Dark Invasion: 1915: Germany's Secret War and the Hunt for the First Terrorist Cell in America
Page 37
Smith, William, 328
Smith-Cumming, Mansfield (C), 105, 108, 113
Society Summer Directory, 287–88, 296, 297, 329
Southern Methodist University, 273
Spain, 79, 410
sphygmagraph, 5
spy network, German. See Abteilung IIIB network in America; Manhattan Front; specific spies and operations
Spring-Rice, Sir Cecil, 298, 299, 300, 306
Staats-Zeitung, 75
Stallforth, Frederico, 220
Statue of Liberty, 81
Sterett, James, 16, 203, 205, 208, 249, 250
stevedores, 94, 171, 183, 184, 196–97, 197, 383, 404–6
Stieber, Wilhelm, 38
Strowger, Almon, 129
Strowger switch, 129–30, 130, 131
submarine warfare, 40, 226, 269, 337–40, 415–16
sugar cargo, bombs hidden in, 187–97, 197, 198, 360
sulfuric acid, 186, 197, 318
Swan, Whitney, 10
Switzerland, 146
Tammany Hall, 18
telephone tapping, 129–32, 165
Texas, 149–51, 228, 273, 417
Texas Rangers, 99
Thirtieth U.S. Infantry, 20
Tiedmann, Friedrich, 352
TNT, 198–208, 233–34, 247–63, 345
Muenter (Holt) plot, 284–86, 288, 291–94, 298, 301, 308–9, 318–24, 324, 328
rudder bombs, 233–34, 247–59, 259, 260–63
sales to German network, 198–208, 247–63
See also bombing; explosives
Troisvierges, 48
Tunney, Tom, 15–17, 17, 18–22, 97–102, 113, 416
becomes head of bomb squad, 15–27, 113–14
biological weapons investigation, 375–76, 386–88, 391, 396–97, 407, 409–11
Brescia Circle case, 25–27, 43–45, 53–58, 60–61, 101, 116, 118, 186
cigar bomb investigation, 185–98, 261, 362–76
cover names, 159
discovers von Rintelen-Muenter connection, 403
Fay investigation, 201–8, 243, 247–63
German spy network investigation, 113–21, 125–33, 155–65, 185–210, 228, 243–63, 279–333, 339, 349, 359–76, 391–412, 420–21
Hoboken investigation, 359–76
Koenig investigation, 125–33, 155–65, 185, 391–402
links bombings and sugar shipments, 185–98
Muenter (Holt) investigation, 282–311
NYPD career, 15–20, 60, 159, 420
promotion to inspector, 420
St. Patrick’s Cathedral bombing threat and, 15–17, 56–58, 60–61
surveillance of lighter captains, 190–98, 262
von Kleist investigation, 362–76
von Rintelen investigation, 209–10, 228, 234–35, 243–46, 279, 330–33, 359–76
Tyningham, 262, 370
U-boats, 40, 226, 269, 337–40, 415, 415, 416
Lusitania sinking, 337–38, 338, 339–40, 389, 415
Ukraine, 268
Union Metallic Cartridge, 345
United Press, 307
United States, 39, 40
anti-German sentiment, 274, 284
British spy network in, 102–8, 210, 226–28, 243–44, 331, 389, 416–17
Civil War, 267, 352
declares war on Germany, 417–18, 418, 419–20
German press, 75, 340, 345, 388
German ships interned in, 76, 76, 77, 81, 171, 180–83, 359–60
German spy network in, see Abteilung IIIB network in America
horses, 268–72, 382–84, 405, 406
intelligence agencies, 109–11
Koenig sabotage campaign against industry in, 125–33, 140, 155–65, 175, 185, 209–10, 229, 282, 391–402
Lusitania sinking and, 337–40, 389, 415
Muenter (Holt) sabotage operations in, 279–331
neutrality policy, 40, 51–52, 76, 80, 105, 111–12, 134–39, 219, 280, 327, 339
passport forgeries, 87, 87, 88–90, 91, 112, 283
pro-German sympathies, 340, 345, 360
shipboard fires and munitions plant explosions, 91–95, 100–102, 121–23, 179, 183–98, 215–16, 232–34, 344, 260–63, 330–31, 402, 411–13, 421
von Rintelen sabotage operations in, 142–47, 167–98, 209–35, 243–46, 265–66, 330–33, 359–91
wartime economy, 111, 134–39
wartime loans and arms shipments to Allies, 40, 111, 133–40, 183–84, 187–90, 211–17, 222, 257–63, 274, 330–31, 384
U.S. Army, 111
U.S. Capitol Building, Washington, D.C., 418
bombing of, 291–94, 294, 295, 305–6, 309–14, 318–19, 323, 327–28, 402, 421
U.S. Congress, 108, 109, 134, 222, 291–94, 390, 418, 418
espionage legislation, 228
U.S. Justice Department, 109, 262
U.S. Navy, 73, 76, 111
U.S. Senate, 291–94
U.S. State Department, 134, 137, 185, 187, 347, 390–91
U.S. War Department, 101
University of Oklahoma, 151
U-20, 415
Vanderbilt University, 151
Van Cortland Park, 270
Vaterland, 32, 181
Viereck, George Sylvester, 340–41
Virginia, 351–52, 354, 384, 404
germ warfare, 404–6
Vladivostok, 266
von Bernstorff, Johann, 29, 29, 30–38
exile in Adirondacks, 347, 347, 348
as German ambassador to U.S., 29–38, 41, 47–50, 60, 69, 338–39, 346–48, 387–91, 410, 416
on Lusitania sinking, 338–39
ordered back to Germany, 416
spy network and operations, 38, 40–41, 48–51, 59–60, 69–95, 108, 125–33, 141–42, 172–73, 346–48, 410
von Rintelen and, 172–73
von Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald, 33, 50
von der Goltz, Horst, 79–83, 91, 162
background of, 79–80
forged passport of, 87
as Bridgeman H. Taylor, 81, 87
Welland Canal operation, 80–83, 86, 91, 162
von Eckhardt, Heinrich, 416
von Falkenhayn, Erich, 140
von Igel, Wolf, 410
von Jagow, Gottlieb, 30, 32–33, 33, 34, 75
von Kleist, Charles, 181–82, 222, 362–69, 369, 370–76
interrogation of, 368–72
investigation of, 362–76
von Papen, Franz, 73, 74, 79–83, 139–40, 164, 168, 176, 343, 362, 389–91, 410
background of, 73
as chancellor of Germany, 74
passport forgery scheme, 86–90, 91
recalled to Germany, 390–91
spy network operations in New York, 73, 79–83, 86–95, 168–69, 171, 228, 265, 389–91, 394, 396, 417
Welland Canal operation, 80–83, 86, 91
von Rintelen, Franz, 142, 142, 143–47, 167–84, 265–66, 331–33, 374
background of, 143–44
Baltimore operation, 378–84
biological weapons threat and, 353, 386–87
Black Tom plot, 231–32, 411–12, 413, 415
in British custody, 332–33, 359
cigar bombs, 176–98, 215–16, 232–33, 261, 362–76, 380, 383, 402–3
Huerta affair, 225–29, 244, 417
investigation of, 209–10, 228, 234–35, 243–46, 279, 330–33, 359–76
-Muenter connection, 279–80, 402
National Peace Union and, 221–23
recruited by Nicolai, 144–46
rudder bombs, 233–34, 247–59, 259, 260–63
Russian munitions scheme, 211–17
sabotage operation in U.S., 142–47, 167–98, 209–35, 243–46, 265–66, 330–33, 359–91
von Bernstorff and, 172–73
See also Manhattan Front
von Steinmetz, Erich, 233, 265–72, 375–76
germ warfare program and failure, 266, 269–72, 353, 375–76, 381, 396
von Wandel, Franz Gustav, 141–42
von Wedell, Hans, 88–90
background of, 88
passport scheme, 88–90
Walsh, Patrick, 15, 16, 116, 203, 205, 252
War Intelligence Center, 73
Washington, D.C., 31, 69–70, 104, 108, 137, 185, 289, 309, 354, 355, 418
bombing of U.S. Capitol, 291–94, 294, 295, 305–6, 309–14, 318–19, 323, 327–28, 402, 421
press, 292, 295
Washington Monument, 291
Washington Post, 417
Weehawken, New Jersey, 201–8, 247–54
Weiser, Max, 175, 180, 183, 211–16, 222, 231
Welland Canal operation, 80–83, 86, 91, 162–64, 282
Wettig, Carl, 199–204, 251–52, 255, 258
Whitney, W. F., 11
whorehouses, 92
as operational cover, 82, 122
Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany, 37, 47, 47, 48, 50, 77, 143, 144, 339, 415–16
Wilson, Woodrow, 31, 51, 69, 108–9, 137–38, 138, 221, 292, 295, 415
death of his wife, 31, 51
declares war on Germany, 417–18, 418, 419–20
Flag Day speech, 419
growing awareness of German spy network, 339–40, 344–46, 348, 385, 388–91, 415, 419
Lusitania sinking and, 338, 339, 389
neutrality policy, 51–52, 76, 80, 105, 111–12, 134–39, 219, 280, 327, 339, 348
Zimmermann telegram and, 416–17
Wolpert, Otto, 233, 370, 370, 373–75
Wood, Leonard, 20
Woods, Arthur, 20, 20, 21, 24, 26, 43, 97–102, 113–15, 126, 165, 185, 195–96, 305, 311, 320–29, 339, 371, 385, 387, 407, 416, 420
Woolworth Building, New York, 205
World War I, 31, 37, 47–51, 75–78, 111, 133–40
ammunitions shortages, 133–34, 215, 257
Battle of the Marne, 77–78
beginning of, 31–32, 40, 48–51
biological weapons, 266–72, 353–58, 376–88, 389, 402–7, 409–11
British blockade, 40, 80, 121, 125, 274, 338–39, 359
casualties, 77, 85
economy, 111, 121, 134–39
horses, 267–71
Lusitania sinking, 337–38, 338, 339–40, 389, 415
submarine warfare, 40, 226, 269, 337–40, 415–16
U.S. enters, 417–18, 418, 419–20
U.S. loans and arms shipments to allies, 40, 111, 133–40, 183–84, 187–90, 211–17, 222, 257–63, 274, 330–31, 384
U.S. neutrality, 40, 51–52, 76, 80, 105, 111–12, 134–39, 219, 280, 327, 339
wrestling, 54
Wright Chemical Works bombing, 94
Yale University, 108
Yorkville, 70, 118
Zabriskie, William, 301–4
zeppelins, 143–44
Zimmermann, Arthur, 33, 33, 34, 145, 416
telegram, 416, 416, 417, 417
About the Author
Howard Blum is the author of the New York Times bestseller and Edgar Award winner American Lightning, as well as Wanted!, The Gold Exodus, Gangland, and, most recently, The Floor of Heaven. Blum is a contributing editor at Vanity Fair. While at the New York Times, he was twice nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting. He lives in Connecticut and is the father of three children.
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Also by Howard Blum
The Floor of Heaven
American Lightning
The Eve of Destruction
The Brigade
The Gold of Exodus
Out There
I Pledge Allegiance: The True Story of the Walkers, an American Spy Family
Wanted! The Search for Nazis in America
Wishful Thinking
Cover design by Jarrod Taylor
Cover artwork: Library of Congress (Newspaper)
DARK INVASION. Copyright © 2014 by Howard Blum. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the nonexclusive, nontransferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.
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ISBN 978-0-06-230755-2
EPub Edition FEBRUARY 2014 ISBN 9780062307590
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