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Attainment (Between Two Realms Book 3)

Page 6

by Amber Flora

  “You’ve got yourself a match.”

  She barely acknowledged his acceptance before turning to me and grinning.

  “Shall we seal it with a kiss?” Her voice suggested our agreement was the one she was most excited about.

  “Um, can we go somewhere a little more private?”

  Was I really about to kiss a woman in front of Mac, Herrick and half the club?

  “Oh, don’t be so shy, lovely, it’s just a kiss. I promise I won’t bite.” She winked.

  My heart was beating so fast I thought it would explode. I didn’t dare look at the guys; if I did, I would die of embarrassment. Ruby laid her cheek against mine and put a hand on my waist.

  “You’re so warm! How I miss the feeling of warmth against my skin. Your heart is pounding so hard against your chest. I don’t know whether to be excited or hungry.” Ruby brushed her lips to mine gently before seizing me into a kiss.

  Mac honestly didn’t know if he would come out of the cage alive. He assumed Ruby wouldn’t make it easy on him; it wasn’t her style. He did, however, know that finding Skyler was important to Ashtyn, which meant he would do whatever possible to make that happen. If he really was about to die, he was glad he got to see the show first.

  “I know we don’t exactly get along, but even you can agree that this is damn sexy,” Mac said, unable to take his eyes off Ashtyn and Ruby.

  “You’re disgusting,” Herrick replied.

  “Ah, come on, vibrant. It’s just us guys; you can be honest.”

  Herrick sighed before showing a slight grin.

  “I would gladly give up my memory of speech to keep this one., Herrick replied, feeling slightly guilty for enjoying Ashtyn’s humility. He could feel her emotions and she was not enjoying herself.

  “There ya go, lad. Doesn’t honesty feel good. On that note, we’re going to tell her we turned our heads, right?”

  “Oh, absolutely.”

  Chapter 7

  Cody could have sworn he was dreaming. Although impossible, he had to be — what other explanation could there be to what he was seeing? Ashtyn Lane was making out with a vampire seductress? This week just kept getting weirder. He looked at Ben, who was standing there with his mouth wide open in shock. HE would have laughed if this wasn’t one of the worst days of his life.

  “Ahem,” Cody cleared his throat, wanting to make his presence known. The second Ashtyn pulled away and spotted them her face turned pale.

  “Sorry to break up whatever this is, but we need to talk, now,” He caught Mac glaring at him from the corner of his eye and knew that he would hear a mouthful for breaking up the ladies.

  “Ruby, could you give me a moment with my companions?” Ashtyn asked with a crimson face.

  “I could use a drink after that. Don’t be long; it’s Herrick’s turn to pay up,” Ruby said, running her fingers across Herrick’s shoulder before sauntering off.

  Cody had no idea what he walked into, but for once he was glad he wasn’t in the mix.

  “Hey, I’m glad Gloria told you where we are. I heard about your trip to Cardician. Is everything all right?” Ashtyn asked, still blushing from embarrassment.

  “No, things have gotten much worse. Katrina is now among the missing.”

  He hated even saying the words. Kat’s missing. It sounded like a cruel joke. How could he have let this happen? How could he have failed at protecting his own friend? He saw the fury burning in Ashtyn’s eyes. With her new powers she was a walking bomb and he stupidly just lit the fuse.

  “Who is doing this, Dakota? Tell me you have a lead!” she roared.

  Herrick placed a hand on her shoulder and quickly withdrew it.

  “Love, remember your emotions. You are burning up.”

  Cody took a step back, fearing she would nuke him on the spot.

  “Control my emotions? Someone has taken Katrina and you want me to calm down?” she screamed.

  Everyone around her looked nervously at each other as her hands held balls of flames. Herrick must have had a death wish; he placed a hand on either side of her face, forcing her to look at him. Cody could tell he was being burned but his hands remained firm.

  “Hummingbird, if you don’t control your feelings you're going to torch the entire place, us along with it. Look around you, love, you’re scaring them.”

  Ashtyn darted her eyes around the room as tears rolled down her face. Instantly the flames extinguished as she fell to floor in Herrick’s arms.

  “Just breathe, love, it’s all right. I’ve got you.”

  “I’m so sorry. I would never hurt any of you. You know that, right?”

  Mac knelt, placing his hands on her knees.

  “Aye, Macree, we know. You’re upset is all. How about ya wait downstairs while I talk to Cody and Ben?”

  Herrick nodded a silent agreement to Mac as he helped Ashtyn off the floor and down the stairs.

  “I thought she had a handle on her powers?” an aggravated Cody asked.

  “Aye, she does but Kat is her friend. I’m sure you’re just as upset as she is about it. If your arse could shoot fireballs this place would have been ablaze the moment ya walked in here. Don’t ya dare make that girl feel bad about what she’s done.”

  “She could have killed us, Mac!” Ben bellowed, looking just as angry as Cody.

  “That’s horse shit and ya know it. That girl would have burnt herself alive before she hurt any of ya. Since when did the two of you decide Ashtyn was a threat to your existence?”

  Cody had seen what Ashtyn did to Damon. He knew she was powerful and even though she and Mac had been keeping him in the dark on her training, he had heard stories about her practice sessions. Anyone with half a brain would be afraid of what she was capable of doing. After recently finding out what her child would become, he couldn’t help but wonder if helping Ashtyn discover her true self was a blessing or a curse.

  “Honestly, Mac, Ashtyn is the least of my worries at the moment. We need to find Kat and so far the only clue we have to go on is that some of the girls were identified as impures.”

  Mac rubbed the top of his head as he paced the room.

  “Do ya think Ser’ie is free? Could he be hunting impures?”

  “It wouldn’t make much sense. If Ser’ie had somehow managed to break out of whatever prison he was being held in, I doubt he would be so discreet about it. Why take a few women from their beds? How would that help him win a war?” Ben asked, looking between the men.

  “I don’t know. If not him, then who? Who would gain from this?”

  “Damon,” Herrick said from behind them.

  “Where is Ashtyn?” Mac asked. He was pissed off that Herrick would leave her alone in a vampire bar.

  “Relax, she’s having a drink with Ruby. Do you honestly think anyone would touch her with Ruby around?”

  “What would Damon want with Kat?”

  Cody wanted to get back on subject. He needed to understand what he was up against and how the hell Katrina fit into his plans.

  “Think about it: No one has seen or heard from Damon in months. I doubt he’s been sitting around twiddling his thumbs. Ashtyn attacked him. Not only did she win the fight but she nearly killed him. He doesn’t want her anymore, at least not for what he originally wanted her for. The only thing Damon wants from Ashtyn is to kill her.”

  “So he took Kat to draw Ashtyn out into the open?”

  Mac thought about Lori and how Damon had used her the last time he got to Ashtyn. As soon as this whole cage match was over he was going straight to Lori’s to make sure she was all right. He needed to find somewhere to stash her until this whole thing was over.

  “Worse, I’m afraid. I think Kat and the other girls are Plan B. Damon’s still hell bent on creating a superior race. He thinks impures are the key. I’m guessing he is snatching up half-bloods trying to find the perfect gene cocktail.”

  Cody clenched his fists so tightly the muscles in his arms ached. Mac was right. If he could create fi
re, the club would be a pile of ash by now.

  “You’re saying he’s planning on breeding with Kat?”

  Herrick sighed. He really didn’t want to be the one to say it but they had a right to know.

  “Eventually, yes. I’m sure he’s just running tests at this stage to determine who would be a good candidate.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense. Kat isn’t an impure. I knew her parents.”

  Herrick was wrong, he had to be. There had to be another explanation as to who took her and why.

  “Katrina can heal. I hate to tell you this, but that’s not a dreamwalker trait. Why do you think most healing abilities don’t show themselves until maturity? Somewhere in Kat’s genepool is a vibrant. The healing memory was passed down through her ancestors. It remained dormant in her relatives but somehow Kat managed to trigger the gene.”

  “You’re lying; that isn’t possible. It’s not as though Katrina is the only healer,” Cody said, fuming that Herrick had the nerve to compare the kindest, most compassionate woman he had ever known to a soulless vibrant.

  “You know what Ashtyn said to be true. We all originate from Zeotecs. There was a time when the races weren’t separated as they are now. We’re all impures somewhere along the way. Vampires and Vibrants weren’t born monsters, Dakota, we were cursed. You think any of us would have chosen this life?”

  Mac grunted. “I think you would welcome it with open arms.”

  “Right, because you’re a pillar of sainthood. Give me a break, dreamwalker. How many times just tonight have you thought about slitting my throat?”

  “Not enough, apparently.”

  “Both of you shut the hell up!” Cody shouted.

  If Cody wasn’t already on the verge of a meltdown, the thought of Damon having Katrina for the potential purpose of reproduction had done the trick. All he could think about was finding Damon and removing his head. It was time for Damon’s reign of terror to come to an end.

  “I have to find him. I don’t care if I have to scour every realm, every dark hole, every damn piece of rubble and dirt. I will smoke him out and when I do he will wish that Ashtyn had killed him that night.”

  Cody saw everyone’s eyes locked on him. He knew he sounded crazy, that they were afraid he was off his rocker, and they weren’t too far off.

  “I’m going back to dream realm to see if Gloria has found anything.”

  Cody looked at Mac in a silent request to join him.

  “Ya know I would love to, lad. I want to find Damon just as much as you do. Unfortunately, I have a date with the cage,” Mac said, feeling guilty for not being there for his friend. Mac hated himself; he wanted to rescue Kat. She was too fragile and Damon too ruthless, but if he disappeared without upholding his end of the bargain Ruby would take it out on Ashtyn to punish him.

  “You what?” Cody quirked a brow in confusion.

  “It’s a long story. You and Ben head back; we’ll catch up when we’re finished here. I promise ya, lad. We’ll find her.”

  “Try not to get yourself killed,” Cody said, giving Mac a hug before feeling self-conscious and pulling away.

  Mac nodded, looking in Ben’s direction.

  “Don’t let him do anything stupid. That’s my job.”

  “Wait!” Ashtyn’s voice was heard running up the steps with Ruby walking gracefully behind her. When she reached Cody, she paused to catch her breath.

  “Ruby has something to tell you,” Ashtyn looked back at Ruby who appeared annoyed that she had decided to get involved.

  “I’m only doing this because I want Damon out of the way. He has been a thorn in my side for years. Now he’s taking my people. Dreamwalkers aren't the only ones being snatched in the dark,” Ruby said with a slight growl.

  “How did you know what we were talking about?” Cody asked in confusion.

  “It’s my club, I hear everything. If you want privacy I suggest you have your conversations elsewhere. Now, do you want my help or not?”

  Cody didn’t exactly trust her, but he didn’t have much to go on and if Ruby had any information that could lead him to Damon he had to take the chance. He nodded, hoping he wouldn’t regret it.

  “Not many people know this but Damon’s mother is alive and well. She returned to Cardician a few years ago.”

  “That’s great vampy but it’s not exactly like Damon and his dear old mum were on the best of terms. How is she supposed to help us track down the monster?”

  Mac couldn’t understand how Ruby got the reputation she had; she seemed a bit dense.

  “Call me that again and I’ll rip your throat out. His mother is a wizard, you Irish idiot. She can do a blood spell to locate Damon. If you can get her to agree to it, that is. See, this is the reason I prefer women. You men and your puny brains.”

  Cody smiled and wiped it away quickly when he saw Mac’s agitated face. He knew his friend just took a blow to his ego.

  “Thank you, Ruby. I am in your debt,” Cody said, reaching out to shake her hand.

  “I know. Now leave us. The boys still have their debt to pay.”

  Cody and Ben looked at their friends before disappearing, leaving Ashtyn with a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  “Now, where were we?” Ruby asked, smiling through her extended fangs.

  I was thankful to Ruby for helping us find Damon. It took some pleading. I was even willing to go as far as kissing her again, but thankfully it didn’t come to that. I really think she was genuine when she said she wanted him gone, even if it meant teaming up with us. On the downside, she had no intention of letting us out of our agreement.

  “All right Ruby, let’s get this over with. As soon as they leave you can hypnotize me and ask all the questions you want,” Herrick said, taking a seat on the sofa.

  “Oh, I don’t think so; they will remain exactly where they are. It’s not much fun to dive into that twisted little brain of yours if no one is around to enjoy it with me.”

  I saw Herrick shoot a quick glance at me before shrugging nonchalantly. Ruby strolled over to the sofa. She took a seat beside him and gently placed her index finger on his chin, turning Herrick’s eyes toward hers. I didn’t know what she would ask him or what his responses would be, but I didn’t like the idea of everyone hearing Herrick’s inner thoughts. When Ruby had finished hypnotizing him, I decided to give one final plea on his behalf.

  “Ruby, I know I’m in no place to ask for another favor but perhaps it would be best if it were just us ladies; let Mac grab a drink before his big fight.”

  “What, and miss this freak show? No way!” Mac pouted from behind me. I snapped my head around to give him a shut-the-hell-up look.

  “You dreamwalkers aren’t much fun,” Ruby huffed, motioning for Mac to scram.

  Mac rubbed the top of his head and paced, fighting the strong urge to deny Ruby’s command. Eventually he gave in and stormed off but not before he stuck his tongue out at me for robbing him of his entertainment. I glanced back to where a zombified Herrick sat.

  “Why do you want to poke around in his noggin so badly?” I asked, taking a seat in a black leather chair in front of them. Ruby rubbed her head with her hand. I feared I was giving her a headache with all my questions.

  “I like you, Ashtyn. Aside from your beauty, you talk to me like an equal, not a vampire or someone who frightens you. That’s rare in my world. For that I want to give you the gift of the truth. I can tell you care for the vibrant. You shouldn’t; whatever his reason for being here, it’s not to assist you. Inside this attractive shell is a heartless man with his own agenda.”

  I was a little taken back by her statement and somewhat offended. She didn’t know him, not the way I did.

  “Forgive me for saying so, but it seems you’re doing exactly to him what you don’t like done to yourself. You’re judging him based on his race.”

  Ruby smiled and patted my hand.

  “Fair enough. Let’s just see if you’re right, shall we?”

nbsp; I was ninety percent positive that Ruby wouldn’t find what she was hoping to but for some reason I couldn’t explain why ten percent of me still saw him exactly how everyone did, as a ruthless killer. I hated myself for that.

  “Tell me, Herrick, why are you here?” Ruby asked, looking Herrick in his gray eyes.

  “I’m here to find Skyler,” he said in a monotone voice.

  “Why do you want to find Skyler so badly? What’s in it for you?” Ruby’s voice was calm and soothing as she continued to question him.

  “It’s important to Ashtyn.”

  I caught myself smiling at his admission.

  “Why are you here with her at all?”

  “I didn’t want to be here. I had no intentions of seeing her again. It made me come back, I couldn’t fight it. I tried for months but it was too strong.”

  As his words began to sink in, I felt my temperature rising. Was Herrick saying someone made him come for me? That he’s helping me because he’s being forced to do so? Holy macaroni, what if Ruby was right? Was it possible that this entire time he was playing for another team?

  “Who? Who made you contact me?” I yelled, jumping from my seat and standing over him.

  Ruby put her finger to her lips, indicating for me to be quiet. I put my hands on my hips and waited for an answer.

  “Not who, what,” he replied, still looking at Ruby. Now I was really confused.

  “Okay, Herrick. What made you assist Ashtyn in her search?”

  I saw him take a deep breath, like he was trying to fight off the mind control. Thankfully for me, Ruby was too strong.

  “My heart, it longed for her. It was an ache I couldn’t cure. I tried to get her out of my mind. I wanted to go back to the life I had before I met her but I couldn’t. Everything I did was an attempt to get back to her. Every time I closed my eyes her face was all I could see.”

  My heart skipped a beat. My head began to spin and I felt like the earth was shaking. His heart? He wasn’t betraying me or part of some grand scheme. He was here simply because he cared for me. I was such an ass. Through my teary eyes I looked over to see Ruby staring at me in complete astonishment and suddenly I realized that she was about to discover his deepest secret, a secret I knew he wouldn’t want anyone knowing, especially not a powerful vampire. Dammit, I couldn’t stop it. Even if I managed to shut him up now the damage was already done. Once this whole thing was over we were going to have to find a way to clean up this mess. For now, I would just have to helplessly watch as Herrick revealed the impossible.


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