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Alien Hostage

Page 15

by Tracy St. John

  The man felt so amazing on top of her. She didn’t need his muscled thighs nudging hers to make her legs spread.

  Nur smiled. “I knew I’d fit perfectly on your body. I knew these hips were made to cushion mine. You were born for sex with my kind.”

  Tasha felt the truth of his words. Her tendency for softness was the perfect foil for big, masculine Kalquorian frames. Though she’d often wished herself less plump, more than one man had announced his enjoyment of that very quality.

  Tasha looked up at Nur, feeling how solid and strong he was against her more giving body. His strong jaw had the slightest hint of shadow playing about it, just enough to make a compelling face more arresting still. The loose hair behind his ears fell forward, curtaining their faces behind its black shield. A knowing smile played about his lips. Feeling him on top of her with only the thin barrier of his pants between her sex and the swelling of his groin made Tasha’s pussy wetter than ever.

  Those smiling lips descended towards hers, and she stopped breathing. Nur’s mouth pressed against hers, its softness a delightful contrast to the gritty stubble of his chin. Tasha’s lips parted, eager for that first taste.

  His tongue swept in, a rough silk surface that invaded with delicious demand. He moved over her, reminding her of the hard planes of his chest flattening her tits, his flat abdomen rubbing against her softer slope, his avid cocks brushing her pussy. Her hands flew like startled birds to grip his upper arms as she hung on for dear life.

  Her mind closed down to everything but sensation as Nur kissed her, like a wash of static eclipsing reception. Tasha reduced to feeling, knowing only instinct. She had been made to acquiesce to this stronger creature, to offer herself to his need, a need that would satisfy her own.

  Nur kissed her with painstaking care, his attention meticulous. Tasha’s body burned for his, her being aching to be devoured by the Imdiko. Only when the kiss ended did she regain any conscious knowledge of herself as a thinking creature. She stared at him dumbfounded, her breaths coming in gasps, her legs wound tight around his thighs.

  He lifted himself on one elbow, giving himself room to fondle a tingling breast. “You give yourself so completely,” he murmured, squeezing to make her flesh ache. The sensation rolled down through her gut, making her pussy throb with want.

  “Nur,” she moaned. She couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  “Is this pleasure? Or a natural need to submit even if it is uncomfortable?” he asked. “Truth, Natasha.”

  The use of her real name made Tasha soften even more, though she couldn’t have explained why that was so. “Both,” she whispered. “I like a little pain, and I like to give myself to a man who demands what he wants.”

  “But only if it’s what you want as well,” he pressed. Nur’s eyes narrowed, as if the idea of her surrendering to anything less than what she desired made him angry.

  “I will tell you if I don’t like something,” she agreed. “But I don’t mind being pushed. I only have hard limits on stuff like blood or humiliation.”

  “And?” he pressed.

  “And—” Tasha’s voice failed as her memory served up a brief glimpse of a face from long ago. You want to be nice to me, right Tasha? You want us to be friends.

  She swallowed. “Don’t try to talk me into doing things just because you like them. If I say no, I mean it.”

  There was a lot more to it than that, and Tasha was sure Nur realized it by the narrow way he looked at her. Instead of pressing her on it, however, he nodded. “Any time you wish to stop, say so. I will not hesitate to halt whatever is going on.”

  “Okay. The word was ‘exercise’.”

  His eyes lit anew with a knowing light. “I remember. Now that we have the ground rules established, let me see exactly what entices you. Though from some of your reactions, I think I might already have an idea.”

  Nur’s lips curled in a smile that made Tasha’s stomach tremble in equal parts anticipation and anxiety. He looked frighteningly capable of wrongdoing when he smiled like that. It made her head fill with that wash-of-static feeling again.

  His hands left her breasts to grasp her wrists. He put them over her head, gathering them in one big hand. Tasha’s immediate reaction was to pull against his control. She found his grip impossible to escape. The heat in her belly spiked. She couldn’t move.

  “Wait,” she gasped, feeling her vulnerability to Nur’s possession.

  “For what?” With his free hand, the Imdiko plucked one flushed nipple and then the other, sending a wonderful churning loose within her. Tasha stopped her half-hearted struggles as he pinched one hard. Splinters of white-hot agonized ecstasy barreled through her body. She cried out and jerked the other breast upward, seeking equal attention for it.

  Nur grinned. “Oh, it’s like that, is it? I like how your eyes go unfocused, how your body turns pink, how your breath quickens. And just think; I can keep you pinned and do whatever I wish with you.”

  Tasha moaned, excitement coursing through her veins. Nur’s bald assessment of her vulnerabilities and his obvious intent to exploit them had her enthralled. Her pussy throbbed with want with every moment he held her captive.

  “I need a taste, Tasha,” he said in a low, dangerous tone. “I need it and I will take it.”

  Nur lowered his face to the breast he cupped. His mouth opened, and she felt his warm breath crawl over the distended nub, the reddened areola, the entire soft mound that humped in gooseflesh. Then his lips closed over her tit, bathing her in hot wetness. Tasha cried out at the wondrous sensation.

  The Imdiko pulled loose, sucking hard as he released her. His teeth dragged against the sensitive nipple, sending painful delight arrowing right for Tasha’s clit. Her pussy spasmed in reaction. Tasha’s eyes rolled up and the static in her ears grew louder.

  Nur lapped at the swollen tip, his scratchy tongue abrading it. Tasha cried out and arched, not knowing she did so. The Kalquorian chuckled, the sound satisfied.

  “Such a good girl. Now for the other one,” he said, turning his attention to the other breast.

  He kept at her until Tasha sobbed with need. Her breasts throbbed with aching and excitement, sporting reddened streaks where his teeth had branded her.

  Nur stared down at her as she writhed beneath him. The black pupils of his eyes had nearly swallowed the entirety of the irises. “Lovely,” he breathed.

  He released her and got up. Tasha gaped in astonishment. Where was he going? He wouldn’t leave her like this, would he? She reached for him.

  He stopped her with a bald glare. “Did I tell you to touch me?”

  She froze. In a small voice Tasha said, “No, Imdiko.”

  “Arms at your sides.”

  Tasha complied, hoping she hadn’t done something that would stop their play. Nur was controlling all right, and he might decide she was too demanding to continue. The approving look he gave her when she moved quickly to obey calmed the sudden concern.

  She still wasn’t ready for it when he picked her up and slung her over his shoulder. Tasha yelped to find herself being carried like a sack of potatoes even though the view of Nur’s muscled backside was quite nice.

  He took her out of the bathroom and into the darker sleeping room. Tasha was carried to the far corner where the shadows were deepest. Nur lowered her down, seating her in another high-back chair, one with a headrest.

  It wasn’t a chair though, not a usual one anyway. The seat was small, allowing only the back half of her ass cheeks a surface to rest on. There were metal plates on insides of the padded leg rests, which Nur arranged her thighs on. The plates kept her thighs stretched wide open, a position reinforced when the Imdiko strapped her ankles to the rests.

  “Oh,” Tasha breathed in a small voice. With her legs wedged apart, her pussy was in blatant view.

  Nur’s eyes twinkled with evil merriment. “Exposed and defenseless. Just how you should be,” he said. His fingers slid against her slit, touching her there for the f
irst time. Every molecule of her sex came to rapt attention at the touch, and he found her already wet.

  Tasha’s face heated. She usually had no problem signaling her interest in fucking a man, but Nur’s intense gaze made her feel assessed at every second. She was sensitive to his evaluations, exquisitely so. She had the idea he attuned to her every expression, each indication of her emotions no matter how fleeting.

  There were more straps to bind her wrists to the armrests. Once Nur had her secured there, he extended them straight and out to the sides. Tasha thought she must look like she was doing an impression of an airplane.

  The Imdiko’s hand cupped her chin, tilting her head against the pillowed rest. Tasha looked in his eyes, noting the gentle and yet firm grip he held her with. Under his control. Her pulse pounded in her ears.

  His other hand moved above her eyes and she felt a stripe of pressure across her forehead. She gasped and tried to move her head forward. The pressure increased, keeping her pinned to the headrest.

  “Easy,” Nur murmured as he tested the strap he’d placed there, making sure it wasn’t too tight. “Breathe, Tasha. You know how much you like being held down. This is simply another way of doing it.”

  He was right. His choice of words set off warning bells in her head though. A moment of blind rage shot through her skull. Tasha couldn’t help but snarl, “Don’t tell me what I like.”

  Nur paused and looked at her carefully. A crease furrowed between his brows. His voice came gently as he said, “All right, I won’t. However, I want you to tell me what’s bothering you. Is the head strap too much? Take a deep breath and calm down first.”

  He waited and Tasha inhaled, filling her lungs. Her respiration, which had veered into the territory of hyperventilation, slowed. She took another breath and her nerves steadied.

  Nur hadn’t kept going, hadn’t kept telling her she wanted whatever he did. He stood close, his attention fully on her, waiting to see what she would say or do next. His attitude was one of concern, an aura of readiness to do what needed to be done.

  Tasha inwardly cursed the old fears that had interrupted her fun. Yes, she did like being held down. She found being strapped to this strange chair, her body open and helpless to the dark, delicious man who’d made her this way. It had been the way Nur had spoken of it, the words that echoed another man whose intent had been a lot less about mutual pleasure. But the Imdiko had done nothing wrong.

  Tasha made herself relax. She told Nur, “I’m sorry. This is good. I’m fine with you tying me to this chair.”

  One brow lifted as he scrutinized her face. “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely.” She gave him a tremulous smile. “Can we keep going? Please?”

  Nur eyed her for another beat before nodding. “Yes, but if you keep balking like that, I’ll stop. I don’t like my sexual partners looking terrified of me, even if it is only for an instant.”

  Tasha swallowed. “It’s nothing to do with you, I promise. I have some funny triggers. You found one.”

  “Telling you what you like? That’s a hell of a trigger.” When she remained mute, Nur shook his head. “Fine. Keep your secrets if you like. But if we were to be together any longer than a night or two, I’d insist on knowing exactly what set you off just now.” His frown said he meant it.

  “Lucky you to not get stuck with my baggage,” Tasha said, forcing lightness in her tone. She didn’t need the Basma’s son-in-law in her head, even if Nur did hate Maf.

  To get the good stuff back on track, she licked her lips with a slow sweep of her tongue while gazing in his eyes. “Will you touch me again?” she asked in her sweetest I-want-to-please tone.

  The dangerous light came back to the Imdiko’s eyes, and one side of his mouth twitched up in a smile. “I would be most happy to.”

  With Tasha secured to the chair, Nur’s gaze swept over her vulnerable body. His inspection paused at the juncture of her legs. His hand reached for her.

  Tasha’s eyes closed in ecstasy as he drew his fingertips over her folds. Heat thudded through her pussy in time with her quickening pulse. Nur stroked up and down the slick path between the lips, pausing to circle wetness around her clit. The sensitive nubbin strained, seeking contact with his teasing finger. With her head restrained, she couldn’t see it but knew it swelled with want. The finger slid down and up and made its circle again, setting off electric tingles. The light pressure taunted but wouldn’t touch her where she wanted it the most.

  “More,” she moaned the fourth time Nur denied her.

  His voice, coming from the vicinity of her crotch, sounded amused. “In my time, woman. I will play with your sweet flesh until I no longer wish to. You can only sit there and take whatever I decide to give you. You have no choice.”

  Nur’s statements had the exact opposite effect on Tasha from when he’d told her she wanted to be tied down. Her body flushed with arousal, her every sense in excruciating awareness of his touch. Her stomach filled with molten desire. It shook deep in her core. The petals of her pussy trembled in desperate need.

  The Imdiko’s deep, masculine chuckle told Tasha he’d noticed her reaction. “Yes, my pretty alien flower. I will take all I want from you. I will play with you and I will fuck you until you come screaming for me.”

  Tasha’s body flared with excitement. Hearing his intentions so baldly stated made a fine quivering break out all over her body. She was under his power. She could deny him nothing. Her body was his to torment and enjoy however he chose.

  As if to prove her thoughts, he shoved a finger inside her, making her vagina accept the abrupt invasion. A bolt of elation shot up her spine at the intrusion, detonating in her skull. Tasha uttered a breathless cry, her body straining against the straps that held her. She couldn’t move however, and her senses swam as Nur pumped in and out in enthusiastic rhythm. His finger fucked her mercilessly, making her insides roil with pleasure.

  A second finger joined the ruthless taking, increasing the pressure in her clutching sheath. He pressed hard against the front of her sleeve, finding a cluster of nerves that made her feel as if her skin crackled with electricity. Tasha squirmed in the restraints, knowing there was nowhere to run but unable to keep from trying. The pleasure was building fast, too fast for her to take and remain coherent. Her control was disintegrating with every exquisite thrust.

  Nur’s thumb brushed over her clit. Heat began to coalesce deep in her gut, reaching a fever-bright pinpoint. She was going to climax.

  Orgasm was thundering towards her when Nur pulled his fingers free. One moment he was there, enthralling her rioting body with his touch. The next she was empty, her clit still pulsing from the last sweet stroke from his thumb.

  “Nur!” she cried out, unable to believe he’d denied her at the very moment she’d been ready to fly apart.

  “Liked that, did you?” came his amused voice. “But I don’t remember telling you to speak. If it wasn’t our first time, I’d gag you for not waiting for permission.”

  She gasped in outrage, both for the missed orgasm and his high-handed attitude. Okay, mostly for the missed orgasm. She liked a man who took unquestioned control. Besides, hadn’t she allowed herself to be gagged more times than she could count?

  Huffing her displeasure, she kept her complaints to herself. Nur was dominant enough to demand absolute obedience. That pleased her, but if she spoke out of turn, he might deny her climax for the entire encounter. That would most certainly not make her happy.

  “I’m glad to see you have some sense,” Nur chuckled. “Keep quiet unless I ask for your opinion. And take that offended look from your face. You’ll get your climax, but in my time.”

  It hardly seemed fair that he could see her from his position while Tasha was denied looking at him. Between the shadows and her position in the chair, she could only discern the occasional movement at the bottom of her vision. He must have been kneeling between her legs.

  That she had no idea what he was doing or what he looked
at added to the sense of power he wielded over her. A shiver ran through Tasha’s body at the thought.

  Damn, she liked this Imdiko.

  * * * *

  Nur watched the play of emotions over Tasha’s face, enjoying the glimpse into her feelings at what he did to her. Seeing her crumbling moments ago, a hairsbreadth from achieving completion at his hands had been enthralling. Then came the fascinating tug-of-war: her natural inclination to be in control against her obvious desire to surrender to his power over her.

  To say he found Matara Tasha interesting would be an understatement. She was a strong woman, strong enough to escape Ket and trained Nobek soldiers. She was confident enough to tell a dominating lover what she wasn’t going to put up with. Yet within all that was the soft, gentle woman who could relax into the strength of a man, a giving creature who allowed Nur the responsibility to see to her needs as he wanted to do. As he ached to do. Heady stuff. He hoped he would not disappoint her.

  She was settling in again, the immediate skirmish between wanting her orgasm and letting him continue to tease her momentarily over. Nur grinned from his position of kneeling between her splayed legs. He would have enjoyed tormenting her all night, but sooner or later Falinset and Wekniz would come looking for him. Nur’s Dramok would probably hit the roof if he came upon them this way. No, he should finish up sooner rather than later. What a shame. After all she’d been through, Tasha deserved a worry-stealing all-nighter.

  The Imdiko leaned forward, inhaling her sex’s exciting scent with appreciation. Wetness coated her pussy, making the plump, blushing folds gleam in the weak light. Still grinning in anticipation, Nur licked her reddened clit. At the same time, he pushed a finger in her rear entrance.

  She jerked with a high-pitched cry. Nur sat back, working his finger in and out, stretching her taut sheath. Her legs strained, trying to kick. Oh, so she liked that kind of attention, did she? He’d heard that some Earther women weren’t inclined for such pleasures. It was nice to know Tasha wasn’t one of them.


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