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The Highlander's Accidental Marriage (Marriage Mart Mayhem)

Page 16

by Callie Hutton

  Her maid gathered up the dirty clothes and made a quick exit. Sarah waved Braeden in and placed the cup of tisane on the table near her bed. The tingle in her stomach that spread upward toward her face had nothing to do with the tisane. It had everything to do with the man who settled himself in the chair near her bed, his long legs stretched out, crossed at the ankles.

  Her husband. The man she’d pledged her life to, all legal and final after accidentally marrying them in front of an innkeeper. He rested his hand on his thigh, his fingers tapping a cadence to a song only he could hear. She licked her lips as she remembered how those hands and fingers had pleasured her. His slow smile told her he probably knew her thoughts, which produced a wave of heat that started low in her belly and spread to her face.

  Conversation. That would be the best thing to distract her from the direction her thoughts were sprinting toward. “I met your parents and others in your family at our wedding, but I didn’t have a chance to really speak with them. They seemed very pleasant.”

  “And anxious to ken more about their daughter-in-law,” he said drily.

  She squirmed at this slight admonishment. “You are so very different from your other family members. What was it like growing up with them?”

  He leaned back and linked his fingers behind his head. “I think there were many times my mum and da dinna know what to make of me. My oldest sister, Fiona, was sickly most of her childhood, so Mum charged her with watching over me while she did her chores. Since Fiona loved to read, she read to me a great deal. I was only a bairn of about three when I started reading to her.” He shrugged at her expression. “’Twas easy for me to pick up how to read from watching her.

  “I started helping da with the figuring he did for the sheep business a couple of years later. He was a bit surprised when I caught several of his mistakes.” He grinned, looking much like the young boy he must have been.

  “That must have been a bit disconcerting for your parents.”

  “Aye. Luckily for me, despite being a sheep farmer, my da was a firm believer in education. Although my brothers and sisters only had schooling until they were able to read, write, and figure, he hired a tutor to continue with me.”

  “That was very forward-thinking of him.”

  “But I still had my chores to perform. That, he wasn’t so forward-thinking about. I would rise before everyone else to get them finished so I could spend as much time as possible with my books. Once I opened the book cover, I was lost in a world of my own making.”

  “It sounds rather lonely.” The image of a small boy, spectacles perched on his small nose, lost in his books while others his age played and worked alongside brothers and sisters twisted something inside.

  “Not at all. I had my cousins. After a while Mum made me put the books down and go off with Ronson, my closest friend. He’s my cousin also, and we have the distinction of being born the same day. Our mums are sisters.”

  Sarah took another sip of the tisane. Either the warming liquid or the conversation was distracting her enough that the pain had eased. “Then you almost have a twin, too.”

  “Aye, I guess you could say that. When we were bairns, our mums kept us together so Fiona could watch over us both.”

  “Where is Ronson now?”

  “He married a lass from the Lowlands, and since she was her parents’ only child, he agreed to live with her clan.”

  “He sounds like a nice person.”

  “Aye, he is nice, but he also had nothing left here. Ronson’s two brothers headed to America years ago, and his parents died when their cottage burned to the ground. ’Twas right around the time he met Nora and immediately lost his heart to the lass. ’Twasn’t much of a decision to agree to her parents’ request for him to take their clan name. They married only two weeks after they met.”

  “We broke their record.”

  Braeden grinned. “We did indeed, lass.”

  “I fail to see the humor in it.” Honestly, did Braeden think this was all entertainment? They were married to each other for life. Something she hadn’t wanted, and here she was, sitting across from a man who could very well thwart her dreams and plans. And there was nothing she could do about it.

  “If ye can see the humor in it, ’twould not upset ye so. Ye might think I dinna ken how ye feel about this, but I do. What confuses me is why yer so against marriage. Or is it merely marriage to me that has ye so distressed?”

  How to answer that question without hurting him yet have him realize she would not be the wife he surely wanted? She had plans and commitments that were very separate from his. Plans she had no intention of abandoning. Unfortunately, he deserved more. He deserved a wife who would appreciate all he had to offer as a husband. She opened her mouth to speak and burst into tears.

  Without a word Braeden toed off his boots and climbed into the bed with her. Pulling her into his arms he leaned his chin on her head. “Ach, lass. ’Tis a hard time for ye. Yer in pain, and need some time to heal. I ken that.”

  Why did he have to be so nice? So damned nice. She didn’t even feel bad for thinking such a nasty, inappropriate word. The way she was treating him, compared to how he treated her, brought even more tears.

  Braeden eased back and looked down at her. “Darlin’, I’m thinking ye need a good night’s sleep.”

  She wiped her nose with the handkerchief he’d handed her. “I believe you’re right.” With the move from her sister’s home, and her injuries, her emotions had been up and down all day. Hopefully, after a few more days she would begin to feel more like herself.

  “Lie down and I’ll rub yer back until ye fall asleep.”

  Sarah scooted down and rolled to her side, presenting him with her back. The tisane relaxed her, and eventually the soothing touch of his palm stroking her back had her drifting off to sleep.

  Braeden grinned at the soft snores coming from his wife. Propped up on his elbow, he continued to draw circles on her back as he gazed out the window at the darkened night.

  He shifted onto his back and linked his fingers under his head. There was something troubling the lass. Although he didn’t consider himself a great lover, he’d had enough contact with the lasses to ken when one was attracted to him. And the draw between him and Sarah was strong. What he’d learned of her upbringing and character, she would not have allowed him to make love to her if she didn’t have feelings for him.

  The question remained, why was she purposely holding herself back? Was it possible there was a lad at home she was fond of? Had hoped to marry? But then he remembered the lass saying she never intended to marry, and would simply be a doting aunt to her siblings’ bairns. Verra strange.

  Feeling tired himself, his eyes drifted closed, and soon he was as sound asleep as his wife.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “I’m taking the lass on a trip. She had such a hard time on her journey here, I thought it would be nice to show her more of Scotland without all the concerns and disruptions of her previous trip.” Braeden leaned his forearms on his mum’s kitchen table and fiddled with his teacup.

  “I thought ye were waiting for a letter from yer committee?” Mum asked.

  “Aye. But I think the distraction would be good for Sarah. She spends a great deal of time writing in this journal of hers. She needs some fresh air and something to occupy her time besides the journal. ’Tis not natural for a high-spirited lass like my Sarah to be indoors all the time hunched over a pen and paper.”

  “Sounds to me like ye and yer wife are well suited. ’Twas many a day I chased ye away from yer books.” His mother smiled warmly at him.

  Every day Sarah asked if his letter had arrived, almost as if she would be glad to be rid of him. It seemed the more determined she was to push him away, the more resolved he was to get back his Sarah who he’d come to know on the journey to her sister.

  He’d even spent an afternoon at Bedlay, clucking over the bairns, so he could talk to Sybil about her twin. She seemed surprised when he
mentioned Sarah spending all her time writing.

  Sybil had patted the back of the tiny bairn in her arms and said, “Do you not know what she is writing?”

  “Nay. She said ’tis a journal, but the lass never goes anywhere or does anything to require all that recording.”

  Sybil had tightened her lips and shook her head. With a deep sigh, she suggested he ask her about her writing, but he had pushed that thought away. If the lass wanted to record every minute of her day on paper rather than doing the sort of activities that would inspire all that writing, it was her decision.

  He’d spent a great deal of his time researching and making notes, so ’twas better than if he felt the need to entertain her all the time. His mind returned to where he sat at his mum’s table. He stood and pushed his chair in. “If my letter comes while we’re away, hold onto it for me. They’ve let me wait all this time, so they will have to wait a few days for my acceptance.”

  “Where are ye and the lass headed?” his mother asked.

  “Inverness.” He shrugged. “I ken it’s a long trip, but there is much to do and see there. Sarah and I have a liking for history, and there is plenty of Scottish antiquity in that area. I hope to fill our days with tours, and then…” Realizing he was speaking to his mum, he stopped short. ’Twas best not to announce the plans he had to occupy their evenings.

  Braeden took the half hour walk from his parent’s house to the stone cottage. The walk in the warm morning air gave him time to contemplate the upcoming trip he’d planned. Sarah had not shown much enthusiasm when he’d presented her with the idea. She had just nodded and then returned to her blasted writing.

  His frustration grew every day also over the lack of response from the committee on the expedition. The trip had been scheduled to begin in late September. Here it was already mid-July, and still no decision had been made. If selected, he would need at least two months to prepare, and now time was growing short. It would be his job to order equipment and draw up the numerous notes, sketches, lists, and diagrams the team would require.

  All of that needed to be done in addition to his personal packing, and now with a wife to join him, she would want time to prepare herself, as well. He shook his head, wondering what it was a lady would take with her on a scientific expedition. Which brought him full circle to his concern about Sarah and her coolness toward him.

  This trip would be a honeymoon of sorts. To his way of thinking, Sarah spending the first several weeks of their marriage with her sister had started their problems. Not that he thought he should have denied her the visit. It had been, after all, the reason for the lass’s trip to begin with. He couldn’t help but think if she hadn’t been thrown from her horse she might have stayed established in Bedlay Castle until she grew old.

  Best to put all of those thoughts behind him and enjoy this trip. It would be a new start for them. If he was going to be a part of the expedition, he would need to concentrate on his work, and worrying about his wife would be quite a distraction. Feeling hopeful for the first time in weeks, he whistled softly as he approached the stone cottage where the woman who was constantly in the front of his mind was preparing for the trip.

  Despite her reluctance to spend time alone with Braeden, Sarah was excited about the excursion to Inverness. Traveling to new places always enlivened her spirit. Braeden had assured her the road to Inverness was well traveled. She found that comforting since she didn’t desire a repeat of her trip from England to Bedlay.

  She and Alice had gone through her wardrobe to select clothing to pack. She’d sent for some of her things from Manchester Manor, and they’d arrived a few days ago. In some ways, pulling out gowns she hadn’t seen in months seemed as though she’d acquired new clothing.

  Along with her possessions was a note from Drake. While not exactly scolding her, the tone was cool enough that she knew he surmised what had happened on the trip to Bedlay. The only way he would have gotten that information would be from Liam. Curse her interfering brother-in-law. Or should she say, her laird?

  Truth be told, Liam was indeed the oldest male in her family here, and without a doubt, Drake would have taken Liam to task if he hadn’t insisted on a wedding after hearing she and Braeden had spent the night together.

  Her mother also wrote to say she was preparing for a trip to the Highlands to see her new grandchildren and visit with her daughters. There was a terse note as well that it would be nice to meet her new son-in-law since Sarah had married rather quickly.

  Sarah had cringed when she read Mother’s words. The poor woman had had to hurry up Sybil’s wedding because her sister was already increasing when she arrived back on Manchester Manor’s doorstep. Once Liam came after her, the news of her condition became known, and a speedy wedding had been performed.

  If she and Braeden were gone long enough on this trip, her mother might very well arrive in their absence. The thought teased the back of her mind that should Braeden’s expedition approval come through, she could travel back to London with her mother.

  “Sarah, are ye packed yet?” Braeden’s voice pulled her from her musings. She turned to see him leaning against the doorframe of her bedroom, anticipation on his handsome face.


  He pushed himself away from the door and strolled into the room. “By the saints, lass. How much are ye taking?” He spun in a slow circle surveying the trunks Alice was diligently packing.

  “I need enough gowns for day and evening. I assume we’ll be going to the theater and museums and other things?”

  He moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning in close to whisper in her ear. “Ye dinna need much. I like ye best with nothing on at all.”

  The feel of his warm breath against her neck, and the vision of what he’d said, let loose a swirl of heat to drift to her lower parts, spreading rapidly through her body to enflame her face. “Shh. Alice can hear you.”

  “Nay. She’s busy packing.” He gathered the tendrils of hair falling against her neck and kissed the exposed skin, brushing his lips back and forth. Mesmerized, her head dropped and she closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation.

  “Should I tell her to leave off the packing because yer husband wants you to spend all yer time naked?” His warm breath against her ear sent shivers up her spine.

  “Braeden!” She turned to face him. “Stop that.”

  “Why?” He rested his wrists on her shoulders and trailed his thumbs over her heated cheeks. “’Tis been a long time, lass. Yer leaving me in a bad way.”

  Yes, it had been a long time, and her body reminded her of what she’d been missing. His eyes roamed her face, looking her over seductively, then settled on her lips. His large hand cupped her cheeks, and his head descended. The anticipation was almost unbearable as he moved closer, his soft breath bathing her before his lips covered hers hungrily.

  The feel of his lips, the touch of his tongue urging her to open to him, had her awash in sensation and need. His strong arm wrapped around the curve of her waist, pulling her to him. She slid her hands up his chest to encircle his neck, her fingers playing with the soft hair that hung over his neckcloth.

  Every thought in her head fled as he swept into her mouth, touching all the parts that caused her to shiver. There was an intimacy to their kiss that hadn’t been there before. Or had she merely forgotten the powerful hold this man had on her senses?

  He released her mouth and scattered kisses along her jaw, the hollow of her neck, then up to her ear to tease and lightly bite, then soothe the sensitive skin there. His hands roamed her body, touching, caressing, kneading her flesh.

  The sound of the bedroom door closing echoed in the recesses of her mind, telling her Alice had left the room. She should be embarrassed at what the maid had witnessed, but there was no room for awkwardness with the sensations washing over her from Braeden’s expert mouth and hands.

  The man was a master and played her body like a fine instrument. She had no idea how it had happened
, but within minutes her gown was gone and her stays had been untied. He made short work of the rest of her garments, which quickly vanished, and she stood naked in his arms, her clothing pooling at her feet. The feel of her sensitive skin rubbing against the rough fabric of his jacket brought her to a new level of awareness. Of her need for him. For his touch.

  “Ach, lass, I’ve missed ye so much. Ye’ve been driving me daft for weeks. I need ye in my arms, need to feel your warmth surrounding me.”

  Before she had processed all his words, he swept her into his arms and strode to the bed. Gently, he laid her down then removed his shirt and boots. “Yer so lovely it makes my hands itch to touch yer skin, to feel how ready ye are for me.”

  Unabashed at her nakedness, she raised her arms in invitation, wanting—indeed needing—to feel the weight of his body crushing hers.

  Eating her up with his eyes, he said, “Darlin’, I could stare at ye all night, but if I don’t take care of this ache yer causing me, I fear I might very well explode.” He came down on top of her, fisting her curls in his hands, taking her mouth with a vengeance, demanding her complete surrender and accepting no less. This was a Braeden she’d not seen before. There was desperation in his touch, as though he needed to meld their bodies into one. As though he strived to have her lose herself in him.

  Deft fingers stroked her heated center, circling her pearl as he whispered words of Gaelic in her ear. She writhed and moaned at his ministrations, moving her hand down to fist his hardened male flesh.

  He shifted from her neck to take her breast into his mouth, and her eyes drifted closed as he suckled. Her body was all sensation, with a craving to reach the place she knew only he could take her.

  She squeezed his member, eliciting a moan from his occupied mouth. “Does that hurt?”

  “Nay, love,” he said as he switched from one breast to the other. “Yer hand feels good, but if ye keep that up too long, ’twill all come to an end verra quickly.”


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