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Attainment (Between Two Realms Book 3)

Page 15

by Amber Flora

  “It’s going to be okay, hummingbird.” He brushed a strand of my hair out of my eyes.

  “Why does everybody feel the need to keep reassuring me of that?” I huffed, climbing off him and resting my chin on my knees.

  “Would you rather we all ignore your doom and gloom attitude?” His voice was stern, which meant he was trying to keep his calm.

  “Do you know one of the things I like the most about you? You don’t baby me like the others. Cody, Mac and even my father treat me like I’m this porcelain doll that’s going to break at any moment, but not you. You don’t smother me or act as though I’m incapable of looking after myself, until now. This is the first time I feel like you see me like everyone else, an incompetent misfit.”

  “Is that really what you think? You honestly believe I don’t have faith in you? Ashtyn, you are not only the most capable woman I have ever met, you are braver than most men. I don’t treat you like you're incapable because you’re not. I’m smart enough to know that failure isn’t in your vocabulary. Do you want to know a theory I have? What I have been trying to figure out about you from day one?” Herrick pierced me with his gray eyes, not allowing me to look away.

  “How I’ve made it this far?” I asked in a snarky tone.

  “Stop acting like a brat, you know that isn’t it. You have powers you haven’t even begun to tap into, Ashtyn. Vibrants can feel other emotions but you, your vibrant side takes on a whole new ability. You heighten the emotions of others, love. At first I thought it was just a coincidence but after meeting Cody and Mac, there is no denying it, love.”

  This conversation took a sharp turn — fast.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Think about it. When you are around Cody, he has this deep desire to protect you. Mac’s attraction toward you, Grison’s anger and Damon’s craving for power. All of their emotions are heightened when you’re near.”

  “So you're saying it’s all my fault? That none of what they are feeling is real?”

  Herrick shook his head no and placed his palm on my cheek.

  “That isn’t at all what I am saying, love. For better or worse you bring out people’s true nature. Emotions they can normally hide from others can’t be masked around you. Cody’s vigilant personality, Mac’s flirtatious side, all amplified in your presence.”

  I thought about what Herrick was saying. My mind drifted to Bonnie and what led her to stab me. Her sorrow was always so prominent when she saw me. I thought it was because I reminded her too much of my mother, but what if Herrick was right? What if I really did magnify other’s emotions?

  “If what you are saying is true, I don’t want that ability. If that caused Damon to go mad and Bonnie to attack me then how can it be a good thing? How will I ever know if someone really cares for me or not? How do I know what we have is real?”

  Herrick crawled in front of me, placing one leg on either side of mine, holding my chin with his hand and squaring his eyes on mine.

  “Let’s make one thing very clear. You can question a lot of things but my feelings toward you are not one of them. You brought me out of the dark. My life did not begin until you. The first time I knew my world was changed forever was our first training session. There you were, this scrawny little thing being held prisoner and about to fight an assassin, but you showed no fear. Knocking you down doesn’t weaken you, it builds you up, makes you stronger. You, hummingbird, are the most fascinating being I have ever laid eyes upon.”

  “How do you know what you’re feeling isn’t just a reaction to my powers?”

  Herrick smiled before softly grazing my lips with his own.

  “That’s an easy one, I, my dear, am immune. Otherworld magic doesn’t work on me.”

  “That’s not true, Ruby hypnotized you.”

  He raised a brow playfully.

  “You mean when I confessed my feelings for you under coercion?”

  My mouth fell open in shock and I wanted to punch him.

  “You faked it! The entire thing was a rouse?”

  Herrick shrugged his shoulders and laughed.

  “I wanted you to know how I felt but I was too much of a coward to tell you myself. I figured appeasing Ruby and confessing to you all at the same time was a win for everyone.”

  “You sneaky little rat!” I squealed as I climbed onto his lap and rested my head on his chest.

  “So you really do care for me?” I asked like an insecure child.

  “We all care for you, love. Cody’s and Mac’s feelings are still their own, just exaggerated a bit, but to answer your question: without a doubt. When this is all over and we have a chance to catch our breaths, I intend on spending countless hours showing you just how much you really mean to me. We did not come together because fate willed it, my love. The fates conspired us to be together because we willed it so. The cosmos aligned because our love will be a love of legends.”

  I seized his lips in a feverish kiss. My heart was beating out of my chest and the flames inside began to spark as they traveled through my veins and found the energy that connected Herrick and me. The temperature in the tent rose and I knew Herrick could feel the crackling heat between us. It was as if we were one person. He should have been burnt by my powers but instead it moved through him as it did me. As the kiss deepened and my desire rose the sensation increased. The heat radiated off us but still he didn’t pull away. The moment he cupped his hand under my back and buried his other in my hair we heard a loud snap. We both opened our eyes in shock as we looked around us. The tent had caught fire and began to collapse. We had burnt our surroundings to the ground yet remained unharmed. I snapped my head back to Herrick who just sat there with a look of amazement on his face.

  Cody and Ben came running up with their swords drawn, looking around the crowd for the threat.

  “What happened? Are you two okay?” Ben asked, reaching out his hand to help me up. I took it and burst into a laughing fit. Did we seriously just start a fire from making out? How the hell would I even explain it?

  Herrick looked over to me and winked. I knew he could feel what I was feeling and I was sure he was awfully damn proud of himself at the moment.

  “I don’t think we have to worry too much about her once the fighting starts. Damon won’t stand a chance.”

  I smiled at Herrick’s declaration of confidence in me and for the first time since we arrived, I agreed with him. The uncertainty was gone, not just about my ability to beat Damon but the fear I had for all of us. We were more powerful united then Damon and the Credo would ever be. Not because we had wizards or an ample number of soldiers but because we had each other. We had something Damon didn’t have: love. We weren't fighting for revenge or power; we would win because we all had someone who loved us, someone we wanted to go home to, a reason to live. There was one thing I was certain of: Love trumps vengeance every time.

  Chapter 19

  I could see the stone frame of Damon’s fortress in the distance as we came to stop. I gripped Herrick’s hand tightly as I pushed back the anxiety that tried to consume me.

  “I can feel the barrier around his compound. It’s incredibly strong. Unless we can breach it our magic will be useless,” Algon said, walking up with Jeremiah.

  “Can it be done?” Cody asked.

  “It has to be done. Jeremiah, anything with Bethany?”

  Jeremiah shook his head. “Not yet.”

  “Ben, push all the dreamwalkers back. It’s going to take a lot of power to bring down this barrier. I don’t want them too close when this thing comes crashing down.”

  Ben nodded and addressed his soldiers to fall back.

  “We have to join them, lass.” Mac said, reaching for my other hand to drag me with him.

  “You guys go, I’m staying here.”

  “The feck ya are. Vibrant, you better throw her over your shoulder and get her the hell out of here.”

  Herrick turned toward me and placed his hands on my face.

��I’ll see you on the other side, love. Watch your back and remember what I taught you.” He kissed my forehead and turned to follow Ben and Cody.

  “Macree, I beg you, stay close to us. The second that wall comes down the battle will begin. You need to be surrounded by the people who will protect you.”

  I stood on my tippy toes and kissed Mac’s cheek.

  “It’s time to let go, Mac. I will always be your friend but I’m not your responsibility.”

  He wouldn’t look at me, not directly, and I knew he was hurt, but Mac needed to move on. He had to find his own piece of happiness and the longer I tried to keep him close the more harm I was doing to him.

  “Your boyfriend's a wanker,” he said, rubbing the top of his head.

  “Yeah, he kind of is, huh,” I laughed.

  “When this is all over can we have a movie night?” Mac asked.

  “Only if I can eat popcorn on the couch.”

  “You’re pushing your luck, lass. I’m not Herrick. I would kick ya out of bed for eating crackers,” Mac called out over his shoulder, turning to follow the rest of our group.

  I stood between Algon and Jeremiah, trying to see what awaited us in the distance. I couldn’t see much in the dark but I could swear I felt Damon’s presence as if he was pulling me toward him. The sensation sent shivers down my spine.

  “What do we do?” I asked, looking at my father.

  “We have to pull apart the energy that is holding the spell together. Link hands, close your eyes and feel the energy that's surrounding us. Damon’s magic will feel different than the natural energy. Reach out with your mind and grab it. Think of it like a thread, the harder you pull the more it will unravel.”

  Part of me wanted to make some smart-ass comment about using the force or needing a powerful wand meant only for me but I must be growing with age because now seemed like the worst time for jokes. Instead I took Algon’s and Jeremiah's hands and closed my eyes as instructed. At first I felt nothing and I wondered if I didn’t have enough wizard blood to be of any use but the longer I stood there the more I could feel it. I could sense the trees around us, feel the earth moving beneath my feet. It was euphoric, I felt stronger, more connected to my surroundings. As my mind roamed the energy that surrounded us, I could feel a tear in the natural flow of the energy. I knew it had to be Damon’s magic. I allowed my own energy to flow outward, to circle the tear and latch onto it. I sensed the other wizards combine their energy with mine and weave through the barrier, pulling and unraveling it one section at a time. I threw my head back as I expanded my reach. Across the compound my energy flowed, untangling the dark magic that stood between me and Damon. When my power reached the walls of the castle I felt a hard tug, like someone yanked me off my feet. A flash of Damon’s sinister smile appeared right before I felt like I was choking and began to seize. My eyes shot open and I fell to the ground.

  “Ashtyn, are you okay?”

  “He knows we’re here,” I got out in a gasp.

  “The barrier is down. We did it,” Jeremiah said, looking toward the chateau.

  “Are you sure?” Algon asked, pulling me to my feet.

  “Yes, I can feel Bethany. She’s in there.”

  I pulled the dagger from my boot as I heard the mass of Credo quickly advancing.

  “Save your magic for Damon if you can. You’ll need all of your strength,” my father said, looking at me with a concerned expression.

  “Just clear me a path, I’ll take it from there.”

  He and Jeremiah nodded as they began chanting a spell in unison. I squared my shoulders and took a deep breath. This is where it ends, one way or another the war ends tonight.

  I didn’t look behind me to search for Herrick and the others. There wasn’t time. The Credo were advancing quickly and I needed to keep my head in the game. I knew my boys could take care of themselves, though the thought of something happening to one of them terrified me. Fog began to rise from the earth, flowing past where I stood between Algon and Jeremiah. It snaked its way toward the enemy army, giving us some cover to prepare our attack. When the first wave attacked, thunder crashed to the ground, hitting Credo soldiers one by one. Those who made it past the line of wizards were greeted by dreamwalker guards ready to strike them down with their steel swords. I followed Jeremiah as we ran toward the chateau in search of Katrina and the others. A Credo soldier spotted me and bolted in my direction. I recognized him from the compound in Finland and by the look on his face, he knew exactly who I was. His face was snarled as he approached me; Jeremiah was too far away for me to call out to him. I would have to hope he could handle himself until I could catch up. I held my dagger against my chest and planted my feet firmly. Once he got within striking distance he swung his longsword straight at my neck. I swiftly crouched like Herrick had taught me, slamming my dagger into his foot. He howled in pain before kneeing me fiercely in the chin with his other leg. My teeth chattered and I stumbled backward. The sniveling rat ripped the dagger from his boot and threw his hand out, seizing my neck. I couldn’t breathe as his thick hand squeezed tightly around my windpipe. I pulled my leg up, kicking him roughly in the stomach and causing him to loosen his grip. I took the small window to place my arm against his neck, allowing for a wider gap between us. My hands were the first to begin to burn. The fire traveled up my palms to my arms, singeing his skin. He howled in pain as his stumbled backward.

  “What the hell are you?” he cried out, looking around for help.

  I ran for my dagger he threw to ground and launched it at him. The dagger plunged through his chest as he fell to the ground.

  “You won’t be around when I figure that out,” I whispered, standing over his lifeless body. Sucking back the bile that threatened to rise I removed my dagger and took off in a sprint toward where I last saw Jeremiah. The frigid air was doing a number on my lungs but I wouldn’t slow down, I couldn’t. I had to get to Damon before he could do any more harm to Katrina and any of the other girls he held prisoner in an icy cell. I took a moment to observe my surroundings and see if I could spot Jeremiah or any of the others in my group.

  “Well, what do we have here?”

  I turned to see a middle-age woman with bright gray eyes clicking her tongue at me.

  “I would run if I were you. I know you think you can win this fight but trust me you can’t,” I said, preparing myself for another showdown.

  “Oh honey, didn’t your mother teach you not to judge a book by its cover?”

  I noticed the strange woman didn’t advance toward me, which meant she was skilled, according to Herrick. He always told me to start with defense whenever possible. She was waiting for me to go after her. I looked her over to see if I could find any weaknesses. She just stood there with a methodical look on her face. I decided on a frontal attack and eased my way in her direction. When I felt confident I had the upper hand, I sidestepped, throwing my hand out toward her throat. Before I could blink she blocked my assault and slashed my arm with a knife she had hidden. Blood poured out of the wound but it didn’t deter me; I countered and swiped her leg out from under her. She fell backward and rolled out of the way, coming up behind me as I bent down to finish her. I sat on both of my knees as she held her knife against my throat.

  “Mother!” My eyes looked upward to see Herrick standing in front of us.

  “The prodigal son returns. Would you like to do the honors?” the woman asked, not releasing me from her hold.

  “Jewel?” I croaked out in utter shock. Herrick’s mother was the one about to slit my throat? Why did it seem like all the men in my life had mothers who wanted me dead?

  “You told her about me? I would be touched if I could feel.”

  “I see you haven’t learned your lesson. What did Damon offer you to betray me?” Herrick didn’t move or make eye contact with me. I wondered if he was in shock or trying to decide if he could do what it would take to free me from my position.

  “Betray you? You turned your back on o
ur kind the moment you chose to feel. Damon has offered me a fresh start. All I had to do was kidnap a few girls for him and help him win this war and I’m free, no more exile.”

  “You are the one who took those girls? I should have known you had a hand in this,” Herrick spat.

  “Who else could have accomplished what I had? No one suspected me, walking amongst them in their own realms,” Jewel said, sounding proud of herself.

  “I knew you were psychotic but I had no idea how far you would truly go to be as you were before.”

  “It doesn’t have to end this way, son. If you kill her I know I can persuade Damon to forgive you.”

  “I would rather die a thousand deaths than join you and Damon. If you harm her I promise you I will be the one who ends you. Let her go, Jewel, and you and I can finish this the vibrant way.”

  I obviously didn’t want to die but I also couldn’t bear to let Herrick and his mother fight to the death. I had to fix it before something happened that would haunt Herrick forever. Either he was about to see me die or he was going kill his own mother to save me. Without drawing attention to myself I slowly lowered my hand to the ground, pulling the energy from the earth's core. The terrain began to shake and split. The knife Jewel was holding against my neck stabbed into my skin. The cut wasn’t deep but I could feel the blood trickling onto my chest. I continued to pull apart the ground, separating Herrick from us by about twenty feet. Soldiers from both sides ran and jumped to get out of the way.

  “Ashtyn!” Herrick screamed from across the crater.

  The earth still rumbled as I removed my hand and closed my eyes to block out the view of Herrick frantically trying to find a way around.

  “You have goshen, I have to give you that,” Jewel said, holding tightly to the knife.


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