New Hope (The New Earth Colonies Book 1)

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New Hope (The New Earth Colonies Book 1) Page 9

by Nina Silver

  I shook my head. “Not for another few hours.”

  She frowned. “It feels like we’ve been here forever.”

  “It's the darkness. It makes you lose your sense of time.”

  “You can say that again.”

  A few moments of silence, her breathing wheezing in and out. My eyes caught the curves of her breasts and a flicker of arousal ignited within me. I looked ahead trying to ignore my need for her again.

  “Will people come look for us? What do you think?”

  “Maybe, it's hard to guess. Maybe Siel will seek me out but he won’t get worried if he doesn't hear from me until tomorrow night probably. Maybe Jo might look for me too, but probably not until tomorrow because she’s mad at me today.”

  “Who's Siel?”

  “My brother, he’s two years younger than me.”

  “Ah, he was sitting next to you yesterday.”

  I smirked at her. “You noticed.”

  “Ahhh …. yes.” She sounded embarrassed and I smiled. I like that she had been looking at me yesterday. “Why would Jo be mad at you?”

  I debated whether to tell her the truth or not and whether it was my place to talk about Jo’s feelings. With a shrug, I decided to be as honest as I could. “She’s mad because she saw me dancing with you last night.”

  Silence for a few moments. “I see… you two have history?”

  “No.” The vehemence of my word surprised her and me. “Not the kind of history you think. She wants … more.”

  “And you didn't?”


  Iolee sighed but said nothing more. We walked for a few more minutes in silence. Locke and Cain ahead of us also remained quiet.

  I heard a shuffling and reached out and caught Iolee’s arm right as she tripped. At the contact with her, my body tensed and my cock started filling, images of our earlier moments in the dark coming back.

  “Thanks… you're good at that.”

  “At what?” She gave me a small smile, her eyes briefly flickering down to my lips. “Catching me before I fall… it’s almost as if you knew I was about to trip.”

  “Just quick reflexes.” She was rather smart, picking up on my and the others' differences in physical attributes. Our bio-enhancements were top secret and we were not supposed to let others know of them - only people that reached a higher rank received them. Mine had been especially tricky when I decided to retire five years ago. The Academy didn't want me to leave for many reasons - not limited to my bio-enhancements or my high rank. Eventually, I had been able to persuade one of the higher ups - an old friend of my father’s - and I retired five years ago.

  However, still, I was not able to just come out and say I was anything but an average man who had once been a general in the Military. Not even Siel knew about my bio-enhancements although I knew he suspected.

  We continued walking for a few more minutes until my hearing picked up rushing steps coming towards us. They weren’t heavy but I could tell they were fast. I strained my ear pausing in my steps. Cain and Locke paused slightly ahead of me - no doubt hearing the same as me.

  They turned and gave a look at each other and then together turned to look at me. A look speaking volumes passed between us. It must be Haze and Arlo returning. The fact that they were running could indicate that they found an exit or something they shouldn't have.

  We continued walking, the steps echoing closer and closer. After a few more minutes Iolee tugged my arm. “Do you hear that? Footsteps.”

  I tipped my chin. “Yeah, must be Haze and Arlo.”

  She nodded and we continued walking. Moments later Haze and Arlo came within sight.

  “We have a serious problem.” Arlo commented as he stopped in front of us, hardly showing any strain from running for at least the past ten minutes.

  The grave looks on his and Haze’s faces kept us from making any comments. Instead, we waited for them to share their finds.

  “We have got a serious, serious problem.” Haze shared again.

  “What is it?” I asked feeling aggravated.

  Both Arlo and Haze looked extremely recalcitrant and after sharing a look stared first at me and then at Iolee.

  “Well? Out with it.” Iolee stated her gaze sharp as if she knew of their skepticism to share with us.

  “They won't believe it. We’ll have to show them.” Haze talked to Arlo who shook his head.

  “No, we can't. We’ll have to take them back and hope for someone to come help.”

  “Don't be ridiculous. You saw that's the only way to get out. We can't go back who knows when they'll decide to come out. We’ll be sitting ducks.”

  “Better sitting ducks then trying to sneak through them.” Arlo argued back.

  “Hey!” I yelled, my voice echoing through the tall rocky walls. “What the hell is going on?”

  Arlo and Haze stared down each other until Haze crossed his arms and looked away. Arlo turned to us. “We have to go back. Now.”

  “There's an Ourupta base further down.” Haze calmly declared. The gasps of shock from Iolee and Cain were enough to show everyone's surprise. I frowned as their words kept running through my mind trying to make meaning of them.

  “What?” Iolee was the first one to answer. “An Ourupta base like a military base?”

  Arlo glared at Haze. “Why did you tell them that? I ordered you not to.”

  “You didn't order me technically. And they need to know - we'll have to go through it.” Haze argued back, his frustration evident in his voice and his agitated hand movements.

  “Are there actual Ourupta there, like live breathing beings?” Iolee asked again.

  “No. What is there is much scarier than live ones.” Haze darkly stated.

  “What's going on then? And what are we doing about it?” Locke said, a hand running through his cropped hair.

  “If there's an Ourupta base so close to New Hope we got to act fast.” I asserted, my thoughts focused on the safety of my people. An Ourupta base underground mere miles away from New Hope was bad news. Really bad News! “We got to get back as soon as possible and warn Mars and Neptune.”

  “You think I don't know that?” Arlo gritted his teeth as he paced in front of us. “We must move now!”

  “But a real life Ourupta base untouched could offer us so much knowledge and insight about them!” Iolee argued with excitement to her voice that wasn't there before. “If we could even spend an hour exploring it before heading topside it could prove amazing.”

  “Doc forget that. We must move on and soon. We could be in danger.” Arlo growled at her and that protectiveness I felt for her arose.

  “Do not speak to her in that tone of voice. And maybe she has a point - if we let her look around, she might be able to clear up what that base is doing here and what it's for. What does everyone else think?”

  Arlo glared at me. “We will do as I say from now on - no exceptions. I don't care if you were a General before you’re just a New Earth Chief now.” I gritted my teeth, my fists clenching, my eyes went to Iolee who looked at me with a frown but no visible surprise on her face.

  “Maybe he has a point.” Locke surprisingly took my side. “Wouldn't Neptune appreciate more info on this? Isn't that part of the reason we were sent?”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Since when coming to New Earth means you can all argue with me? I'm the highest-ranking officer here. I’m the leader of our mission - you listen to me.” Arlo spit out, his face now set in an imposing expression.

  “We know that, but the fastest way would be to go through the base now. We scouted, you know it's the fastest way.” Haze pitched in.

  “It's not in any way safe.” Arlo continued stubbornly.

  “It's as safe as going back and waiting to be rescued for possibly days. We got hardly any water and food - definitely not enough for all of us to survive for days.”

  We all looked expectantly at Arlo, he finally shook his head and gritted his teeth. “Fine, but you do what I s
ay. And no stopping for exploring.”

  “Fair enough.” I stated and turned to Iolee. She looked crestfallen but did not put up a fight.

  “Uhm just a question.” Cain stated who had been curiously subdued until now. “You'd said what was there was much worse than alive Ourupta… so what's there?”



  The answer to Cain’s previous question was that there were dozens and dozens of hibernated Ourupta. We had reached the base not even ten minutes ago but in going through it, we had quickly come upon the giant pods of apparently sleeping or hibernating Ourupta.

  They were all hung upside down, each one inside a dark sack that held them up. They reminded me of giant white bats, and a sneer rose to my mouth. The ugly bastards. I'd seen them in many pictures and videos over my years in Neptune but never had seen them in person. Now, being in front of actual life-sized ones, I could tell that the old footage definitely did them favors - they looked nightmarish and ugly, demons straight out of hell.

  What the actual fuck were Ourupta doing here almost a hundred years after their defeat? Were they left over from the war days? Iolee, who’s mouth was hanging open, couldn't stop looking and twirling around. The other men seemed spooked and couldn’t stop staring at the dome of frozen Ourupta, and I did not blame them. Were they dead, or in some kind of cryo-sleep? Most importantly - when would they wake up?

  Their base seemed almost like a beehive, it was circular and when we entered there were many large buildings. As we continued, the structures became smaller and smaller until we finally came upon the giant pentagon glass-like structure where the Ourupta lay seemingly frozen.

  “This gives me the creeps.” Locke whispered as we continued looking around. Iolee approached a console with many symbols on it - it reminded me of com centers or craft cockpits with many colorful buttons, and a bunch of symbols sketched all over.

  I watched Iolee as she oohed and aahed and took out her informator and started taking pictures of everything.

  “Doc, stop taking pictures. As of now, this base is under Neptune control and of the utmost secrecy.” Arlo ordered Iolee as soon as he caught sight of her. She paused and looked at him, a look of annoyance and surprise plastered on her face.


  “No buts - we said no stopping - let’s go.” Arlo commanded once more, his voice brooking no argument.

  “Shouldn't we at least take pictures before we go?” Iolee asked bravely ignoring the authority in Arlo’s voice. I prepared to stand up for her in case Arlo lost his temper and started yelling again.

  “Doc, no! This is for your own good. We can’t afford to be caught here weaponless if those things wake up or come alive.”

  “But we don't know that they are alive - do we?” Iolee challenged Arlo. “Maybe if you let me just scan these symbols I'll have more information. Maybe this is some kind of mass grave. Imagine, we've never managed to have an Ourupta’s body this well preserved. Why, just having these many would give us the upper hand in many many ways.”

  Arlo shook his head. “It's some kind of cryo-sleep chamber, I'm certain of that at least. Now let's go, we must immediately reach out to Neptune and let them know of this base. Instantly.”

  Iolee sighed in exasperation and shrugged, throwing me a look of pure annoyance and then glaring at Arlo.

  “Let's go.” He stated again and we all started following him silently. I felt the hair on my neck rise and agreed with Locke. This place was fucking creepy. We made fast work through the rest of the Ourupta base until we came upon a building that increased in size again.

  How the hell had they been able to build all these structures underground - and keep them secret? And how was it still standing after all the damage to the planet?

  The last building was a sturdy two-story square structure, made of matte black material as most of the other building we’d seen. Arlo continued past it, followed by Locke and then Cain. Iolee who was next however paused in front of it, her eyes wide.

  “Doc, you gotta keep on moving.” Haze who was behind me commented.

  “Wait.” Iolee said raising her palm at Haze, her eyes moved on some symbols next to the dark doors, narrowing with intent.

  “What is it Iolee? Come on, we gotta make it out of here soon.” I reached out to touch her arm but before I got hold of her, she shot towards the building.

  “Hey.” I chased after her but catching both Haze and me unaware she was now already in the building the black doors swinging behind her, enveloping her in darkness.

  “Iolee!” I entered the darkened corridor rushing after her.

  I saw a green light towards the end of the hallway, Iolee outlined by it stood still. Haze came behind me entering the building.

  “What's going on?”

  “I have no idea.” I walked towards Iolee until I could reach her. “Hey, don't run away like that it can be dangerous.”

  “But … but… look…” She bit her lip, her eyes wide and I only just now noticed the stark paleness of fear on her face. I turned to see where she had pointed - towards the green light.

  “Holy shit!” Haze gasped behind me as we all took in the sight before us. Rows upon rows of glass cases were neatly stacked next to each other. Inside floating in green water, and with tubes running all over their bodies stood naked humans. Men, women, children, old and young, and of all races and sizes.

  “What the heck is going on here?” Arlo demanded as he came behind us with the other two men. I didn't even turn to look at him I just continued looking at the vats of floating humans - too horrified to say anything.

  “Sweet heavenly stars.” Cain whispered.

  “This keeps getting more and more weird.” Locke sighed. “I knew I was creeped out for a reason.”

  “Why?” Iolee asked looking at me with wide eyes. “Why would they do this?”

  “Who knows… no one can tell why the Ourupta did half the things they did.”

  “We have to help them.” Iolee exclaimed and then ran up to one of the vats, a slim petite woman, with light brown skin was floating inside, her curly hair suspended in the green liquid the green light bathing her in an ethereal, otherworldly tone. “We have to help them.” Iolee stated again and swung down looking at some symbols at the base of the vat.

  “Doc, we gotta go. We’ll come back I promise that but we have got to let others know about this. Soon. Now.” Arlo uttered looking shaken up and staring at the vats in front of us with the same aghast way.

  “We can't leave them here!” Iolee stated with an outraged gasp. “Look, if you give me just even half an hour maybe I can help - I know most of these symbols, I can do it.”

  “That’s too much of a risk. We need to go.”

  Iolee looked at me pleadingly, and I felt a pang of shame. I knew Arlo was right, we had to leave and could not waste time here unprotected.

  “They've been here for years already, a few more days won’t make a difference.” I gently pulled her away from the vat, the back of my neck prickling with unease. We had to leave, Arlo was correct. We had to go and warn Neptune, and I had to secure New Hope for whatever might come next. And leaving was the only way we could help these poor souls.

  Iolee gave me a disappointed look but slowly nodded. She trusted me at least. “Promise you'll come back for them General.” She looked at Arlo her voice and face solemn.

  “I will, I promise. I'll even bring you here to see for yourself but we have got to go now.”

  Iolee nodded and with a last look at the woman in the vat turned. Feeling unsettled we all slowly made our exit from the building.

  “How did you know to go in there Doc?” Cain asked Iolee.

  She blindly pointed at some symbols to the side of the building. “Symbols translating to humans, slave, and something else.”

  She hunched her shoulders, looking weak and tired, much more so than before.

  “Come on, the faster we are out of here the sooner we can come help them.” I pul
led her against me, and without asking lifted her on my back. “I'll carry you, just wrap your arms around my neck and your legs around my waist.”

  Iolee was so shaken she didn't even protest, she just did what I asked. Our group quickly started the journey back into the tunnels. About an hour in - we decided that a break would be good.

  By now, night would have fallen and despite not having a substantial heat increase in the temperature down here. Everyone was feeling weary - especially Iolee who had fallen into a semi-asleep state on my back.

  We picked a spot hidden by some huge rocky boulders and then settled down by the smooth rocky walls. We’d only stopped briefly - for a couple of hours just so the heat of the night would go away and so we could exit the tunnels wherever they took us. Calculating from the place we had fallen, and the direction of the tunnel we had taken, I’d make a guess and say we were heading west, which would put us somewhere in the Red Desert. From there it would be easy to get to New Hope.

  We huddled close for the night, Iolee right next to me her warmth searing my side, my arm protectively wrapped around her hips. I pulled her even closer, her head leaning against my shoulder, and I placed her legs on top of mine. Haze gave a questioning look at that gesture, but I ignored him. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Gods, let's hope we will be out soon. I didn't like this underground place at all.



  “Oh, thank our lucky stars!” I cried out, as I wiped more sweat from my forehead. Ahead of us the building of New Hope rose, and with it a sense of incredible relief. We were back to civilization! After nearly two days of being gone!

  I spontaneously turned and grabbed Cove, hugging him with all my might, but soon I let him go not wanting to make things awkward. Cain laughed at me, and I blushed.

  Cove reached out and wrapped his arm around my shoulders shamelessly. A big insolent grin on his face. “Happy?”


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