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Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances

Page 41

by Lyssa Layne

  I let out a sigh of relief. “Do you get tested regularly?”

  He nods. “I may be horny but I’m not an idiot.”

  I smile and run my fingers over his hair. “Then we’re good. Adam’s always looking for a way to hurt me, whether it be by taking more time with Grey or trying to push you away, he can’t stand for me to be happy without him.”

  Jace’s hands lock behind my back and our bodies are pushed together. “Laurel, you’re too fuckin’ perfect.”

  I laugh and shake my hair over his arms. “I’m far from it and I hate to break it to Adam, but he’s not the only man I’ve been with.”

  Jace laughs. “I would love to be the one that got to tell him that.”

  I bite my bottom lip. “One might have been his cousin…”

  Jace’s laughter increases and he scoops me into his arms. “Forgive me for being a pussy?”

  “Tell me why you were scared,” I whisper, looking into his eyes.

  He stares back at me and drops his voice. “Because I’m afraid of losing you.”

  My breath hitches and I bite the inside of my cheek.

  “I’m not leaving Florida until you tell me to. This is my home now.”

  No words come to my lips so instead I kiss him and he kisses me back, carrying me upstairs to his bedroom. An hour later, I’m wearing nothing but my panties and he’s in his boxer briefs as we lie in bed together for the first time. My fingers walk over the compass inked on his inner bicep.

  I roll over so I’m half on his chest, half on the bed. “Tell me about this one.”

  Jace glances down and smiles, his fingers playing with my hair. “My grandfather gave me a compass for my tenth birthday. He told me it was so that I could always find home. When I got signed my rookie year, I got it inked so I’d remember my roots.” He shakes his head. “So much for that,” he mutters.

  I kiss the compass and lean up to kiss him over his heart. My finger moves between the south and east points. “Addresses change but home is where your heart is and right now, it’s right here.”

  Jace leans down and kisses my forehead. “Thanks, babe.”

  My finger swirls around his nipple ring and he moans softly. “Is it okay if I stay the night?”

  Jace nods. “I’d like nothing more than to hold you tonight.”

  I snuggle up to his chest as he reaches over and turns off the light. We may not have had sex but on another level, we were so much more intimate. Jace said he’s not going anywhere so there’s nothing to keep me from holding back anymore and that scares the shit out of me.



  After the best night of sleep and an even better wake-up call, Laurel left this morning so she could meet Adam when he dropped off Grey. Good Lord that woman knows how to work a nipple ring and as easily as she can get me off just by dry humping, my cock is begging to be inside of her. I messed that up last night and I’m willing to wait, but this is the longest dry spell I’ve ever had and the most I’ve ever wanted a woman so I’m not sure how much longer I can hold out.

  As soon as Adam was gone, she texted me and I jumped on the chance to spend more time with her and the boys. I told her last night that I wasn’t going anywhere and I meant what I said. We’ve been spending the afternoon poolside at Ashley’s, her son and Sam are having a blast in the pool but Grey’s not feeling it. He kicks the water with his feet, making small splashes as we sit on the edge letting our feet dangle in the water.

  “How was the stepmonster’s?”

  Grey shrugs. “Fine, I guess. She talked the whole time about their new place in New York and kept trying to convince me of the cool things we could do like the art museum and the Empire State Building. It all sounded lame to me. I mean what’s so cool about riding an elevator in a really tall building?”

  Thinking back, I recall my loft in New York. I only had it so I had a place to bring women home and screw their brains out. Then I found Colie again, who happened to need a place to live, and Laurel’s right, home is where the heart is. I may have spent the majority of my time in D.C. where my team was but I only felt at home when it was just Colie and me in that loft, laughing like we did back in college when no one was watching us. I thought I’d lost it all when Colie walked out of my life but now that I’ve found Laurel, I understand it happened for a reason. I know Colie is happy now but at some point, I need to find her and apologize for the shitty things I did to her. Power and money, it’s a dangerous combination.

  “Yeah, Empire State Building is only cool for about ten seconds when you first get to the top but the art museum is pretty wicked. Don’t knock it until you try it.”

  Grey shrugs, kicking his feet some more. I know it’s not any of my business and hopefully if Laurel knew, she’d clue me in but she hasn’t yet, so I ask, “Did your dad say anything about how often you’d visit?”

  “Not to me, but I overheard Bianca telling her mom that I’ll have to wear a uniform.”

  That son-of-a-bitch, he plans on having Grey during the school year. There’s no way that Laurel would agree to that. If she did, I’ll have to try to talk some sense into her because then we’d never get to see him. Wow, where did that come from? The man unable to have kids is getting pissed because he’s not going to see his girlfriend’s son enough. Laurel and Grey Darbis have definitely worked some kind of magic on me.

  “Hey, Jace?”

  “Yeah, man?”

  “If I have to move to New York, will you stay here with my mom?”

  “I told her last night that I planned to stay here for a long time.”

  “Good because you make her really happy and I don’t want her to be sad when I’m gone.”

  “Want the truth?” I push my sunglasses on top of my head. He may be a kid but he needs to be treated like a man, that’s what my father always told me.

  He nods and swallows. I put my arm around his shoulder. “She’d be heartbroken if you were in New York, nothing I could do would make her feel better.”

  Grey gets teary eyed and he nods. “I know, but my dad is an asshole and always gets what he wants. I don’t want to go to New York.”

  I cradle his head in my arms, hugging him tightly and kissing his forehead, completely uncharacteristic of me but it feels right. “You’re not going to, not if I have anything to do about it.” And like that, I know what it feels like to have a father’s love.


  Ashley flips the sheet in the air and I grab the other side, tucking my edge into the end of the mattress. Her eyes are fixated on me and I know she’s waiting for me to say something about Jace but I keep my mouth shut. We straighten out the comforter, still not speaking. I wait for her to hand me a pillow but inside of handing it to me nicely, like a normal person would do since I’m helping her out, she launches it at me like a hand grenade.

  “Oof!” I grunt and laugh, putting the pillow in place.

  She throws her head back, letting out an exasperated scream. “That’s it? You spend the night with Jace Richards and all I get is an ‘oof!’ You’re being a really shitty friend, Laurel. Remember you promised to spill all the details if you ever had sex with the baseball god? Seriously, what kind of friend are you?”

  I laugh and fluff the pillow. “I’m a friend that upholds her word. We haven’t had sex.”

  Ashley walks over to the window and sighs, looking over the pool. “You’re insane to not jump him anytime he’s around you. And why the hell won’t he ever take his shirt off?”

  I stand behind her, resting my chin on her shoulder and admiring him from afar like she is. “Because he has his nipples pierced.”

  Ashley spins around so fast I almost fall flat on my face. “He what?!”

  I laugh and sit down on the bed. “He has his nipples pierced and these amazingly sexy tattoos up and down his ribcage and one right here.” I point to my inner arm and let out a dreamy sigh, just thinking about him makes my core excited.

  She laughs and sits beside me. �
�Well, aren’t you two a little match made in nipple piercing heaven?”

  I narrow my eyes. “You’d better keep your mouth shut.”

  Ashley pretends to zip her mouth. “My lips are sealed. Are you going to take them out when you get pregnant with his baby and have to breastfeed?

  “What? Come on, Ash, don’t be ridiculous!” My cheeks tinge because in my daydream of my perfect little family, there may or may not have been a picture of a baby Jace in my arms.

  She throws back her hair, laughing. “I’m just saying that when you do decide to boink, just use protection because it only takes one little spermy to get pregnant.”

  Her voice is too sing-songy and when I look over at her, her cheeks are radiating that familiar glow. My jaw drops and I sock her leg. “You little hussy! You’re pregnant again, aren’t you?”

  Giggling like a giddy kid on Christmas morning, she nods. “I need to thank you for watching the boys that night of flashlight tag.”

  “Ew, ew, ew! I did not need to know I was present during the procreation of baby number four.”

  Even as the words come out of my mouth, I give her a hug, happy for her but at the same time knowing exactly what that means when it comes to Sam. Ashley fills in all the details of her pregnancy and then grabs my hand.

  “You know this wasn’t planned, Laur, but with four kids, there’s no way we can take Sam when Jen…”

  She sniffles at the thought of Jen dying. I squeeze her hand and nod. “I know and it’s fine, really. As long as Adam plays nice with his move, it shouldn’t be a problem and Grey will be thrilled to have him as his brother finally.”

  Ashley wipes her tears. “And I promise they can spend the night anytime so you and Jace can get in some baby making time of your own.”

  The sappiness of the moment gone, I crack up laughing and embrace my best friend, holding her tight. Ashley squeezes me and whispers, “I’m happy you finally found your prince.”


  We break our embrace and I look over to see Jace in the doorway, looking tempting even though he’s still fully clothed. My cheeks flush and I hope he didn’t hear Ashley’s last comment. Pulling away from Ashley, I raise my eyebrow, wondering what’s wrong.

  “Can we talk?”

  I glance back at Ashley who shrugs her shoulders. “I’ll go down with Kurtis so you two can go to your place for privacy.”

  After thanking her, I follow Jace nervously downstairs. Once in the yard, he takes my hand and I relax slightly. What seems like an eternity later, we’re finally in my kitchen. The door is barely closed when I spin around, unable to take the silence.

  “What the hell is going on? Are you leaving?”

  Jace rubs my upper arms and shakes his head. “No, babe, I told you I wasn’t going anywhere. I wanted to talk to you about Grey and New York.”

  A small sense of relief comes but is replaced by the fear of losing my son. “Okay…”

  “Has Adam said anything to you about Grey moving there?”

  I shake my head. “He suggested he split the school year between here and there and I told him he was crazy. Ever since, he hasn’t said one word about a new custody agreement.”

  “Grey mentioned something about the stepmonst—I mean, Adam’s future wife, telling her mom that Grey’s new school has to wear uniforms.”

  My legs get weak and my knees buckle but Jace’s hands are on me and he holds me up. “That can’t happen, I can’t lose him, Jace.” Sobs escape from me and he holds me tightly, making me feel protected yet so empty at the same time by the thought of having Grey so far away.

  “We don’t know anything yet, babe. Let’s just get a lawyer on retainer so we’re ready to roll when he strikes.”

  My heart melts at his words and the way he takes ownership of my son but quickly, reality settles in. “I don’t have the money for that. It almost broke my family last time.”

  The silence is deafening between us until Jace kisses my forehead. “I can take care of it. We’re not going to lose him, Laur. Grey’s not going anywhere.”

  Be still my heart…how did I find this man?



  Two weeks later and still no word from Adam. Laurel’s relaxed some but neither of us are letting our guard down. Thanks to the hefty check Mr. Bill Walker had Camila give me, we have one of the best lawyers on retainer and ready to fight should the time come. It may have been dirty money but I didn’t want to take any chances with Laurel losing Grey. Speaking of, I still haven’t heard from Camila but honestly, I’m happy with life right now so while I’d love to clear my name, the hope of being reinstated into MLB isn’t my number one priority anymore.

  Another win on the ball diamond and the team is celebrating with a cookout at my place. Laurel couldn’t stop gushing about how awesome the Purser house is looking and insisted on hosting the party. I’ve come to realize that I can’t say no to Laurel Darbis which is why today’s party is happening. If you ask me, I think she wanted something to busy her mind and stop playing the what-if game with Grey’s future. Either way, I don’t mind the extra time her and Grey have spent at my place.

  By now, everyone’s gone except Ashley and her family. Standing at the sink, it’s just the two of us washing and drying. Ashley looks up at me with her blue eyes and blonde hair, definitely the type of woman I’d jump for in my old ways, but nowadays, I only have eyes for one brunette.

  “I usually ask Laurel but it seems like you’ve stepped into the parent role, so want Grey to spend the night at my place so you two can finally do the horizontal tango?”

  She bites back her laughter and I shake my head, keeping my eyes focused on the dishes I’m drying. “Laurel’s still number one in charge, I’m just trying to help out.”

  “Well, you could really help her out by getting her laid.”

  I laugh and look over at her. “You always this crass?”

  “Like you have any room to talk,” she shoots back. “You know, the two of you would make really cute babies.”

  My stomach drops and I look back at the dishes in my hands. “Yeah, well, the main focus right now is for her to keep the one she’s got.”

  Ashley drops a plate back into the soapy water, splashing dirty dish water over both of us. “Look, Laurel’s not going to let anything happen to her son, that’s not how she is. She will fight to her death if she has to so you have nothing to worry about.”

  “Hey, guys, need any help in here?” Laurel’s voice interrupts our conversation.

  Ashley keeps her eyes on me, lifting her eyebrow and I get her point. I look over my shoulder at Laurel. “Ash wanted to know if Grey could spend the night.”

  Laurel narrows her eyebrows in confusion. “Um…sure, I’ll pick him up after breakfast.”

  “Oh no, take your time…sleep in.” Ashley smirks at me before she hugs Laurel and gathers the boys, leaving Laurel and me alone.

  I throw the towel on the counter and lean down to kiss Laurel. “She’s really pushy, you know that, right?”

  Laurel laughs against my mouth. “That’s why I love her.”

  Shaking my head, I smother her lips with my own and carry her upstairs. With all the craziness of the potential custody battle, we haven’t spent hardly any time alone and I’m desperate to get my hands on that tight body of hers. Once we’re in the bedroom, it only takes a few minutes for us to be down to our skivvies and Laurel is climbing on top of me. She turns her back to me, straddling my legs and leaning forward as she squeezes my thighs. Her hips pop back and forth, grinding on my already rock hard cock. The view is fuckin’ amazing with her black, lacy thong in my face. I take a handful of her ass in each hand, squeezing it in response to the way she’s teasing my cock which now peeks out of the top of my boxer briefs.

  Her hips continue to rock, driving me crazy but there’s one more thing I need to tell her. Well, actually two but the other can wait. My hands slide up her hips and hold them in place. “Laurel, I need to tell
you one more thing.”

  Her body freezes and I sit up, kissing her bare back. “It’s not bad, why do you always expect the worse? Turn around.”

  Slowly, she turns around and I keep her legs on either side of mine. “You’re beautiful, you know that, right?”

  Her hands nervously fidget with the waistband of my briefs. “Just spit it out, Jace.”

  I take her hand, kissing it softly. “Well, um…my nipples aren’t the only thing pierced.”

  She lifts her eyes to meet mine then they dart back to my underwear. Scooting lower on my thighs, she slowly pulls my boxer briefs down, letting my erection spring free. The sun is setting but the light shines off the balls of a barbell that rests horizontally through the glans of my penis. Laurel takes her thumb and her forefinger and runs them over the balls, making me throb even more.

  She lets out a long sigh and suddenly throws back her head, closing her eyes. “Of course you’re bald. There’s no other hair on your body, why would you have any here?”

  Before I can grab her, she’s out of bed and pacing the room. Totally confused as to what just happened, I reach for her hand as she walks by. “What the hell are you rambling about?”

  She looks down at me, her cheeks getting that familiar flush that comes when she’s embarrassed. “You literally have no hair on your body except for your fauxhawk and your beard.”

  “Yeah…I got laser hair removal. It was one of the few things I couldn’t give back. Why is that a problem?” My hands slide up the backs of her thighs, trying to calm her.

  “Well, I’m not!” She glances down at her thong and shakes her head. “Why do you think I’ve made us wait so long?”

  I laugh and kiss her taut tummy in front of me. “You don’t want to have sex with me because you’re not…bald down below?”

  Her cheeks are now the color of a lobster and she speaks quickly. “Well, that’s not the only reason. Besides, I mean, it’s not like it’s a forest. I take pride in my personal grooming but no one’s been…down there for…well, awhile. And—”


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