Lillian's Love
Page 10
Michael laughed. He picked up his mug of beer from the bar.
Jimmy quietly offered a toast. “To your new relationship. Don't fuck this up, partner. A woman like that only comes along once."
Michael shook his head. Leave it to Jimmy to tell it the way it is. He smiled, then took a sip of beer. He couldn't help but look toward the ladies’ room.
* * * *
Lillian spoke with Carla by the front entrance.
"When were you planning on telling me about you hooking up with my brother?” Carla asked with her hands on her hips.
"I'm sorry, Carla. This just happened. It's been absolutely crazy.” Lillian nervously ran her fingers through her hair.
She immediately noticed Carla's smirk. She gave her a light jab in the arm.
"Carla ... you knew already, didn't you?"
Lillian placed her hands on her hip and squinted her eyes at her best friend.
Carla smiled wide.
"You had me going. I've been so nervous about this moment, about telling you."
"Well, your aunt spilled the beans. On top of it from the get go, that woman. Her concern for your well being and the fact that she doesn't know Michael made her begin her own investigation."
"Oh, God. Are you serious?"
"Dead series. Boy, can that woman interrogate. I had to tell her everything about Michael, yet she still thought you two were perfect for one another."
"That's my aunt. I could never pull anything past her. We both know her concern though, Carla.” Lillian glanced toward Michael. He and Jimmy were talking by the bar. Michael appeared happy.
Carla touched Lillian's hand.
"He won't hurt you, Lilly. I'm not just saying that because he's my brother. I'd love to see this work out for the both of you."
"I know, Carla. You know my greatest fear. It's been so long since I've been this close to a man—wanting to give everything I've got. Michael can be intimidating. It's scary as hell."
"Just try to take it slow. My brother won't hurt you. We'd all kill him if he did,” Carla stated.
They laughed, but Lillian couldn't help the uncertainty she felt.
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Chapter 9
"I've got it!” Detective Troy Miller exclaimed as he rummaged through the laundry room.
"What have you got?” Detective Willy Jacks asked as he joined his partner, leaning against the doorframe. They had been at Allison's apartment for over an hour.
Troy held up a navy blue tee shirt already enclosed safely in a plastic evidence bag.
"Maybe we'll get lucky. This could belong to the boyfriend. I found it in this box in the closet along with a shaving razor."
"Let's get that to the lab. Hope the son of a bitch used it to shave."
The detectives took out their evidence collection case. Careful not to contaminate the evidence, they wore gloves and followed the training they received in various classes.
"After that, let's head to the hospital. See if any of Allison's co-workers knew this guy or heard Allison say his name,” Troy stated.
Willy nodded his head in agreement.
* * * *
"Are you sure Allison said the name Martin?” Detective Willy Jacks, asked the sexy brunette in the nurse's uniform. She flirted with him big time. Willy's attraction was mutual.
She leaned against the doorway, eyeing Willy. No way he would pass up this catch. Appearing to be a perfect match by the way she flirted back with him, he had a good chance.
"Yes, Detective, she said the name Martin. He had blonde hair. I'm pretty sure of it. Blue eyes, too."
"How about a last name, a place of employment, anything else personal?” Detective Jacks asked.
"Um, I think she may have said something about him getting into trouble at one time. I'm not positive, but she may have said he had to receive counseling for his temper ... anger management, maybe."
"I appreciate the information, Maggie. Here's my card. Call me if you remember anything else.” He winked. She touched his hand when she reached for the card.
Oh, yeah, definitely an attraction. He held Maggie's hand there a moment. There wasn't a wedding ring on her finger. She seemed just as eager to flirt with him.
"Do you have a home or cell phone number I could reach you at in case another question comes up?” Jacks asked with a smile.
"Definitely. Just leave a message if I'm not there. I'll call you back, immediately.” She winked before walking away.
Jacks checked out her backside as she wiggled down the hallway in the nurse's uniform. He would be sure not to lose her number.
* * * *
Jacks returned to the office with the information from Maggie, informing his partner of the possible lead. A few days later, along with some heavy pleading with the lab technicians, their investigation into the murder of Allison Lloyd had revealed a possible suspect.
"His name is Martin Crane, Captain, arrested over a year ago on aggravated assault, attempted murder. The judge charged him with aggravated assault, lowering his sentence to twenty-four months. This is a picture of what his girlfriend looked like after the attack,” Detective Miller stated, handing the captain the file along with the photographs.
"Holy shit, how the hell did this young woman survive this?” The captain asked as he looked away from the pictures.
"The better question is how the hell did this guy get off with such a bullshit sentence? Twenty-four fucking months, along with some anger management therapy? The fucking ‘perp’ got out eight months ago. Just in time for our fist victim. We're re-questioning some family and friends connected to this woman, as well."
"Where is this guy now? We may have enough to legally question him, confirm his alibi if any for the nights in question,” the captain asked.
"No one knows where he is. He's violated his probation already, hasn't shown up at his therapist's office. He's looking more and more like a good suspect,” Jacks added.
"Well, try your hardest to locate him. It may also be a good idea to locate this woman he assaulted. See if she may know where he is, also be aware that he's out, that he could be a suspect. She has every right to know. We can't provide protection out of our jurisdiction, but maybe we can make some calls,” the captain told them.
"She changed her last name, Captain. She's tried her hardest to put the past behind her. I had to tell her parents about the case in order to get them to talk to us. She's going by the name of Lillian Baxter now. She may need some kind of protection,” Willy stated, hoping to protect the woman from further harm.
"I know a few detectives in Rockland County, New York. They'd be eager to help us out here in New Jersey. You guys can connect with the Rockland County Sheriff's Department. Maybe their B.C.I. Unit,” the captain added.
"Good, we should probably go see her in person. This is not the type of news to share with someone over the phone,” Miller added. They continued to discuss Martin Crane.
Forty-five minutes later, they were on their way to Rockland County.
Tod drove down the Palisades Parkway. Usually, he enjoyed the scenery that bordered the parkway. It was on route to Bear Mountain. He often took his wife and kids there both in the fall and in the winter to ice skate. He just couldn't help the bad feelings he had. They were about to disrupt Lillian Baxter's new life. A life she deserved after surviving such an intense attack. Once again, the pictures from the case file entered his mind.
Willy looked at Tod as he drove the car.
"This sucks, I know, partner. But it's the best thing we can do for this woman. We have no idea where Martin Crane is or whether or not he's planning on going after Lillian."
"I know ... but it still sucks. This poor woman has made a new life for herself, established her own business. We're about to make her worst nightmares a reality."
"Hey, at least we have the opportunity to warn her. None of the victims so far even had a chance."
Tod agreed as they continued driving down the parkway unti
l exit fifteen.
As they drove down County Road 210, they noted all the new developments under construction. The small town of Stony Point appeared booming with traffic and pedestrians, which more than likely made the police department have their fair share of activity. They passed by the Stony Point Police Department.
"We'll go see Lillian first, then head back here to talk to the Chief of Police,” Tod stated.
"Sounds good. We'll check in with the chief investigator of the B.C.I. Unit by the sheriff's department. I spoke to someone there this morning and sent over what we have so far. They seem eager to assist,” Willy added as they continued to drive, absorbing all the sites.
Tod noticed the increase in traffic as they approached the Stony Point Bridge. They made a left turn at the main traffic light, heading toward Lillian's Love. Numerous new stores and some private businesses had overtaken the old Victorian style homes. The town had improved immensely over the last ten years as more people frequented the little quaint shops. Suddenly, Lillian's Love came into view.
"Wow, look at the place?"
"It's impressive and a lot bigger then I was expecting. Park on the side street and we'll walk. That way no one picks up on the unmarked car right in front."
* * * *
Lillian worked at the front desk, had just finished adding up another customer's order when two strange men walked through the door.
Instantly, she had an uneasy feeling.
Aunt Mabel walked around the counter to ask if they needed some help.
"We're looking for Lillian Baxter, the owner. Would she be in?” Detective Miller asked while Detective Jacks had his eye on Lillian. Both men looked around them before introducing themselves.
"Miss Baxter, I'm Detective Miller, this is my partner Detective Jacks. Is there someplace private we can talk?"
Lillian eyed both men. What could two detectives possibly want with her? She looked at her aunt who showed great concern.
"Aunt Mabel, can you cover the store for a little while please?” Lillian asked. Her aunt nodded yes.
"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? I could find Justin—"
"There's no need to worry, ma'am. We just have a few questions for your niece. This shouldn't take long,” Detective Miller advised
Lillian led the detective's to her office.
"This is a nice store you have here, Miss Baxter,” Willy stated as he took position by the closed door.
"Thank you, Detective ... Jack's correct?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"So what is this all about?” Lillian leaned against her desk.
"Maybe you'd like to take a seat while we talk,” Detective Miller suggested.
Immediately, Lillian became worried. “Is something wrong? Is my family...?” She didn't complete her sentence. She knew better than to reveal a connection to her past.
The detectives seemingly noticed her response and didn't bother to stall.
"We know about you changing your name from Ross to Baxter. Your family is fine, but I'm afraid we may have worried them a bit. This is going to be hard, Miss Baxter."
"Please call me Lillian."
"We need to know if Martin Crane has contacted you?” Detective Miller asked.
Lillian gasped as she widened her eyes in surprise. Nervously, she changed position against the desk.
"We're sorry to do this to you, Lillian. We have reason to believe you may be in some danger,” Detective Miller added.
"I haven't heard from him. What do you mean danger?"
The Detectives explained everything to her. Her eyes filled with tears the moment she heard about the other women.
"We'd like for you to inform us immediately if Martin contacts you or if you become suspicious. We'd also like to notify the local police department of the situation. Keep everyone on the look out if you know what I mean?” Detective Miller asked.
Immediately, Lillian thought about Michael. What would be his reaction to this? What about all her friends? She didn't want this kind of attention. She should have never gotten involved with Martin.
"Is that really necessary? I mean are you sure Martin is responsible?"
"There's a good chance he is. He's left evidence behind and he has a history of violent behavior."
"I can't believe this is happening.” Lillian put her hand to her forehead, then began pacing in front of her desk.
She paused a moment, allowing the information from the detectives to sink in.
"I've done so much to put this all behind me. I left my family, changed my name. I've established this business, made friends, now he's trying to destroy everything I've accomplished again. Why can't you find him?” She raised her voice, it cracked as she covered her face in her hands.
She sensed Detective Miller instantly at her side.
"I'm so sorry about this, Lillian. We're trying our hardest to find him. This is why it would be wise to notify the local detectives."
"I have a friend whose uncle is on the force. Can we notify him, work something out so that only he knows how I'm connected to Martin? I don't need everyone knowing my business or feeling sorry for me. Being part of an abusive relationship, nearly dying at the hands of such a man, is not something I'm proud of, Detectives."
"You have no reason to be ashamed, Lillian. It's not your fault,” Detective Jacks told her “I'm not ashamed, Detective. I've been through a lot of counseling. I've had nightmares that are sure to resurface now. I have my aunt to protect. That bastard will never be able to touch me again. I've taken the precautions. If what you say is true, then I'll get into the mindset I need to. I just don't want everyone I know to get hysterical. Please, can we just inform them on a limited basis? My best friend's uncle can be trusted.” Lillian knew she was rambling. The panic set in along with the nervous shaking. She had to remain calm.
"I suppose we can work something out, Lillian. We understand your reasoning, but we don't want anything to happen to you. Here are our cards."
"Where are you headed now?” Lillian asked.
"To the Stony Point Police Department."
"I'm coming with you. Let me call my friend's uncle first. I'll let him know we're coming in.” Lillian picked up the receiver to call as the nervousness in her stomach continued to escalate.
* * * *
Uncle Phillip couldn't hide his shock at the information presented by the detectives. It was too difficult for him to look at the pictures of Lillian just imagining how horrible of an experience it must have been. The pictures taken at the hospital after Martin Crane had gotten through with her absolutely chilled him to the bone. He wanted to pull Lillian into his arms, embrace her.
"I think, for the meantime, I'll have some extra patrol cars stationed near Lillian's store,” he told the detectives before glancing at Lillian.
"Honey, you should have your alarm system inspected. Make sure everything is functioning properly."
Phillip noticed Lillian's eyes widen in surprise.
"What is it?” Phillip asked.
"Michael and I were coming out of my apartment the other night when we heard a noise in the sitting room upstairs. He went to check it out. The window had been left wide open. Someone had painted it closed before I bought the place. Michael suggested having the security company come by to put a sensor on it now that it appeared to be working."
"Did this Michael see anyone, suspect that someone might have been there?” Detective Miller asked.
"We both heard something. It may have been nothing, but I figured I should mention it."
"It could be nothing, but you should get that fixed immediately. Now, who is this Michael guy? A boyfriend?” Detective Jacks asked.
"He's my nephew. He's also a detective in the local sheriff's department."
"If your friend's with this guy, Michael, maybe he can keep an extra eye on you. We'll contact him, go over the situation—"
Lillian interrupted Detective Miller. “No, you won't! I don't want Michael or anyone I know fi
nding out about this."
"Lillian, that's just not possible. I'm sorry that this piece of crap is back, that your life may be in jeopardy, but we have a job to do. If Martin Crane is responsible for the brutal murders of these women, he could be coming after you next. Your safety is our priority. What if the open window had something to do with Martin? We're not going to take any unnecessary chances,” Detective Miller continued as Lillian walked toward the window, covering her face with her hands.
"What did he do to them? You said brutally murdered. What does that mean?” Lillian asked.
All three men looked at her for a moment. Detective Jacks took a few steps toward her, now standing right beside her.
"Lillian, there's no need to show you the pictures or describe what he's capable of. We know what Martin Crane did to you. You were lucky to survive. These women never had a chance. He made sure of that,” Detective Jacks spoke softly to her.
Lillian insisted on asking more questions.
"How bad did he—"
"He slit their throats at the end. Beat them to near death but not before brutally raping them.” Lillian seemed to try to hide the tears, the fear in her eyes. One tear escaped as she wiped it before crossing her arms in front of her.
Detective Jacks watched her closely. He could sense Lillian's strength, but with her small frame, the fear of her past with Martin Crane, she would need all the protection she could get.
"You can't handle this on your own, Lillian. We need to combine our police forces to catch him before he strikes again or he comes after you,” Detective Jack's added.
"Why didn't he come after me first? What would make him kill these women? What about the counseling he was supposed to receive and anger management? How could they release him from prison?"
"Prisoners do this all the time, Lillian. He could have pretended that prison cured him. Maybe he convinced some people who make these decisions that all the therapy worked. Either way, we're going to protect you now. Everyone will be on the lookout for this guy. If he comes close to the area, we'll get him. Your job is to be as careful as ever. Cover the basics, mix up your routine. Don't go anywhere alone. As soon as you get back to your bookstore, call the security company, have the window fixed,” Detective Jacks stated as he took her hand.