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Coyote Sky

Page 9

by Gerri Hill

  “Yes, I’m sure they do,” she murmured. She watched as Lee slipped the backpack on and adjusted the straps. “What’s in your pack?”

  “First aid kit, extra rope, water. Things like that.”

  Lee led the way to the canyon but before they took a handful of steps, Lee’s cell phone rang.

  “Damn,” she murmured. She unclipped her phone and flipped it open. “Lee here.”

  “Lee, it’s Opal. Had a break-in last night.”

  Lee sighed, nodding. “What’d they get? The usual?”

  “Yep. Two kegs. Looks like they got a handful of cigarettes too.”

  “Okay. Well, look, I’m kinda out of commission right now.” She winked at Kate. “I’m over by Cerro Pedernal. Let me give Skip a call, see if he’s closer.”

  “Sure thing. But when you crash it this time, I’d like to be there to bust their little asses.”

  “Now, Opal, you know I can’t let you do that. But if they’re locals, I’ll let you take them to their parents, how’s that?”

  “Ain’t no locals fool enough to break in here and you know it.”

  “I’ll be by later this afternoon, Opal. Give Skip a rundown of what’s missing.”

  She shook her head as she closed her phone. “Every year, never fails,” she said, motioning for Kate to follow her.

  “What’s that?”

  “Oh, the bar gets broken into. They steal beer, then try to have a party where we can’t find them.” She dialed another number while they walked. “Skip? It’s me. Need you to run over to Opal’s.” She nodded. “Last night or could’ve been this morning, early. I’m out of pocket. I’ll check in with you this afternoon.”

  “Who’s Skip?” Kate asked when Lee ended the call. “Part-time deputy.”

  “Why part time?”

  “Because his father owns the largest ranch in the county so he doesn’t need a full-time paying job. Besides, we don’t really need a deputy, but it’s nice to have someone you can count on.”

  “For times like this when you feel like playing hooky?”

  “Exactly. What are the chances that the one time I want to take the afternoon off to play, we have a crime spree?”

  Kate raised her eyebrows. “The one time? Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago that you played with a red sports car?”

  Lee shook her head. “No. All I did was get her car started. We may have played the next day, I don’t recall,” she said with a grin.

  Kate followed behind Lee, keeping her eyes on the rocks as they walked—and occasionally sneaking a peek at Lee’s legs. She actually hated the fact that she found Lee attractive. Telling herself that anyone with a pulse would find Lee attractive didn’t seem to help. Because, truthfully, anyone with a pulse was apparently Lee’s only requirement for a date. And despite the fact that they were becoming friends, that Kate genuinely liked Lee, she still abhorred her dating practices.

  “How’s Barbie?” Kate asked.

  Lee stopped. “Who?”

  “Your date from the other night.”

  Lee grinned. “Brandy.”

  Kate shrugged.

  Lee continued on, Kate following. “I haven’t seen her.”

  “I thought she was here all summer.”

  “Yeah. But we didn’t really hit it off.”

  “No? You didn’t get lucky?”

  “Lucky?” Lee laughed. “So now you want details on my sex life?”

  “Of course not. I’m not that desperate.”

  “Oh, yeah. Forgot you had a girlfriend. You guys been working on your phone sex since you’ve been gone?”

  “Phone sex? You know, Lee, it is humanly possible to go weeks, and even months, without having sex.”

  Lee laughed. “But why would you want to do that?”

  “To avoid having phone sex, for one thing.”

  “Don’t like it, huh?”

  “It’s disgusting. It’s masturbating with an audience.”

  Lee laughed again, then stopped. “Why are you winded?”

  “I’m old and out of shape,” Kate said without hesitation as she tried to catch her breath. She nearly mentioned the cigarettes she had recently given up, but decided there was no need to bring up that nasty habit.

  “You don’t look out of shape. It’s probably the elevation.”

  Kate smacked her on the arm. “But you’re saying I do look old?”

  “I meant no such thing. You look gorgeous, not old,” Lee said as she walked on.

  Kate stared. Gorgeous?

  Lee walked on, shaking her head. Gorgeous? Geez. Kate probably thinks she was hitting on her or something. She looked back over her shoulder to where Kate still stood. “Well, come on,” she said.

  Lee led them around the rim of the canyon to the trail she’d made years ago. As far as she knew, no one else had found her trail. She knew the main trail up the canyon from the river was on all the maps, but she rarely heard of someone making the trek to the waterfalls. It was a strenuous hike and to most, not worth the time or the trouble when you could just play in the river canyon.

  “Here we are.”

  Kate looked over the edge, her eyes wide. They were to the left of the waterfall, the creek emerging right out of the cliff wall some forty or fifty feet from the rim. The roar of the falls was loud now as the water crashed on the rocks of the canyon floor. “Maybe you were right. Maybe I can’t make it.”

  “It looks worse than it really is,” Lee said. “You’ll be fine. Like I said, there’s really only one steep area.”

  “Well, if you don’t consider this steep, I think I’m in trouble.”

  “We’ll take it slow. The biggest problem is your shoes. They’re going to be slippery.”

  “I promise I’ll get hiking boots when we’re in Santa Fe.”

  “Okay. Now remember, bend your knees, try to keep your balance. If you feel like you’re stumbling, sit down. It’s better to bounce down the trail on your ass than it is to go head over heels.”


  Lee grinned. “Okay, here we go.”

  She grabbed the same limb of the piñon pine she always did as she slipped over the edge of the rim. She got herself stable, then reached out to help Kate.

  “Just hold on to me.”

  Kate grabbed the tree with one hand, then took Lee’s hand with the other. As expected, her shoes slid on the loose rocks, nearly causing her to fall.

  “Bend your knees,” Lee instructed.

  She did, finally getting herself under control.

  “Follow me. Be careful of the rocks.”

  For the first few minutes, Kate actually kept her balance without too much difficulty. She relaxed, taking time to enjoy the waterfall as they went deeper into the canyon. Then, without warning, her feet went out from under her. She landed hard on her backside, scraping her hands in the process as she tried to break her fall.

  “Whoa there,” Lee said, squatting down beside her. “Hurt?”

  “Just my ass,” Kate murmured.

  Lee smiled, then inspected Kate’s hands, rubbing her fingers over the reddening scrapes.

  It was just an innocent gesture, but one that caused Kate’s heart to skip a beat nonetheless. Embarrassed, she pulled her hand away.

  Lee stood and offered a hand to Kate. Their eyes locked together, then Lee smiled. “Come on.”

  As they continued down, Kate was careful to watch where she stepped, avoiding loose rocks. She mimicked Lee’s position, turning sideways as they walked, putting her weight on one leg. Lee was being patient, she knew. She looked to be in incredible shape, and Kate found herself staring at Lee’s legs, watching the muscle definition as she walked.

  “Up ahead is the ledge,” Lee said.

  Kate brought her eyes up, looking past Lee. Their trail disappeared over the edge. She looked at Lee. “Let me guess. This is your steep part?”

  Lee nodded. “This is it.”

  They stopped, both peering over the side.

  “You have got
to be kidding,” Kate said, shaking her head. “No way in hell are you getting me over this ledge.”

  Lee moved to the side, pulling out a rope from behind a rock. She held it up and smiled.

  Kate shook her head. “No. Absolutely not.”

  “Keep your hands above the knots. That’ll be enough support.”


  “Then you’ll use the pitons for your feet.”


  “Look, it’s not like you’re going to be dangling from the rope. It’s more like using stairs. It’s only about twelve feet, then we’re back on the trail.”

  Kate stared at Lee, then looked back over the ledge. She shook her head, then brought her eyes back to Lee. “I’m really a wimp when it comes to things like this. I also have no upper body strength. I’m pretty certain that would come in handy right about now.”

  Lee grinned, then laughed outright at the serious expression on Kate’s face. “You’ll be fine. I’m going to go down first. I promise, if you fall, I’ll catch you.”

  “Oh, now that’s comforting, Lee.”

  “It’ll be over with before you know it.”

  “Yeah. Falling makes everything go by quicker.”

  “You’re not going to fall.” Lee took off her backpack and handed it to Kate. “When I’m down, pull the rope back up and tie it to the backpack. Then just lower it down to me.”

  Kate nodded. Sure, she could do that. She was fairly certain that would be the only thing she lowered down. She had no intention of going any farther. Then her eyes widened as Lee simply swung off the ledge, lowering herself quickly to the trail below. Their eyes met as Lee looked up at her with a grin.

  “Lower the backpack first.”

  Well, it certainly looked easy enough, Kate thought as she tied the rope to the pack. In fact, Lee made it look so easy that Kate was now too embarrassed to not at least try. She lowered the backpack, trying to talk herself into going over the ledge. Unfortunately, it appeared to be working.

  Please Lord, don’t let me fall.

  “You see the pitons?”

  Kate nodded, wondering how in the world those little things would support her weight. She sat down on the ledge, rope held tightly in her hands. The twelve feet Lee mentioned looked twice that, the distance between herself and Lee seemed enormous. She looked at Lee once more, then took a deep breath.

  “Turn around and face the ledge,” Lee instructed. “It’ll be easier. I’ll help you with the pitons.”

  “Are you sure those things will support me?”

  “They should. But you’ll have the rope, so you shouldn’t need to put all of your weight on them.”

  “She obviously forgot about my lack of upper body strength,” Kate murmured.


  “Nothing,” Kate called. “Talking to myself.”

  She turned, sliding over the edge, wishing she had jeans on as the rocks scraped her thighs. She held tight to the rope, using the knots Lee had made for support.

  “About six inches to your right is the first piton,” Lee called up to her.

  Kate moved her foot, finding the piton. She relaxed a little as she put more weight on it.

  “Okay, now just pretend you’re walking down a ladder. There’s another piton below your left foot, about another ten inches.”

  Kate lowered herself with the rope, finding the piton. Okay, so this isn’t so bad.

  “You’re doing great, Kate. Perfect. The pitons are all about fifteen inches apart.”

  Lee tilted her head, watching as Kate maneuvered down the wall. She had a perfect view of a very nice ass and she wasn’t ashamed to be staring. In fact, Kate had nice legs too.


  “Hmm?” Lee raised her head, blushing crimson as Kate stared back at her.

  “I swear, you’re such a guy.”

  “Am not. I was just watching your progress, making sure you didn’t fall.”

  “Uh-huh, sure you were.”


  Kate cleared her throat. “I seem to be stuck.”


  “There aren’t any more pitons.”

  “That’s because you’re three feet from the ground.” Lee walked closer, grabbing both of Kate’s legs. “Just lower down the rope. I’ve got you.”

  Kate did as she was told, feeling Lee’s arms slide up her legs to her waist. Finally, Kate’s feet touched solid ground. She let out a contented sigh, untangling herself from Lee’s arms.

  “Piece of cake, right?”

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” Kate said, rubbing her palms together. “But it was easier than I thought. Your piton idea was wonderful. Thank you.”

  “I’ll take your thank you now. I’m pretty sure you won’t be thanking me when we’re going up instead of down.”

  “Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting that this isn’t a one-way trip.” Kate lifted her shirt slightly, letting the breeze cool her skin.

  Lee caught a glimpse of flesh, then turned away, making a show of gathering her backpack. She didn’t know why, but she found the gesture to be extremely sexy. Did you ever think you’d find a thirty- seven-year-old sexy?

  “It’s hot,” Kate stated.

  “Yeah. We’re going to be in full sun until the next switchback. Then it levels out a little more as we get closer to the falls.” She pointed down the hill. “The trees also get thick.” To Lee’s surprise, Kate pulled out her camera.

  “Stay right there. It’s awesome with the falls behind you.”

  Lee froze, her eyes glued to the camera as Kate framed her.

  “Just a tiny smile would be nice,” Kate said as she shifted closer.

  Lee obliged, standing still until Kate lowered the camera. She raised her eyebrows.

  “Perfect.” Kate zipped up her waist pack again, then used Lee’s shoulder to steady herself. “Lead on.”

  The next fifteen minutes were nearly straight downhill, then it leveled out, bringing them into a lush, damp forest, as the spray from the waterfall blew about.

  “It’s beautiful down here.”

  “Yeah. Nice and cool.”

  “Oh my God!”

  Lee grinned, watching as Kate’s eyes found the pool.

  “It’s . . . it’s too beautiful for words.”

  “I tend to agree with you.”

  Kate met her eyes. “We shall never tell another soul that this place exists!”

  Lee laughed. “What? You want it all to yourself?”

  Kate shook her head. “No. I was thinking more of preservation. Can you imagine the damage?”

  “Absolutely. That’s why I’ve never shared my trail with anyone.”

  Kate turned slowly, her eyes meeting Lee’s. “No one?”

  Lee shook her head. “You’re the first.”

  “Wow. I’m honored,” she said quietly.

  Lee just shrugged, continuing on down the trail, leaving Kate to follow. It was the truth, but still, there was no need for Kate to know. Lee just had never been compelled to take anyone down here before. It didn’t mean anything, for God’s sake.

  When they reached the edge of the pool, Kate tilted her head back, watching the water cascade over the rock wall on its way down. She’d never been this close to a waterfall before, and truthfully, she’d never been quite so awed by nature. The rock formations, the lush trees . . . and the beautiful, clear water overloaded her senses.

  “I take it you like,” Lee said.

  “I love.”

  Lee dropped her backpack, smiling at Kate’s genuine admiration of the falls. Somehow, she knew Kate would love it down here. That was why she’d made the effort to leave the rope, to place the pitons. It didn’t mean anything. Then she grinned, pulling the shirt from her shorts. A dip in the pool was in order. And—God willing—Kate didn’t have a swimsuit on under her shorts.

  “Feel like a swim?” she asked innocently.

  “Oh, God, that sounds good, doesn’t it.” Kate turned. “I wish you’d told
me to bring my suit.”

  “You don’t need a suit. There’s no one around.”

  Kate’s jaw dropped open as Lee pulled the shirt over her head. She shouldn’t have been surprised that Lee wore no bra, but she was. Before she could take a breath, Lee was naked and diving into the crystal clear water, leaving Kate to stare after her.

  Lee surfaced with a scream, shaking her hair from side to side. “Damn! That first dip will get you.” She saw Kate’s puzzled look. “Cold.”

  Kate nodded, finally able to avert her eyes. Like you’ve never seen a naked woman before.

  “Come on in. It’s fabulous.”

  She was certain she’d never seen a woman as toned as Lee before. Oh, God . . . what the hell? She closed her eyes briefly, then pulled her own shirt over her head. When Lee dipped her head under the water again, Kate ripped her bra off, then her shorts. Standing there—stark naked—she felt empowered, if only for a moment. Lee splashed to the surface and Kate plunged head-first into the pool. Good God, it’s cold!

  She let out her own scream as she surfaced, treading water some ten feet from Lee. “It’s freezing!”

  “Yeah, ain’t it great.”

  Kate splashed Lee with water, then disappeared again, swimming farther away. On the far end, she was able to stand. She walked into the sunlight, tilting her head back, trying to warm her face.

  Damn, she’s a goddess. Lee stared, watching the water drip slowly down Kate’s neck to her breasts. Did I just think that? A goddess? What the hell is wrong with you? She made herself turn away, submerging into the cold water, trying to chase the vision of a naked Kate Winters from her mind.

  “Come on, Lee,” she murmured. “Get a grip.”

  “Oh, Lee, this is so fabulous,” Kate called from across the pool. “It’s heavenly.”

  “That it is,” Lee whispered slowly as her eyes traveled over Kate’s wet body. Yes, a goddess.

  For some reason, Kate didn’t feel even slightly self-conscious as she let the sun dry her. Lee was on her own rock, stretched out on her back. Far enough away as to not be threatening—but close enough for Kate to make out every fabulous detail of her body. A part of her knew she should be ashamed for what she was doing. After all, if the tables were reversed and Robin was the one lying naked with a beautiful woman, Kate would be incensed. And she did feel a twinge of guilt, but rationalized with a “doesn’t hurt to look.” Of course, the guilt wouldn’t be quite so strong if she actually thought of Robin occasionally.


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