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To Love and Let Go

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by Rachel Brathen

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  To my mother, who is here and my grandmother, who is not

  And to Lea Luna, who just arrived but was with us all along


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  It came out of nowhere. One minute I was standing with my boyfriend, Dennis, and our dog, Ringo, waiting for a flight, and the next I was on the floor, brought to my knees by a pain so fierce it felt as if someone had plunged a red-hot knife into my gut. I blacked out and woke up with my head in Dennis’s lap. “What’s happening?” he asked, his eyes filled with fear. I could barely speak. “My stomach,” was all I could say. I tried to sit up but couldn’t. The pain was making me dizzy. Someone called for help and, suddenly, paramedics appeared. My heart was okay, they said. Pulse: normal. Blood pressure: good. “Should we go to the hospital?” Dennis asked. I wanted to say yes. The stabbing pain I felt in my stomach was unlike anything I’d ever experienced in my life, and at twenty-five, I’d already been through quite a bit. I should say yes, I thought. Something is definitely wrong. I should let him take me to the hospital. “No,” I said instead. “We can’t miss our flight. Let’s try to get to the gate.”

  It was a short flight, just thirty minutes from Aruba to Bonaire, where I was leading a yoga retreat that week. The retreat was sold out, with people coming from all over the world to see us. There was no way I was going to disappoint them. I was determined to get on the plane. Dennis helped me to my feet, but as soon as I stood up the invisible knife I felt plunged into my stomach twisted, and my knees buckled again. I knew what he was thinking. This is crazy. We need a doctor. He pleaded with me, but I wouldn’t budge. “We have to get to Bonaire!” I said, looking at him sternly. “People are waiting for us.”

  It took all of my effort to get through passport control. I was too weak to hold on to anything but my boarding pass. I tried to put on a brave face, but on the inside I was terrified. What is happening to me? We made it to the gate and I collapsed into the nearest seat. My body was damp with sweat and my insides throbbed. Thinking I was going to vomit, I had to get to the bathroom. Hunched over, I made my way there but fell as I tried to open the stall door. Too weak to stand, I laid on the cold tile floor, curled up in a fetal position. Am I dying? Reaching into my purse for my phone to call Dennis for help, I heard a voice speak inside of me. “Get up. Keep moving. Get up.” Get up! I told myself. Get off the floor.

  I didn’t even fully understand the urgency I felt about getting on the plane—was it really about not wanting to disappoint people, or was I trying to ignore whatever was happening to me? Whatever it was, I decided to keep going. I shoved my phone back into my bag, grabbed ahold of the wall, and pushed myself up to standing. When I looked in the mirror, a ghostly white face stared back, beckoning me to come to my senses and surrender. I was undeterred. Move forward, I told myself. One step at a time.

  I made my way back to Dennis and Ringo and for the longest time we sat there, waiting to board. My stomach hurt so much it felt as if my insides were on fire. The hands on the clock crawled. Finally it was time. Approaching the flight attendant with my boarding pass, I watched her face twist in horror. “You can’t fly!” she said. “You are obviously not well.” I was pale, and my forehead was slick with sweat. I had a hard time focusing my gaze, but did my best to compose myself. “I’m going to Bonaire,” I said. The flight attendant looked at me. “This plane is going to Bonaire,” she said. “You, my dear, are not.” I gritted my teeth in pain and frustration. I just wanted to get on the damn plane and settle in. “I have to get on,” I said, pleading. “Please, I beg you. I’m okay—I promise. It’s just a stomach bug. I’ll be fine. I just have to get on this flight.” I don’t know why she finally gave in. “Will you seek medical attention when you get there?” she asked. Yes, I promised. “Go on, then,” she said, pointing the way. “Hurry, before my manager sees you.”

  I expected to see a plane at the gate, but a shuttle bus idled there. The heat was sweltering and the bus was full. I couldn’t bear the thought of even the short ride to our plane. Dennis climbed in first with Ringo and our baggage before lifting me up into the bus. I grabbed a handle and held tight. My long hair clung to my back, and I could feel sweat dripping off my face. Why was it so hot in here? As the engine roared, the urge to throw up overtook me. I don’t throw up. It’s at the very top of my list of things I can’t handle. I hadn’t done it since I was a teenager and chugged an entire bottle of vodka by myself. But there, on that bus, I felt it coming. I looked around frantically for a plastic bag, a bin, something. Anything. Could I will myself not to vomit until I was off the damn bus?

  The moment the brakes squealed and the bus came to a stop, and before the doors were fully open, I pressed myself out of the shuttle. At the top of the stairs leading into the plane was the woman who’d taken my boarding pass. How did she make it there so quickly? She gave me a stern look. If I throw up now, I thought, she isn’t going to let me board. In desperation, I walked behind the bus, bent over, and hurled my insides out all over the tarmac. Wiping my arm on my sleeve, I took the steps up to the plane and fell into my seat. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in a cab with Dennis and Ringo, racing to the emergency room in Bonaire. Bonaire is a tiny Caribbean island with fewer than nineteen thousand people. The hospital is so small that the maternity ward is connected to the hospice. You die where you’re born. Two doctors treated me, both tall and Dutch looking. Poking and prodding my abdomen, they gave their diagnosis: a probable ruptured appendix. To be certain, they said, an ultrasound would have to be performed, but there was only one ultrasound specialist on the whole island and it would take time for him to get to me. Until then, I would be given morphine to make me more comfortable, the doctors said before disappearing.

  The pain was unbearable. I had never experienced anything like it in my entire life. Where was the morphine? It had been hours. Did no one understand I was dying from the pain? I had reached a level of agony that I didn’t think was possible. Finally, a nurse appeared with a needle. They hooked me up to an IV and I sighed with anticipation as I watched the first dose of morphine drip into my arm. “Just breathe, honey,” the nurse said. “The pain will be over in a minute.”

  I’d never experienced morphine, but from what I’d heard, and seen in movies, I expected fast relief. I writhed in pain, waiting for the reprieve, but it didn’t come. Fifteen minutes later I was on my side, legs curled up, screaming. The doctors increased the dose. Still nothing. I was almost at a point of no return when the ultrasound technician arrived. By then, seven hours had passed since I first collapsed at the airport. “I hear you have a ruptured appendix,” he said. “I need to do the ultrasound right away to make sure they don’t put you through surgery for no reason.”

  Dennis held my hand as the technician applied a cold gel to my abdomen. I felt a strange sense of déjà vu. I had envisioned this before, I realized: Dennis holding my hand, both of us looking into a tiny monitor, ultrasound technician applying gel to my stomach . . . It felt familiar. Surely, I’d dreamt it. I’d known since the moment we met that one day Dennis and I would be parents. I wished I could catapult us into the future, to a moment other than this one; one where we were happy, waiting to hear the heartbeat of our future child. I’d
do anything to not be here, panicked, trying to find out if whatever pain I was experiencing was going to kill me. Dennis squeezed my hand tightly. The technician pressed the device into my belly and started scanning. After a few minutes, he looked puzzled. “What’s wrong?” Dennis asked. He’d never seen me like this. I’m a resilient person; I can manage pain. I could tell by the look on his face that he was terrified. “What is it? Is it worse than they thought?” The technician shook his head. “No,” he said. “I can’t . . . I can’t find anything. There is no indication that anything is ruptured or even swollen. By the look of the scan, you are totally fine.” I was stunned. “But, the pain,” I said. “I know there is something seriously wrong. I feel like I’m going to die!”

  The doctors couldn’t understand it either—where was the pain coming from? Why didn’t anything show on the ultrasound? And why wasn’t the morphine working? Soon I was delirious. I saw visions. The pain came in waves like red-hot lava. It was all-consuming. The tallest of the two doctors came back, visibly worried. He no longer spoke directly to me but addressed Dennis. “We normally don’t open people up without knowing what we are looking for, but the amount of pain she is in leaves us no choice,” he said. “She will go into surgery in the morning. But she cannot stay in this state until then; she is dehydrated and the morphine isn’t taking. I’d like to administer a huge dose of morphine, large enough to put her to sleep.”

  I heard him speaking, but I wasn’t listening. The fire inside of me had taken over. I imagined the inside of my skin was sizzling, a dark mist oozing out of my abdomen. It was similar to my experience years earlier during an ayahuasca ceremony when I’d hallucinated frightening things. I remembered that I’d escaped that nightmare by letting go, by giving in to the fear of my own death. I didn’t know if I was dying now, but it sure felt like it. I just knew I couldn’t take the pain anymore. I felt Dennis gently shaking my shoulders to help me regain consciousness. “Babes,” he said. “They are going to give you something to make you fall asleep. Okay? Morphine, a lot of it. To make the pain go away. But you won’t be awake. Is that okay?” “Yes,” I said, slurring. “Whatever they want. I’m going into the fire.”

  Minutes later the doctor came back and injected the medicine into my thigh. “Let go,” he said. “Fall asleep.” I closed my eyes. The flames started changing color from deep red and orange to pale yellow, then blue. Suddenly, my body took a deep, full breath. I could feel the inhale making space within me, clearing the fire that had been consuming my insides. As I exhaled, the pain disappeared. It was gone. Just like that. The feeling was indescribable. I was floating in a cool, quiet ocean. Everything was still and calm.

  I’d begun to drift away when I heard a phone ringing in the background. Who is calling? I clung to consciousness, listening as Dennis rustled through my purse to find my phone. It was Luigi, one of my closest friends from Costa Rica. He must have heard I was in the hospital, I thought. I’ll just let him know I’m okay. Dennis put the phone to my ear. “I’m okay,” I said. “I’m in the hospital, but I’m okay. The pain is gone now.” “Hospital?” Luigi said on the other end, sounding confused. There was something else in his voice, too, something I couldn’t pinpoint. “Why are you in the hospital?” “I don’t know,” I said. I could hear myself slurring. “But it’s okay now. Everything is okay.” Luigi was quiet for a long time. When he spoke I could tell something wasn’t right. I tried to stay awake so I could hear him. “Amor. I don’t know how to tell you this. Fue un accidente. Con Andrea. Andrea tuvo un accidente.” I couldn’t comprehend Luigi’s words. Why was he talking about Andrea? Andrea was my best friend. We hadn’t spoken for a few days, she was at a concert with her boyfriend. What was he saying? Andrea had an accident?

  A feeling of terror overcame me, but I wasn’t able to grasp it. It didn’t feel real, but like something that was far, far away. Andrea and I were soul mates. Sometimes it felt as if we were the same soul living in two bodies. I didn’t know where I began and she ended. We felt each other’s pain; read each other’s thoughts. I forced myself to speak. “What happened? Can I talk to her?” I asked. “No,” Luigi said. I heard him swallow hard on the other end of the line. “Luigi. What is it? Tell me,” I urged him. My knuckles were white from clutching the phone so hard. He took a deep breath and finally spoke. “Falleció.” My heart froze. The room started spinning. I dropped the phone onto the bed. “Can you talk to Luigi?” I asked Dennis. “I’m too tired now.” I turned on my side and squeezed my eyes shut. I heard the echo of the word he’d just said in my mind. Falleció. I am fluent in Spanish, but that was a word I’d never used before. In my mind I knew what it meant because I’d heard it, but right now, lying in a hospital bed on a foreign island, I couldn’t comprehend its meaning. In my mind’s eye I saw it spelled out in front of me. F-A-L-L-E-C-I-Ó. Something terrifying was hiding behind that word. I wasn’t sure what it was. I decided I wasn’t ready for it. I’d think about it some other time. The ocean was pulling me away. I let it take me.

  At some point during the night I woke up. Dennis was sitting next to me, his head in his hands, crying. Dennis never cries. There was that feeling again. Terror. Like a cloud, but far away. Luigi’s voice echoed in my head. Falleció. Fear gripped my heart. I don’t want to be here, I thought, closing my eyes. The ocean rolled in again. Beckoning me. I jumped in.

  Suddenly, I am in a new place. It is a hospital but not in Bonaire. I’m standing in a hallway. Everything is blinding white. I’m wearing a hospital gown and pink lace underwear. A girl is standing at the far end of the corridor, twirling her dark hair between her fingertips. She turns toward me and I smile. Andrea! I walk toward her. She hugs me, and for the longest time we’re just standing there, holding each other.

  “I think something happened,” I say. “I think I’m in the hospital.”

  “We are,” Andrea says.

  Something is wrong. I feel scared. When Andrea smiles, I feel calm again.

  “Can you come stay with me?” I ask her. “I don’t want to wake up alone.”

  “No,” she says. “I can’t stay. I have to go.”

  It seems ludicrous, that we are here in this hospital together but apparently in different rooms. We should push our beds together and I can read to her like we used to do when we were living in Dominical.

  “Please don’t leave,” I say. Andrea’s face is glowing. She looks so beautiful. I want to touch her.

  “I’m here. I’m always right here,” she says, but she is backing away.

  I try to grab her hand but I can’t reach it. The hallway is long and she is so far away that I can barely see her anymore. The light is blinding. I have to close my eyes. When I open them, she is gone.

  Sunlight was streaming through the window in my room. There was a plastic bracelet with my name on it around my wrist. Right, I thought. I’m in the hospital. In Bonaire. I looked around the room and saw Dennis. His eyes were red. He took my hand. It looked like he was about to say something but he stopped himself. Then: “Do you remember much from last night?” he asked.

  “What do you mean? The doctors?”

  “No . . . Never mind,” he said.

  I wanted to ask him what he was about to say, but something stopped me.

  “They are coming to get you for surgery soon,” he said.


  “We have to take your clothes off. And all your bracelets.”

  I had so many bracelets. Some I’d picked up on my travels, others were gifts. One was a friendship bracelet I shared with Andrea. Most were tied to my arm.

  “The doctors say we have to cut these off,” Dennis said.

  He leaned in with a pair of scissors. “No!” I screamed. “I need these bracelets! You can’t cut them off! Tell them I won’t do the surgery if I have to cut them off.”

  “Okay,” he said.

  Dennis left the room and came back with a roll of gauze. “We can wrap up your wrist in this,” he said. “You don’t have to cut t


  Time passed. I had drifted off again, only to be awakened by the attendants taking me to surgery.

  Dennis leaned over and kissed me. “I’ll be right here when you get back, okay?” I was scared. Why was I having surgery? I couldn’t remember. “I don’t want it anymore,” I said. “Please don’t let them take me.”

  Tears filled Dennis’s eyes. “Everything is okay,” he said. “You’re just going to be asleep for a little while and then you’ll wake up and I’ll be here.”

  “I think something has happened,” I said.

  Dennis looked at me. “We don’t have to talk about it now. I love you.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut. When I opened them again I was in a sterile room, a bright white light shining overhead. Doctors hovered over me. Someone was taking off my hospital gown but stopped suddenly. “They didn’t tell you that you had to take your underwear off?”

  I looked down. I was naked, except for pink lace underwear.

  It felt strange, almost dirty, my lace underwear in such a sterile room.

  “We’re going to have to cut them off.”


  The attendant covered my face with a mask. “Ten, nine, eight . . .” The ocean took me again.

  • • •

  When I woke up, the light was different. Dennis was by my side, just as he had promised. I put a hand on my stomach. Three balls of gauze were taped to my belly, covered in some sort of plastic. It felt raw and sore. Dennis held my hand. I looked at him. His eyes filled with tears. Falleció. The word was painted in thick black letters across my mind, letters dripping with a knowing I was not ready to face. If I don’t ask the question, I won’t have to know the answer, I thought. Instead, I asked Dennis what happened to me.

  “Your appendix was inflamed. They removed it,” he said.


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