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Coyote Sky

Page 22

by Gerri Hill

  “Darling, she didn’t go back to Dallas. Whatever gave you that idea?”

  Lee bent down, grasping Brenda’s chair. “She didn’t go to


  “No, darling.”

  “Then where the hell did she go?”

  Chapter Forty-One

  Kate let the drapes fall back into place, thinking that maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. Sunset had become her most favorite part of the day and she missed the view of the cliffs. The parking lot outside her window, with the windshields of the cars reflecting the waning sun, could hardly compare to the cliffs.

  But, as she’d told Brenda, she needed some time to think, time to sort out her feelings, time to reconcile what had just transpired in her life.

  Time alone.

  She fluffed the pillows on the bed, then lay back, absently tossing the remote between her hands. The hotel was nice, as Brenda had said it would be, but she felt confined by the four walls. She hadn’t realized how comfortable she’d become with the openness of their home. She smiled. Yes, home. Home in a rented summer house, shared with a somewhat eccentric old friend, in a place she’d never been before. Who would have thought she’d fall in love with the place?

  And who would have thought she’d fall in love with Lee?

  Oh, Lee. She shook her head. What was she going to do? No doubt Lee would totally freak out if she told her she was in love with her. Lee, with her love ’em and leave ’em style, would probably run for the hills to escape her.

  Or would she?

  Kate was still puzzled about Lee’s earlier behavior. What had caused her to stop them on the pretense of speeding, using lights and siren, no less?

  Don’t go.

  Kate drew her brows together, remembering Lee’s words.

  Please don’t do this, Kate. Don’t leave.

  It hit her suddenly. Lee thought she was going back to Dallas with Robin. Lee thought she was leaving. And Lee was begging her not to go.

  She closed her eyes. Yes, Lee had the look of panic when she was asking Kate to stay. The big idiot. Why would she assume Kate was leaving?

  Well, she did see you kissing. And what other reason would you have for driving a rental car to the airport?

  “Oh, Lee,” she whispered.

  She jumped, startled by knocking on the door. She had not yet called for her dinner.

  “Who is it?”

  “Room service.”

  She got up, her heart pounding as she stood at the door. Brenda promised she would not tell Lee where she was. Kate paused, looking up at the ceiling, wondering why she was surprised. Surprised, but not angry. Her assertion to Brenda that she needed some time alone to sort through everything was true enough. At least at the time it had been.


  Kate stood there, finally letting a smile touch her face before opening the door to Lee.

  “You have impeccable timing.”

  “I, er, I thought maybe you needed to talk.”

  “Is that what you thought?”

  Lee shrugged, their eyes colliding. “I thought you might need me.”

  Kate nodded. “Yes, you’re right.” Kate wet her suddenly dry lips. “I do need you, Lee.” Slowly, she reached over, taking Lee’s hand, letting their fingers move together. She gave a slight tug, leading Lee into the room. “Tell me about this morning.”

  Lee frowned.

  “Lights and siren. Speeding?”

  “I thought . . . I thought you were leaving.”

  “Going back to Dallas?”

  Lee nodded.

  “With Robin?”

  Lee nodded again. “And . . . so?”

  Lee ducked her head nervously, rubbing her damp palms on her jeans. She looked up again, meeting Kate’s eyes. “I . . . well, I . . . Christ, Kate . . . I . . . I thought you were leaving me,” she finished in a rush. “And I didn’t know what to do,” she whispered.

  Kate shook her head, moving closer. “Not leaving, Lee. I just needed some time to think, to sort out what I was feeling.”

  “About Robin?” Lee asked hesitantly.

  Kate smiled. “No, not about Robin. I ended things with Robin.” She shrugged. “There wasn’t a whole lot left to end, as it turns out.”

  “So then, I guess that means you needed time to think about . . . about me?”

  Kate met her eyes. “Yes. You see, I don’t quite know what to do about these feelings I have.” Kate walked away, her back to Lee. “You told me once how boring it would be to sleep with the same woman, night after night after night,” she said quietly. “So I’m wondering how in the world I could have let this happen,” she whispered.

  Lee closed her eyes, hearing the words Brenda had spoken to her only hours ago. She’s in love with you, Lee. But darling, I doubt she’ll ever tell you. She’s afraid of getting hurt.

  “You didn’t let it happen, Kate,” Lee finally said. “It was out of our control all along.”

  Kate turned around. “What was?”

  Lee moved, taking the few steps that separated them. She reached out, her fingers softly touching Kate’s face. She leaned closer, her lips gentle as they moved across Kate’s, lightly tasting.

  “Oh, Lee,” Kate murmured. Her arms slid around Lee’s shoulders, pulling her closer. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Kate.” Lee’s hand had found Kate’s breast, and she swallowed Kate’s moan, her tongue teasing along Kate’s lips. “I’m going to make love to you tonight.” She moved her lips to Kate’s ear, gently kissing. “I’m going to make love to you for the rest of my life.”

  Kate tried to pull away, but Lee held her. “No. It’s true. I swear to you, Kate,” she whispered into Kate’s ear.

  Kate clutched her tight. “Swear what?”

  “I swear that I will be true to you. I swear that you can trust me with your heart.”

  Kate squeezed her eyes shut. “Tell me why.”

  “Because I’m in love with you, and I want to be with you. I love you, Kate.”

  Kate relaxed, moving away from Lee just enough to see her eyes. And she saw all she needed right there. She smiled gently.

  Lee grinned.

  “I guess it’s pretty obvious that I’ve fallen in love with you too.”

  Lee laughed. “Not so obvious, no.”

  Kate’s eyes turned serious. “I think I fell in love with you the night we danced by the cliffs,” she admitted. “And after that, it just killed me to see you out with others.”

  Lee shook her head. “There were no others. There’s been no one, Kate. They were just . . . fake dates,” she said. “I didn’t want to be alone around you, so it was safer to bring a date.”

  Kate met her eyes. “You swear you won’t hurt me?”

  “Cross my heart.”

  Kate’s fingers were already unbuttoning Lee’s shirt as she pulled her toward the bed. But she stopped.

  “I have . . . I mean, you may not know this, but I was having a really hard time coming up with an ending for my book.”

  Lee’s hands rested lightly at Kate’s waist, her thumbs slowly stroking warm flesh. She tilted her head. “You mean with Jenn?”

  Kate nodded. “Jennifer fell in love with someone very much like you.” Kate pulled her eyes away, her gaze dropping to Lee’s lips. “I didn’t know what to do with her . . . with them.”

  Lee nodded. “I see.”

  “Jennifer is a little afraid, I think.”

  Lee shook her head. “She shouldn’t be afraid.” Lee’s hand traveled slowly, cupping Kate’s cheek. She smiled as Kate leaned into her touch. “You know the ending, Kate. They live happily ever after.”

  “Is that truly possible?” she whispered.

  Lee’s eyes turned serious. “My heart says it’s possible. What does your heart say?”

  Kate closed her eyes for a moment. “I love you. It says I love you.”

  Lee pulled her closer. “Does it also say you might stay in Co
yote with me?”

  Kate touched Lee’s lips with her own, whispering against her mouth, “And live happily ever after.”

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