The O'Brien Way

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The O'Brien Way Page 8

by Carol Lynne

  Moby nodded. “She basically said the same thing.” He brushed a kiss across Sean’s lips. “She also said if you make me happy, I shouldn’t let her old-fashioned ideas stand in the way.”

  Sean smiled. “Does this mean you’ll spend the night more often?”

  Moby propped his head up with his hand and looked down at Sean. “Were you serious about giving my mom a part-time job?”

  Sean didn’t answer right away but eventually nodded. “Yeah. Is that okay with you?”

  “Okay? It’s more than okay. It’ll not only bring more money into the house, but I think it’ll be good for her.” Moby circled Sean’s lips with the tip of his finger. “We discussed selling the house and moving to CattleValley, but I don’t think she’s quite ready to embrace my lifestyle to that extent yet. I’m hoping if she gets to know more people here, she’ll change her mind.”

  Sean threaded his fingers through Moby’s hair to rest on the back of his neck. “Let me know if you decide to make the move, and I’ll do everything I can to help get you here.”

  “Yeah?” Moby grinned and let Sean pull his head down for a kiss. He accepted the warm tongue invading his mouth with pleasure. Although he hadn’t come over for sex, his body was quickly heating up. He slid his body on top of Sean’s and was pleased to find the man already hard.

  As the kiss continued, Moby began to rub his cock against Sean’s in a slow dance of passion. With each swivel of his hips, he felt the brush of Sean’s pubic hair rub against the sensitive skin of his cock.

  Sean’s hands squeezed Moby’s ass, directing him without words to move faster. Moby was happy to oblige and began thrusting and grinding with one goal in mind. He broke the kiss and stared down at Sean. “I’m gonna make a mess of you and your bed.”

  Sean moaned. “I’ve got a shower and more sheets, coat me with everything you have.”

  The thought of smearing his cum into Sean’s skin set him off almost immediately. His body jerked as the first strand of seed shot between them, making each movement easier.

  “Fuck,” Sean howled as his warmth joined Moby’s. He rode out his climax with growled words of need in Moby’s ear. “Can’t get enough of you. Always need you. Forever.”

  Moby focused on the last word, playing it in a loop over and over in his mind. Could it actually be possible? He was an ex-stripper used to going from man to man for not only his living but also his sexual needs. Would a man as solid and honest as Sean really want him for the long haul? Moby didn’t ask the question because he was afraid of the answer. A lot of men said things in the heat of the moment that seemed to slip their minds as soon as they were out of bed. He didn’t want to think Sean was like the other men he’d been with, but other than a few words here and there, Sean had never talked seriously about their future together. Sure, Sean didn’t like him flirting with the customers, and Moby had tried to watch himself because of it, but was that jealousy on Sean’s part or actual feelings? Moby had no way of knowing, nothing to base an educated opinion on.

  After several moments spent catching their breaths, Sean’s hands began to rub against Moby’s ass again. “Will you stay?”

  “For as long as you want me here,” Moby whispered. He began to wiggle his way down Sean’s body, licking the lightly freckled skin as he went. When he reached Sean’s nipples, he gave both the attention they deserved. Although small in diameter, they hardened at the first touch of Moby’s tongue.

  “Don’t tempt me,” Sean said as he arched his back.

  Moby took one of the small pebbles between his teeth and bit down hard enough to elicit a loud moan from Sean but not enough to draw blood. Relaxing his jaw, Moby smiled up at Sean. “I’ll continue to tempt you forever if that’s what it takes.”

  Sean made a noise deep in his chest that Moby wasn’t sure how to decipher. “Is that what you really want?” Sean finally asked.

  “To tempt you? Yeah.” Moby scooted further down Sean’s body and began lapping at their combined cum stuck to Sean’s stomach.

  “No, I meant the forever part,” Sean clarified. “Because I’m starting to really fall for you, and I need to know what you’re thinking.”

  Moby pushed himself up and sat back on his heels. “No one’s ever…” Moby shook his head. “I’m not the kind of guy men fall in love with.”

  “Because you can’t stay with them long enough to let it happen?” Sean asked.

  Moby shook his head again. “No. It’s usually the other way around. Men want me while they’re on vacation or away from home on a business trip but just for sex.”

  Sean reached up and cupped Moby’s cheek. “Do you want to be with me for more than sex?”

  “Yes,” Moby answered easily. “When you look at me, I feel…important. Sex has never made me feel that way.” The surprised look in Sean’s eyes made Moby chuckle. “I’m not saying sex isn’t fucking awesome. I think we both know how much I love that dick of yours up my ass. It’s just never made me feel…complete. I thought there was something wrong with me, but I’ve come to realise it just wasn’t enough.”

  Moby covered Sean’s hand with his own. “Whether it’s too soon for you to hear it or not, I’ve fallen in love with you.”

  Sean pulled Moby down into his arms. “I’m right there with you. I still have some issues to work out on my own, but I don’t doubt my feelings for you.”

  Moby opened his mouth for Sean’s kiss. He didn’t know what issues Sean needed to work out, but he would do everything he could to help him along the way. As he sucked Sean’s tongue into his mouth, Moby prayed Sean would still feel the same way about him in the cold light of day.

  Chapter Seven

  With a fuzzy Santa hat perched on his head, Moby wove his way through the heavy Christmas Eve crowd. At least most of the customers had come straight from the annual Cattle Valley Christmas party at the church and weren’t hungry. It was a damn good thing. Although it was already the third time his mom had filled in for Jay in the last week, Moby doubted she’d be up to cooking for the crowd presently packed inside O’Brien’s.

  He reached the long table of folks from the Back Breaker ranch and set four pitchers of beer at equal distances down the centre of the table. “You need anything else?” he asked Shep.

  “Thanks. This’ll do for now.”

  Moby was on his way back to the bar when Guy Hoisington waved him down. Shit. Moby had worked hard not to flirt with his customers, but Guy’s smooth way of talking always managed to suck him in.

  Guy’s million dollar smile met Moby when he arrived at the table. “Merry Christmas,” Guy said.

  Moby didn’t know the other four men at the table but from their looks, he assumed they were either fellow skiers or male models. “Merry Christmas. What can I get ya?”

  Guy’s hand landed on the small of Moby’s back, slowly making its way to Moby’s ass. “I need something to keep me warm.”

  Moby reached behind him and pushed Guy’s hand off his ass. “Unless you wanna take Sean on, I’d suggest you keep your hands to yourself,” he whispered in Guy’s ear.

  Guy looked towards the bar. “You with him?”

  “Yeah,” Moby answered, noticing the foot massaging Guy’s cock from under the table.

  “Like exclusively?” Guy prodded.

  “Yeah.” Moby didn’t feel he owed Guy anymore explanations. “So, what’ll you have?”

  Guy crooked his finger until Moby leant down. The position drew Moby’s attention to the two feet, wearing different socks, rubbing against Guy’s cock. “I’ll have you as soon as Sean’s finished.”

  For the first time in his life, Moby felt truly insulted by a customer. In the past, he’d been more than flattered by Guy’s attentions but he suddenly realised he was nothing more than another conquest to the man.

  Moby stood and looked at the two owners of the feet presently massaging Guy’s groin. The men didn’t seem to mind the way Guy flirted with Moby. How could he have ever been remotely attracted to a man like

  “I’ll send Kitty over to take your order.” Moby didn’t give Guy a chance to protest. He walked to the bar, shaking his head. Sean was busy filling orders and didn’t see Moby approach, so he went behind the bar and whispered in his lover’s ear. “I’m not waiting on that fucker anymore.”

  Sean paused in the act of pouring a glass of wine. His eyes narrowed as he stared across the room. “Who?”

  “Guy.” Although he wanted to tell Sean what the asshole had said to him, Moby didn’t want a fight to break out on Christmas Eve. “Don’t worry. I took care of it. I’m just telling you not to expect me to wait on him anymore.”

  “Why the fuck’s he here in the first place when there’s a damn bar in that ski lodge of his?” Sean finished pouring the glass and set it in front of Nate with such force Moby was surprised it didn’t break.

  “Something wrong?” Rio asked from his position beside Nate.

  “Yeah,” Sean said. “Tell me why the hell Guy doesn’t hang out and harass the waiters at the Grizzly Bar.”

  Rio slid his beer to the side and leant over the bar. “Because Ezra threatened to cut off his balls if he lost another employee because of the way Guy talks to them.”

  Moby couldn’t help but laugh at the picture the scenario created in his mind.

  Rio shook his head. “It’s not funny. Since retiring for good and coming out of the closet, Guy seems to have a one-track mind when it comes to sex. He thinks he’s safe here and no one’s gonna go all tabloid on him, but he needs to be careful.”

  Sean motioned for Kitty.

  “Yeah, boss?”

  “Take care of Guy’s table until I have a chance to talk to him,” Sean informed her.

  With a nod, Kitty strode off in Guy’s direction.

  Sean gestured towards the men’s room. “Can I have a word with you?”

  By the gruff sound of Sean’s voice, Moby had an idea of what his boss wanted. On the days when Jay worked the kitchen, Sean would just take Moby upstairs to work off some tension, but with Moby’s mom in the kitchen, they tried to be more discreet about playing at work.

  Moby followed Sean across the bar and into the restroom. As soon as he was in the dimly lit room, Moby hung the closed sign on the outside of the door and locked it. Before he was able to turn around, Sean had him pressed against the door.

  Sean’s hands fumbled under the half-apron Moby had started wearing and began to unzip his jeans. “What did Guy say to you?”

  With his jeans around his ankles, Moby spread his legs as far apart as possible and stuck his ass out. “That he wanted me when you were finished,” he confessed. Although he wasn’t used to a jealous lover, Moby was quickly becoming addicted to it. He loved that Sean felt the need to remind him constantly whom he belonged to.

  “Stay right there,” Sean ordered with a nip to the back of Moby’s neck.

  Moby heard Sean feeding money into the small vending machine attached to the wall and reached down to wrap his hands around his cock. “You’d better hurry. We’re busier than usual tonight.”

  Sean grunted as his lubed finger started slicking Moby’s hole. “They can all get the fuck out as far as I’m concerned. I don’t like the thought of you being propositioned right under my nose.”

  With the amount of fucking they’d done recently, it took no time to get Moby stretched and ready to receive Sean’s sheathed cock. “I’m yours, remember? No amount of propositioning is gonna persuade me to give up what I’ve got.”

  Sean’s cock entered Moby in one smooth thrust. “Mine,” Sean reiterated. “Always.”

  “Yeah,” Moby agreed, moving one of Sean’s hands down to his cock. Hearing Sean say those two words sent Moby’s lust into overdrive. He turned his head around as much as possible. “Mark me as yours,” he demanded.

  With a feral look in his eyes and the hard snapping of his hips as he pumped in and out of Moby’s ass, Sean latched on to Moby’s neck.

  Moby groaned when he felt the blood rising to the skin. “Bite me.”

  When Sean’s teeth sank into his flesh, Moby came. They never bit each other hard enough to draw blood, and never above their shirt collars, but Moby wanted everyone in the pub to know that he belonged to Sean.

  Sean released his hold on Moby’s neck and hummed against the sensitive bite mark. “You sexy motherfucker,” he crooned, pounding harder into Moby’s ass.

  Moby lifted Sean’s cum covered hand and began to lick it clean. “You want some?” he asked over his shoulder.

  Sean pulled his hand from Moby’s grasp and ran it through the short thatch of dark pubic hair surrounding Moby’s cock. With more of Moby’s cum gathered on his fingers, Sean slowly shoved them into his mouth. A few moments after the taste of Moby’s climax hit his tongue, Sean’s body jerked with his own orgasm.

  Moby still hoped there would come a time when he could feel Sean’s seed filling him instead of a rubber. They’d only discussed it a few times and each time decided to see how things went between them before taking the steps needed to bareback.

  When Sean stumbled backwards to remove the condom, Moby turned around to face his lover. He could see his own reflection in the mirror beside Sean and touched the deep hickey on the side of his neck. With his short hair, there was no way anyone would be able to miss it.

  “Sorry about that,” Sean apologised, tossing the tied condom into the trash.

  “I like it.” The more Moby rubbed the bruise, the more excited he became. With his jeans still around his ankles, and his hair sticking up, he looked like he’d been truly good and fucked. “As a matter-of-fact, I think a matching one on the other side would be nice.”

  Sean chuckled and wet a paper towel. He stared into Moby’s eyes as he began gently cleaning Moby’s ass. “Maybe later. I don’t want anyone out there to think I’ve been beating the shit out of you.”

  “Do you really care what anyone else thinks about us?” Moby asked, pulling up his jeans.

  Tossing the towel towards the trashcan, Sean shook his head. “Not a bit, but if they think I’m mistreating you, someone’ll come along and try and rescue you from me.”

  “I won’t let them,” Moby said before accepting Sean’s tongue. He jumped when someone pounded on the door.

  “You’re getting backed up out here,” Rio called through the door.

  Moby grinned. “Later.” He licked Sean’s bottom lip. “You’re still planning on coming to spend the night with us, aren’t you?”

  Sean shrugged. “Wouldn’t you rather just stay here with me?”

  “Yeah, but I’ve got to take Mom home. I figured it would be easier for you to just pack a bag and spend the night since you’ve already agreed to be with us on Christmas morning anyway.”

  “You’re right. That does make sense, but are you sure your mom is okay with it?”

  Moby chuckled. “She’s already changed the sheets in the guestroom, but she doesn’t have to know we’ll both be sleeping in it.”

  “You just keep trying to get me into trouble.”

  Moby reached for the lock on the door. “I guess I don’t have to visit you if it makes you uncomfortable.”

  Sean put his hand towards the top of the door to keep Moby from opening it. “I didn’t say that. You’ll just have to keep your moans to a minimum.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Moby shot back with a wink.

  * * * *

  Leaning with his forearms resting on the bar, Sean tracked Moby as he flitted from table to table taking orders.

  “You’ve got it bad,” Rio said.

  “Yeah, I do,” Sean confessed. He looked at his friend. “Do you think I’m making a mistake?”

  Rio glanced over his shoulder just in time to see Moby stop what he was doing and smile at Sean. “Doesn’t look like it. I’d say he’s as goofy for you as you are for him.” Rio turned to study Sean once again. “Enjoy it. New love is the best feeling in the world.”

  Sean glanced towards the end of the bar where Nate was
holding court with several of the council members. “Are you saying it’ll change so enjoy it while it lasts?”

  Rio finished off his beer and slid his glass towards Sean as he got to his feet. He chuckled and shook his head. “I’m not travelling down that road with you tonight, buddy. I’ve got to get Nate home before Santa Claus gets off shift and wants to slip down his chimney.”

  Sean laughed. “You sick fucker.”

  Rio shrugged. “Have a good Christmas, Sean.”

  “I will. You have the same.” Sean picked up Rio’s glass and set it in the sink. A throat cleared and Sean glanced up. “Can I help…Dad? What’re you doing here?” Sean’s heart started to beat a mile a minute. He hadn’t seen his father since selling his pub in Boston and moving to CattleValley.

  “Sean,” Devlin greeted with a nod of his head. “How’ve you been?”

  “Fine.” Sean tried to shake off his surprised stupor. He spotted Moby walking towards the bar and panic started to set in. “What’re you doing here, Dad?”

  “Had some time off so I thought I’d check out the newest of the O’Brien Pubs.”

  “Mr. O’Brien?” Moby asked, stepping up beside Sean’s dad.

  “Yes,” Devlin answered.

  Before Moby had a chance to do it, Sean decided to introduce him. “This is Moby Haines. He works for me.”

  Devlin stuck out his hand and shook Moby’s. “Nice to meet you.”

  Sean didn’t like the attention his dad was paying Moby. The two men seemed to be communicating without words and the handshake was going on too long. “Moby,” he said, getting his lover’s attention. “I think table six needs a refill.”

  Moby opened his mouth to say something but snapped it shut before anything came out. It was easy for Sean to see the hurt in Moby’s green eyes at the curt dismissal. Sean knew he’d have to explain his reaction to his dad’s presence, but Moby should know by now there were certain O’Brien rules he was expected to follow, the number one rule being not to get involved with employees.


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