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Farseek Shavin's Mate

Page 2

by T. J. Quinn

  “So, then what happened?” Zoe asked. “Why did he bring you back?”

  “We’re under attack. But he said not to worry. The people after us can’t do much real damage. We’ll lose them when we jump to FTL,” she explained. “Things just keep getting crazier. He thinks our planet is called dirt.”

  We all laughed at that---but not at what she said next. Our rescuers had never heard of it and didn’t know where it was. That meant it must be far from where we were and not likely that we would be getting back there anytime soon, if ever.

  The hot commander came back a few minutes later and confirmed what we had pretty much concluded. Harper broke down crying first, and the commander held her and just let her cry. The rest of us huddled together and had a good cry too.

  It just kept swirling around and around in my head that we were never going home.

  We were never going home.



  It didn’t surprise me that Nora refused me outright when I told her she was meomee and asked her to mate. Sapiens don’t believe in soul mating as we do. But I knew the pheromones would soon affect her, and she would want to drag me off to mate in a matter of time. Meanwhile, I stood off to the side watching her with my hands clasped in front of me to hide my blatant erection. The pheromones she’d stoked in me affected me as much as her.

  Within minutes I could see she was distracted. She looked across the room at me and crossed her arms over her breasts, discreetly rubbing them. She glared at me, and her friends gathered around her, and she looked a little distraught. Each of them looked at me and smiled, and I wondered what they were telling her. Finally, they went back to interviewing, and Nora reluctantly approached me.

  “I want to know what you did to me,” she demanded in a hushed tone. “I feel like I will go mad if I don’t fuck you right now and I don’t even know you.”

  “It is not something I control,” I said quietly. “You are meomee---my soul mate and genetic complement. My body reacted to your unique scent and sent out pheromones to attract you to me. I need to fuck you as well.”

  I reached up to caress her face with a trembling hand. The pheromones were taking hold of me even faster than I expected. As I touched her face, she closed her eyes and sighed in pleasure. Then she seized my hand.

  “I believe you. Come with me,” she asserted in a harsh whisper and led me from the cargo bay and down the corridor to a lift. After the lift, we went down the corridor and into a small cabin. “If I fuck you will this stop? My nipples are throbbing, and I am wet, and I feel like I’m going to jump out of my skin if you don’t put your cock inside me right now.”

  “I’m sorry, my sweet meomee, it will only ease our discomfort for a time if we mate. Then we must mate again and again. It takes about ten days of frequent mating before we will feel a more normal level of desire. Meomee is for life.”

  “OMG just like Harper and Scarlet.” She sighed and stood staring up into my face for what seemed a long time. My cock was so hard it almost hurt because I could scent her desire. “Then I guess we’d better get on with it.”

  Nora took my hand and led me into her bedroom and her sleeping alcove. She grabbed the hem of her tunic and pulled it off over her head, freeing her beautiful full breasts. “What if we get bonded and end up hating each other?”

  As she toed off her shoes, I started pulling off my shirt and getting undressed. “That never happens. We will become emotionally attuned to each other through our sexual bonding.”

  When she was naked, and I was naked, she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the shower with her. “I want to fuck you bad, but you smell pretty ripe.”

  “My apologies, they saw no need for us to bathe. We can mate here if you like,” I offered.

  She spoke a different language, and the water started flowing. She took a sponge and held it below the soap dispenser then rubbed it in with her hand. When she turned back to look up at me, she caught her breath. “You sure are pretty---handsome.”

  Nora smiled and started rubbing the sponge over my chest, and it was all I could do to stand still for her. She didn’t linger over the task until she got to my cock. She washed my groin area quickly then rubbed her cheek against my cock. I stood like that for seconds before I gripped her by her upper arms and hauled her to her feet.

  Our eyes locked and I pressed her against the wall. “Yes, do me now,” she murmured then said a command in that other language and the flowing water turned to mist. I looked into her eyes for a moment longer and then down at her breasts and her peaked nipples.

  Then, I lifted her up and slid my rock-hard cock into her slick channel. It was a deliciously tight fit, and we both groaned in pure pleasure as I filled her. I balanced her against the wall, and she wrapped her arms and legs around me, staring into my eyes. I saw that her need was as great as mine and I wanted nothing more than to please her. It felt just as my friend had described it---like coming home for the first time. This beautiful woman was my mate, and now I understood why sex with anyone else was hardly better than my own hand.

  I could see my future in her eyes, and then I kissed her and pressed into her, so my pubis rubbed her core. I was shaking as I slipped my tongue into her mouth and claimed her with my tongue as I claimed her with my cock. I thrust in and out of her and felt her fingers dig into my shoulders. She rubbed her sensitive nipples over my chest with each thrust.

  “Fuck me hard,” she pleaded. I was already slamming into her, driving us both steadily toward our first orgasm. Wanting to please I pounded into her harder until we came with a mutual howling of pleasure. Wave after wave sensual pleasure shook us as she pulsed around my cock and my cock pulsed and poured my seed inside her. She crooned and moaned in ecstasy. She felt so good wrapped around me hugging and caressing and kissing me.

  That initial satisfaction was short-lived. Despite the breathtaking first orgasm, my cock didn’t seem to wain one bit. I stayed inside her holding her against the wall, kissing her sweet mouth, her face, her neck and finally her breasts. As I sucked one pebbled tip, her inner walls contracted rhythmically around my cock. It happened when I sucked on the other one as well.

  All while I pleasured her, Nora made soft sounds of enjoyment. Then I thrust into her a few times, and she had another orgasm hugging me and writhing against me. The sound of her whispering my name over and over as she kissed and caressed me seemed to go straight to my heart. This was meomee!

  The misting stopped, and warm air dried us. Still, inside her, I carried her to her bed and fell into it with her beneath me. I held my full weight off her so she could breathe and stared into her somber green and gold eyes. It seemed hardly possible, but I felt a rush of love for her. I knew it was the combination of pheromones and hormones, but I also knew this woman was mine.

  “I am yours, and you are mine,” I whispered the ancient mating pledge to her.

  She smiled at me and said it back, “I am yours, and you are mine… Now fuck me some more, meomee.”

  So, I did. I was home, wrapped in the warmth of this beautiful woman after the hell of those months in that mining camp. I should have been exhausted from the work schedule I had endured with never enough rest or food. But I became energized the moment I scented her. Even though we both came multiple times, I couldn’t bear to take my cock from her warmth. We stayed that way for hours. Sometimes I took her hard and fast and then I took her so slowly that she begged me to stop teasing her.

  Finally, we were both exhausted, and we fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms. I had never felt such bliss in my whole life. This woman was mine!



  Since this account will be combined with Harper’s and Scarlet’s, I am going to skip over much that happened during the period between when we were rescued, and I mated with Sahvin.

  Until we delivered Kyanna Evzen back to Halor, I spent most of the time in the conference room with Zoe and the other females rescued with us. With Ha
rper and Scarlet mated to officers of the dreadnaught and planning to stay with them. Zoe and I had felt that staying was our only choice as well since it was doubtful that we would ever get back to Earth. By then the four of us were like sisters.

  The only place I would ever want to go without them would be back to Earth. I had a good life there, and I loved being a nurse. I was planning to go on and become a nurse practitioner. Abduction by aliens changed all that. I was sad for the loss my parents would feel not knowing what happened to me. But there was nothing I could do about it. They would know by the way things were left that I was taken by someone.

  Within hours of receiving my new language implant, I no longer had that soreness behind my ear. As my new languages skills evolved, I connected with the ship’s AI and started educating myself about this new reality that was becoming my life. We quickly learned there was a lot of downtime between missions and I was used to working.

  I learned that many of their medical procedures were performed by AI controlled biogenic nanites and gene therapies. Medics were technicians rather than physicians. The level of technology used made my training obsolete. But I was young, and I could learn. So, I studied every chance I got. Then we started training as recruits for the mercenaries.

  After Halor we were assigned private quarters, and I finally got to sleep in a bed again. I was deeply grateful for the privacy once I hooked up with Sahvin. Hooking up with any man was so not like me. I had a few relationships before him, but I never found the right guy.

  I was never into casual sex. So, when I became so aroused after touching Sahvin, I knew something extraordinary was happening. His exotic green cat eyes just made him more attractive. He was at least six feet tall with a ripped muscular body, and dark blue hair---smelled awful.

  But so, did most of the men rescued from the mining camp. Their clothes were rags and filthy, and their skin looked gray from the dust in the mines. His longish hair was stringy and laden with dirt. Even under all that he was adorable.

  I tried to go back to my duties after meeting him, but my nipples instantly peaked, my pussy kept clenching and my clit throbbed for attention. I kept looking at Sahvin standing off to the side with his hands strategically crossed over his package. If his cock felt like my clit, he was every bit as uncomfortable as I was.

  I hurried over to Scarlet. “Honey, I’m sorry, I have to get out of here. That hot, hunky cat man just cast a spell over me. If I don’t have my way with him very soon, I’m going to jump out of my skin.”

  “Don’t worry, Zoe and I can handle it. You only have four more people in your line.” She smiled at me. “Pyrr is going to be down on the planet for quite a while. We’ll get these people settled.”

  I swear Sahvin, and I fucked for hours. We couldn’t get enough of each other. But it was clear that more than sex was happening between us. It was almost a spiritual experience as well. Practically from the moment we met, he treated me like the most precious being in his life.

  It probably had a lot to do with endorphins; I felt loved in Sahvin’s arms almost from the first. Enveloped in a haze of sexual nirvana we barely left my bed until third meal the next day.

  I went down to get food from the mess hall. Sahvin’s clothes were beyond hope, so I also stopped at stores to pick up their equivalent of fatigues for him. I guessed right on the size.

  He dressed for dinner, and we sat at the small table in the alcove by the sitting area to eat. We were both famished. After the food at the mining came, Sahvin thought the simple fare from the mess hall was delicious.

  While we were eating, Sahvin told me about himself and the hopelessness of being enslaved in that mining camp. He was beaten and half-starved and worked until he dropped on more than one occasion. There was so much pain in his eyes that it broke my heart.

  “I would do it all again if I knew I would find you meomee at the end,” he said fervently.

  I didn’t know what to say after that. I just got up and went around the table to hug him and ended up in his lap sharing a series of passionate kisses. We both became quickly aroused until Sahvin picked me up and carried me into the bedroom to make love---again.

  Yes, love. It was amazing how in sync I felt with him after only twenty-four hours in his arms. In between the peaks of sexual pleasure, the height of which I’d never experienced in my life, we talked and shared the secrets of our souls. It hurt so much less than before that we might never be able to go back to our homeworlds again because home would become wherever we could be together.



  For the next ten days, Nora and I barely left her cabin. The effects of the mating pheromone drove us to mate frequently and at length on a daily basis. Even though we were told this would be so, the bond growing between us was profound. I felt like I would do anything possible to make her happy and I would protect her with my life.

  As the intense lust meomee recognition waned, we discovered we had much in common. I loved her as my mate, but I liked her as a person as well.

  “Before you came to us, I planned to stay on with these Farseekans. We would have been sold as slaves if not for them,” Nora said. “With your military training and law enforcement experience, I think they would welcome you to join them. I would like to stay if you would.”

  “Of course, meomee. I feel like I owe it to the Farseek Mercenaries to help free their people as they freed me,” I said, smiling at her, “and brought me here to you.” I leaned over and kissed her as we were sitting on the small sofa in her quarters.

  “I’ve missed ten days of training to mate with you,” she went on. “I will have to ask if I can continue and if you can stay and join them.”

  “Perhaps we should go together,” I suggested. “Since your friend Harper is Commander Maktu’s solmatu, he should understand that what we share is the same.”

  “I’m sure it is, but their bonding didn’t take him away from his duties as ours did us,” she explained. “Your mating pheromones were so strong that everything I ever thought about getting to know a man before mating went out the window.”

  “Idiom,” I said, “That’s an idiom---out the window.”

  She chuckled and smiled at me. “Yes. But you were on Earth for quite a long time. Normally, humans socialize and get to know a potential mate for weeks or even months before actual mating takes place. Some only mate after marriage. Most don’t mate first then fall in love like we are.”

  “Yes, I did come to understand that. It is not all that different for sapiens on Narova. Felines are different except when they mate by consent.” I explained. “Meomee recognition is different. Our bodies give off the pheromones involuntarily beyond our control. It is not always a welcome occurrence.”

  “It was very unnerving when it happened,” she said, “but when we fucked for the first time, I knew it was right. It was the best sex of my life.”

  She giggled and blushed adorably. I wanted to kiss her, but I knew if I did we would get sidetracked.

  “May I use your tablet to com the Commander to set up a meeting with him?” I asked.

  “Of course,” she said and went to get it from the table. “I will just set up the call for you. His translator does work for English.”

  Nora said the commands and Commander Maktu was available to my surprise.

  “Hello, Commander. You may not remember me, but I am one of the men you helped rescue from Breskaa,” I began.

  “You are the Narovan,” he replied, nodding in his hologram. “How can I help you?”

  “I wish to join you for your mission to free your people. Nora is my equivalent to your solmatu. She wished to stay on mission with her Earth friends, and I wish to be with her because we are meomee. I am a trained soldier and law enforcement agent.” I explained. “I want to help as you have helped me. Also, I don’t want Nora to be punished for missing training because of meomee bonding.”

  “That won’t happen. The same regulations for solmatu would apply,” he said
. “I will let Sergeant Namotu know that your absence from training is justified. Sahvin, pay a visit to our Medic for an exam to be sure you are fit for duty and for it to determine if a language biochip can be engineered for you.”

  “I hope it can,” I said. “The chip I got from the slavers was unbearable. The bastards cut it out with no pain blockers. Barbarians.”

  “We got our bio-synthesizer on Halor. They offer some of the best technology in the Consortium. None of the people who receive chips on Halor had any adverse effects.”

  “I will do this,” I told him. “And I wish to thank you for getting us out of that hell hole. I was expecting to die there.”

  “I’m glad. Welcome, to the Farseek Mercenaries. No sentient being should be a slave to anyone. It would be wrong for us to leave any of you behind to have your lives stolen from you.”

  “It will be my honor to assist you in this quest.”

  Commander Maktu inclined his head subtly in acknowledgment and added, “Once you become oriented, someone from navigation will be contacting you to have you look at our holographic star charts. Perhaps you can find a familiar point of reference to locate your star system.”

  “I will certainly try,” I said.

  “My congratulations to both of you. Sergeant Namotu will contact you on when and where you should report,” said the commander who then signed off.

  “I thought the commander would understand as he has recently experienced solmatu himself as well as his lieutenant,” Nora said. “I should probably take you up to the medic to make sure that gorgeous body of yours is in tiptop shape.”

  She draped her arms around my shoulders and kissed my cheek, hugging me and nuzzling my neck. I pulled her on my lap and kissed her full on the mouth. She parted her lips readily to let my tongue caress hers, and I knew we would not be leaving our quarters for a while.


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