrong.” Her voice was already husky with desire.

  “Never.” He kissed down one side of her neck as Adam cupped her breast in his palm.

  “No more lying, though.” That was her one condition and it was nonnegotiable.

  Adam’s breath was hot against her skin as he nuzzled her ear. “No lies. I promise.” His gentle squeeze of her breast sent a shock wave of desire through her. She was done denying herself this.

  “Okay.” She nodded more for her benefit than for theirs. “I’m all in.”

  She didn’t know how prophetic those words were until the men stripped her. She had no idea how much longer they were going to be in the transport but as Michael and Adam started kissing and caressing her body, she didn’t really care. She could stay like this, between these two men, forever.

  “Are you wet for us?” Michael slid his finger through her slit to check and the touch sent off small explosions deep within her.

  “Damn. She’s close.”

  “It’s been two days.” She practically growled the words at them. “And you’ve been sure to let me know how happy you guys have been.”

  Adam laughed behind her and the delicious vibrations of sound rippling across her body made her clench her thighs. “We would’ve been a lot happier with you.”

  “He’s right.” Michael leaned over to kiss her breast and she whimpered at the swell of heat that the kiss caused.

  “We can do foreplay later. I need you inside me.”

  “We’re happy to give our girl what she needs.” Michael took a condom out of his pocket and handed it to Adam.

  Adam took the condom but then asked, “You sure?”

  “Yeah, I want to watch this time.”

  Damn, that was hot. Renee could barely contain herself as Adam got undressed and put the condom on. She needed to fill the aching, throbbing hunger deep inside her. As soon as Adam was ready, she straddled his lap with her back to Adam. If Michael wanted to watch, she’d give him a good view. Then she slid slowly onto Adam’s cock. He was so hard that she could feel each inch of him penetrate her until she’d taken all of him inside her then she flexed her internal muscles around him.

  “She’s so wet and tight.” He moaned as she rose almost all the way off him and then sank back down. “Sorry, sweetheart. I’m too damn close to the edge.”

  With one graceful move, he picked her up and pushed her forward so her knees were on the floor and her hands rested on the seat that was in front of them as he took her from behind. She heard the sound of another condom being opened but she didn’t care enough to turn around. If Michael wanted a turn with her when Adam was finished, she’d be happy to indulge him.

  “That’s a lovely view of your ass, Adam.” The material of Michael’s pants swished against the leather of t
he seats as he scooted behind Adam.

  “You want it, you can have it.”

  It took a moment for her to understand what was going on but when Adam slowed to a near stop she quickly figured it out. Michael was going to fuck Adam while he fucked her. She whimpered at the mental image. Yes, she’d known what they were most likely doing over the last couple of days but knowing was different than participating. Knowing was frustrating and had kept her up at nights plotting her revenge. Participating was hot. She only wished she could see them.

  Adam’s thrusts became faster and more demanding until she couldn’t think straight. She could only feel. And yet she needed more. Her body was shaking so hard with the need to climax that she could barely keep herself in position. As if sensing her problem, Adam grabbed hold of her hips and thrust into her deeply. Every nerve exploded at the contact and the tightly wound ball of desire in the pit of her stomach broke into a thousand little beautiful pieces of bliss.

  But he wasn’t done. He continued plunging into her. Each movement sent another wave of pleasure through her until she was cresting on another climax. Michael moaned loudly behind Adam as he climaxed. But she still needed more. She didn’t know how much longer Adam had though. “Please. So close.”

  He changed his angle slightly so he went deeper and hit a sensitive spot inside her. One more thrust and she was hurled over the brink into her second release. He gripped her hips tighter and moaned deeply.

  “Renee.” Her name was whispered like a caress on her soul and then he shuddered as he climaxed inside her. This was the way it was supposed to be. She only wished she had more time in her lovers’ arms.

  Unfortunately as soon as the transport stopped, they had to scramble to get dressed before the automatic doors opened and revealed them to the people walking by. Though she might be a little voyeuristic, having strangers see her naked wasn’t her thing. Imagining the looks on people’s faces, however, did make her smile.


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