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Alien Hostage

Page 1

by Tracy St. John

  Clans of Kalquor 10



  Tracy St. John

  © copyright April 2016, Tracy St. John

  Cover art by Erin Dameron-Hill, © copyright March 2016

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places are of the author’s

  imagination and not to be confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or

  events is merely coincidence.

  Kindle Edition

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 1

  Tasha eyed her surroundings. She stood on an open platform near the top of a blue-leafed tree. The foliage was thick due to the late spring growth, shielding the wood-planked deck from any curious eyes that might be around. And yet she felt watched by avid gazes.

  She took in the platform itself. It boasted little in the way of details but she saw evidence that it had recently been used. Cushions as long as her body made from furred animal hides lay scattered about. Depressions in their centers spoke of someone – or something – making use of them at some point.

  Tasha inhaled deeply. She smelled the wood of the tree itself, of the deck beneath her bare feet. The leaves had a dusty yet distantly sweet fragrance, much as dried flowers might carry. There was her own light fragrance, a spritz of perfume that wafted from her body. Then there was another scent, something musky and spicy, with a hint of cinnamon.

  She backed toward the trunk of the tree, where the improbable rough spiral staircase wound about its thick circumference. She had padded up its circular path less than a minute before, curiosity about what she’d find driving her forward. Now, feeling those unseen eyes upon her, she headed back that way. She concentrated on getting to the stairs, trying not to think of the dizzying height that she would have to descend to reach the ground.

  Tasha turned as she neared the trunk, reaching toward the flimsy-looking railing that wound in tandem with the steps anchored in the massive tree. Her hand froze in midair as her gaze locked with that of a man standing a couple of steps down.

  He was big, his naked torso made of granite muscle. Tasha’s breath caught to see the powerful swells beneath mocha-brown skin. Her gaze skittered down to the tan animal hide tied about his waist, revealing legs as strong as his upper body. His waist-length black hair drifted loose in the breeze, waving like lazy tendrils of midnight fire. His purple, cat-pupiled eyes were narrowed as he looked at her, as if he could drill into her soul with his very gaze. He had sensual lips in defiance of the carved masculinity of his face. They curled in a knowing smile.

  Tasha took a step back from that ruthless leer. Her legs trembled with sudden weakness. The alien man drained strength from her with the power of that unblinking stare.

  In response to her retreat, he advanced another step, growing taller. His eyes were at least three inches higher than hers now. He kept climbing, looming bigger. Then he stood on the deck with Tasha, towering over her.

  Movement behind him alerted her to the second man on the stairs. Tasha took another step back, realizing she didn’t have much room to retreat to. She was going to run out of platform soon.

  The first man’s companion mounted the deck and came around to stand at his side. This one was slighter but no less impressive. His dark face was long. The features would have been haughty had it not been for the warmth in his eyes and lust curling his lips. His shaggy hair brushed his wide shoulders, tousled locks that shone blue-black in the dappled light. He also wore a skin loincloth knotted low about his hips.

  And yet a third man appeared. He held Tasha’s gaze more rapt than the first two. Her mouth went dry to see the heavy, brutal brow and the downward scar that started at one corner of his lips, making him seem to scowl fiercely even though she saw a definite smile on his face.

  It was one of many scars which covered his masculine body. He was built slightly less bulky than the first man who’d gained the platform, and the jagged marks emphasized many of the curves of muscled flesh. Tasha’s gut squeezed tight as she eyed the brute, a savage-looking creature who seemed born to fight and take what he wanted.

  “A Matara has entered our territory,” the first man said. He spoke slowly, as if relishing every word. His low, deep voice struck a chord in Tasha’s body. She shivered.

  The scarred beast lifted his face, his wide nose flaring as he inhaled. “She is ripe for breeding,” he rumbled.

  Tasha’s weakened knees shook even harder. It took all she had to not collapse to the planking.

  The slightest member of the group’s eager smile grew wider still. “Then let us take her.”

  Tasha gasped and stepped back. The three men in front of her disappeared into dark blurs, the smear of their passage racing straight for her. All at once they surrounded her, the sharp scent of them choking in its heavy aroma.

  She couldn’t think how to form words as calloused hands closed over her arms, holding her prisoner and simultaneously supporting her. More hands grasped her blouse and the neck. The scarred man pulled the front of her blouse apart, his eyes staring intently into hers as he did.

  The fabric purring apart was all Tasha could hear. Then air wafted over her bared chest, taking her breath away.

  The marked beast-man growled to see her exposed. His face darted down, fangs appearing behind large square teeth. The sharp sting of his bite drove a cry from Tasha’s throat.

  The other two men bit her as well, one at her throat. The other fastened his mouth on the ample swell of a buttock. Tasha knew about the venom they injected her with, how it would render her helpless to their desire to mate with her. Already the sense of warm euphoria crept over her, a sweet intoxication that overwhelmed any instinct for self-preservation. Her will weakened until she knew she would deny the men nothing.

  They lowered her to one of the cushions on the platform, laying her down so she sprawled open to them. Their fangs slid out of her skin, leaving tiny punctures where drops of blood beaded. Tasha gazed at her captors, her vision hazy with intoxication.

  The biggest man smiled down at her. “Now you will serve our needs. You will give us your body for our pleasure.”

  A stab of hunger plunged deep into Tasha’s gut. “Yes,” she whispered.

  Her skirt went the way of her blouse, pulled apart by coarse, demanding hands. She lay exposed beneath the three hulks. Her body lit with eagerness.

  The scarred man pushed his companions aside, making them move so he could crouch between Tasha’s legs. They laughed at his enthusiasm even though their loincloths showed obvious arousal. He smirked in wordless reply. Then Scarred Savage grabbed Ta
sha’s lightly tanned thighs, his fingers indenting soft, malleable skin. He drew her plump legs apart. His breath caught as he stared at her exposed pussy, wet and blushing with need.

  Scarred Savage liked what he saw. The pungent aroma that reminded Tasha of cinnamon rolled off him in a tidal wave. A rumble of a growl vibrated his chest. His purple eyes lit with fire. He half-swooped, half-collapsed down, burying his face in her crotch.

  Tasha cried out as he mouthed her hungrily. His rough, raw silk tongue swept over tender flesh, scooping up the wetness that flowed. Molten pleasure leapt through Tasha’s body at the feeling of him there. She started to flail only to find the other two men held her pinned to the furred cushion. The vulnerable position fed her desire, making every cell light.

  Scarred Savage licked and sucked at her womanhood, his enjoyment voiced through muffled chuffing sounds. He was frenzied in his oral pleasuring. The rough mouthing was what Tasha liked best – violent and demanding.

  The other two men had been watching their companion enjoying his feast. They turned their attention to her, settling on either side of her, each imprisoning a wrist next to her head. Their wet, open mouths found other body parts to pleasure.

  The slightest of the three sealed his lips to Tasha’s, his tongue sweeping into her mouth to taste her. He plundered her with the kiss, seeking every nuance with a knowledge that made her tremble. His hand squeezed her breast, first gently and then harder. She responded to the heady ache by thrusting the mound up into his hand, begging for more. He chuckled into her mouth. He pinched her nipple hard and she writhed at the pleasurable stab of pain.

  The third man was at the other breast, sucking with abandon at the heavy tit that overflowed his mouth. His tongue, every bit as deliciously rough as his companions’, rubbed over the tip to turn it pebble hard. His teeth closed over the erect point, bringing as sweet a pain as the other man’s pinching.

  Scarred Savage drew Tasha’s swelling clit into his mouth. At the same time, he pressed two thick fingers against her female opening. The big-knuckled digits shoved in deep. Tasha kicked the air as he filled her. His fingers drove in and out, fucking her. His wicked tongue lashed her clit, sending a tide of gooseflesh to cover her skin. Her whole body flushed with sensual heat as her pussy yielded to the invasion. A third finger pried her open further, demanding entrance as well. The added girth rubbed the most sensitive place in her feminine sleeve, sending roiling heat swirling through her belly. She screamed into the slightest man’s mouth.

  He halted his passionate kiss to stare into her glazed eyes. He grinned at whatever he saw there. “You will come for us, woman. You will come for us many times. We demand it.”

  The other man who led this group of wild jungle beasts added, “You will obey. You will come when told.”

  Tasha could already feel herself succumbing to their demands. The venom they’d injected her with made her sensitive to their every touch. Their brute strength let her know she had no choice but to surrender. The frenzied attack and physical domination underscored that, leaving her helpless against their lust.

  High in the tree, having stumbled into their territory where they ruled, Tasha knew she must acquiesce to all they wanted. In this wild place with its equally untamed men, she must give herself over to every demand put to her.

  “I obey,” she whispered, surrendering completely.

  The two fell on her again, more fervent than before. Meanwhile, Scarred Savage doubled his efforts. He drummed into her pussy with rough fingers. He sucked and tongue-lashed her clit harder than ever.

  It was beginning, that gorgeous demolition powered by lust. Tasha wailed as desire overpowered her, its demands combusting her body and driving her to final immolation.

  “Yes Matara, you are giving yourself over. You have no choice but to yield to us.”

  They drove her on with steady thrusts, with nipping teeth, with hard hands, with burning kisses. The implacable taking shoved her closer to the edge by the second. Tasha’s head tossed from side to side as the excitement built. Deep, carnal longing erupted into brazen, unstoppable demand.

  “Please!” she begged. “Please!”

  “You may come for us now.”

  Crescendo broke upon Tasha. Her pussy grabbed onto the fingers plumbing it, flexing to take them in deeper as the violent craving found its voice. Tasha’s body strained in the arms of her captors, fighting to release the gathered tension that unwound in shattering bursts. Fiery surges broke upon her body. She was torn apart and made whole all at once.

  The last pulses had not yet faded when Scarred Savage withdrew dripping fingers. With bestial purpose, he pushed two of them into Tasha’s tightest entrance. She gasped at a fresh surge of passion.

  “Now we will have our needs satisfied while we relieve more of yours,” he vowed. His fingers drove in and out, twisting and turning, opening her for what could only be a profane act.

  Tasha opened her mouth to protest, but the words died on her tongue. His touch was unthinkable; certainly not something a young woman of her upbringing and culture should allow. Yet she was still held hostage by the intoxicant in her system, making every touch titillating. Even this – this breach of forbidden flesh – was rife with bliss. These feral men were debauched, more animals than men. How could she respond the way she was now, with hunger and want? With such a complete lack of conscience?

  It was the jungle, this uncivilized place where the wild ruled and rules fled before the wild. Her body acknowledged that with every wanton stroke of Scarred Savage’s fingers, with every bite from the leader’s teeth, with every breath-stealing kiss of the slight one’s mouth.

  The violating fingers slipped away. “Give yourself to us,” the leader demanded.

  Tasha had no choice. It went against everything she knew, but the scorching atmosphere of the jungle had infiltrated her, making her as sultry as its air. She capitulated to its reign.

  “I am yours.”

  They moved around her, re-settling as if finding assigned places. She was moved too, made to lay on her side. Scarred Savage slid behind her, his chest moving against her shoulder blades. Tasha felt the insistent prod of the larger of his two cocks between her buttocks. Her insides bubbled to know he would stake his claim to her there.

  The leader lay in front of her, pulling her fleshy thigh over his. His front cock rubbed against her pussy, seeking the warmth it demanded. It was as wet as her sex, the alien flesh exuding its own sensual lubricant in anticipation of entering her.

  The slightest one crouched overhead, his two cocks looming above her upturned face. The one in front was the larger of the two, shaded twice as dark as the rest of his skin. It too was slick in readiness to plunge into her mouth. A bead of pearly white perched at its tip. Tasha knew she would be made to swallow that drop of masculine pleasure; that drop and much, much more.

  Scarred Savage was the first to sheath himself within her. A sweet ache bloomed as the bullet-shaped flesh, tapered at the tip, grew in girth as he pushed within her ass. Knowing it was no use to protest ... indeed, having no wish to deny her brutal lover now that the jungle had made itself a part of her ... Tasha concentrated on accepting the thickening shaft impaling her. She was to be mated to these men in their way, the instinctual call to breed stronger than any rules society had ever made.

  Though the taking throbbed with dull hurt, Tasha felt an even stronger pleasure in the act. Once more, the thrill of being overruled by those who made no illusions as to their mastery over her won out.

  Tasha groaned as Scarred Savage’s groin met with her buttocks. He was fully imbedded within, his claim too deep to deny. He had taken her as any beast might, making her bestial in kind.

  The leader crowded closer, flattening her large breasts against the muscled planes of his chest. With a knowing smile, he took his primary cock in hand. He placed the tip at the entrance of her pussy. Without a pause, he drove into her, sheathing himself in one thrust.

  The air left Tasha’s lungs at
the sudden claiming. She hadn’t expected it, and the strain made her moan. Yet the burst of pain was joined by an astounding fullness that turned her insides to molten lava. The double penetration pressed her interior hotspot. Her body flushed with violent heat. Her tormented groan turned into a shout of exaltation. She hovered at the point of climax, needing only a moment’s friction to send her over.

  The leader grinned, as if he knew how close she was. He began to draw out, his cock dragging slowly, deliciously over the igniting flesh.

  Orgasm burst over Tasha, flashing blinding light through her body. She quaked between the two men, trapped in a prison of rapturous ecstasy. She clawed the shoulders and back of the man before her, turning animal under his delightful torment.

  She shuddered as thrills chased up and down her spine and through her sex. Her clutching sleeve felt the cock still filling it, still bearing against the electric part within. Tasha whimpered, knowing their promise to make her come over and over would be fulfilled.

  A hand gripped her chin. The slightest one’s stance, kneeling on one knee with the other leg hovering in the air over Tasha and the other two men, looked as though it should be awkward. The tendons of his arms stood out with effort. Yet he balanced without a tremor as he lowered his groin towards her face. He adjusted her head, tilting it so that he could feed her mouth with his primary cock. The bead of pleasure was still at its tip. He froze just out of reach of her lips.

  “Take it. Taste me.”

  Tasha opened her mouth and extended her tongue. She drew it over the end of his cock, capturing the precious pearl of his lust. Salty-spicy-sweet flavor danced over her tastebuds.


  Tasha obeyed.

  The cock lowered down, pushing past her parted lips to find its place in the warm confines of her mouth. She closed her eyes as it pressed against her tongue and slid back towards her throat. Just as it went far enough to impede her breath, it reversed course, sliding back out. Then in again. And out. She tasted the drippings of pre-cum along with the cinnamon-like bite of his lubrication as he fucked her mouth.


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