New Hope (The New Earth Colonies Book 1)

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New Hope (The New Earth Colonies Book 1) Page 8

by Nina Silver

  I opened my mouth to protest, why was everyone checking it out and why did it matter. Couldn’t someone still climb that tunnel and go get help? But Cove jumped, as easily as the other four and vanished up the hole/tunnel.

  “Why does everyone keep doing that?” I gritted, as Cain securely held me up, one arm holding my good hand, and the other one wrapped around my waist. “Can you do that too?”

  Cain, who was normally very helpful and gave me much information, just shrugged. I narrowed my eyes - why were they keeping things from me? I craned my ears trying to hear the hushed whispers from up above, but the pain and the headache that was starting to take over made it impossible. Finally, all four men jumped down, once more all fluid grace and elegance.

  “What’s going on?” I asked and glared at all of them.

  “It’s too high up to jump, and the incline is too much to climb - walls are too smooth to get a grip.” Locke stated, his face set in a relaxed expression.

  I frowned even more. “So, we’re stuck here?” Silence, no one answered. “What were you whispering up there?” Again, silence. “Can someone please tell me what’s going on?”

  Cove came and stood next to me, taking Cain’s place. “We think it’s an Ourupta tunnel.”

  “Why would there be an Ourupta tunnel here, out of all places?”

  “We don’t know.”

  “What if it’s one of the old-world tunnels? Didn’t they use underground transportation - metro and trains?” As Cove moved his hands on my hips, a hot ripple of sensation licked up my spine, and a puff of air escaped my lips.

  “Sorry.” He grumbled, mistaking my expression as a sigh of pain, which was pretty much forgotten by all these revelations, and Cove’s strong hands around me.

  The men looked between them, and I bit my lips. Today was just not my day. First, I woke up late, then I caused a sinkhole on top of an existing tunnel, and now none of the men wanted to explain what was happening to me either! With an exasperated groan, I finally turned to look at each one.

  “So, we’re just going to sit here and do nothing?”

  “Someone should come looking for us soon enough, if not by tonight then at least by tomorrow.” Cove offered, and I frowned at him. That was two days that we’d have to stay down at this pit.

  “But what about the heat at night? How are we going to survive that?”

  “We’ll look around, if that’s a tunnel and we’re at the bottom of it, that means there must be a way to get out of here.” Arlo stated a tone of authority coloring his words. “Spread out, see if you can find anything useful.” The three of them spread out, but Cain and Cove remained behind with me. Cove gently pulled me towards the closer tall, dark structure, which I assumed was a wall and helped me sit down.

  Cain squatted in front of me. “I’m going to wrap your wrist now that we have some time. That ok?”

  I nodded, the dull throb of my ankle was slowly ebbing away, but my wrist was still aching.

  Illuminated by the blue glow of his com, Cain picked up the long sleeve of his temp shirt and ripped it clean off. I felt my eyes widen, temp fabric was strong and durable, how did Cain rip it as if it were a simple piece of paper? He started wrapping my left wrist, and I looked up to find Cove’s eyes on me. He was casually leaning against the wall, his arms crossed in front of him. “What did you mean the tunnel was Ourupta?”

  He stayed silent as if debating whether to answer me or not. “It had Ourupta symbols at the bottom of the structure.”

  “Why would they have built a tunnel? I’ve never heard of them doing anything like that.”

  “They had been on Earth for six years, it's not unbelievable that they did things we don’t know about.” Cain commented as he finished tying my wrist and rose to his feet. “I’m going to search the rubble where we fell, there might be something to help us.”

  After Cain was a few feet away, with much effort, I rose to my feet. “You should stay down, get some rest.”

  I shook my head. “If that’s an Ourupta tunnel, I have to inspect it.”

  “It’s too high up, even if I lift you, you can’t pull yourself up with your hurt wrist.”

  “You mean because I can’t jump as high as you and the others?” I snorted. “What’s up with that anyway?”

  “Nothing you should worry about.” He took a few steps towards me and briefly ran a finger down my neck. “How’s your ankle?”

  I put some weight on it, a throb started, but it wasn’t unbearable. “Tender, but fine. Now, will you tell me why you are all hush-hush?”

  “We're not hush-hush.”

  “Look, if we are stuck in here for now, you might as well tell me what’s going on. I am many things, but stupid I am not. And I know there’s something going on and you don’t want to tell me. But you need to because I might be able to help and together we might be able to get out of this hole or tunnel or whatever it is.”

  Cove shook his head in resignation. “Neptune thinks something odd’s been happening. They’ve been intercepting external signals from New Earth. A few scouting ships that were sent out and were due to return months ago have not returned or been heard of.”

  “Does that mean the Ourupta are behind it?”

  Cove shrugged. “Who knows, them four are being tight-lipped and are not exactly sharing much. That was all I was able to get out of them.”

  “So, what does that have to do with us and being trapped here?”

  “They think maybe the sphere was a communication transmitter.”

  I blanched. “But why would the Ourupta do that? Not that it’s not possible, but what would they do with a transmitter on New Earth, they left us alone long ago.”

  “I don’t know Doc.” Cove stated thoughtfully.

  “Well, we need to explore more, if that is an Ourupta tunnel then maybe looking around here will give us some info.”

  “I agree. You stay here, and I’ll go look around like the others.”

  “No, I don’t want to just sit around doing nothing. I can help.”

  Cove contemplated my words for a few moments and then nodded at me. We looked around, the room we were in - some pit or cave- seemed vast, with darkness creeping around us it was hard to say how big or small it was.

  “Where're the others? We shouldn’t stray too far from each other.” Now that my eyes were used to the darkness I could make out Cain’s form shifting through some things, but I couldn’t see any of the others.

  “We won’t, trust me.” He looked at me intently and meaningfully, and a sense of trust overcame me.

  “I do trust you.”

  He grinned and ran his finger again down my neck in that featherlike touch. “Good. Come now.”

  I reached out with my good hand and clutched his bicep, ignoring the thrill of arousal that rushed down my body to settle over my center. I unconsciously leaned against that muscled arm, until my breasts rubbed against his warm skin. Shocked at my move, I made to jump back, but Cove’s arm wrapping around my hips stopped me.

  We looked into each other’s eyes, the same heat and energy that was there yesterday once more building between us. I bit my lip, my eyes slipping down to his mouth.

  “Hey, look what I found.” Cain’s voice broke our connection, and I turned to look at the other man.

  “We’ll pick this up later sweetheart.” Cove whispered behind me, his arm still wrapped around my hips making me shiver.

  “Look, it’s all your things Doc.” Cain called out, and I rushed there excited.

  “My things?” Thank god, I had so many vulnerable tools in there!

  “Yes, and you have some food and water - so that’s good. Nothing else to help us however.” Cain gave me my bag, and I went through it. He was right, all my things were there, but was anything helpful to us right now? Nope! I took out my infomator in a futile hope I may get a signal, but there was nothing.

  “Food and water at least will be good.” Cove offered as if reading my thoughts.

eard you yelling, something happen?” Haze joined our group surprising me. I had not heard a single step or shuffle.

  “Good Lord.” I mumbled as I put my hand over my furiously beating heart. Being surprised in an underground dark pit was no good.

  “I think I found a way out of this hole. Locke and Arlo are waiting for us, I came to get you. Let’s go.” He smiled, his teeth seeming blindingly white in the darkness of the room.

  Within moments we were out of the hole, but now I had absolutely no idea in what.

  “It’s another tunnel again, not as big as the one we fell into but big enough for a tall creature to walk upright.” Arlo declared, and I wondered how they could see that well. If I looked straight up, I just saw darkness.

  “We found some food and water.” Cain pronounced after we’d been walking for ten minutes or so.

  “Good, let’s save it for the Doc. We’ll be fine without any.” Locke stated from behind me somewhere. Once more, I felt puzzled at their odd words. Why wouldn’t they need any water or food?

  Cove a steady presence behind me, had one of his hands clutching the back of my shirt protectively, and that made me feel much safer than I should be honestly. We were walking who knows where, in the darkness, with barely any water, or food, and no weapons unless one counted my excavation tools as protection.

  And they all five seemed so cool, calm, and collected, and it was kind of driving me crazy. After walking a few more minutes in silence, I sighed in exasperation.

  “So what are we doing?”

  “We’re following the tunnel to see where it takes us.” Arlo, who was our lead patiently explained, except that made no sense to me.

  “Why? What if there’s something dangerous down here? You have no weapons, and what if we only get deeper underground and only realize last minute - when it’ll be too late to turn around - and we die down here.”

  I heard Locke snort behind me, and Haze trying to choke his laughter. “We’ll be fine.” Arlo offered, and we continued walking.

  Ugh, fine, no one listen to me. Stupid men. We walked for what must have been hours, my wrist still hurt, my ankle paining me just as much after walking on it for so long.

  “Can we at least stop for a break?” I finally asked, my mouth dry, my body just aching.

  “We can’t Doc.” Arlo didn’t even pause to look back at me.

  “My ankle is hurting, I just need five minutes.” I gasped as I stepped on a rock, and my ankle twisted almost throwing me to the ground.

  Cove caught me and held me against him. His solid chest providing comforting support. “I’ll stay with her, you carry on. We’ll catch up with you soon.”

  Arlo turned to look at us and nodded. Then they just kept walking. Cain threw us a bag of water and some packs of food. “Eat some and drink some water while taking a break. You’re looking way too pale.”

  I nodded, but wondered how he could see my paleness. I barely made out their forms in this darkness. Cove grabbed my waist, and easily lifted me up in his arms.

  I squeaked as he walked holding me, and brought us closer to a rocky wall. He sat down leaning against it, and then easily draped me over his lap, my back to his chest, my legs diagonally placed over his.

  “Is this alright? I figured you’d be more comfortable on my lap than on the rocky ground.”

  “Yes, of course.” I stated his body so warm and solid behind me.

  “Get some rest, and we’ll continue in a bit.” He ran his hands up my arms and then gently cupped my shoulders, his fingers soothingly running over them. Even though my body ached, his soft ministrations to my back caused different types of ahem- aches - ahem all over my body. I sighed and tipped my head back to rest on his shoulder.

  “Feeling better?”

  I sighed. “Yes, thank you… My body hurts, and I don’t much understand what we’re doing - well, I do understand I just don’t see the point. And there are things you guys are not telling me.”

  “Well, there’s things they have not said to me either.”

  I shrugged and squirmed around in his lap. I uncapped the water and had a sip. “Want some water?” I looked back at him, only to see his clear gray eyes heavy lidded and focused on my lips.

  He shook his head, and I squirmed on his lap again feeling restless. This was truly the first time we were alone, ever since our kiss yesterday. The others were far enough that I couldn’t hear anything but my beating heart. Cove placed his hands on my waist and slowly rubbed his palms up and down, more delicious shivers licked up my spine, and I bit my lip. “What are you not telling me? Something does not add up here, especially about all your abilities.”

  “Abilities?” He asked sounding genuinely puzzled, his hands stopping their soothing movement.

  “Your high jumping, or being able to see in the dark better, lifting me as if I weigh nothing or the fact you apparently don’t need food or water?”

  Cove laughed at me. “You are reading too much into that.”

  “Am I?” Was I? He leaned his head down, I felt his lips graze my ear, and one of his hands rubbed my neck soothingly causing goosebumps on my skin. More delicious shivers - maybe I was reading too much into things.

  “Is your ankle hurting still?” Cove mumbled, his lips again grazing my ear. I couldn’t help it, a moan escaped my lips, and I closed my eyes. “Does it?” He asked, and I struggled to remember what he was talking about.

  “Hmm?” I mumbled as he pressed a gentle kiss on the side of my neck. I turned towards him, my eyes seeking his out. I squirmed on his lap, and I became aware of something pushing against my hip. My heart sped up, it was his hard cock, he was aroused for me. And honestly, I was wet for him.

  If he didn’t kiss me right now, I’d explode. My eyes must have shown my desperation because he leaned in and placed his lips against mine. A relieved sigh escaped my lips, and I settled into his kiss, my passion building. His tongue swiped against the corner of my mouth, and I invitingly opened for him. I moaned at the feel of his tongue stroking mine, and I turned more in his lap to face him better. I played with his tongue, even pushing mine inside his mouth and he groaned, the hardness of his cock pushing against me even harder. I pulled back, needing a breath.

  Cove pressed a kiss to my cheek, then my jaw, and then gently nipped and sucked my neck. “You feel so good.”

  “Me? You feel even better.” I sighed and leaned back in his arms letting him kiss me more. His other hand - the one on my waist - slowly raised until he was cupping my breast. My nipple pebbled at the contact, and I moaned at how good his warmth and strength felt against me.

  He groaned as he squeezed my flesh and then leaned up and gave me another passionate kiss. My hips undulated against him, his hard length rubbing enticingly against my hip. I turned even more on his lap, trying to face him and straddle him at the same time. I raised my arms to clasp them around him, and in the heat of the moment, I forgot about my hurt wrist and accidentally hit it on his shoulder. The pain was swift and vicious, and I cried out my eyes tearing, the energy between us slowly fizzling ruining another moment for us.

  “You okay?” Cove asked sounding worried, and I closed my eyes leaning my forehead on his shoulder.

  I took a deep breath. “Yeah, just my wrist.” He raised his hands placing them on my face, his palms cupping my jaw, his fingers going into my hair.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you.” His gaze was grave and apologetic. I shook my head furiously because it wasn’t his fault.

  “I wasn’t careful… I’m sorry.” Another whimper escaped my lips as my wrist throbbed again.

  “I’m sorry - this isn’t the place for this…” He gave me an apologetic smile. But honestly, who cared if we were underground and sitting on rocks, it had been the hottest kiss of my life. Not that I had many - there was never time for those on Jupiter or Saturn, I was too busy studying most of the time.

  “Should we catch up to the others?” I regrettably asked, feeling let down, but he was right - this was not th
e time or place.



  When we finally reached the other men, I was glad that my hard on had finally gone down. But thoughts of her hot kiss and the way her warm body felt against my cock kept replaying in my head.

  It had been long since I'd been with a woman, and she felt good! Better than good. I felt so drawn to her - I needed her - and it didn't make sense because I had just met her, but when we'd kissed it felt as if everything had been perfect.

  I turned to look at her, I worried about her injury but other than the initial few hours where she seemed panicked about being trapped she had been taking everything else in stride.

  I wasn't sure where the tunnel was leading. And I was even less sure of our plan to seek out its origins. The four Neptunians knew something, and they refused to share stating I did not have the required clearance anymore. I guess I couldn't expect them to break orders. I probably would have done the same in their place.

  So here we were, continuing down the tunnel - having no idea where it would lead. I checked my com band for the time. We had been walking for about five hours - and it was 4 in the afternoon now. Darkness wouldn't fall for another three or so hours, but the heat should have been increasing steadily. Here at the tunnel, the temperature was steady and surprisingly crisp. I'd have assumed that it would be hotter since the earth’s core had overheated and as we were underground we would be closer to heat.

  From my bio-enhanced hearing I could hear the faraway sounds of something dripping and the slight echoing whistling sound of the wind, the steps from the people around me, and if I focused hard enough could even hear Iolee’s steady heartbeat.

  Haze had gone ahead with Arlo to scout and see if they could map out a route for us, and I also assumed to talk about their mission without the possibility of me overhearing them.

  Not that I cared much about it, as long as it didn't affect New Hope. I didn't think Haze would hide something important if it affected New Hope - so at least I knew that.

  “Must be dark by now, outside I mean?” Iolee asked as she took a ragged breath. She looked worn out and I noticed she winced occasionally probably of her hurt ankle. I had offered to carry her but she had declined, wanting to walk on her own.


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