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New Hope (The New Earth Colonies Book 1)

Page 17

by Nina Silver


  We made it back to New Hope just as the sun had started to set. I had never been as happy at seeing New Hope as right this moment. I stared down at Iolee’s sleeping form in my arms, and just felt overwhelmed by the amount of relief, need, and protectiveness I felt for her.

  Locke piloted the transport into the hangar and with expertise landed smoothly. As soon as the doors opened, I was up on my feet, carrying Iolee again. She stirred but did not wake up. I looked at Haze who similarly cradled a sleeping Jo. “I’m gonna need you to find a new place to stay. Maybe take Jo’s extra room.” I suggested, and he smirked but made no comment.

  I got out only to find seemingly all of New Hope waiting for us anxiously, eyes wide and mouths tense.

  “Chief?” Several voices called out.

  “Meeting at the Mess Hall at half an hour.” I simply nodded. There were Ourupta running around free, and god knows what else was coming our way. They needed to prepare for an emergency - heck this was pretty much an emergency.

  The citizens nodded, and I gave a meaningful look at Siel and Tyler as I made my way towards my building.

  I reached my unit and entered it, locking it behind me - not that that was protection enough anymore but what else could I do?

  I went into my room and laid Iolee down on the bed before gently stroking her cheek. “Iolee, wake up.” She stirred and instantly jumped awake a look of fear gracing her sweet face.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” I reached out and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. She rubbed her face with her hands and took deep breaths.

  “I’m sorry, for being so jumpy.” She finally mumbled with a tired smile.

  “Natural, after what happened. I thought you could eat something and go to bed?”

  Iolee looked around us, her shoulders slumping. “Where are we?”

  “At my unit.”

  “Oh.” She looked down at her hands and then back up at me. “How’s Jo?”

  “She is doing well - back in her unit to get some rest just like you should.” I had checked in with Haze once we were in the transport, he’d said she was doing as well as could be considered. We still didn’t know why the two of them had been taken - not knowing was gnawing at the back of my mind, but I pushed it aside at least for now.

  “Oh stars, I can’t get rest I have to work - help in trying to figure out what’s happening and why the Ourupta are back.”

  “You can but only after you get enough strength - you won’t be of any help if you can’t stay awake.”

  She looked at me with wide expressive eyes, exhaustion evident in the dark shadows marring her skin. “I know that, but how can I possibly sleep with everything happening?”

  “It’s fine - there is not much that you are needed to do yet. General Cruz and his team are taking care of the situation.”

  She sighed and propped her head on her hands. “I guess you are right…”

  “Food? I can go grab something from the Mess Hall for you and run back.”

  Iolee shook her head slowly. “No, I can’t make myself eat right now - but I would really like a shower.”

  I nodded understandingly and helped her get up. I walked her to the wash unit. “Use as much water as you want. I haven’t used my allotted portion in a few days so it should have saved up.” She nodded as her eyes blinked sleepily. “I’m gonna go grab you something to eat anyway - in case you get hungry later.” She nodded again as I reluctantly left her and headed to the Commons.

  Fifteen minutes later I returned to find her asleep on my bed wearing one of my undershirts. My heart expanded as I gazed down at her, the need to protect her surging powerfully again. I pulled the covers over her, left the food on the bedside table, and with a heavy sigh made my way back to the Mess Hall to face New Hope.


  I entered my room a sense of foreboding crashing all over my senses. I leaned and took my boots off, grimacing as I recalled the assembly I just left. Citizens of New Hope where stubborn, that’s for sure.

  At first when they were informed of the Ourupta’s return, panic had overtaken the room, but after the initial reaction things had calmed down and suggestions and planning had started taking over.

  New Hope was not going to lay down and be destroyed, my citizens had practically yelled at me. I shook my head at their stubbornness. I had suggested they send the children and citizens who couldn’t fight to one of the bigger cities - better equipped for emergencies- but few wanted to see the wisdom of my suggestion. I’d have to keep working on them about that.

  I shook my head again as the powerlessness I had over this situation threatened to spill over and drown me in nothing but anger. That damn Ourupta had come back. Luckily, New Earth and humans were not as unprotected - we had fought back in the past we damn would fight again. Preparations had already started as New Hope's enforcers had begun barricades, and setting perimeters at New Hope's borders.

  “Hey, you’re back…” Iolee’s sleepy voice forced me to push those thoughts away, and I turned to look at her.

  “You’re not sleeping?” I took in her mussed hair flying all around her face, and my heartbeat quickened to see her still in my shirt - an unjustified sense of pride pulsing inside me.

  “No - I tried, but my mind is too busy.” She tapped her temple and gave me a shy grin. I took a couple of steps bringing myself closer to now fully facing her. She gave me a once over and looked up at me through half-lidded eyes. My gut clenched and my heartbeat increased as I felt myself growing hard despite the exhaustion of my body and the dire circumstances.

  “I keep thinking about it … and about the vats… It was horrible.” Iolee shivered and rubbed her arms around herself in a self-protecting move.

  “What… did they do to you?” My voice cracked at the end images of horrible, horrible things the Ourupta may have done to her going through my mind. My anger surged, and I wished I had another motherfucker to bash his face in once more.

  “Nothing - just kept me tied somewhere and then put me in the vat. They -” her voice hitched, and another shiver went through her. “They took Jo.” She finally stated after opening and closing her mouth a few times.

  Worry and anxiety went through me about Jo, first thing in the morning I would go check in on her.

  “I’m glad I’m back.” Iolee stated and then closed the space between us and placed her arms around me in a hug. Blood rushed through my veins, and without losing a moment, I wrapped her in a fierce hug.

  “I am glad you are back too, Doc.” I whispered in her clean smelling hair, and slowly rubbed my palm up her back in soothing circles. After a few moments, she pulled back and just looked up at me.

  I saw her lick her lips her eyes growing dark with lust and emotion. I leaned down, and she met me with her mouth. I pulled her hard against me, feeling reassured of her warm body against mine and knowing that she was safe and within my arms. I gently licked the seam of her mouth, and she opened up to me as sweet and supple as a flower opened its petals towards the sun. I tasted her lips and played with her tongue, savoring her sweetness and the moans she emitted.

  I was fully hard now, my cock throbbing against the fabric of my enhancement suit. Iolee rubbed her breasts enticingly against my chest, and I took her mouth in another kiss. A kiss in which I channeled all my pent-up need, all my relief at having her back in my arms. Iolee gasped and sucked on my tongue, her hands diving into my hair and pulling me closer to her.

  I pulled back and pressed tiny kisses all over her face then down her throat licking where her pulse jumped out.

  “I want you, but I’m not sure if now is a good time - after what you went through.” My breathing came out choppy, my stiff cock practically screaming at me for even uttering those words.

  Iolee shook her head, her hair flying haphazardly all around her. “No - I want you now. In the vats…” She hesitantly licked her lips before continuing. “When I went under… You were the last thing I thought - of how I
wished we had spent more time together. I want this. I want you… I need you.” Her impassioned statement rocked me to my core and not holding back I lifted her in my arms and hastily made it to my room.

  I placed her on the bed, and she reached out pulling me down with her. I hastily pulled at the tabs on my uniform and together we had it off within seconds. Next came her clothes until we were both laying naked in my bed.

  I palmed her cheeks and gave her a slow kiss that was heart-achingly sweet. I looked down at her naked body, my gut clenching with need and anticipation. This time though I wanted to take it slow - I wanted to enjoy her, and I wanted her to enjoy me and the pleasure we would both gain.

  Iolee leaned down and pressed kisses to my chest, in an inexperienced but titillating way. My cock stiffened even more, and with an impatient growl I palmed her breast and brought it to my mouth. I sucked her nipple and then gently bit down on it. Iolee gasped in surprise and then sighed.

  I chuckled as I laid her more fully in the center of my bed and straddled her hips. She looked up at me with such an open and eager expression I felt my heart fly out of my chest and land in her hands. It took me but a second to realize I had things I wanted to tell her, but the words were already spilling out of my mouth. “If we do this there is no going back - I want you and I am not willing to part with you ever again.”

  I looked at her, my breath caught in my throat, waiting for her response. Iolee gave me a fierce look and nodded. “I don’t want to be apart from you either.” After that, words were needless.

  I pressed hot kisses all over her body, slowly making my way down until I was at her center and my tongue was buried inside her wet heat. Iolee bucked wildly around me, moaning and calling my name, her hands egging me on as I pressed my tongue against her wet entrance and sucked on her clit. She tasted sweet and tangy on my lips and unable to resist I looked up to see her head thrown back in passion. I sucked her clit into my mouth and inserted my finger into her tight, hot, slick core. She instantly came screaming my name as I slowly lapped at her juices until she started squirming and moaning with need once more.

  I kissed up her body, pausing to lavish some more attention to her ripe, perfect breasts by taking turns between sucking her hard, dark pink nipples in my mouth and tweaking them.

  “Cove…” Iolee mewled her voice breathless, as her hands ran freely down my back, her little nails scraping against my muscles causing my cock to twitch and my balls to tighten. Iolee’s hands found my hips and then moved to my abdomen and from there down to grasp my hard member. She squeezed it gently causing a sharp groan to leave my mouth. “Cove…” She called out urgently, one hand stroking me feverishly while the other settled on my hip. I groaned as I felt myself close to the edge and I kissed up her neck then taking her mouth in another searing needful kiss. Iolee moaned as she spread her thighs wider letting me settle comfortably between them, my rigid cock gently against her soft center.

  “Look at me.” I softly commanded, and she sought my eyes out. Holding eye contact, I slowly entered her with a long, torturous thrust that made both of us moan.

  “Cove.” She called out panting, her inner muscles exquisitely gripping me. I started thrusting into her slowly at first and then harder and faster until Iolee’s legs clutched my waist so hard I thought we had become one. I felt her inner muscles squeeze my throbbing flesh and with a growl, I exploded inside her as she yelled her own release.

  Moments later I pulled off her and laid on my side, my arms pulling her against me. My heart full to bursting with emotions, my body satiated momentarily. “How did I ever live without you?” I asked as my heart beat my chest bloody.

  Iolee gave me a little dreamy smile and burrowed closer to me. “Maybe you didn’t really live.”

  I had the oddest sense that she was speaking the truth. I had not known true life until I met her. The world might have just gone to hell - but here next to Iolee I knew my life had truly just begun.



  I woke up in the best way possible in the arms of Cove, after a night of unimaginable pleasure. Despite my abduction and recent rescue, I felt strangely content and safe, and I knew the man sleeping next to me had been imperative in reviving that sense of security.

  I stretched in bed, my hands accidentally hitting Cove’s face and I stopped moving not wanting to wake him up. I bit my lip as my cheeks heated up recalling everything we had been up to mere hours before… Gosh if only Xan knew, she’d absolutely cry from pride.

  I turned my head and looked up at the sleeping form of Cove. My heart thumped loudly knowing that this gorgeous man wanted to be with me! I drowned the excited squeal threatening to leave my lips by clapping my hands over my mouth. I hadn't felt this happy in a long time - probably never. I slowly rose from the bed hastily grabbed one of the shirts on the floor and made my way to the wash unit.

  I quickly took care of business while my mind went over everything I would have to do today making a mental checklist. With a frown, I realized that Dr. Morton must be at New Hope by now and one of the items on my list would be a meeting with him. Ugh…

  I exited the washroom and approached some of the shelving units out of curiosity. There were small moving pictures clearly from a few years ago. Cove was younger and did not have the scar on his face while he wore the official military regalia of graduates from the Academy, next to him was Siel and what must be his parents. His mom was an attractive brunet with gray eyes, while his father was a handsome, tall man with blue eyes and salt and pepper hair. Overall, a beautiful couple. You could tell they were Cove and Sil's parents as their sons were a perfect mix of them. They were hugging and laughing, his parents clearly proud of their child. I gazed at it in for a while and then moved on studying around the rest of the room trying to see if any of my things had made it here.

  I couldn’t find any of my clothes last night and had instead worn one of Cove’s shirts… I should probably at some point return to Jo’s unit and check in with her. Images of her floating in the vat made my breath catch, and I put my palm over my heart trying to push the picture out of my mind. We were alright and away from the Ourupta - at least for now - and that was all that mattered.

  I had kept her secret and did not say anything about her special new ability - although I had been tempted last night to say something to Cove. Ultimately, it was her secret, and I would not break my promise to her - at least for now since we had just returned to New Hope.

  “Morning.” Cove’s throaty voice rang close behind me, and a second later his arms coiled around my waist. I turned and beamed up at him, my cheeks heating as shyness bloomed inside me.

  His hand went to my cheek and then he leaned down and gave me a kiss. My mouth opened for him, a delicious thrill going up my spine and then settling down low in my belly. He pulled away and gave me a sexy grin that made me sigh in contentment.

  “How are you feeling?” He dropped another quick kiss on my lips.


  “Just great?”

  “Awesome, amazing, sensational, phenomenal, incredible...”

  He chuckled and gave me another kiss effectively silencing me. “I know you have an impressive vocab no need to show off. Although I was wondering when your favorite A-word would make an appearance.”

  I blushed at his teasing. "Amazing." I teased back, and he touched his forehead to mine.

  "I love that word coming out of your mouth." I blushed at his teasing and wondered if I would ever get used to it. After another fiery hot kiss, he pulled back leaving me shaken. "Want to go grab breakfast at the Mess Hall?"

  “I think I’d like to go back to Jo’s…”

  Cove frowned. “What for? I thought we already talked about this last night. You agreed to stay with me.”

  “You want me to move in?” I asked breathlessly.

  “Heck yes!” The face he made was meant to chastise me but only gave me extra shivers at how hot and how attracted I felt towards him. My
goodness, I loved this man already!

  “Okay…” I blinked up at him feeling ecstatic.

  “Good, for a minute I thought I’d have to convince you again…” Cove nipped at my lips playfully, and a moan escaped me. “Not that I would mind.” I wouldn’t either…

  Alas, I cleared my throat the moment ruined as my mind had already rushed to all the things I had to take care off. “All my stuff is at Jo's - so I have to get it.”

  “Yeah, I want to check in on her too. Want to head there then? I can give you some of my clothes to wear I’m sure I’ll manage to find something to fit you.”

  “Go there together?” Jo’s feelings about Cove came to mind, and I looked at him for an answer. “You know she’s in love with you right?” How could he not know? We had talked about it so many times before.

  He sighed in defeat and ran his hands through his hair ruffling it in a cute boyish way. “Yeah, we talked about it, she knows the deal… Does it bother you?”

  I shook my head. “No. I just don’t want her to get hurt by seeing us together. I don’t want to rub it in her face…” Even more so now, after what me and she had gone through.

  Cove gave me a soft look for a few moments. “She’ll have to get used to us being together - and I don’t want to hide us.” I swallowed and nodded to him. Whatever he thought was best, he was the one that knew Jo the best after all.


  We waited outside of Jo’s unit for a few seconds before the door slid open showing a grumpy Haze. “What are you two doing here?” He grumbled and made way for us to go inside the unit.

  “Came to check in on Jo…” Cove pronounced, and Haze gave him a sharp look. “And also, to pick up Iolee’s things.”

  Haze looked at me assessing then back at Cove. “You two huh?”

  I blushed as Cove nodded his head and then grinned, his palm settling on my waist and pulling me close to his heat. Haze raised his eyebrow at his friend looking as if he wanted to say something but at the end just nodded.


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